the bridesmaids are from Tsuritama please watch it; if you like Hetalia you'll like Tsuritama

"Okay." said America in the hall, where his voice echoed slightly. "Germany is the captain of theā€¦ whatever club he, Italy, and Japan are in."

"The newspaper club, you dolt."

"Yeah, that. And as a captain, he can marry people - I saw it in Pirates of the Caribbean - so he's the priest. And the dolls on Japan's backpack are the bride's maids."

"Alright. And who's the best man?"


"Okay. First we'll track down the Axis."

"Weeeee're off to see the Axis, the wonderful Axi-!"

"Don't." said England, locking arms with America anyway. "Where's my twenty dollars?"

"In my backpack." said America. "In Chemistry."

"When is lunch over?"

"We have ten minutes."

"Skip faster!"

They went to get Germany from lunch detention, and then the three ran back to Chemistry and found the door was locked. America knocked.

Japan answered, straightening the collar on his shirt to cover a pink mark on his neck. "Sorry, I didn't think it was locked. I think if there were a school shooting at our school, everyone would be in the hall shooting at each other and having World War 3, not safe in classrooms,"

"It would be so cool to have World War 3, I'd mediate all over the bad guys' asses!" said America.

"No, we better not have World War 3, that would completely ruin everyone's economy and Switzerland would have to nurse us back to health. Anyway, how did it go?" Said Japan.

"It was perfect!" said America. "They kissed and everything! You're an uncle in law, Japan."

"On both sides." said England.

"I knew him first."

"Did not."

"Well, he's closer to me."

"Hell no he isn't."

"Japan!" they both said.

"I-I like you both equally!" said Japan.

"Ok." They went into the room. Italy was pushing a lab desk back into its place in the grid of the chemistry desks with his hip.

"Oh! America and England!" said Italy. "How'd it go?"

"It went great!" America and Italy hopped around happily.

"We need Japan's plushies to be the bride's maids."

"Ooh," said Japan. He liked the sound of that, and sat his backpack on the table.

"Aw! Boys!" said America. It was just a demon faced ginger with his cute little flamboyant brother, an Indian secret agent with a duck, and a bespectacled fellow with an Asian-fro. They weren't bride's maids, they were bride's misters.

"We'll just genderbend them." said Japan.

"O.K.! So text me in-characters after class and I'll type for Kiku and we'll get the bridesmaids all set. And Italy, you have to text France and get the colors planned. Germany, you'll be the priest, so practice your lines. We'll have the wedding at lunch tomorrow!"


"Hurry, come on. We have to get them back from France and get to class on time." England pulled America out the door.

"Bye guys!" laughed America, grabbing his backpack as England took him away.


"Wait, priest? Really?"

"Yes, Germany. Bye!"


America and England closed the door behind them.


"We'll be fine, Germany." said Italy.

"Are they Catholic? Are they Protestant? Which lines do I learn?"

"Text him after school, like he said. Let them worry about it, they're the parents." said Italy, sitting on the desk.

"I agree; don't worry about it, Germany." said Japan. "Just learn any lines. It doesn't really matter as much as their vows."

"Unless their vows are bad, they only have one night to write them you know."

"Yeah, they might be garbage. I've seen your English essays." Said Germany. Italy stuck his tongue out.

"Just text him later." Said Japan. "Everything will work out."

The bell rang.

"Do you, Mr. Magical, take Ms. Ladybug to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you, Ms. Ladybug, take Mr. Magical to be your lawfully wedded husband?

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husbands."

Their snouts pressed together, and the audience clapped.

They both had little top hats that Kiku had made, Germany had done a good job reading his note cards, which complimented the cliched song lyrics the pillows had used for their vows, Italy had brought gelato for the reception, and France had three lavender balloons and a ladybug-spotted umbrella. It was a pretty great high school wedding for two plush pillows. And there was gelato there, so even if the wedding had been plagued with any issues, there would always have been free food, if not melted food. But, no, everything went smoothly. The happy couple pretended that their sons were pretending to feed each other ice cream, but they wouldn't actually get the pillows anywhere near something that could stain them. France appearified a rose for them to toss around like a bouquet, and then the reception was cut short by the bell for next period. But it was a pretty great high school wedding.