Hey this is a new fanfiction of Young Justice. I do not own Young Justice or any of the characters so don't sue me or anything like that. If I did own Young Justice though I wouldn't have cancelled season 3 or killed Wally. Sorry about that spoiler if you havn't seen the last episode of season 2. :)

Chapter 1: Warming Up

Wally sat on the couch with a plate of freshly baked cookies M'gann had made for him while M'gann was making cookies. Artemis walked in and saw Wally. She looked at Wally then to the cookies realizing that he had not eaten any which was very abnormal for a boy who eats almost everything he sees. Artemis walked over to the kitchen and sat on a bar stool watching M'gann roll the cookie dough.

"You know that Christmas is in a few days right?" Artemis asked M'gann as her eyes widened.

"Christmas is in a few days?" She said knowing that Artemis was right. Artemis nodded as M'gann grabbed her cook book and searched through the recipes to find a Christmas recipe. Artemis shook her head and grabbed the book and set it down. M'gann looked at Artemis confused.

"What? You don't need a recipe to make Christmas cookies." Artemis said. M'gann still looked confused and then Artemis sighed. She walked over the cupboard where she stocks all the sweets to make sure that there is plenty left for her and grabs some green and red frosting as well as tubes of other colored frosting and some crystal green and red sprinkles. Artemis went over to the drawer next to the oven and opened it grabbing a sack full of cookie cutters. She sets down all of the supplies she gathered and then looked back at M'gann."You just need to decorate 'em to make them Christmas cookies." Artemis smiled at M'gann while M'gann smiled back.

"Okay so pick a Christmas cookie cutter." Artemis said. M'gann grabbed a Christmas tree cookie cutter and gave it to Artemis. Artemis refused and grabbed ornament looking cookie cutter and demonstrated how to cut the dough. M'gann followed and smiled as the used up the rest of the dough to make more cookies. "Now we bake 'em," Artemis said as M'gann put the cookies in the oven. M'gann smiled at Artemis and then hugged her.

"Thanks for that I needed it."M'gann smiled. Artemis gave M'gann a confused look. "I mean for some you know sister time." Artemis smiled and hugged M'gann back. Wally stared at them and then out of the corner of her eye Artemis noticed.

"What are you staring at Baywatch?" Artemis asked putting a hand on her waist and slightly leaning on the counter.

"Nothing." Wally said as he turned back around to watch an animal show about a dog and a wolf and how they are related. M'gann thanked Artemis again and then walked off leaving the cookies to Artemis. Artemis sat down on the opposite side of the couch than Wally. She stared at the screen until she got bored and then luckily the over beeped and she got up and literally ran to the oven. M'gann came flying down the hall and helping Artemis with the cookies. Together they decorated the cookies and sat them down on a plate wrapped with plastic. Artemis knew that M'gann wanted to save them so she hid them away where no one could find it. M'gann left and went to find Connor. While Artemis went back to her room Wally watched her and then left for his room.

Don't worry there will definitely be more chapters to come! Luv Ya!