Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men Evolution or How To Train Your Dragon.

We cut to the open sea outside Dragon Island. The armada coasts toward a shroud of heavy fog, hung like drapes from a low-hanging, ominous sky. The ships enter, one by one. Visibility drops immediately. Flanking ships becomes ghosts. The armada disappears, drawn into the blinding mist. Complete whiteout. Nothing remains but the eerie creaking of wood on water. We zoom in on Wolverine at the bow of his ship. He taps his fingers on the gunwale, then looks back at Chavonnie impatiently. Weighed down with chains, Chavonnie seems unresponsive.

"Sound your positions. Stay within earshot." Wolverine says and shouts pour in from all directions.

"Here." Bobby shouts nearby them.

"One length to your stern." Jubilee shouts nearby Bobby.

"On your starboard flank." Warren shouts to the right of Wolverine.

"Three widths to port." Leech shouts to the left of Wolverine.

"Ahead, at your bow." Jamie shouts from behind of Wolverine.

"Haven't a clue." A Viking that sounds a lot like Tony Stark yells completely lost. (And that my friends is a celebrity cameo. You mean like when Stan Lee appeared in X-Men the first movie. Precisely.)

We zoom back in on Wolverine straining into the fog as the calls continue. Massive, jagged sea stacks begin to emerge, threatening to rip the ships to shreds. Forge approaches him, speaking under his breath.

"Listen... Logan... I was overhearing some of the men just now and, well, some of them are wondering what it is we're up to here - not me of course, I know you're always the man with the plan - but some, not me, are wondering if there is in fact a plan at all, what it might be?" Forge asks not wanting to set Wolverine off.

"Find the nest and take it." Wolverine says simply.

"Ah. Of course. Send them running. The old Viking fall-back. Nice and simple." Forge says worried about the rest of his body parts.

"Shhh." Wolverine says as he notices that Chavonnie' ear plates are at the alert, quietly reacting to inaudible sounds.

Wolverine crosses to the stern of the ship and grabs the tiller, moving the helmsman out of the way.

"Step aside." Wolverine says as he pulls the ship into a turn, covertly following Chavonnie' head movements.

The ship barely misses a jagged outcrop that suddenly appears out of the soupy fog.

"Bear to port." A Viking yells as the order is called out from ship to ship.

CRUNCH! The bow barely makes it past another sea stack. Wolverine continues to follow Chavonnie' cues, undeterred. We shift back to the training grounds. Rogue raises the bolt on the Monstrous Pyro's pen.

"If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Blob." Scott says off screen.

Rogue turns to see her fellow recruits, watching him with folded arms. Pietro steps forward with a scowl.

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon." Pietro says before noticing Rogue's confused look and saying, "It's me."

"Uh..." Rogue says trying to figure out what to say.

"I love this plan." Jean says referring to the Rogue being eaten plan. (We can't take much more captain. *Holds the doors closed with all their strength* I know. Time for a little diversion. *Throws some pictures of Rogue and Remy kissing as well as a few of Jean and Scott kissing out the door and the creaking seems to stop* That should hold them till the end of the parody. I sure hope so.)

"I didn't..." Rogue says thinking she found the right words.

"You're crazy." Wanda says as if stating the obvious.

"So? What is the plan?" Remy asks and Rogue smiles, glowing in the support of his friends.

We cut to the foggy seas that same day. The ships follow in line through the gauntlet of rocks as orders are whispered from ship to ship. A dragon head looms out of the fog. The men recoil... only to discover that it's a wrecked ship, impaled high on a gnarled sea stack.

"Ah. I was wondering where that went." Forge says as a clicking buzz becomes audible, growing louder.

It fills the sky, converging in one general direction. Wolverine sniffs the air.

"Stay low and ready your weapons." Wolverine orders as his ship suddenly jerks to a halt as the keel burrows into shallow black sand.

Wolverine hops overboard, landing on a sprawling beach. The buzzing suddenly stops. Above him, a craggy volcano towers into the gloom.

"We're here." Wolverine says as behind him, several dragon-headed bows pierce the fog.

We cut to the training grounds. Rogue steps back from the door, drawing the Monstrous Pyro out of its cave. It snorts, stepping into the ring, calmed by Rogue's outstretched hand - focused on her.

