I've been feeling strange around him,since that summer party, everything's changed. i know this is wrong but I can't stop the feeling I... Like him. Yes, that's right. I, Hinamori Amu, is inlove with Tsukoyomi Ikuto. But I can't have him because 1) I'm going out with Nagihiko Fujisaki and 2) Because he's dating my best friend, Rima Mashiro.

I know, I know. But I seriously can't help but admire him from a far and hide my blush when ever he says 'hey' or 'hi'. I JUST CAN'T FIGHT THE URGE TO LIKE HIM!

I walk down the halls, hand in hand with my boyfriend, Nagihiko Fujisaki. I turn my 'Cool&Spicy' mood on, we walk up to Rima and-Ik-Ikuto. See! I even stutter just thinking of his freaking name. I smile brightly at them and look away before I start to blush like crazy. "Hey Amu. Yo Nagi" Ikuto says coolly as he wraps his arm around Rima. I secretly cruse her in my head.

"Hello Ikuto ... Hey Rima" I say as I glare at Rima behind my smile, I know I shouldn't be hating on her. But, you know, I'm jealous so it's natural.

"Good Morning Rima and Ikuto." Nagi greets them, oh so politely.

"Hey Amu, Hi Nagihiko" Rima says, I look at her. Why'd she turn red? Probably because Ikuto just hugged her from behind and rested his head on her shoulder. I growl silently. I then realize that Nagi has his arms around me and interlocking his hands with my mine and kissed my cheek. I blush. How will I do this?

I hate my Life. Why do i have to like him? That purple-head freak. I've been feeling quite giddy and happy around him. It was only when I told my Mother, That I knew I was in Love with That Purple head. Yes, I, Mashiro Rima, is in Love with Fujisaki Nagihiko. But two things stand in my way. 1) He's My best friends Boyfriend, Amu Hinamori and 2) I have a boyfriend, Ikuto Tsukoyomi.

This is so totally wrong but I can't help myself. It's like he just seems to sparkle whenever I look at him. Even if he is sad. I need help. I need to go to Rehab. Okay, maybe the last one was too far but, I need help. Fast.

I closed my locker door to see Ikuto.

"Good Morning Mr Black Cat." I tease.

He just smirks. "Good Morning Chibi" I roll my eyes at his comment and just punch him lightly on the arm.

I look away from Mr Black Cat and see Amu and Nagi coming our way, holding hands. I feel a ping of jealousy enter in. I growl mentally and I secretly aim a smile at Nagi, and hope no one saw anything. I stare at Amu who smiled for like 4 seconds until she looked away. "Hey Amu. Yo Nagi" Ikuto said as his usual does and wraps is around me.

"Hello Ikuto ... Hey Rima" Amu says as she smiles. I stop and think why she took a pause to finally greet me, but I shrug it off.

"Good Morning Rima and Ikuto" Nagi greets us.I mentally scream inside my head and greet them back

"Hey Amu, Hi Nagi" I blush a bit as he smiles at me. Amu gave me a weird look but shrugged it off when Ikuto hugged me from behind and rested is head on my shoulder. Thank Goodness Ikuto did that because, I think I was blushing. I look up to see Nagi hug Amu and locked there hands together shortly before he kissed her cheek. I glare at her behind my smile. How will I do this?

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please Review if you can :D