Authors Note: Okay, this character is a little bit of a crossover, as it has the character Jeremy from TVD in it, but its only as a side character video chat thingy, so don't worry, nothing big, and you don't need to have seen TVD.

Redbull & Hormones

Chapter Two: DOWN FIDO!

"Go left, Go left!"
"Not your left, my left!"
"What do you mean which way is my left?! Its left?"
"I don't know, does the picture camera crap thingy flip during video chats?"
"I-I don't know"
"OOH, C4!"

There was no way to help it. Stiles had already killed off her own character, she stared at the blank screen dumbstruck.

"Oh, poo."

She was gaming with her friend Jeremy, who lived out in who knows where Virgina. They always skyped and gamed every Friday night, it was just their thing. Plus it was fun to see peoples reactions when she said she was busy on Friday night.

"We totes need to practice our teamwork" Stiles grinned as she popped open a bag of extra large Hot Funyons, almost inhaling them.

"You, you need to practice!" Jeremy gaped at the small girl. Sometimes it was astounding how oblivious Stiles seemed, and then when the challenge rose, she would suddenly know everything about everything. It was...unnerving, to say the least.

Stiles shrugged and bobbed her head, munching on her chips. Her structured hands moved quick, scrolling over the mouse, and opening the skype window.

Jeremy was seriously attractive, and Stiles would probably like him that way, if they were friends in real life, or ever met. He had shaggy black hair and these big brown eyes that looked tired. Did she mention that he was surprisingly...buff? well he was.

"Hey, Jer?" Stiles smacked her lips together and swallowed another handful.

Jeremy pulled out a notebook and started doodling "hmm?"

"What do you know about werewolves?"

This peaked Jeremy's interest. His pencil snapped, and his head shot up, eyes wide, alarmed. "Why?" Stiles narrowed her eyes, staring openly at him. he was so tense, it weird. He obviously knew something and wasn't sharing his knowledge.

She needed to know this stuff, considering just a couple hours ago, Scott clawed a tear right through her gaming chair. And when Stiles showed up at the party as Scott's wingman, he went batshit and disappeared with sex god Hale.

"Because I asked you, that's why, jeezus, I'm supposed to be the twitchy one here."

Jeremy glared and she scoffed. He was so not scary. She was curious for Scott's sake, and if he was a werewolf, then he'd be so screwed, he needed Stiles. Hell, he'd never seen a single werewolf movie. Christmas was coming up, and Stiles already knew what she was getting him.

"Well...what do you wanna know?"

Stiles cocked her head, a chesire grin spreading across her lips.


Redbull & Hormones

So Jeremy was kind of useless. The information he gave her was extremely limited, and he was obviously holding back, but Stiles wasn't going to the bite the hand that was feeding her. She'd already managed to get a migraine from the countless hours spent scrolling through google. Stiles even went past the first page, also known as 'no mans land.'

'It was whatever' was becoming her new motto.

When Stiles showed up at school, Scott was rambling about how Allison's, his apparent true love, father was a werewolf hunter. The things she missed while gaming. Sigh.


Stiles rolled her eyes. Coach Finstock had a pole lodged up his ass, like, since birth. It was weird, but she could understand. She saw the Farah Abraham porno.

Scott and her were at Lacrosse practice, and it was seriously annoying. Because she was the only girl on the team, she didn't have a locker room, she had to change in the girls bathroom stalls, and the sexist asshole of a coach barely ever let her play. It was some serious bull.

Hell the only reason they even let Stiles on the team was because her father was the sheriff of police, and was more then ready to beat the shit out of the principle.

Stiles kept her eyes trained on Scott, waiting for even the smallest sign that he was going to lose control. She tapped her hands nervously on her thigh, to the beat of some song she was too busy to remember the name of. Her left hand shook in the cold as she gripped the small metal container.


Just then, coach started yelling, and Scott was totally freaking out. And by freaking out, Stiles meant freaking out. Like glowing eyes, pointy teeth, kind of freak out. Her body moved without her even having to think about it, she lunged, her tiny hand gripping his large forearm.