We zoom in on the teens... bewildered, in awe. Jean nervously reaches for a spear lying near her foot. Remy stops her.

"Uh-uh." Remy says correcting her.

Rogue slows to a stop in front of the teens, with the Pyro inches from her outstretched hand. She reaches over and grabs Jean's trembling hand.

"Wait! What are you..." Jean says nervously.

"Relax. It's okay... it's okay." Rogue says as she replaces her outstretched hand with Jean's, putting her in control of the massive beast.

The Pyro snorts, but remains calm. Jean, by contrast, chuckles nervously - it's at once terrifying and amazing. The others watch, spellbound. Rogue turns and walks away.

"Where are you going?!" Jean asks as Rogue pulls a bundle of rope from a supply box.

"You're going to need something to help you hold on." Rogue says as the teens eye each other apprehensively, and look up to reveal...

All the dragons standing in the ring, facing the teens expectantly.

Back at the Dragon Island we zoom in on tree trunks, being sharpened and planted into the sand at angled rows. Boulders being loaded into catapult baskets. And a war plan being scratched in the sand. Wolverine looms over it, looking determined. His generals are at his sides.

"When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose." Wolverine says and I'm shocked at what they can get away with in kid's movies these days.

"In my undies. Good thing I brought extras." Forge says getting a few cheap laughs.

Wolverine turns to face the men.

"No matter how this ends, it ends today." Wolverine says determinedly.

He walks toward the base of the volcano wall, back by several hundred warriors. He raises his arm and drops it. A line of catapults unleash their two-ton loads into the cliff wall. It cracks and flakes away. Several more hits tear away at the hollow shell of hardened lava. A final boulder shatters the fractured wall, creating a deep, dark opening to the cavern within. Silence. Wolverine raises his hand, makes a gesture. A flaming bushel is launched into the dark, lighting the wall... choked with dragons. Wolverine pulls his hammer and rushes into the cave, brazen.

Wolverine releases a war cry with slashing efforts. In a chaotic flurry, the dragons suddenly rush out like bats from a cave. The take to the air, bypassing the axe-swinging Vikings and fleeing the island in a mass exodus. The battle-ready Vikings drop their weapons, confused.

"Is that it?" Forge asks as above the island, dragons pour from every crevice, fleeing to the sky. The sound of screeching dragons fades.

The Vikings cheer as one.

"We've done it!" Mr Grey cheers but Wolverine doesn't celebrate.

Something is not right. He hears something. Wolverine turns to peer down the dark throat of the cavern. A deep, rumbling roar echoes from the cavern. The ground underfoot trembles. The ships rock. Their sails fill with a blast of air. The cheering stops. Wolverine's expression sinks.

"This isn't over. Form your ranks! Hold together!" Wolverine orders as the men scramble to organize themselves.

"Get clear!" Wolverine orders as the ground cracks.

Stone tears away, cascading like an avalanche. And through the settling debris, the silhouette of a gargantuan dragon emerges - THE DEADPOOL. Stirred and furious. (I stand by my choices.)

"Beard of Thor...what is that?" Forge asks as we hear some gleeful chuckling. (I just had too.)

"Odin help us." Wolverine says aghast before saying, "Catapults!"

The Vikings score direct hits. The burning stones bounce off the dragon's skin. The Deadpool focuses on the catapults. It crushes the first one - smashing it and its crew, rattling the beach underfoot. Wolverine races toward the second catapult. He leaps and pushes a Viking out of the way just before the dragon crushes him under his forepaw. The Vikings scramble in all directions.

"Get to the ships!" Warren yells upset that Chavonnie took his wings.

"No! NO!" Wolverine orders as the Deadpool blasts the ships like a mile-long flamethrower. (Something tells me I just gave you an idea. Yup. Hey Pyro want to help me build a really big flamethrower? *Pyro nods and they rush off to build the flamethrower*)

The sails are torched. Vikings dive overboard and masts come down. Forge joins Wolverine.

"Heh. Smart, that one." Forge says as Wolverine looks up and down the beach for an answer.

"I was a fool." Wolverine says guilt-ridden and mentally beating himself up for not listening to Rogue.

