Author's Note

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Bella walked down the halls of the Volturi castle. It doesn't feel like 10 years have passed, but it's been s long since that day in the field. Bella stopped in front of a door, she didn't bother knocking she entered and recognized the familiar scent that filled the room. She walked to the back room and saw him. Even now she still got the same butterflies she always did when he was near.

"Hello love, I thought you were off hunting," Alec said, his voice making Bella smile.

"I was, just got back. Aro said it's time," Bella said as she took a seat on Alec's lap.

"Time for what my love," Alec asked.

"The ball, Aro said I have to be officially introduced to the elite guard," Bella said, "He told me he had to invite the Cullens. I wanted to tell you before the ball."

Alec smiled, "You worry too much."

Bella laughed, "Do you think I do not know that you went to threaten them the night of the incident Alec. I know that is the real reason they left."

Alec sighed, "How long have you known?"

"Since that very night, I can read you like a book Alec," Bella said laughing, "Now come on, I want to go for a walk."

Alec smiled and kissed Bella, "I love you Isabella."

"I love you too Alec," Bella said as she leaned up on the tips of her toes and kissed him.

-The Ball-

"You look beautiful Bella," Alec said with a grin as he looked at Bella as she met him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Thank you my dear, you look quite handsome yourself," Bella said as she wrapped her arms around Alec's neck. Alec smiled and wrapped his arms around Bella pulling her closer to him.

"Have I ever told you that I love you," Alec whispered into Bella's ear.

"Well, you might've mentioned once or twice," Bella said smiling, Alec grinned and took Bella by the hand as they headed to the ballroom.

Bella was introduced as a new member of the elite guard. Bella and Alec entered the ballroom together. The Cullens were there together. Carsile and Esme looked happy to see Bella again, but the rest of the Cullens still had a betrayed look on their faces.

Through time Bella had thought about what had happened in her life, and she once came to ask herself what her life would've been like if she hadn't met Alec, if she had went to stay with her dad in Forks instead of coming to Volterra. Bella thought of the different outcomes, but it always came down to the fact that she belonged here with Alec and no one else. This was her place in the world, she was meant to be a member of the Volturi and she was destined to be Alec's mate.

Bella walked over to the Cullens, to greet them.

"Hello Cullens," Bella said ignoring the betrayed looks she received.

"Hello Bella," Carsile and Esme said at the same time.

"It's good to see you again, I hope everything has been going well for the two of you," Bella said.

"Oh yes it has, you look lovely tonight Bella," Esme said smiling.

"Thank you, I have to say Esme you look beautiful tonight also," Bella said smiling. Bella stayed talking with Carsile and Esme for a while until she was ushered to do her power demonstration. Bella had her shield that was both physical and mental, but she also had levitation. After her demonstration the dancing began. Bella was polite and danced with anyone who asked. Bella had danced with most vampires, excluding the 5 Cullens who still hated her.

"You look beautiful Bella," Edward said from behind Bella.

"Thank you Edward, are you enjoying this evening," Bella asked trying to be polite.

Edward nodded, "It's good seeing you again Bella. Do you still love him?"

Bella looked to where Alec was dancing with his sister, "More than you can even imagine."

Edward groaned, "I don't see why you choose him over me."

Bella laughed, "There was never a decision to be made Edward, he's my other half, and he's my soul mate. You were just a friend, and a horrible one at that. Edward you're not attracted to me, you've always been attracted to the fact that you can't use your power on me. The mystery of what's in my mind is what makes you think that you're attracted to me."

Edward groaned and walked away, 10 years later and he still didn't understand. Bella smiled, Volterra was her home, and it will always be her real home. She was loyal to the Volturi and always will be.

"What are you so deep in thought about love," Alec said as he wrapped his arms around Bella's waist.

"Nothing important," Bella said as she leaned into Alec's touch.

"Come on, let's go dance love," Alec said as he pulled Bella to the dance floor with him.

Bella laughed, "Alec, I don't understand why I can dance perfectly fine with everyone else, but with you I seem to always trip."

Alec smiled and leaned down to Bella's ear so no one else could hear him, "It's because I like catching you."

Bella smiled, to everyone else he was the ruthless fighter who never showed any emotion or he was just half a witch twin. But to Bella he was more. He was funny, protective, caring, and charming. He was her other half, he was the one she trusted with her life.

Bella stood on the tips of her toes and leaned into to kiss Alec. The kiss was short but it was meaningful, every kiss they shared meant something.

The ball went the way it was supposed to, everyone enjoyed the evening and it ended without a problem. Bella and Alec were happy and so was everyone else in the guard, there was nothing that the Volturi couldn't handle. Bella was more than happy to spend the rest of eternity with the Volturi and most importantly with Alec.