The blonde doctor straightened his purple silk tie while looking at himself in the full length mirror. Purple is definitely my colour. He cast a military eye down his suit clad body before straightening his collar for the fifth time. The fitted three piece Ted Baker suit was new. John's personal shopper always did an excellent job of finding the latest season suits, shoes and other accessories.
The doctor flashed a charming smile at himself in the mirror before sliding his feet into the new season Paul Smith dress shoes that had be purchased for him. He smiled satisfied with the quality of clothes he was wearing. Finally! Some Armani, Ted Baker, Paul Smith. This is life! Jumpers and jeans are definitely not!
Keeping this side of his life a secret was a constant task with Sherlock as a flatmate but somehow John had managed to juggle chasing criminals and handling finances extremely well. Sherlock didn't require his assistance on every case anyway.
John strode towards his bedroom door, enjoying the sound of expensive shoes on the floorboards for a change. Just before he reached the door he turned and checked himself once more in the mirror. He pulled his perfectly pressed jacket down further to remove the non-existent creases. He swiftly nodded and marched out of the door.
Sherlock was away on a case in Wales somewhere so John had the flat to himself for a week. He entered the empty living room and swept his newly dry cleaned Alexander McQueen business coat into his arms. It was the coat he saved for when Sherlock left London so he could concentrate on running his businesses. He wouldn't risk wearing this coat around Sherlock. It was the doctor's favourite and would probably end up being shot, ripped and torn.
He was in the process of combing his hair to the side again to give a neat parting when his BlackBerry chirped. It was also an item he saved for work and not play. He pulled the device out of his pocket and opened up the new message. It was from his personal assistant,
Sir, if you are ready then we are waiting with the car. We do not wish to be late again. - Lindsey
The ex-military man sighed as he pulled on his coat and leather gloves. He really did prefer cases with Sherlock then meetings with political officials on handling his money correctly.
John worked in investment and finance but also dabbled in other areas that interested him like retail, media and he even played around with hotels. He put his success down to the incredible team he had built up but the truth was he had a natural talent for leadership and managing a business.
John counted each step as he effortlessly travelled down the stairs. He stood behind the door as he removed more non-existent creases out of his suit and coat. A charming smile flicked across his face.
The doctor took in a deep breath of smog full air as he stepped out and released it in satisfaction. He lowered himself easily into the dark town car that was waiting for him.
Lindsey looked up from the schedule she was reading at her boss as he entered the car gracefully. She greeted him formally before silently handing a small black box over to John. The box was a black with white silk ribbon tied around it. It was just a bit bigger than a ring box.
He raised a questioning eyebrow at his assistant before pulling the neat bow apart. He opened the box to see two diamond cufflinks sat on a miniature white pillow. John fiddled with his old golden cufflinks until they came away from his shirt cuffs. He dropped them into his coat pocket and placed the new diamond ones in pride of place on his sleeve.
The ex-military man looked at his blonde PA again, "Who have I befriended now?"
"They were a gift from William and Catherine. They were so grateful that you visited the palace with Prince George's christening present. He wore it in the ceremony." Lindsey told her boss. She knew he didn't attend the christening. Her boss was far too busy with Mr Holmes and chasing criminals.
"Ahh, yes. You did say he would like it. Well chosen!" Lindsey blushed as her successful boss beamed at her and showered her with praise, "Send them a gift basket with a thank you letter. We have to stay on the royals' good side now, don't we?!"
The personal assistant giggled as she ordered the gift basket on the iPad in front of her. She really did like her boss. He was charming, witty and handsome just what she looked for in a man. Lindsey flushed red at the direction her thoughts had taken.
The car journey was reasonably quick due to a lack of cars on the road. The car pulled up outside parliament and the businessman stepped out followed by his assistant. He nodded to the driver who nodded back before he pulled away from the curb.
John rolled his neck. This is one of the things he loved doing, business. It was so unreasonably complex but that is what John loved. He plastered a disarming smile across his face. A smile which would be there for the duration of the meeting.
"How do I look?" The suited man turned to face his right-hand woman.
The PA scanned her eyes efficiently over the man, "Perfect as always, sir."
"Ready to face the beasts?" John joked light-heartedly.
"Can't be any worse then you, sir." John chuckled at the woman's witty comment.
Elegantly, they glided up the steps to the large doors, their footsteps automatically falling in time. They made their way through the familiar halls and corridors of parliament.
They reach their destination with minutes to spare, "Ready?" Lindsey asked quietly as they stood ready to open the large mahogany door.
John widened his business smile as an answer. They pushed open the doors together entering the large room of suited men and women.
Mycroft made his way quickly down the hall. Anthea had been gone for 10 minutes and she only left to fetch him a scone.
His shoes clicked along the floor as he strode in and out of any likely places that his PA may have gotten to.
He was just leaving a small office in his search for Anthea when a short man strode into him. The man quickly apologized but was on his way again without so much as looking at Mycroft. The politician mumbled to himself about manners when he looked back over his shoulder at the man.
He was dressed in an immaculate designer suit and coat. Mycroft was almost proud to see such good ownership of a suit when something caught his eye. As the stranger strode past a window his blonde-grey military cropped hair simmered in the sunlight ... John?
Mycroft was about to rush after the John look-a-like when a pretty blonde assistant grasped his elbow. The governmental man turned to face the woman who was making unwanted physical contact with him.
"I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive my boss. He is late for a meeting. I do hope you will pardon his behaviour."
Mycroft looked down at the woman, "What is your boss's name, dear?"
"John, sir. Dr John Watson, sir. Please excuse me. I have to catch up" The woman flashed an impressive smile before hurrying after the good doctor.
Mycroft watched as she caught up with John and started rapidly talking to him. He looked extremely at home here as if he had walked these corridors hundreds of times before. The confidence was of someone who knew that they had power and influence. Something the politician didn't expect from retired solider John Watson.
Mycroft jumped when someone called his name. He span around to see Anthea stood behind him typing into her BlackBerry with one hand.
"Sir? Is everything alright?"
She held out a plate with two buttered scones on it without looking away from her device.
Mycroft snatched the food and stormed to his office.
What is going on here?