A little wolf's cry

The pain was like an axe splitting her stomach apart. The water around her was cool but did nothing to aid the pain she felt. She clung to Elijah in the swimming pool, clenching his shoulders, her nails digging into his shoulder. She vaguely heard him say her name over and over again. Hayley. Hayley. Hayley. She screamed, her body convulsing causing a splash of water to come up and over her trembling body.

Suddenly, she felt something wet and warm between her legs. Frightened she looked down to see blood in the water.

"No," she whispered. "No…no…no." The blood came faster, mixing with chlorine water and then suddenly she saw her stillborn baby. She screamed and screamed.

"It didn't work," she heard Rebekah say. "We failed."

Hayley pushed herself out of Elijah's arms. The physical pain had subsided but the emotional heartbreak was far worse. She waddled through the water, getting away from the damn vampires and that bitch of a witch. She heard Elijah call her name but she ignored him, and pulled herself out of the pool and ran out the gates and into the garden.

Her baby. Her baby. Her baby.

Her legs were trembling. Dead. Her arms started shaking too and her hands. Her whole body shook. Her face, her feet, her knees, her heart, every fibre, every cell, every nerve…

Hayley's knees buckled. She tried to take another step but she fell, fell into a garden bed with its beautiful flowers and grand statuettes. Dirt streaked her wet clothes, face and hands.

She tried to get up, but pain crippled her. She couldn't. Dead.

Hayley started to cry. She sat in the garden, covered in soil and cried. She felt broken and bruised like there was a deep dark hole in her chest, a bleak void that nothing would ever fill. All she had wanted was a family.

The tears fell fast and constant and she was losing her breath, sobs coming from her lips as though someone was tearing them from her. She was falling deeper, deeper into grief. She cried. Sobbed. Screamed. She couldn't breathe.

Gasping a large shaky lungful of air between powerful sobs, Hayley buried her head in her hands, feeling tears drip from her eyes and nose, streaming down her cheeks and running down her neck and hands. She wanted to stop the pain. She wanted to stop crying.

Until then she never realised how much crying hurt. Hurt her chest. Hurt her face. Her eyes. Everything hurt.

She cried.



She couldn't stop.

The wind was howling. It was dark and cold and her whole body was shaking. She didn't know how long she sat in the garden for. It could have been minutes, hours or some other measure of time. The crying came in waves. Her eyes burned. It ached, her emotions. Burned and hurt. She rested her chin on her knees and hugged herself, letting the emotions claw at her and the tears burn down her raw cheeks until she wished she was a vampire, so she could shut it all off. Because she didn't want to feel anymore.

"Hayley?" She heard Elijah's velvet voice beneath the blanket of grief.

She didn't reply. She didn't even acknowledge his impending presence. He sat down in the garden beside her.

"Talk to me Hayley," he said.

Hayley didn't hesitate. She looked at Elijah, tears raking down her face.

"It h-hurts to breathe," she sobbed, her voice so incoherent with grief, that Elijah barely registered what she had said. "M-my b-b-baby is gone. Just gone. I won't ever get to see her, or hold her…or hear her laugh for the first time, or o –oh –" She choked on a strangled sob, her hand pressed over her mouth. Elijah could see her fingers trembling but she continued on, her voice wavering like a violent earthquake. "I just wanted a family, Elijah…I just wanted her. I would have lived an eternity as Klaus's prisoner if I could just have her…"

He pulled her to him then and she didn't fight him. She buried her head against his chest and let the tears rage on.

"I don't want to feel anymore," she said in a whisper.

"Emotions are a part of being alive," Elijah replied.

"Then I don't want to be alive."

Elijah flinched at her nonchalance but pulled her closer to him, his lips filtering across her wet hair. "It'll get better," he whispered. "I promise, it'll get better..."

My first Originals fanfic. Reviews?