The monster raises its head to the sky and bellows. The sound shakes the beach, knocking Vikings off their feet. This island is his. Wolverine stops a Viking General.

"Lead the men to the far side of the island." Wolverine orders and Mr Grey nods.

"Right." Mr Grey says before turning to the others and saying, "Everybody to the far side of the island!"

The Vikings scatter into the rocks like ants. Satisfied with the ships destruction, The Deadpool turns its attention back to the Vikings. They seem to have vanished. It sniffs the air, searching for their scent. Forge drops in beside Wolverine, like two soldiers in a trench. Fire blasts overhead, causing them to duck.

"Forge, go with the men." Wolverine orders since he was more than likely to survive.

"I think I'll stay, just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy." Forge says and Wolverine grabs him.

"I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt." Wolverine says empathetically as Forge removes his hand.

He clenches Wolverine's forearm, determined.

"Then I can double that time." Forge says and Wolverine grins.

Friends to the bitter end. They break cover and dash into the open, splitting up. Wolverine rips a sharpened post from the ground and hurls it into the monster's face.

"HERE!" Wolverine yells trying to get the monster's attention.

"NO, HERE!" Forge yells trying to grabs the monster's attention as well.

It spots both of them. He fuels up to fire, glancing back and forth between the two men. He focuses on Wolverine.

"Come on! Fight me!" Forge shouts trying to draw attention to him.

"No, me!" Wolverine yells trying to save Forge.

The Deadpool remains focused on Wolverine - this is it. It rears back and inhales. Gas begins to amass, when... KABLAM! A blast explodes against the back of The Deadpool's head. It turns distracted, as... a Spyke punches through the flames, banking across the sky. Followed by a Monstrous Pyro, a ShadowCrawler, and a Blob. They roll in unison, revealing the recruits riding on their backs. Rogue leads, with Remy clinging to her waist. Forge and Wolverine, watch slack-jawed, in awe.

"Wanda, Pietro, watch your backs! Move Scott!" Rogue orders as the monster shakes off the blast and snaps in their wake.

Rogue directs her squadron out of harm's way. They climb out of reach and circle each other.

"Look at us, we're on a dragon! We're on dragons, all of us!" Pietro shouts happily riding on the blue head. (I'm sure Kurt just loves that. *Blocks tail trying to spear throat* Nice try but no.)

"Up, let's move it!" Rogue orders and the dragons climb past the Deadpool.

On the ground Forge hobbles over to Wolverine.

"Every bit the boar-headed, stubborn Viking you ever were." Forge says and Wolverine is speechless.

In the air the group circles over the dragon's head.

"Scott, break it down." Rogue orders finally finding a use for Scott. (I mainly use him as a punching bag. Really cause I often use him for target practice.)

"Okay. Heavily armoured skull and tail made for bashing and crushing. Steer clear of both. Small eyes, large nostrils. Relies on hearing and smell." Scott says doing a quick evaluation of the dragon.

"Okay. Jean, Scott, hang in its blind spot. Make some noise, keep it confused. Wanda, Pietro, find out if it has a shot limit. Make it mad." Rogue says and everyone smiles at their jobs.

"That's my specialty." Wanda says with a wide grin.

"Since when? Everyone knows I'm more irritating. See." Pietro says before making some irritating noises. (Only a little while left. *Holds scissors to rope with evil chuckle*)

"Just do what I told you. I'll be back as soon as I can." Rogue says exasperated considering draining them dry.

"Don't worry, we got it covered!" Pietro says with a salute.

"Yeah!" Scott says as Rogue and Remy peel away.

The teens bank and dive toward the monster, splitting up. The Twins race alongside the monster's head, taunting it.

"Troll!" Pietro insults and he is very lucky he isn't saying that to Chavonnie.

"Butt Elf!" Wanda insults and it's hard to tell whether she's insulting the dragon or Pietro.

"Bride of Grendel!" Pietro insults and the dragon has had enough.

The Deadpool unloads a spray of fire at the twins. They barely dodge it. Scott and Jean hang behind its eyes, banging away at their shields, making a racket. The Deadpool opens all SIX of its eyes, spotting them.

"Uh, this thing doesn't have a blind spot." Scott says afraid for his life.

