(So Veteran Commander is the only Raven that hasn't starred, and I need a RavenxEve, so here we go. A nice idea I had. It should be a long series)
Code 404
Chapter 1 - Hidden Inside
By - ShadisticArchdevil
Eve's POV
My name is Eve. I am the princess of this kingdom. Oh, also let me tell you, I'm not a pretty-pretty princess. I'm also a part-time assassin. My codename is Code 404. I live a regular girl life along with a hidden assassin life. I attend Hamel High School, but I am perceived as the "shy girl", and am never spoken to, nor do I talk to other people. I don't need others interfering with my life. It's a part of my life to hunt down and kill other "Codes". It is a battle of the fittest. There's only 30 of us remaining, and we are dying out quickly. Nobody knows what happens when you win, but I'm assuming it is glorious. Oh yes, even though I'm a princess, it doesn't mean that I'm treated like so. My parents beat me, I'm not respected, and nobody really tries to help me at all.
Or at least….that's how it USED to be…
Date: January 18th, 40XX
Setting: Walkway to Hamel High, 7:23 AM
Eve - Survive Another Day at School
Code 404 - Target "Code 200" and Destroy
The silver-haired seraph, dressed in her usual uniform of a knee-long skirt and white shirt with a blue tie and tan jacket walked along the sidewalk. She was on her journey to Hamel High, one of the greatest schools in Elrios. She knew nobody, and nobody knew her, and she did not mind one bit. A perfect student, all A's, excelling in all of her extra-curriculars, but still, refused to share any words with a single person. The farthest she had gotten into conversation was with her parents, and even then, it was only 4 words.
"Please. Stop hitting me!"
Those were the only 4 words ever heard to come out of the emotionless Code's mouth. Here, she was a normal schoolgirl, but outside, she had a shadow. A shadow that hid her true side.
A bloodthirsty assassin.
There was not a single Code that could beat her. Her power of the ancient nasods made her extremely swift and agile, making her attacks near un-avoidable. She had no weakness'. The only people that remotely knew her were Elsword, the red-haired Lord Knight, and Aisha, the purple-haired mage who could control time and space at her will. Chung, the so-called prince of Hamel, was not the true prince. His identity had been found out and he had sunk into hiding from everyone. Nobody has seen him since. Now that the backstory has been told, let us continue with the girl who was going to have her life as she knew it changed, forever.
"Oh, look. It's that one girl, Eve was her name?"
"Oh yeah, the quiet one, right?"
"Yeah. She's so lonely. Kind of makes me feel bad."
"I just heard that everyone is just jealous of her looks and her intelligence."
"Oh yeah. Anyone ever talk to her before?"
"I heard that it's just her parents. But even then she's silent."
Suddenly, a black-haired man joined the group of people and quickly slipped on by. He was there the first second and gone the next.
"Who's that? Is he new?"
"I heard he transferred in this weekend."
"Oh, that kid. Raven, right?"
"I heard he talks to Crows."
"Really? I just heard he's all looks and is just a nerd."
"It's true though. He can't talk to girls or anything."
"You'd think a guy like that would be picking up girls left and right, but he's another silent one."
Eve sighed and walked through the front doors. Her expression remained monotone, and her face was as pale as normal. After putting away her belongings in her locker, she walked to her homeroom. Her favorite seat was in the back, by the window. But someone was already there today. It was that Damn Raven. What the hell is he doing in her seat?
She glided over to him casually and tapped his shoulder. He was busy looking out the window and shrugged her off. She tapped once more, and he ignored her again. All it took was a SLAP!
"Ow! What gives! Oh- er...my apologies madam."
Eve pointed to the seat next to the one she normally sat in. He got up and moved his things, and adjusted his red glasses while doing so. Long hair, red dyed, red glasses, long shirt, terribly tied tie. Yes, he fits the personality of what someone would call a 'nerd'. He nervously shifted in his seat to face the other way, only to be met by a pair of green eyes.
"Oh~! You must be the new kid, Raven was it~?"
"U-uh. Y-yes ma'am!"
"Mmm~ Well, honey. My name is Rena~ I'm this class' president, so if you need anything, feel free to ask~"
"I w-will not hesitate, ma'am!"
He got up and bowed at her offer. The blonde-haired woman giggle and noticed that he was taller than her, but still seemed more fragile. She pet his hair and he sat down and sighed. His head turned towards the teacher, Mr. Glave, who began to teach the class about different techniques to take down massive enemies. Eve's mind gazed off once more as her minds shifted to Code 200. Her mission was to find the code and to delete it. Normally they were robots, or nasods, but sometimes, there were humans, like her.
