Hello everyone! A little update for all of you is that I'm un-pausing my other stories! I'll be working on at least a chapter of two of all three of my current stories each day and hopefully getting then up and running on here so look out for new chapters of each of my stories! :) Have fun reading!

Disclaimer: ...Does anyone own YJ here? Hello? Anyone? ;)

Chapter 6: Naïve

Artemis knocked on a familiar room door and forced her smile to disappear into an emotionless frown. She took a deep breath and knocked again when no one answered. The door slid open and she saw the annoying red head typing away at his computer.

Artemis walked closer until her body was almost touching the back of the chair. Wally kept typing.

"Can I help you?" He said with no emotion, or no emotion that Artemis was aware of and cared about.

"Uh..yeah, I needed to talk to you about that...couple thing." Artemis visibly scrunched her nose when she said the word 'couple.' Wally sighed as he finished typing and clicked 'submit' on the screen. Artemis backed away from the chair as he swirled around and stood up, looking Artemis straight in the eye.

"Look, you said straight to my face that we weren't doing this whole 'couple' thing, and we weren't basically in love. So why do you now come in here and say that you want to talk about it? I've moved on. On from you screaming at me and from the kiss. Now, can we just forget about what's happened so I can get back to trying to win over M'gann, even thought she has he eye on Conner, and you can, well, go back to the bitch you've always been." Artemis looked at Wally with wide eyes. She couldn't believe how much he had changed. Maybe that kiss was something that had made Wally become more mature...or maybe not.

Wally walked away and started digging through his backpack, pulling out multiple crumpled papers and a few energy bars here and there. Artemis watched Wally pull out a notepad and sit back at the desk in front of the computer. Artemis raised an eyebrow and thought for a moment, then smiled.

She walked over to Wally and leaned down next to him. Wally could feel her breath against his ear and froze. Artemis smiled.

"I want you." Artemis whispered. Wally was frozen. Did she really say that? Artemis walked out of the room without saying another word and smiled once she reached the kitchen.

"He's so naïve." Artemis said.

"Who's naïve?" M'gann asked looking very confused.

"No one!" Artemis said quickly, knowing that she couldn't tell her plan to anyone. She smiled. "Nothing that you need to know..." Artemis whispered softly. If her plan was going to work she would definitely need to keep it on the down low, especially with Conner in the room. And that was exactly what she was going to do.

Good or Bad? You tell me! Anyway, another update is that I'm going to be fixing Love Story! The timeline was way off from the start of the story and I really can't go on when it's so messed up like that so yeah to Redoing Love Story! So, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter of Upon the River and look out for the next chapter! :)