I blinked as the sun burst out from behind the clouds. For most of the day, I had been lounging on the beach, enjoying an afternoon of pure relaxation in the sunshine. I stretched and winced at the sore muscles that reminded me why I was enjoying a day on the beach.

It was now six days into our marriage – and four since Edward had seen the bruises he had caused the night before. He had put our intimate relationship on hold, a decision I still did not agree with. I had spent the rest of the day trying to change his mind – a feat I should have known would be impossible. Once Edward has made up his mind about something, especially about something he feels he did wrong, he's unshakable. I might as well try to convince Charlie to eat broccoli. I had tried everything – from arguing to seduction to childish whining, but Edward wouldn't budge.

Instead, he made it his mission in life to distract me with what he called "island experiences." Personally, I think he really just wanted to wear me out so I wouldn't put up a fight at his platonic good-night kisses. First he insisted we go snorkeling for a couple of hours. This actually was amazing – I had no idea what beautiful sights were hidden just below the surface. Edward had brought fancy snorkel gear that allowed us to speak to each other via radio headsets. He gave me an underwater tour, naming several species of fish and plants. However, I found myself distracted, watching him glide around the reef – I should have known he would look graceful underwater.

When we finally surfaced, we shared a deep kiss and I thought I had won. But I could see him warring with himself, and suddenly he brightened and announced it was time for a hike up to the waterfall. He was already pulling me out of the water, so I had no choice but to go along.

The next few days were a blur of swimming, exploring, canoeing, and just about anything Edward could think of. This morning we had built a sandcastle together – no ordinary sandcastle, of course. While I was digging the moat, my vampire husband was landscaping. I had never before seen a sandcastle with a forest surrounding it. Two hours later, a beautiful medieval castle graced our beach, complete with turrets and even a drawbridge – suspended by chains made of woven seaweed.

After the castle was complete, Edward joined me on the blanket to inspect his creation. "It's beautiful, Edward," I said honestly. Was there anything he couldn't do? I was feeling insignificant again…

Edward rubbed his nose on my neck. "Not as beautiful as you, love," he whispered. Then he sat back and stared at me. Anybody else would have thought he looked serene and relaxed, but I knew that look. He was plotting again. "So, I was thinking we might hike up that western hill – the sunset is breathtaking from the top and we could take a picnic dinner. Of course, we'd have to start pretty soon to make it in time…" His voice faded as he saw the look on my face. "What's wrong, Bella? I know it's a long hike, but of course I can carry you if you get tired."

I picked up his hand and laid my head against his shoulder. "Edward," I sighed, "It's a nice idea and I'd love to do it another day. Don't you think it would be nice to just… you know, relax for a while?"

He looked down at me and kissed the top of my head. "All right, sweetheart. What would you like to do?"

"I'd like to do nothing for a change. We've done so much the last few days, I think it would be nice to just chill… on the beach," I added quickly, seeing the suspicion enter his eyes. But his arm fell away from me and I could see it was time to play my trump card. "The truth is, Edward," I said quietly, "I'm actually kind of worn out, and my legs are a little sore from all the sightseeing." I looked up and saw contrition suddenly fall over his features.

"Bella, I'm so sorry! Where are you hurt?" His hands flashed down to my feet, prodding the muscles to locate the injury. "Why didn't you say anything? I have some ibuprofen in my med kit-"

I gently moved his hands away. "It's no big deal. I think I just need to take it easy for today. Please?" I felt a little guilty playing on Edward's overprotective nature, but I wasn't lying. I really was sore and worn out.

Edward's frown deepened. "I shouldn't have insisted you walk so much yesterday – I could have carried you home after we went canoeing."

"I'll be fine! I think I'd like to just relax here and maybe read for a while." Edward finally relaxed and we spent a pleasant afternoon reading in side-by-side beach chairs.

But now my book was finished. I stretched out my legs one more time and looked over at Edward. He was still "reading" the same book, which I knew meant he was just pretending for my sake. I glanced over at the western hill, thinking perhaps I would humor him after all. But when I saw how far it was, I sighed.

"Are you hungry, love? I'll make you dinner tonight, of course. I don't want you doing any work tonight." He still had a guilty look about him. I bit my lip, thinking. I had made him feel guilty for no reason, and I had done it purposely. I needed to distract him, but I didn't think he'd appreciate the plan I wanted to implement. Something else…

Suddenly I sat up straight. "Edward! We got married five days ago, and guess what we haven't done yet!" I said excitedly.

Immediately his eyes clouded with sorrow. "Bella," he murmured, "We talked about this. I don't feel comfortable-"

I rolled my eyes. "Not that. I promise I'll behave the rest of the day. No, it's something else all married people do… come on, guess!"

Edward stared blankly at me for a moment. Then he smiled. "It's not every day that anyone asks me to guess something." Then he said slowly, "We haven't… balanced our checkbook?" I shook my head. "Cosigned for a loan? Washed our cars?"

I had to admit, seeing Edward Cullen at a loss for answers was priceless. "Nope. We haven't opened out wedding presents yet!" I said triumphantly.

Edward broke into a smile, as well. "You're right. I had completely forgotten we brought them with us." I stood up, intending to walk to the cottage, but before I could take a step, he had scooped me up into his arms. In a flash, we were back in the cottage and he was gently lowering me onto the couch. "Present time for the human and the vampire," he grinned.