Raven's eyes were fixed on the princess herself. Even though he didn't know it, she was an assassin, and his thoughts remained uninterrupted until the bell rang, signaling for the lot to head to second period. He casually made his way to the designated locker and attempted to open the lock on it. No luck. The struggle continued for another minute until Rena managed to see him struggling.
"Oh Raven~"
She hugged him from behind and his face turned as red as his hair as two soft objects pressed against his back. He spun around and backed against the lockers.
"M-may I help you?!"
"Mmm~ Having some trouble opening your locker?"
"U-uh. N-no…"
"Well, quit lying and let me show you!"
She grabbed his hands and was about to touch his left hand when he backed away.
"I-I'm fine, r-really. Thank y-you."
"Okay then~ See you later!"
He sighed and put his hand against his locker.
That was close…
He looked at his left arm and then opened the lock since the bell had already rung. No one was around and he had the time he needed. After all, the principal knew about his plans from the beginning, so he had a pass. He put his required books into the locker and pulled out his next periods supplies. Next was Gym, so he had no time to waste. Every minute training is another minute to becoming the best. He smiled and ran down the hallway to gym.
"Okay. Now everyone needs to do a lap around the track, then you may leave and do some stretches, but you are more than welcome to continue running laps if you want too."
The gym coach, Edan, put down his clipboard and noticed Raven sprinting across the field, clearing it in a measly 1.5 minutes. Edan stopped him after the first lap and approached him.
"Son, what's your name?"
"Raven, sir."
"Raven? Huh, seems familiar. Well, you seem to be doing these exercises very easily. Are you sure you want to be in this gym and not weightlifting?"
"Weightlifting? Where do I go for that?"
"Well, you simply go to the Athletic Office and you can hand them this note."
Edan scribbled something onto a piece of paper and handed it to Raven.
"Thank you, sir!"
"Please, call me Colonel. Good luck, Raven."
"Thank you Colonel!"
Raven waved as he ran towards the Athletic Office. Other people eyed him as his sweat dripped across his forehead and he ran into the building to change back. A certain pair of yellow eyes were also following him.
Hmph, he is much tougher than he looks. I wonder…
Eve sighed as she straightened out her sports bra. Although it was school, Hamel High allowed students to bring their own gear, and since Eve was an endurance runner, it'd be better if she stayed cool the entire time. Believe it or not, but the Seraph was still the record keeper for fastest mile at a staggering 3.2 minutes.
The blast of a whistling bullet zoomed through the air and echoed in everyone's ears. It was a practice-meet in gym, since she was in Track and Field. Her two long strands of hair were tied neatly into a bun to avoid interference and she sprinted in the beginning. People were cheering her name, but she knew it was only for now.
I must be ready for Code 200…
That was all it took for her to blast through at an amazing speed, finishing the 100m in 4.6 seconds. Jaws dropped and it took the rest of the period to pick them back up.
"Hey Eve."
She turned around to see the Elemental Master waving to her. She jogged over and joined the purple-haired mage for some cool down stretches along with some others, including the Night Watcher. They were doing some basic toe reaches and side turns. Rena's bust was constantly teasing Eve about her small size, but it didn't matter. She WAS an assassin after all. No need to flaunt, just delete.
"Hey Eve. I saw you eyeing Raven today? Maybe you like him?"
Eve glared at the blonde-haired elf with demonic eyes. Rena smirked a bit and nudged Aisha, which caused her to stop stretching for a moment.
"Yeah. I'd say not, I mean, Eve doesn't really talk, so I doubt she'd have her eyes on someone. Especially since Raven's kind of a nerd. And Eve's too good looking for that kind of stuff."
"You never know Aisha~ You better act fast Eve, or else I'll snatch him from you~!"
Eve looked at Rena with a blank stare, unable to comprehend the situation at hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a shirtless Raven benching in the weight-lifting room, cause her to blush a little bit. Rena turned to look where Eve was, but couldn't see anything. The reason was because of Eve's training to be an assassin. It allowed her to see far beyond what any normal person could, thus allowing her to detect and predict enemy strikes. Very useful in combat.
"Eve? Something wrong?"
The faint ring of the five minute bell was heard throughout the field, and they all headed back to the changing room.
"Raven? Is that you?"
"Huh? Oh, hi. Who may you be?"
"Ah, it's me, Elsword. I'm the Lord Knight from your homeroom. How do you like it here so far?"
"So far so good I guess…."
It was too late to cover up my regular side and go to nerd form, so I'll just explain it to him, or kill him. Whichever he understands better.
"I've been meaning to ask you. You're such a nerd yet you can bench 300 pounds. How do you even manage that? Also, what's with the hair?"
"I'll explain this to you, but not here. Care to go into the locker rooms?"
"I don't mind."