Rogue and Remy are searching for Chavonnie. Rogue spots her among the burning ships.

"There!" Rogue shout pointing at Chavonnie.

She steers the Spyke over the deck and hands Remy the reins. She lines up her jump... and hops off, guarding her face from the flames. She lands on the burning deck.

"Go help the others!" Rogue yells to Remy.

He and the Spyke take off. As Rogue fights her way to Chavonnie. She unbuckles the muzzle. Chavonnie shrieks.

"Okay, hold on. Hold on." Rogue says as she gets to work on the chains.

We shift to Jean and Scott as they clang their weapons against their shields, making the monster wince.

"It's working." Jean says as the huge beast starts to sway its head dizzily.

"Yeah! It's working." Scott says and we pan down to reveal that the noise is also confusing the Blob and the Monstrous Pyro.

Both dragons lose their bearings. The Deadpool thrashes, knocking Jean off of her dragon and onto the monster's gigantic head. Jean bounces across the top and comes to a stop just shy of the hundred foot drop.

"Agghh!" Jean yells as Scott's Blob goes down in a spin of confusion.

"I've lost power on the Blob. Jean! Do something!" Scott says as he hurls Jean his hammer.

The Blob crashes and skids to a stop...

"I'm okay!" Scott shouts.

... then flips over, crushing Scott.

"Less okay." Scott says feebly. (I love this part *rewinds footage again and again laughing like Pyro the entire time* Well at least that'll occupy her for a while.)

We zip back to Jean who eyes the Deadpool's gigantic, veiny eyes. She raises the hammer...

"I can't miss!" Jean says nervously.

... and hammers the monster's eyes, playing whack-a-mole.

"What's wrong buddy, got something in your eye?" Jean asks as Remy flies by on his Spyke, catching Jean in all her heroics.

"Yeah! You're the Viking!" Remy shouts cheering Jean on.

Jean grins, finally vindicated in his eyes. In her distraction, she gets thrown and lands heavily on one of the Deadpool's spines - clinging precariously. A close call. (Drat missed.)

"Whoa!" Jean shouts trying not to fall off.

Back on the ground, the monster's tail sweeps across the burning ships, snapping masts like twigs. We follow one down as it crashes onto a deck, revealing Rogue working at the chains. She can't budge them. Fire licks at her clothes. She looks up to see the Deadpool blasting at the teens, enraged. The monster's giant foot crashes through frame, smashing the bow under its impressive weight. Rogue and Chavonnie are thrown into the water in a maelstrom of burning planks and rigging.

Underwater Rogue swims toward Chavonnie. They're both caught in a mess of rigging, being dragged down. The heavy palette settles into the rocky bottom like an anchor. Chavonnie has stopped struggling. Rogue takes one more hopeless tug at the chains – she's almost out of air. Suddenly, a meaty hand grabs Rogue. Wolverine explodes to the surface, pulling Rogue to the shoreline through flaming debris. He lays her down, under the shelter of an overhanging rock.

"Dad..." Rogue says overwhelmed.

Wolverine dives back into the water between flaming flotsam. Underwater we see Chavonnie, drowning. Wolverine appears in front of her. Chavonnie freezes. Wolverine tears the chains off of the yoke and lets it float free. Momentary stillness. They eye each other, through the churned up bubbles. Chavonnie lunges out of the bars – grabbing Wolverine. BOOM! In an explosion of sea water, Chavonnie lands on the shore, setting Wolverine down and releasing him. Rogue is awed. The ground rumbles underfoot. The monster screeches. Its massive claws stomp around in the smoke. Wolverine gives way as Chavonnie mounts the rock and raises her wings. She turns to Rogue and snorts 'Let's go.'

"You got it, bud." Rogue says as she climbs onto Chavonnie and buckles herself in.

Wolverine grabs her arm.

"Rogue. I'm sorry...for everything." Wolverine says sounding really sorry.

"Yeah...me too." Rogue says with a small smile.

"You don't have to go up there." Wolverine says trying to talk her out of going.

"We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard." Rogue says and they exchange smiles.

"I'm proud to call you my daughter." Wolverine says and Rogue beams, taken aback.

