Disclaimer: Me no own.

8. New Beginnings

They had done it… officially. They had broken up. Robin knew that he was supposed to be really upset, but actually, he was kind of happy and if anyone questioned his happiness, he could just say that he was doing it for his team.

When they got back to the others, he looked at Starfire out of the corner of his eye and saw her smiling slightly. He followed her eyes to find them on Beast Boy.

Then, he saw that Cyborg had turned around and was shaking Raven.

"Yes?" Raven asked.

"Bird-Boy here has something to ask ya." Cyborg told her.

"I do?" Robin asked.

Cyborg rolled his eye. "Yeah, ya do and if ya don't, BB will do it for ya." An evil grin spread across Beast Boy's face.

"What is it he has to ask me?" Raven asked Cyborg.

"He knows." Cyborg said, walking away.

Robin's mind was desperately trying to figure out what Cyborg meant.

Then it hit him, what Cyborg wanted him to say. How Cyborg figured out, Robin had no idea, but he knew now, and was expecting Robin to ask Raven.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" Robin was surprised that he was able to get that out without stuttering, he was so nervous.

"Go out?" For a moment, Robin panicked, thinking that the rumor was true. "Like on a date?"

"Only if you want to…" He said, not letting his panic escape his lips, even though he knew that she would be able to sense it.

"Sure." She said, a small smile appearing on her face. A smile also appeared on Robin's face.

Happily, the two birds turned toward their friends, who were standing far enough away as not to make the two uncomfortable, but not too far away that they couldn't hear what they said. Starfire then came flying over and pulled the two into a crushing hug.

"Oh, friends I am so glad for you!" She exclaimed.

Robin looked over at Beast Boy and Cyborg. He could see how Beast Boy was looking at Starfire. The smile across his face grew more, if that was even possible.

Even though Starfire and him had broken up, she would be loved, though it may not be from him. So now he wouldn't have to worry about her; he could enjoy his time with Raven.

The End.