Wintermarch 9:39 (Epilogue)
She watched as they travelled by boat for months. Antiva and Rivain. A stop in Llomeryn. Then Estwatch and Bastion and Alamar. She watched as they split up, doubled back, making wide loops, leaving false trails. And one by one, the others left, found places to go, places to hide.
And the six who remained found their way to the Korcari Wilds.
She watched as they found the hut on the edge of the clearing. She saw the recognition. The apprehension. The resignation. And watched as they built two more shelters alongside, making a new home from an old one.
She watched as the Hero and her Warden found old friends in the forest to barter with. As the Champion and his pirate charmed the nearby Chasind into leaving them be and keeping their secrets. As the Healer and her warrior, not a boy anymore, defied the taint in his blood.
And from her perch on the top of the hill, she watched as they gathered that night around a fire to toast the beginning of a new year. Six lives drawn together by forces more powerful than the Old Gods themselves.
Awaiting a seventh.
Fate or chance, indeed, she chuckled to herself.
A/N: One final, sincere thank you to everyone who faved and followed and, of course, reviewed. The feedback and support have been wonderful. Truly. :)