"Thanks dad." Rogue says looking like she wanted to hug the cranky mutant. (Trust me bad idea. *goes back to watching the footage*)

Wolverine lets go of Rogue's arm. Rogue spurs Chavonnie on, charged with her father's belief in her. They rocket into the sky as Wolverine watches. In the air Remy sees Chavonnie streaking through the sky, gaining altitude.

"She's up!" Remy says before he turns to Wanda and Pietro, who are arguing and throwing punches at each other.

"Get Jean out of there!" Remy orders.

In mid-punch, the twins look over to see Jean stranded on the monster's head. They eye each other.

"I'm on it! I'm on it!" They say at the same time.

"I'm on it first! I'm ahead of you." Pietro says as the twins spot Jean on the giant dragon and steer their ShadowCrawler in her direction.

"Hey! Let me drive!" Wanda yells and the twins peel off, arguing as they race each other to the monster.

Jean sees the ShadowCrawler diving toward her and dashes down the Deadpool's head. She runs up the end of its horn... As the twins sweep past, both missing her... but perfectly snatching her where the necks merge. Wanda and Pietro eye each other, surprised and impressed.

"I can't believe that worked." Pietro says and frankly I'm surprised too.

The Deadpool spots Remy and inhales, preparing to blast. He and his Spyke get caught in the suction, pulled toward the monster's gaping mouth. On the ground the Vikings watch with dread. They hear the familiar whir of the...

"Rebel! Get down!" Forge yells and everyone dives for cover.

In the air a massive blast jolts the Deadpool's head sideways. Remy is thrown clear of its mouth and his Spyke. He tumbles through the air. The ground races toward him, when he's suddenly caught by the leg. He looks up to see Chavonnie.

"Did you get him?" Rogue asks hoping the answer was yes.

Chavonnie grunts in response. On the ground they fly over the crowd of Vikings and set Remy down, mid-run. They circle back to reengage - a black speck against the clouds.

"Go." Remy says breathless.

In the air Rogue and Chavonnie rocket past the Deadpool's head and climb, higher and higher.

"That thing has wings! Okay, let's see if it can use them!" Rogue says to Chavonnie.

Rogue pulls Chavonnie into a turn. They plummet, gaining tremendous speed. The wind buffets them as they target the Deadpool as supersonic speed. KABLAM! Chavonnie unloads a fireball against the Deadpool's head. It goes down with a rumble as they climb anew. (What am I? Related to Pietro? *Shudders at the thought and goes back to watching the footage of Scott and Jean getting hurt*) on the ground the Vikings shield themselves from the dust of the fallen monster... as its wings unfold and extend. In the air Rogue looks back as they put distance between them.

"Do you think that did it?" Rogue asks Chavonnie.

Suddenly, the enraged behemoth rises into frame... flapping its wings furiously. A daunting sight.

"Well, he can fly." Rogue says as she and Chavonnie dive into the tangled sea stacks – they weave through the rock like rabbits through a briar.

The Deadpool snaps at them, but cannot reach them. Rogue and Chavonnie pull ahead. The Deadpool smashes through the canopy of rock and pulls in behind Chavonnie. He bursts through fifty-foot formations like they were saplings. On the ground Wolverine, Forge, and the Teens watch as Rogue and Chavonnie streak past, weaving through sea stacks.

"Woohoo! Yeah!" The teens cheer raising Rogue and Chavonnie's spirits.

A moment later the Deadpool smashes the sea stacks to dust in hot pursuit. The Vikings mood is quenched. In the air Rogue and Chavonnie can't slow the monster down. Rogue eyes the clouds above. An idea hits her. She locks eyes with Chavonnie.

"Okay Chavonnie, time to disappear." Rogue says and Chavonnie nods.

Chavonnie pulls into a steep climb, heading toward the clouds.

"Come on bud!" Rogue says encouragingly.

The Deadpool follows, closing in fast.

"Here it comes!" Rogue says hearing the gas.

BLAST! They narrowly dodge a column of flame and smoke. They reach the low-hanging clouds and pierce them. The monster follows, immediately losing them in the hampered visibility. It roars irritably. From out of nowhere, Chavonnie dives at the huge dragon, blasting and puncturing a hole in its wing. Chavonnie and Rogue are gone again before the dragon can get a shot at them. On the ground the Vikings stare up at the sky listening to the resounding booms and watching flashes light up the clouds. Forge places a hand on Wolverine's shoulder.

