I don't like working on fridays. I hate Fridays. Seriously. Who loves Fridays? Every after work, the streets are crowded because everyone seems to go out. Everyone seems to like shopping and spend their paycheck on everything they see. And it's always the 'rush hour'. Last week, I attended my ex's birthday celebration due to the request of his mother and I arrived at the venue 2 hours I got off of work. It's a good thing the celebration was just a night out so I was on time.

Sigh. Last week, at the party I've met the woman who I think stole the eyes of my ex from me. We're still friends, my ex, Edward, agreed to stay friends since things weren't working out. I stupidly agreed because I don't want to ruin the relationship I have with our circle of friends, I want him to be happy, and I was thinking I will be alright. Am I alright though? I don't know, ask Iron Man. Anyway, I think I am doing alright, apart from the fact that I've been distracting myself, I think I'm doing well. How exactly am I coping up? It's been 4 months since our break up and I'm distracting myself by focusing on work, reading books, watching Marvel movies, watching TV series, and watching YouTube videos.

I sighed as I fixed my satchel, stuffing my stuff that was laying on my table since the first hour of work. I got my laptop bag and placed my laptop, the charger, and some papers that I have to review. I work as the head of the marketing department of a transnational company called Brizio International. The company handles some imported goods as well as local goods.

"Have a good evening, Ms. Swan." The guard nodded to me with a smile which I returned.

"Thank you, Kevin. Have a good one as well." I replied as I walked out of the door which he was holding.

I walked towards my car and as I was nearing it, a voice called to me.

"We're early today, Ms. Swan. In a hurry for a date?" I recognized the voice and turned with a chuckle.

"Yup. More papers need reviewing and they're waiting for me at home. We'll have a lovely date, Drew." He grinned at this and shook his head a little.

"And I thought this would be a good time to ask you out."

I laughed. "Apparently, you just lost your opportunity with your pick up lines which more likely made you pick up your own self to a date."

"Damn. Always the -lovely- Swan." I rolled my eyes at the sarcasm, with a small smile. "This is why I'm not giving up on you."

"Real charmer. Now get going, I think someone's waiting for you by the door there." I cocked my chin to the direction of the building and turned to get in my car while he glanced behind him.


I smirked and closed the door and rolled the windows down. "Who else is waiting by the door? Kevin of course." I grinned at him as I started the car.

"Ha. Ha. Funny." I chuckled and shook my head. "Bye, Drew!" Before he can say another pick-up line, I stepped on the gas and rolled my windows up, steering the car towards the gate of the company.

Oh well, at least there's no Drew for the weekend. From the moment I got promoted as the head of the dept. Drew has been trying to sweep me off my feet, doesn't work and never will work. He's a good guy but not my type.

What is my type anyway?

"Ugh." My thoughts seems to steer away from love to the steering wheel. The cars are now starting to pile up.

Oh, Fridays.

After an hour and thirty-six minutes, I reached the street where my flat is. I bought my flat back when I was first promoted. It's a big unit on the fifth floor of a well-known establishment, The Loop. The place is wonderful. The entrance door leads to a short hallway. The end of that hallway would be my living room. Two red couches that are facing each other with a glass table in the middle. Two lamp posts are at one end of the couches. The flat screen TV is plastered on the wall as if it's a large frame. Right after the end of the hallway, beside it on the right is a small shelf for magazines, DVDs, and CDs with a stereo set on top of it. On the left, facing the TV is a glass door leading to the mini porch. The view from up here is quite nice. Nothing too tall to block the sight of the outside world. On the right are glass doors with a wooden door in the middle, leading to my bedroom. Upon entering the bedroom, to my left is a table where I usually work, on that wall is another TV and to my right is a queen-sized bed. Beside the bed is a cabinet and another hallway leading to my closet. The wall parallel to the door of my bedroom is a wall-sized shelf with books and stacks of books and extra music CDs. At the back of that wall is a mini kitchen and a mini dinner table, all separated by a glass door from my bedroom.

As soon as I got inside my living room, I placed my bags on one of the couches and plopped on the other. My living room is quite messy, I've pushed my center table a little more near the TV than the space between my couches before I went to work, I needed the space for my morning workouts and I got too lazy to pull it back. I turned the TV on and knocked out.