The two walked over to the locker rooms and the 5 minute bell rang, signaling the perfect time to start changing. The two began to undress and the conversation continued.
"So anyways, I'm disguised as a nerd so my identity won't be revealed."
"Which is…?"
"I am an Assassin. The true assassin of Prince Chung Seiker."
"Keep it down! I trust you with this information. Or else I'll just kill you. Got it?"
"Y-yes sir! Also, you didn't explain the hair."
"Oh, it's nothing, the red is just the blood of those who I've assassinated. Have a nice day, Lord Elsword."
Elsword's jaw dropped while Raven walked out of the locker room. He had already been dressed and Elsword tried to comprehend what he just heard. Raven was a nerd in disguise for being an assassin who wears the blood of his enemies in his hair as a SYMBOL?! Better not mess with that guy. But wait, Eve is similar to Raven. Does this mean that she-
He sprinted out of the locker room and into the hallway, looking for the purple-haired mage. He grabbed her and pulled her along to 3rd period, explaining things as he went.
The day continues until 8th period, which is Sparring, or a Free Period
As fate would have it, the two men meet one another once again in the sparring room. They had each chosen the room C-D. Raven bowed first and got into a ready stance, pulling out his back as he readied himself. Elsword unsheathed his sword and readied himself.. Raven smirked, it was his only chance to spar with someone like this.
"I'm warning you Raven, I'm not holding back. Edan's taught me everything."
"Is that so? Then you will only see part of my ability."
A sleeve unrolled on his right arm to only see the blade was present. His left hand was completely covered by a cloth that was sewn to his shoulder. Elsword shrugged as they waited for the announcement to begin the spar.
"Everyone should know the rules. Wish your partner good luck. Teleportation commencing in 5…"
"Good luck Raven!"
"Thanks, Lord Elsword. You too."
Each gripped their blades tighter.
Raven already knew how this worked. He had attended the same type of school previously.
"Here we go!"
They each stood on opposite ends of a rooftop. The Lord Knight made the first attempt to strike. A swift blow to his right hand, Raven quickly Back-slided away and dropped some grenades during the process. As it was unexpected to see such a move, Elsword stumbled into the grenades and Raven began his combo.
Slash. Slash. Roll. Launch. Catch. Repeat.
"That all you got, Raven?"
Elsword smirked as his vitality aura activated. He could feel the mana pulsing in his veins.
"What is tha-"
Raven was interrupted to see Elsword's sword size increase 3-fold. And began to sneak around.
"Aw, don't run. It's no fun that way!"
Raven glided from platform to platform, using his Shadow Step to avoid the gargantuan sword that was out for him. He then noticed an opening for Elsword's back. He lunged at him with a Piercing and Elsword was stunned for about a second.
The cloak on his left hand fell off, revealing a Black and Orange mechanical Arm. Elsword was too busy being hit to notice that it had an opening slot in the middle for artillery purposes.
Slash. Slash. Bleed. Haze them. Then deploy them. Burn then. Bleed again. Missile Shower. And for the finisher.
Raven hit him with all 8 shots, causing Elsword to stumble backwards in defeat. He dropped his sword and bent on one knee.
"I surrender…"
"Good game Lord Elsword."
Raven bowed to his opponent and they were teleported back to the school room, where the bell had rung. The two men went back to the locker room to take their belongings.
"Say Raven. You should come over sometime!"
"Maybe. I have some important business to take care of at the moment."
"Raven my man!"
"M-my man! Wh-what does that mean?"
"It's just a figure of speech bro. Come on, let's go to the central plaza. I want to get to know you more!"
"U-um, I'm s-sorry, b-but I promised my mother t-that I would get h-home as soon as I g-got out of s-school."
"Awww! Well it's okay. Just chill with me later then, okay?"
"O-okay, Mr. Add"
Raven adjusted his thick red glasses and sighed. It had been only one day and he had no sign of the Unknown Code he was supposed to take down. He slammed his locker shut and leaned against it, deep in thought. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a hug from the front.
"Hello Raven~"
"R-rena-san! H-how was your d-day?"
"It was good~ and yours?"
"It was s-satisfactory ma'am!"
"That sounds good~ Care to walk with me home~?"
"S-sorry Rena-san. I m-made a promise to m-my mothe-"
He was interrupted and his eyes grew wide as she kissed his cheek. His face turned red and he pushed her away and ran. Rena wondered what she did wrong. Normally, that would flaunt a man enough for them to like her. But then again, Raven WAS a nerd.
"Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!"
Raven ran down the hallway as fast he could and searched left and right to hunt for the Unknown Code. He had promised not to get any interaction on the job, so if his boss found out…
"Where is i-"
He ran right into her. Eve. He immediately got up and rubbed his forehead. He looked at Eve, who was now infuriated at the poor guy. He sweatdropped and yelled "Sorry!" as he continued his search. Eve pondered why he was in such a big hurry. That is, until Moby sent her codes via transmission signals. Eve picked herself up and dusted herself off. She looked at the running man and glided towards the exit.