In the air Rogue and Chavonnie dive in again and again, using the clouds to hide and surprise as they puncture the monster's wings. It bellows in frustration and whirls around, unleashing fire blindly, in all directions. Rogue sees the glow of fire cutting towards them.

"Watch out!" Rogue yells but it's too late.

The random blast clips Chavonnie's tail. It's heavily damaged.

"Okay, time's up. Let's see if this works." Rogue says as she pulls Chavonnie into a turn.

They fly directly into the Deadpool's face, taunting it.

"Come on! Is that the best you can do!?" Rogue asks and Chavonnie utters an insult too, and they jack-knife into a steep dive. The Deadpool pursues.

Chavonnie pumps her wings, racing faster than she's ever gone before. Rogue and Chavonnie stay just ahead of the Deadpool - no longer trying to evade it. Rogue glances back to check the tail - it's disintegrating.

"Stay with me buddy. We're good. Just a little bit longer." Rogue says her voice stressed.

The Deadpool closes the gap. Rogue tucks in and holds Chavonnie steady - allowing the monster to set its sights on them. It narrows its eyes.

"Hold, Chavonnie." Rogue says and Chavonnie seems to brace for impact.

The Deadpool opens his mouth. The familiar gas hiss emanates from his throat - ignition is coming.

"NOW!" Rogue yells and she hits the pedals hard as Chavonnie extends one wing.

They pivot in place, hurtling directly into the Deadpool's mouth. Chavonnie fires point blank down the monster's throat. Its amassing gas is ignited, backfiring into the monster, erupting in a chain of blasts throughout its body. Rogue and Chavonnie burst from the clouds, the Deadpool hot on their tail, exploding from within. It glances forward and sees the ground rushing up. It throws open its wings, attempting to put on the brakes, but the punctured, damaged wings can't stop its momentum.

As the Deadpool chokes on the expanding fireball, he sees Chavonnie suddenly pull out of the dive, streaking up, past its head. The Deadpool hits the ground, head-first. It explodes like the Hindenburg. Rogue and Chavonnie weave through the monster's massive back plates, wings, and flailing legs - a high-speed recall of the free fall slalom run.

The expanding fireball races toward them, about to swallow them. They manage to clear the obstacles. Rogue glances back. They're outrunning the fireball. She looks forward just in time to see the monster's massive club tail careening toward them. She tries to shift their direction. The last shreds of Chavonnie' tail tear away. Rogue's pedals go dead.

"No. No." Rogue yells afraid for her life.

Rogue and Chavonnie can't maneuver - they're dead in the air. The giant club tail clips Chavonnie, tearing Rogue from the harness and sending her tumbling against the backdrop of the fast-approaching fireball. Chavonnie struggles with all her might to reach the unconscious Rogue. But the fireball swallows them both. On the ground the Vikings watch in horror as Rogue and Chavonnie disappear into the boiling inferno. We dissolve to a whiteout of ash. And through it comes...

"Rogue? Rogue!?" Wolverine calls out as he appears, searching desperately.

Everything is scorched. Even the ground is smoking from the terrible heat.

"Rogue!? Stripes!?" Wolverine calls out worriedly.

Through the ash, Wolverine the motionless silhouette of Chavonnie.

"Rogue." Wolverine says gravely.

He hurries to the dragon's side. Chavonnie is roughed up, but conscious. Her scorched saddle, however, is vacant. Wolverine looks to the sky in despair. He buckles at the knees, overwhelmed by the loss. (Tough little devil aren't I?)

"Oh Stripes...I did this..." Wolverine says as Remy pushes through the crowd, his eyes welling up.

Followed by Forge. They flank Wolverine as he kneels, slumped over. Behind them, a ring of Vikings form, keeping a respectful distance. As the dust and smoke clear, a ring of wild dragons can also be seen, gathering just behind and between the Vikings. Chavonnie stirs and groggily rolls her head toward Wolverine. Their eyes meet.

