"Please, please don't do this."
The little blonde girl turned the other way. Her face was unreadable; a clever mask put in place to trick the world when she wanted to. "Перестань плакать".
The man in the corner paused his crying. His breath was held in anticipation and fear. Blood and sweat decorated his body as he sat with his back to the wall, knees to his chest. The man sniffled, "What?" his voice was shaky and pathetic.
Golden locks flew through the air as a small head twisted to stare at the crying man. A smirk, contrasting with her angelic features, appeared. "I said, stop crying." Two green eyes refused to blink. She walked slowly towards her discarded bag on the table, opening it and checking the contents. Her back faced towards her victim.
"Why are you doing this?" The girl's movements froze. Her posture remained alert. The man on the ground was staring at her. She could feel it. "Это моя работа." Her movements started again.
"I don't understand, I'm not-" Suddenly the young girl was facing him. Eyes locked. She took one step forward. "It's my job." Her victim curled in on himself. He looked so small. She turned back to the table and continued.
With the girl's back turned away from him, the man attempted to silently stand up. His hands found the wall and he lifted his weak body from the ground. He started moving towards her. Right foot. Left Foot.
"Don't you dare."
He slumped back, his body hitting the wall. The little girl turned towards him, gun in hand. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Her voice was youthful yet menacing. Two petite hands grasped the gun, turning it over and aiming. The man let out a cry and sunk to the ground, defeated. "Who are you?"
The girl looked sad then, but only for a second and then it was gone. "ЯЧерная Вдова." She took a step forward when the man looked confused. "I know, you don't understand." Another step forward. "I said.." Another step. "I'm the Black Widow." Boom.
A deafening scream filled the silence. Natasha woke suddenly, her body shooting up from where she lay in her bed. Pain exploded in her stomach and she sank back down. Her hands clutched her abdomen as she took deep breathes. The redhead's skin was covered in sweat and she was mildly aware that she was trembling. Noises sounded in the hallway outside her door and in her crazed state she immediately recognised it as danger. Her body twisted slowly enough for her to open the drawer near her head and pull out a gun. The door burst open loudly and the gun remained pointed.
"Shit!" Tony stopped his movements and put his hands up. Clint budged in front of him, "Nat, what's going on?"
The female was still breathing heavily. Steve appeared next to Tony and now all three men were staring at her. The gun was still pointed at them. Natasha looked at her weapon and slowly put it down. Clint stepped forward.
"Stay there." Natasha's voice was croaky but sharp.
The archer froze, not taking his eyes off her. "What happened?" his voice was soft.
Natasha tensed slightly still gripping her wounded stomach. Tony's eyes fell to her abdomen, "Do you need us to get Bruce?" His voice was different. Concerned. Not his usual playful tone.
The redhead secured her mask back in place. Face now blank and eyes calm, the way they should be. "I'm fine." She tried to sit up straighter. "You can go now."
"We're not leaving you-"
"I said I'm fine!" Natasha barked. "Now go." Her usual strong demeanour was slipping and she didn't want them to see her when it eventually fell.
The three men remained standing, shocked. Natasha's outburst having surprised two of them.
Clint remained stock still as he let out a small sigh. "Ok, come on guys." He turned round and gestured for Tony and Steve to exit. Both men eventually looked defeated but knew not to argue. Before the door slipped closed, Clint's voice whispered into the darkened room.
"Вы знаете, где я нахожусь." You know where I am.
Natasha closed her eyes and sighed loudly. She lay back down and punched the mattress in anger. They'll be on her case tomorrow because she's not strong enough. She pulled her blanket up further and settled in for an uncomfortable night.