"Scott, chill yourself" Scott shot her a glare, which suddenly made him somewhat scary, probably the fangs, "okay, don't chill yourself, uh just um c'mon."

Stiles stuttered and gave coach a cheery grin, and a tiny wave, trying to sooth his suspicions, despite the fact that she was dragging her friends, practically limp, body off to the locker room.


"Its fine coach, you know how difficult it can be to go through highschool, Scott's just getting worked up over Jackson's hot buns, I'm gonna go help him soul search" she rambled, her teeth clanging, grin widening as Jackson raged. She was pretty sure she saw his lacrosse stick crack a little. Oops.

Redbull & Hormones



Stiles probably would have laughed, had she been in a different situation.





The can of redbull bent under her hard grip. She would be lying if her heart wasn't racing a mile a minute. In her other hand she held Scott's lacrosse stick, swinging it around, eyes darting all around the room.

It was moments like these that Stiles was glad that Scott didn't get a 'monthly visitor.' Could you imagine? ugh. All day it'd be hormonal whining about Allison, and then when the sun went down he'd get all hyped up and terrorize the village.

"Where the fuck is Scooby when I need him.." Stiles muttered under her breath, when suddenly, the though of Derek brought a memory to mind.

She had the wolfsbane in her bag!

Just earlier that day, Stiles and Scott went to investigate Derek's creaky old burnt home, because Scott smelt blood. It was weird, but whatever. There was a chance she would get a nice shot of Derek in the shower, so she had no problem with the adventure.

"Oi, Cujo, you're the one with the paws, why do I have to help?" she whined as they shoveled into the dirt ground, her elbows were cramping up, and for once she realized why the school forced children to exercise.

"Because.." Scott grunted and shoveled another eighty pounder with his superhuman strength "'re my best friend?"

"Pfft" Stiles let out a breath of air as she lifted another scoop "you'd better plan on taking me for nom noms after this, Jeezus, my thighs weren't meant for this much squatting."

The two eventually came across half of a dead wolf. That turned into a dead half human girl. Ahh...the other half of the body.

Stiles cocked her head and poked it with a stick, blood oozed out of the arm. She gagged and turned around, Scott shot her an amused grin, "I thought you liked dead bodies?" Stiles flipped him the bird "Its more so the concept then the actual thing, Its not so much the body, as it is the blood."

"The fuck is it wrapped in?" Stiles bent down and began untangling the odd plant from her arm.

"She, Stiles, she, and I don't know, but we need to call your dad."

"Maybe daddy can give me Derek as a christmas present?"

"Shutup, Stiles."

It turned out to be poison to werewolf's, Scott found that out the hard way. He went tumbling out of Stiles' jeep, to be exact.

She grinned and ripped the top of her bag open, grabbing a hold of the herb and sprinkling it around herself in a circle.

Now she just had to wait.

Redbull & Hormones

Eventually Scotty calmed down, Allison showed up, Stiles hid, Scott kissed Allison, etc, etc, hormones.

Note to self Stiles pondered order large quantities of wolves bane, and buy Scott a flea collar.

"I didn't spill my redbull?" she offered cheerily to her brooding best friend, raising her somewhat bent can, still halfway full.

Scott and Stiles had already made it home to the McCalls house, and Stiles was over by the stove, preparing a somewhat edible meal for , who worked long hours at the hospital.

There was one thing Claudia Stilinski was able to teach Stiles before her...parting. Cooking. The one feminine thing Stiles was good at. She made a mean fettucini alfredo.

"Shutup, Stiles" Scott still had the same goofy grin on his face that frustrated the small Stilinski girl.

She lifted the spoon from the pan, and flicked a noodle at the boy. It stuck to his face and her eyes lit up with joy.

"Dinner's done...oh and by the way...would it be a bad time to mention..."




"Um yeah, I was gonna tell you, but like, you were a little busy with... you know.." Stiles fumbled with the sauce "Allison's tonuge."

Oh no Stiles frowned
"I don't think there's enough sauce either.."

Authors Note: I don't even know what to say, this came out so fast, let me know what you thought!