Raven hurried past the autumn leaves into Velder. His home was in the outskirts, and there was only one way towards it. Luckily, only him and his boss know where this entrance lies.
"The unknown Code...who might it be?"
He pulled out his blade as he heard a whistle in the wind. He quickly uncloaked his metallic arm and scaled a tree fast. He could see the figure approaching. The yes went wide as a plasma shot hit the branch he was hiding on.
"Code 200...I am here to delete you!"
"Ah, you must be the unknow code…"
The unknown code took off it's white cloak to reveal her.
No….no way…
Yes, it was Eve. The only other girl that was remotely similar to him. The only other assassin that had a hidden life. She was the unknown code, or Code 404. The one that was unstable. The strongest code of all the 30 remaining. It was her, and she was his target.
"Hello Raven. Surprised to see me at the end of your life?"
"End of my life? Surprised yes, but that also means I'm ready for anything you will throw at me!"
He quickly reconfigured his arm to go into overdrive on command and switch programs when necessary. After jumping down from the tree, he had noticed her battle outfit.
"No way…Code: Battle Seraph!"
"Indeed. And be glad. You're the only one who hears my voice this often."
"Code: Battle Seraph is unstable! You can die! What are you thinking?!"
"Do I look dead? Do I look as if I care?"
"Exactly. Now, prepare to join the junk I have defeated before! EL CRYSTAL SPECTRUM! INDUCTION MODE! ENERGETIC HEART! MANA OVERDRIVE!"
"Mana Overdrive?!"
Raven knew what he was dealing with. Mana Overdrive was an ability only the greatest of codes could use. It allowed the user to store 400 MP and have about 100 Mana per second regeneration. He quickly began to reconfigure his codes to go into complete overdrive. He would sacrifice 30% of his HP when activated, but his mana would be filled instantly and he would overheat for one minute.
"I'm ready now, Eve. I will show you the pride of The Code Mercenaries!"
"For the glory of the Nasod Kingdom, I will defeat you!"
Eve started first. Her Sky Zapper was put into overdrive and she was going over 100 MPH. It would be tricky, but if Raven could time it just right…
A direct hit on Eve caused her to stumble backwards a bit. Raven took advantage of the situation and Stepped his way over to her, only to realize that is was a Photon Flash. He realized a second too late and was stunned. Eve approached from behind and furiously began to pile out lasers, stars, and using Moby and Remy to attack him. He fell over from most of the hits, and checked his stamina. It was in the green level.
He plunged his left arm into his Blade's socket and pumped out gasoline, which ignited on contact with the electricity of Eve's body. The surge caused Eve's suit to start burning up. The skin contact was also burning her constantly, and she was able to take it out by using a quick Energetic Heart. Raven shoots missiles from the sky, but Eve swiftly evaded and grabbed him from behind and threw him to the floor. A massive thud was heard and Raven became a bit dazed.
His vision was blinded and he began to stumble back and forth. Luckily, he had remembered that in the darkest of times, Fire can help him. He called his Arm to give him gunpowder.
The massive bird headed straight for Eve. She had seen this ability before, and it would only follow a straight path, but this Crow was following her. She turned around to do a quick Photon Flash but it was too late. The massive bird ran into her body and she immediately began to heat up. Her cooling systems had been overridden and she was burning up from the inside out. Raven's Arm now engulfed his whole left torso in flames from the overheat.
"You...you are powerful...Code 200…"
"Likewise...but, I'd say, it's time to end this -cough-"
Eve immediately though f what was going to happen. It would be bad if she took any more Fire damage so she quickly sent Moby to Raven. He tried swinging at the small robot, but it would evade every shot.
Power Drain. Raven had lost all of his HP but 5% and he felt weak. His knees gave away as Eve's cooling systems began to cool her off. She stood up and walked to the trembling and sweating Veteran Commander and pointed a small laser beam at his face.
"Any last words before I kill you?"
I-it's over...I have failed…
Sayonara, Raven…
Raven grabbed her foot and inhaled the Giga Stream into his hand. His mana had now gone into overdrive and he was surging with electricity.
He furiously pumped firepower into the ground beneath them and threw Eve into it with his right arm. The ground crackled as Electricity and Fire both met with each other and created an explosion.
Eve fell over, knocked unconscious by the continuous tremors.
"I...did it…"
And with that, Code 200 dropped his sword and fell. His arm had covered his body with flames. And he lay there, in combustion, as he and his target had both been eliminated.
This was for you...Prince Chung...