すばらしき この せかい

Subarashiki Kono Sekai

(It's Wonderful World)

Disclaimer :

The World Ends With You © Square Enix, Jupiter

すばらしき この せかい © Yoshiya

Genre :

Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Fantasy

Rated :


This story is based on the The World Ends With You, and all its canon characters,
locations and events are a property of Square Enix™ and JUPITER™.

All characters and events in this story are entirely fictional and any possible similarities between them and real people and events are purely coincidental and not intentional.

Week 1
The 1st Day - Runaway/YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME
The Mission~ Timer & Frogs

Pact? What the hell is this crazy chick's talkin' bout?
And why the hell she co-

"Wha-? Wait-you actually can see me?"

Suddenly, there is this fancy lights coming down from the sky-confirming that i've made a pact or whatsoever with this girl. Really, i don't get it-what the meaning of this? First, a clock appeared in my hand-that hurts a lot. Now, a wierd girl came to hit on me? You gotta be ki-


Our phones ring at the same time, what does that mean? Hmm? An e-mail?

"Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and
face erasure. -The Reapers."

Oh, that's cute. See ya, spam. Deleted.


Huh? Still there... It's like junk mail from hell!

"You can't delete those, it's the Mission"
"What now? We're filming 'Mission Impossible 5' ?"
"You dont say? Helloooo? We're playing 'The Reaper's Game'."
"What in the world was this "Reaper's Game" ?"
"...Is this your first time entering the game?"
"Well, i don't even know what's going on here, who the hell are you and why the hell i can't delete this creepy mail from my inbox!"
"Oh, where's my manner? My name is Akiha, Takasu Akiha-but you can call me Akiha for short!"
"Well..Yeah, nice seeing you, bye"

The moment i start to take my leave-She grabbed the hell out of my hand.

"Hey! Wait! You! What's your name! Don't leave me behind!"
"Rrrghh..Get off me, you fr-"

As i struggling to loose my hands-there is this weird symbol coming out of nowhere from the thin air...

"Here comes the Noise!"
"Oww! What the... They attacked me! What do they want with me? D-down froggie...!"

Damn, this frogs nuts! I better run-that's what i think...
And i can't run because she grabbed my shirt.

"Get off me! What are y-"
"Look! We have to do this! We got no choice, we have to win this Reaper's Game!"
"But first, we have to deal with the frogs! Are you with me or not? Make your choice!"
"Like i have a choice! But, how are we gonna-"
"Here! Use this pin!"

"How do i fight a frogs with a pin?"
"Like i know! Figures it by yourself!"
"Gee! Thanks a lot!"

I closed my eyes-as i heard the sound of those frogs leapt to me. As this pin got a picture of fire on it, i imagined those fire-shaped right in my head-Suddenly i created a fire wall and successfully blast all the frogs in one single sweep. What the? I must be natural at this (lol)

I saw there still a few frogs left-not to mention the frogs leapt right behind the girl.

"Behind you!"

I managed to alert her and she dodged the frogs perfectly-and right after she dodged, she slashed the heck outta those frogs.

"Thanks partner! That's how it's done!"
"I see we're getting better about this 'partner'-thingy!"

As we finished all the frogs, i felt relieved-
I don't get all of this things, but i bet i'll figured out something if i tag along with this girl.
Because i had a lot of things to ask-even i don't know where to begin with.

That day, i met this certain girl-this stalker, i bet she knows something...
I'll make a good use of her-to gain useful information of what's happening here.
But, soon enough-i'll regret those thoughts, because this stalker will change my whole life.
No spoiler, just be patient-like i said, soon enough.

-To be Continue-

FAQs section.

Noise #01 - Dixiefrog
"Powerful legs propel this hop-happy frog Noise around, and lend a biting edge to its kick!"
The Dixiefrog is a green frog Noise with blue legs in The World Ends with You. It is notable as being the the first enemy the player encounters in the game.

Pyrokinesis is a negative psych found in several brands. It is activated by pressing on an empty area, then dragging the flame along a path. If there are no conflicting psychs in the pin deck which are activated by pressing on an empty space, the flame is able to remain stationary. The color of the flame varies among the pins. All Pyrokinesis pins are categorized under A class.

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