"I'm so sorry..." Wolverine says right before Chavonnie unfolds her wings, revealing Rogue, unconscious, clutched safely against her chest. Wolverine's eyes widen.

"Rogue." Wolverine says as he scoops Rogue into his arms. Listens to her heart. Bursts into relieved laughter.

"She's alive!" Wolverine calls out relieved before saying to Chavonnie, "You brought her back alive!"

The crowd roars. Followed by the dragons. The Vikings look around to find themselves surrounded. Wolverine leans close to Chavonnie, meeting her eye to eye.

"Thank you... for saving my daughter." Wolverine says privately as Forge looks Rogue up and down.

"Well, you know... most of her." Forge says noticing something was missing.

Wolverine glances back at him. Forge shrugs, redirecting his eyes toward...

At Wolverine's house we zoom in on Rogue, asleep, her head on a pillow. Healing scars on her face show that maybe a week or two have passed. Chavonnie hovers over her, whining and grumbling impatiently. Rogue stirs. Opens her eyes.

"Oh, hey Chavonnie." Rogue says her voice and head foggy.

Chavonnie excitedly nuzzles and nudges Rogue.

"Okay, okay! I'm happy to see you too, bud. Now just—"Rogue says as Chavonnie steps on thigh, causing Rogue to sit bolt upright with a yelp.

She looks around, confounded. She's in her bed, moved beside the fire pit on the main floor of his house.

"I'm in my house." Rogue says before referring to Chavonnie, who was leaning over her excited, by saying, "You're in my house."

Chavonnie tears around the room, knocking things over, far too big for the space.

"Uh...does my dad know you're in here?!" Rogue asks momentarily forgetting about the battle.

Chavonnie pauses at the foot of the bed, tongue wagging. She eyes the rafters... and leaps up onto them, brimming with 'happy dog' energy. (Great first I was a cat now I'm a dog. Still beats being an Evan or a Jean or a Scott. True.)

"Okay, okay - no Chavonnie! Aw, come on..." Rogue says distressed as she shifts to get out of bed... then pauses... sensing that something is wrong.

She peels back the covers slowly. What she sees startles, horrifies, and overwhelms her - all at once. On the bare floor her booted foot touches down. Followed by a mechanical prosthetic in place of her second leg. It's an ingenious spring-loaded replacement, made of wood and iron. Chavonnie lands by the bed and approaches calmly, sniffing the new leg. She raises her eyes to meet Rogue's; seemingly aware of what Rogue is going through. Rogue braces herself on the bedpost and tries to stand on it. She winces and stifles the pain...

"Okay...okay..." Rouge says through gritted teeth.

... but stumbles with the first step. Chavonnie catches Rogue's fall with her head... and slowly lifts her up, stabilizing her.

"Thanks bud." Rogue says as she leans on her like a crutch. They take a few steps together.

Their missing parts form a poetic silhouette as they make their way toward the door. Rogue pries it open (as she did in the opening scene), revealing a Monstrous Pyro flapping outside the door. Rogue yelps and slams the door closed. She turns to Chavonnie, alarmed.

"Chavonnie? Stay here, bud." Rogue says and pauses and cracks the door open again.

She peeks outside, her eyes widening. She allows to door to swing open, revealing the Monstrous Pyro, carrying Jean on its back.

"Come on guys, get ready! Hold on tight! Here we go!" Jeans says flying away as a class of newbie dragon riders follow her off screen on a variety of dragons, pulling back the curtain on an amazing vision in which: Vikings and dragons mill about by the dozen, basking on the rooftops, weaving along the plaza. No one seems upset, there isn't a sword in sight.

Under the framework of a massive barn, a Spyke blasts fire onto a metal brace. It steps back to let a Viking hammer it into shape. Nearby, a Blob lands, carrying a tree trunk in his mouth. He shows a Viking what he's found. The Viking pats his head. Another Viking backs a ShadowCrawler into a stall to check it for size. Rogue takes a step outside, finding Wolverine waiting for her on the step.

"I knew it. I'm dead." Rogue says thinking she was in heaven.

Wolverine laughs.

"No, but you gave it your best shot." Wolverine says as he puts his arm around Rogue, steadying her. He gestures to the transformed village.

