I got this…dream…a weird one…Okay, fine! Remember The Black Widow from the Avengers? She gave the idea for this. I have no bad intentions and/or such. I just thought it'll be a nice story. I do have some 'cool' thinking for this story so…I think small hint of what will happen throughout the story's okay for this chapter. Well, the summary sorta says it all. Enjoy?

Killing wasn't her choice. It'd never been her passion to do such a cruel thing.

But it is her profession.

Before this, she was an honored student, graduated, all the achievements we imagine we could have, she had it. A bright future was already written for her but she pushed it all away as jobs are getting harder to find and get during this so-called modern era. Then, they found her. Trained since the age of six, a few people had noticed of what she's capable of. These certain people had offered her…jobs. They also begged and pleaded and offered her a salary that she cannot refuse. With all the things going on in her life right now, she has no other choice left but to accept.

"I…I swear I wont do it again," the kneeling man in his late thirties begged to her. His dark green eyes stared at her in fear. He was scarred to death as any other of her victims does. His face was already red in blood.

"Like hell you will!" she screamed directly to the poor man's ear while stomping her boot down to the man's back making him crashing face-first to the ground. "Now tell me Tom, what have you done with the money," she questioned, coldly.

The man, Tom whined helplessly as she waited patiently for an answer. "Come on Tommy boy…I don't have all day. Let me make this simple for you…" she pulled out her gun from her pocket…Yes, her pocket. She found it better then just tucking it behind her or in her purse. "…I'm going to count 'till five. Tell me what did you do with the money, who you work for and I'll set you free. If you don't, you die. So, one."

She started to count. Tom shuddered, unsure of what to do or say. She pointed the gun to his head before counting the next cardinal number of his life, "Two."

"Wait, okay! The m-money…I…I sent it t-to them." He manage to tell her.

"Who's them?"



Tom quickly became alert hearing her count. "P…please. I have a wife and kids," he told her hoping she would buy it and let him free but all he gets was her amused laughter.

"Hah! Wife and kids? Seriously Tom, you're concerned about them now. If you really do care about them then why cheat on your wife for Christine?" Her unmerciful statement made him glance at her with disbelief.

"How did you-" he wanted to ask the question which was already at the tip of his tongue but he was stopped as she stomped behind him for the second time making him groan in pain. Nobody and I mean nobody knew about his affair with Christine so how does this….this stranger, a woman he never met before knew about his personal life?

"Four! The clock is ticking Tom. Who are them? What did they do with the money?"

"They…they used the money for themselves. For their business." He slowly explained.

"Good Tom. You're cooperating. So…what's the name of this 'magnificent' company?" she questioned again but he kept quiet, "Wow, you got guts! They must've paid you a fortune to keep your mouth shut. Just tell me who the hell these people are and I'll let you free. Don't make me get to five." She pulled down the safety lock this time making a loud click sound that echoed around the abandon factory,

"Levesque's," Tom muttered under his breath.


"The Levesque's. They paid me to transfer the money to their account…that's it. I swear that's all I know…"

She smiled wickedly, satisfied by his answer and remove her foot off him. "Thank you so much Tom." She told him, sweetly now. "Now get out of here."

He quickly rushed to his feet and limped to the exit. "Thank you," he muttered to her shakily before limping away with both hands supporting his back. His spine must've broke. She did kicked him with her brand new heels as if the heels were made out of solid metal!

Done for the day. She whispered to her herself as Tom slowly faded to the exit. Another finished mission. Her boss will be absolutely proud of her. Not only does she found the culprit, she also had found out the name of the company that was longed to be known by the person she worked for.

She snapped once she heard Tom crying for help. Out loud… That's not a smart thing to do. Especially when you just got oppressed by Stephanie McMahon. He wasn't out of the building yet but he is in her shooting range. Idiot. Instincts took over, as she aim and pulled the trigger to his direction. The bullet went straight through his heart. Instantly, a lifeless Tom collapsed to the ground.

"That's not a smart thing to do Tom," she said with a wicked chuckle. How stupid are men now days! Deep down, she was glad to kill him. Other than the fact that he would call the cops, he's not going to break his wife's heart and go back to that slut of his. Bastard. That's one of things she love about her job.

She fished her cell phone from her purse which she had retrieved on the floor and scrolled down the contacts until she found the name she wanted and hit dial. It beeped a few times until a man picked up and greet her.

"Hey…I got the answers you want,"

Yea..this one is also quite short. Love it? Hate it to death? Continue? Don't continue? Drop a review and let me know. Sorry for any typos and/or grammar mistakes.

Oh, and Happy Holidays! :D