Tony sat down on the couch across from the rest of the Avengers. "Guys, we need to talk." Everyone looked worried a moment and Tony was about to start speaking when Pepper walked in, and noticed the rare serious expression on Tony's face and the worried looks on everyone else's. "Giving them the talk Tony?" She said before plopping down on the couch next to him grabbing a magazine off the table and beginning to look through it. He nodded and turned to the team who were now as confused as they were worried.

"You are all going to be living here, so I need to tell you all right now, weird things happen when you live with me. I mean, jaw dropping, insane, some of it illegal things. Ask Pepper."

Everyone turned their eyes to Pepper who nodded but didn't take her eyes off the page about Tony. "You forgot blindingly stupid and dangerous." Tony nodded solemnly. "Yes, blindly stupid and dangerous too. Always forget that one." Pepper patted him on the arm and smirked. "You don't forget when you're doing something blindly stupid and dangerous." Tony smiled at her. "Point for you." Pepper smirked at her victory then turned back to the magazine.

Clint shook his head. "Chill guys he's screwing with us." Tony just stared at Clint. "This is the one and only warning you ever get, I'm dead serious like one every 6 to 7 years. You have been warned. If I do anything dangerous, stupid, insane, illegal,-"Pepper held her hand up. "You forgot outlandishly ridiculous. God Tony can't even remember the only speech you ever give willingly." Tony just shrugged and continued. "Or continued exposer to me makes you do any something that fits under any of those qualities, I will take any complaints and irritations except the words, "You could have warned me." I swear to god if you say those words the end result will not be pretty."

Tony looked menacing for about have a second before smiling wildly and standing up. "Okay cool that's done, now have fun kids, looking forward to some fun times." He kissed Pepper on the head and practically skipped out of the room. All five of the rest of the team swung their heads to look at Pepper and she just raised an eyebrow. "You have been warned. You are about to be living with Tony Stark."