1. Don't mess with her when she's armed (which is always).

2. Respect her personal space.

3. She doesn't choose to wear those outfits when she's undercover. Don't make jokes at her expense.

4. Bring her donuts on Monday or she'll be grumpy.

5. She is very touchy about her gardening skills.

6. She is able to judo flip men up to 3x her size and weight.

7. Don't joke about Kensi's love life.

8. If you do, hide. It'll buy you some time, but she'll get you eventually.

9. Even if you hide in the men's bathroom locked in a stall, she's not afraid to barge in and get you.

10. Don't check her out then deny it.

11. Know when to shut up.

12. Give her some space when she's upset.

13. Don't turn your back on her.

14. She can't cook. Don't remind her of that.

15. You failed. Admit it. Even if you didn't, admit it.

16. Don't joke about her junk food stash.

17. Or her habits of reading the morning paper.

18. Or the cleanliness of her living space.

19. Or her bedhead (even though its adorable).

20. Kensi works hard. She deserves to have her dinner paid for when you go out.

21. She's self conscious. She hides it well, but that doesn't change the fact.

22. When she says she didn't miss you, she probably did. A lot.

23. Kensi would risk her life for you any day.

24. Kensi can also beat you at sparring any day.

25. Never back out on partner's night.

26. You don't have to impress her too much. Beer and a burger will suffice.

27. Be willing to watch hours of reality TV with her.

28. She looks good in everything.

29. Even a rumpled flannel pajama set.

30. Even baggy sweatpants with a stain in the leg.

31. Even your old t-shirt, 4 sizes too big for her, which she stole from your drawers.

32. Trust is what takes two people and makes them partners.

33. Kensi likes to drive. So let her.

34. Never steal from her junk food stash.

35. Never read her diary.

36. Never get caught sitting on her desk.

37. If you have to try really hard to get a conversation going, something is wrong.

38. If something is wrong then don't let it stay that way.

39. When she rolls her eyes, she's annoyed at your.

40. When she rolls her eyes and sighs, she's not actually annoyed at you.

41. She built walls around herself. They are falling down for you. Be patient.

42. Her smiles are rare. Cherish them.

43. Her laughs are even more so. Cherish them.

44. Kensi is ready to follow you into the dark.

45. She may have a messy life, but she'll keep your secrets until she dies.

46. She trust you with her life, and you trust her with yours.

47. Just remember she doesn't mean it when she calls you an idiot.

48. Everything will be okay in the end.

49. Remember when you met. Be glad that day happened.

50. She always has and always will have your back.

Happy Holidays, everyone! I don't think this little fic qualifies as a full story, but it's just a few things I put together. I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a review. But in the holiday spirit, nothing rude, explicit, or mean! xoxo, J