Casey, Lily, Theo and RJ fought valiantly in their efforts to reach the Silver Guardian commanders. The battle was hard fought, and brutal, but everyone came out alive, and with only a few broken bones and bruising. The only one to come out relatively unharmed was RJ who arrived later in the battle. His late arrived assured victory as the enemy didn't expect any last minute reinforcements.

Carter, Eric, and Wes were transported back to their base where Jen and her team of guardians managed to finish off who they later learned were DaiShi's 'RinShi.' They also learned that Colonel John Casey came out of retirement and was made a commander of the Silver Guardians immediately after the attack by an old friend of his. Mr. Collins. Wes's dad. This proved fortuitous as he already had connections with others who would be willing to help fight the good fight against monstrous foes and inhuman odds.


Phai Zhau Temple underground complex Chuck, Morgan, Alex, and Sarah rubbed their aching bodies as they painfully listened to their new sensei's lecture.

"Head Shishou RJ has left me in charge of your training via you all. As for you all being Phai Zhau...that was pathetic. But for only having trained for a few years and not knowing about your animal spirits nor how to channel them you did rather well. But I won't go easy on you. The love of my life is in our med lab, and I need to relieve some stress. So know that my pain will be your pain. But luckily for you...I am teaching you all how to focus that pain into fighting prowess. I sense the masters have returned. You'd better hope they are pleased with your progress today. If not...we will push twice as hard the next time I am instructed to watch over your training cubs. Dismissed," Camille said as she turned around and walked out of the room.

RJ walked in after accompanying the battered rangers to the Med Bay. He knew they respected militaristic protocol and stated simply, "Report."

Chuck, as his team's leader spoke up, "Sarah and Morgan teamed up and tried to take on Camille-sensei during team sparing. They did okay at first, but sensei learned their attack patterns fairly quickly, and disabled them. Alex and I were placed together as a team, but we lost rather easily too as our style's were so similar to our teammates. I then attempted something to see if she could handle my trump card."

RJ allowed a small smirk to appear as he knew what Chuck was going to say next, "You flashed didn't you?"

This only slightly surprised Chuck who helped Sarah up off of the mat. He nodded, and RJ said, "Two problems there. One. The intersect was based off of the technology used to create the Jungle Fury Ranger Powers. Camille used to be one of the bad guys and knew our powers quite well by the end. Two, her animal spirit is that of a chameleon. It helps her to adapt to any situation. You said you have six sets of Kung Fu at your disposal. Well, if she can last against any one of them on her own for a fe moments, her own skill along with the help of her animal spirit can detect, deflect, and defeat any martial art now that she is almost a master. But let's keep that on the DL please. I don't want her focusing on becoming a master just yet."

They all nodded in understanding. Of the last part at least.

"Are the rangers all right?" Sarah asked, surprised she would be the first to ask.

"They will be fine in a day or two. Or med labs are first rate. Super advanced, and even cooler than he ones on Star Trek.

"Doubt it," Morgan deadpanned.

"I'm sorry Morgan. You said you wanted another round with Camille today? I am sure I could arrange It."

That threat sent chills down Morgan's spine as he said, "No thanks. I think I have been battered enough for the day."

Chuck then broke in before a lot of bantering could ensue. "Casey mentioned something about animal spirits on the way here. What are they?"

RJ sat in a replica of his recliner and took a deep breath and explained, "Animal spirits are the energy of nature. Or part of it anyway. Each person has the potential to make a bond with an animal's spirit pact, or group. Once that bond is made, then it will protect you and allow you access to your body's own spiritual energy. Let me ask you all... did Camille glow green at all during the fight?"

"Yes shishou," Alex answered, her hand intertwined with her boyfriend's.

RJ's face became solemn as he continued, "That was her animal spirit helping to protect her. Only full Phai Zhau student's and masters can utilize it," he placed his hand up to forgo the onslaught of questions he sensed coming his way and said, "You all have already slightly tapped into your animal spirits. Or you would not be allowed here. I have seen the glow of protection which, if you all continue to train the way you have, will protect you. And give you great strength to face off against DaiShi and Daniel Shaw. Once Jarrod awakens, I am going to ask him to join in on training you all as well as all of the jungle fury rangers. It was prophesied that three would defeat DaiShi, and they did. But DaiShi is much stronger with this Daniel Shaw. And you may be our only hope."

Alex closed her eyes and said, "I don't want this. I want a normal life full of love, laughter, family and friends..."

"Alex..." Morgan tried to console.

"...But if I don't help It might be the one factor that keeps my future children from having a world worth growing up in," she said as a few tears flowed.

To RJ who had been quiet for a few moments Alex asked, Do you know what our spirit companions are by chance?"

At this RJ smiled. It seemed to be infectious as Alex's tears stopped. Morgan, Chuck and Sarah's eyes popped open fully attentive and focused.

"Let's start with you Morgan. I saw yours years ago, and you have been treating your body well and not filling up on so much junk food these days which I can see made a difference in how your spirit is responding to you. Although you didn't have to give them all up," RJ laughed, and said, "You my retro-geek sheik friend embody the spirit of the Toad. Great at camouflage. Fast and agile."

Morgan stilled finally looked away and Alex asked, "What's wrong babe?"

His simple answer, "I'm a toad."

The room filled with laughter for the first time since this day began. It was needed.

Alex kissed Morgan's lips and said, "My prince hides within this toad."

Morgan could only smile.

RJ then forced down his smile as he told Alex hers, "Yours is an Octopus."

Alex yelped at he thought. Morgan said, "Well, at least we'll never run out of ink."

He was smacked for that.

Sarah then said in a deceptively sweet tone, "If I am anything other than something graceful and beautiful shishou...not you, nor Camille -sensei will save you from my wrath."

RJ felt a chill run down his spine. He then walked to he opposite side of the room as he said, "Snow Leopard with her ally the Golden Lion who sits beside her."

Chuck and Sarah look into each others eyes and smiled before a small kiss.

"Train hard you four. At some point you might need to step up to the front lines, and get your hands dirty."

Chuck looked at his team then looked back at RJ and said, "We'll be ready."

To be continued.