"So? What do you think?" Wolverine asks and Rogue just shrugs, amazed.

Below, the plaza, villagers take notice.

"Hey look! It's Rogue!" Bobby calls out and they rush over, surrounding her with a hero's welcome.

"Rogue, how you doin' mate?" The real Pyro asks excited to see Rogue up and about. (It was the only way to get him to agree to make this.*Wields giant flamethrower and aims it at JOTT* Dance monkeys! Dance! *fires some fire at the fleeing couple*)

"It's great to see you up and about." Jubilee says with a giant grin.

"Turns out all we needed was a little more of..." Wolverine says sweetly before gesturing non-specifically at rogue and saying, "... this."

"You just gestured to all of me." Rogue says playing along.

"Well. Most of you." Forge says off screen.

Forge pushes through the crowd, beaming proudly.

"That bit's my handiwork. With a little Rogue flare thrown in. Think it'll do?" Forge asks referring to the prosthetic.

"I might make a few tweaks." Rogue says bittersweet but coming to terms.

Remy appears and jabs Rogue in the arm. Rogue recoils with a grumble.

"Dat's for scaring Remy." Remy says sounding really ticked off.

"What, is it always going to be this way? Cause I..." Rogue says protesting her rough treatment. (Did you just make an innuendo? I believe I did. Man things are getting really wacky. Must be the JOTT fumes.)

He grabs her aggressively... then kisses her. Hoots and hollers follow. (That should satisfy to ROMY fans for a while. Indeed.)

"... could get used to it." Rogue says and if I were her I could get used to it as well. (Same. It's the accent huh? Oh ya. *All female members of the audience sigh in unison*)

Forge presents Rogue with a rebuilt saddle, rigging, and tail.

"Welcome home." Forge says with a big smile

Suddenly, Chavonnie pounces on the crowd, crushing several unsuspecting Vikings under her weight. (I'm not that heavy! Yes you are. Well nobody asked you!)

"Rebel, get down!" A Viking shouts as Chavonnie eyes the new tail excitedly, tongue wagging.

Amidst the groans and grumbles, Rogue and Remy exchange a sheepish grin. We zoom in on Rogue's prosthetic foot, snapping into the modified stirrup. The two pieces click together, forming a single shape. Astride Chavonnie, she's whole again. She rotates the pedal. The new tail opens. Bright red with a skull and Viking horns emblazoned on it. Rogue approves. We cut back to reveal... Rogue and Chavonnie, saddled up and ready to fly. Remy backs his Spyke into position.

"You ready?" Rogue asks and Chavonnie snorts an excited 'yes!'

From her mount, Rogue looks out over the changed world.

"This... is New York." Rogue voice overs. (Oh no not again! *Straps headphones back on and sighs in peaceful bliss*)

"It snows nine months of the year... and hails the other three."

They leap into the bright blue sky, together as one. Remy follows, giving chase.

"Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so."

Rogue and Remy race their dragons through the village - under eaves, over rooftops, down cliff-sides, and between ship masts. It's a high energy, romantic dance of sorts.

"The only upsides are the pets. While other places have...ponies or parrots, we have..."

Their fellow recruits join them as they take to the open sky, rocketing far above the village. The Northern sky swirls with blazing, multi-coloured dragons. Rogue and Chavonnie break from the pack, spinning into the blinding sun.

"... dragons." Rogue voice overs proudly as we fade to white.

Back in the sound stage everyone is waking up still in their costumes but Rogue still has her leg thankfully. Chavonnie is standing in front of them back to normal.

"Remy just had an awful dream." Gambit says as he wakes up groggily as Chavonnie claps her hand and a party appears around them devoid of people but full of food and a first aid station.

"Wasn't a dream pretty boy. Hope you enjoyed your days as movie stars cause I gotta go. Till next time when the cast becomes reptiles and rodents and I get the last laugh. Until then I bid thee good bye." Chavonnie before disappearing leaving nothing but her smile and Pietro crushed beneath a safe.

The X-Men and Brotherhood are alarmed at her cryptic message but that vanishes the moment they see the food. They descend like a pack of wolves on the food as Chavonnie watches waiting for the right opportunity to strike and do her next parody. Let's just hope Pietro has healed by then.