It was two hours later when I woke up. How I Met Your Mother's playing and I glanced at the clock. 7:54pm. Oh great, I forgot to buy food. I cook sometimes, specially during the weekends. But right now, I'm too lazy to cook and got too lazy to buy. Blame it on the cars piling on the street. Well, at least the streets aren't that crowded by now.

After changing clothes and collecting my wallet and my keys, I got out of my flat and into my car. There's a shop named Fort's a couple of blocks from my place and that's where I'm heading. 7-eleven and the Mini Stop shops are also near but I wanted to go to Fort's tonight .

It took me 10-15 mins to get there. I parked my car near the entrance and got out of the car.

The shop's not that crowded and was greeted with the smiles of the merchandisers the moment that I entered the sliding doors. I flashed a generous smile at them as I walked past them.

I directly went to the back of the shop where the heat-to-eat foods are.

"Oh, I should get some cereal for tomorrow."

I turned to my left where I know the row of cereal is and walked towards the stack of boxed cereals. So many to choose from. I picked up and box of Kellog's but continues to walks sideways to check if other cereals will catch my eye. Frosties... Honey Stars.. C-

"Oomph!" I bumped into a person's back and I seem to cause some stuff from her mini grocery to fall on the floor. What a way to wake me up from my 'just woke up' state.

"Crap! Sorry!" I set my box on a part of the shelf that's empty and instantly started picking up the things on the floor. The small squeal and her cute doll shoes gave away the info that she's a girl. She, as well, crouched down.

"I'm sorry, I should've seen y-" I glanced up at her face to at least check if I had ruined her Friday night with my klutziness. And the moment that I took a glimpse of her, I had to double check if this person, this girl,or shall I say woman, is human.

"It's okay. Partly my fault for backing up so much to check on their stocks." She chuckled at the end and lifted her gaze to me. I think I might have stopped breathing the moment that her eyes met mine.

Bluish-gray, that's the color of her eyes. Her hair's short but beautifully short. Wait. Beautifully?

"I..it was my fault. You-ree on the.." I cleared my throat a little and realized I still haven't lent her her stuff. "..blindspot. You know, you didn't see me." I continued as I handed her her things with a smile. Damn. Did I just stutter at a simple conversation? I thought I was past that stage back in the college days.

"Don't be too hard on yourself." She smiled and stood. I followed her and stood up, smiling back as well. Somehow her smile is contagious.

"I'll try not to.." She nodded, still with a smile.

"Okay. Sorry again and thank you." She started moving away already but her attention was still on me.

"Please, don't be sorry. And you're welcome." I smiled at her and once again she nodded with a smile before turning around completely and walked away.

What just happened? She must be new in the area. I've never seen her before. I would've remembered that beautiful if she lives nearby. Oh well, maybe she just happens to pass by this shop on her way to another area.

I shook my head and started walking.

"Oh right." I stopped and turned around, remembering the box of cereal I left on the shelf.

"You better be delicious." I murmured to the box of Kellog's cereal as I walked out of that row and towards the meal area.

A couple of minutes later, I was already on my way to the cashier. There were two and both knew me already.

"Good evening, Ms. Bella!" They said in unison.

"Hi Ryan, Jadd." I added with a smile and placed my stuff on the counter

"So you're well-known." I froze. She's still here. "Can I get an autograph?" She ended it with a soft laugh. I faced her and got greeted with a smile from the person I bumped into earlier.

"H-hi. You're still here." Damn that smile of hers and why does it make me nervous and stutter.

"Are you going to kick me out of your shop?" She teased with a grin.

I chuckled. " It's not my shop but even if it's mine, I wouldn't dare kick you out." Well, hello Bella, you just got your skills of talking with stuttering back.

She laughed a beautiful laugh. "I'd take your word for that."

Somehow I became oblivious to the world and I probably looked like an idiot and some psycho as I stare at her for I don't know how many minutes. The voice of Ryan thanking me for passing by snapped me out of my daydream.

"Oh..right." I grabbed the paper bag with my grocery and smiled at her as I walk my way to the door.

As soon as I got inside the car, guilt washed over me. Did I just "walk out" at someone who made me stutter and nervous? Did I just walk out on a stranger who has been kind to me? No wait, she smiled back when I walked away. So that means, I didn't offend her, right?

Smile. That smile. Her smile. So contagious. Sweet. Beautiful. Those lips formed a perfect smile. So sweet...shit what's going on with me.

Shaking my head, I started my car and sped off the area.

Well, that is certainly one way to perfectly end my Friday.