
Elijah rested Katherine's body over an old tombstone trying to clear his head and avoid the silent mantra that had been running in his head the entire time, Katerina is going to die, Katerina is going to die.

Despite the fact that they had compelled the doctors to let them take Katerina out of the hospital she still hadn't woken up, she was heavily sedated but Elijah's own heart still jumped at bit when Katerina's heart beat became slower.

He looked at the full moon. They were running out of time.

Klaus, Davina, Rebekah, Caroline, and even Marcel were already waiting (Hayley had stayed at home with Regina) at the cemetery.

Caroline was jiggling her foot. "What's taking her so long?"

"Will you stop jittery your foot?" Rebekah scolded as she tightened her grip on an old stone angel. "You're making me more nervous."

"Sorry," Caroline huffed. "It's not like I do this every day."

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Well, if you're planning to stick around this will became an everyday affair." She raised an eyebrow. "Especially if you're hanging around with my brother for so long."

"I'm not hanging out with him!"

"Here, she is our guest of honor." Klaus said in a unsually cheery voice as he noticed that Nadia had just entered the cementary looking confused. "Come on, love we have much to do."

"My mother, what happened to my mother?" Nadia shrieked as she crouched down next to Katherine's body.

"Save the tears, sweetheart she can't hear you. Yet anyway." Klaus helped her up and looked into her eyes. "You remember what we discuss?"

"Yes, I will do anything I need to do to help my mother."

"Fantastic." He turned to Davina. "Whenever you're ready, darling."

Marcel asked Davina. "You sure you can handle it?"

Davina nodded. "It's no big deal and after I'm done, he won't be able to use me anymore." She placed her hands over Katherine's body and started chanting a spell. The candles around her burst into flames. "Do it now." She instructed Elijah. "I'm stopping whatever side effects the cure is creating. Inject her with vampire blood."

Elijah pulled out an injection that he had filled with vampire blood earlier and inject it into Katherine's arm. Please work, he pleaded.

Almost instantly, Katherine's color seemed to return to her body and her heart beat risen.

"Now for the second part of the demonstration," Klaus smirked as he turned back to Nadia, who seemed to be trembling with fear. "I'll do it quick, sweetheart. I promise."

"But I'll die." Nadia protested.

Klaus shrugged. "You don't have a choice. Think of it as a kind of twisted irony." He placed the knife on her throat and twisted it.

Rebekah and Caroline looked away.

Ignoring Nadia's severed head on the floor, Klaus grabbed some of the blood that was pouring out of her severed neck and spread it across Katherine's body. If Davina felt any disgust or fear from what Klaus had just done she didn't show it. "Now you kill her, if everything goes as it should then Katherine will wake up as a vampire."

"Brother, will you care to do the honors?" Klaus handed Elijah the blade. Elijah didn't respond, he just kept shifting his gaze from Nadia to Katherine.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll do it." And before they could even blink he stabbed the blade in Katherine's heart. She was dead.

Nobody spoke for a few minutes until Davina warned again. "Remember the spirits said that there would be consequences, whatever happens isn't my fault-"

"Do not worry," Elijah said stiffly, able to speak again. "We won't held you accountable, Davina."

"I'll take her home." Marcel said grabbing Davina's arm. He looked at Nadia's corpse. "Take care of that."

Caroline pushed back her blond hair. "I'll do it." She said crouching down and trying to ignore the fact that she was carrying Nadia's head. She had just been responsible for someone's death. She had sold off Nadia. She had betrayed Katherine's trust. Here she was judging Klaus while she was no better.

Klaus tried to pull her up. "You don't have to do that, Caroline."

"Yes, I do." She said trying to prevent the tears from falling. "I need to bury her." She looked at Rebekah. "Can you help me?"

Much to her surprise, Rebekah nodded.

Caroline and Rebekah finished burying Nadia. They dropped their shovels and they stood looking at the newly buried grave.

Rebekah cleared her throat. "Were they close?"

Caroline shook her head. "Katherine only found out that her daughter was still alive, a few weeks ago. They didn't really get to know each other especially with the whole Silas-cure mess."

"So she won't be too sad then," it was obvious that Rebekah was trying to lighten the mood, but it was only making Caroline feel worse.

"Can we just not talk?" she suggested. "I'm not exactly in the mood for conversation."

Rebekah looked a little annoyed, but didn't say anything until Caroline's cell phone started beeping.
"Hello?" she answered.

"Caroline?" It was Elena. She sounded like she was crying. Oh no, Caroline did not want to deal with another sad moment right now. A dead Nadia and the thought of a vengeful Katherine was enough to deal with.

"What's wrong, Elena?"

"Your mom," Elena hiccupped. "Your mom is dead. She was hit by a drunk drinker . . . killed almost instantly. Care, I'm so sorry."

Caroline's entire world seem to freeze and she could feel her heart rising in her chest. What? Her mom, couldn't be dead. She just couldn't. When had been the last time she had talked to her? She honestly couldn't remember.

"Care, you still there?"

Rebekah frowned. "Are you all right?"

"Is that Rebekah?"

Caroline dropped her phone and flashed out of the cemetery as fast as she could. The last thing she wanted to do is be surrounded by dead people.

Caroline ran until she felt like she couldn't run anymore and instead she crouched on her knees in the middle of the bayou. She let the tears pour down her face as she hiccupped and tried to stop the pain she was feeling.

Her mom was dead. She would never see her Mom again. Never see her smiles or received her encouraging hugs. She was dead and not because of a vampire or some supernatural apocalypse, but because of a stupid drunk driver. What if Caroline had stayed in Mystic Falls, could Liz have survived?

"I'm so sorry, Mommy." Caroline cried, her entire body shaking with tears. "I am so sorry. Please make it stop, please make the pain stop."

Turn it off, turn it off, then you won't have to feel the pain. You won't have to be sad because of your mother's death, you won't have to feel guilty for betraying Nadia and Katherine, and you won't have to feel guilty for having feeling for Klaus no matter how much you don't want to admit it. Just turn it off.

Caroline stood up and dried her tears. Everything was gone.

Katherine's eyes flew open and she looked confused as she sat up on the bed. She let out a small gasp when she saw that her clothes were covered in blood. She traced a finger around her bloody shirt, where did all this blood come from?

She stood up and instead of feeling better she felt even more confused. Why was she wearing men's trousers and shirt instead of stockings and dresses and where was this room?

She shyly opened the door and her features relaxed when she saw the lord Elijah. He certainly looked different from the last time she had seen him. His hair was shorter and even his clothes were slightly unusual.

"Good morning," he said holding a cup of red liquid. Wine? "I'm so glad to see that you've finally woken up. How are you feeling?"

Katherine ignored his questions as she suddenly hugged him.

Elijah seemed surprised by the reaction, but clumsily patted her back.

"I am so sorry," she said, forming her voice with the slight English accent she had perfected through the years. "Please forgive me, my lord. I did not mean to be so forward."

My lord? Elijah grew panicked, but he was determined not to show it. Instead he steadied her gently and force her to sit on the bed. This couldn't be the consequence that Davina had been talking about. "Katerina, can you tell me what day and year it is?"

Katherine seemed surprise by the question. "April 2, 1492."

The End

Thank you so much to everyone that has read, reviewed, favorite, and followed it means a lot! I will post the sequel in a few days. The sequel will be called Cruel Intentions.