AN: Ok, so maybe I should have left it well enough alone, but I always planned on having an epilogue of my own little BBT world and expanding on the "permutation" of Sheldon. Posting the last chapter on Christmas when the site decided not to let people leave reviews was a bit disheartening, so here it is. If you like the story better without it, just delete it from your brain! Thank you for all who reviewed, faved and followed. You made my life spark in your own little way. On to my epilogue!

"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow." ―William Shakespeare


Amy moved into Penny's old apartment and began a passionate love affair with Raj. He was completely in his element as a hopeless romantic, lavishing long hidden gentlemanly charm towards a more than willing Amy. You'd never seen the woman glow so brightly. They still hadn't slept together, for now, they were having too much fun with the courtship...


Howard and Bernadette were expecting their first child in the fall, and you would have thought they whole gang was pregnant. Each was as excited for the event as the parents. They couldn't all wait to be uncles or aunts or godparents, and most gatherings were focused on sharing information on birthing techniques, crib choices, nanny resumes and pre-schools.


Leonard met a woman at comic con. Turns out she was a pretty noteworthy psychiatrist in LA. Howard constantly made fun of the obvious Oedipal reference, but Leonard never minded, having finally decided that you make your own happiness in life. She was 5 foot one of pure red headed spit fire, and they hit it off immediately. She knew absolutely nothing about physics, but was an avid trekkie and even loved Babylon 5. She thought his mind was brilliant, and he thought her insight was refreshing. They had a ball everywhere they went, and the hole in his heart finally closed, having been filled.


Sheldon and Penny quickly became the supercouple of Europe. Once she was there, the last little bit of his brain matter which was longing for Penny was finally free to join the rest of his mind, and he published numerous articles and gained notoriety in the scientific community. He was even interviewed on a prominent news show for his work in magnetic-field-induced superconductivity. Penny's acting classes were put to good use as she dressed and prepped him for every speech, presentation, and dinner. And who could deny the affect it had being seen with Penny in all her gown wearing glory at each event. She guided him carefully through each social situation, and in fact, many theorized that without Penny's support Sheldon might not have become as renowned. He never minded sharing the glory. Without Penny upon which to gaze as he spoke from many a podium, he would never get over his fear of crowds. She was his rock.


Penny pushed Sheldon to have a reunion with the gang after the baby was born. Surprisingly they stayed at Howard's as they had recently bought a new house. Turns out there was nothing awkward or uneasy about them all being together, in fact it had been better than ever. Raj always played the gracious host, (no matter whose house it was). Howard had stopped with the lewd remarks, Leonard thanked Penny for her role in helping him come out of his shell and have the courage to approach women. Amy even had a talk with Sheldon about how she appreciated him holding firm to his gut when they never became intimate. She was so happy with Raj she sparkled, and that was worth everything to Sheldon.


All in all it was Sheldon who had appeared the most changed. Notwithstanding his new look, he shook hands with Howard and congratulated him on becoming a father. He also thanked Leonard for his role in bringing Penny into his life. But the biggest surprise was how much he hogged the baby while he was there. He told Howard how envious he was of him for that little bundle of miracle. No one could have been more transparent.


They would returned home twice yearly to visit their friends. It was always a week of good food, game playing, movie marathons and paint ball. It was kite fighting and laser chess, and becoming a kid again. But most of all, it was laughter. Sheldon began looking forward to each reunion like a child who couldn't wait for Christmas.

Everyone seemed at peace in their own little world they made for themselves.

And even though he believed in the many verse theory which posits the existence of an infinite number of Sheldons in an infinite number of universes, he wanted to remain forever in this one.


True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island… to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing. Unknown.