Disclaimer: Let me check….nope I still do not own LotR, nor do I make any money out of it. If I did, I would not be here.

A.N: *Hides behind computer screen*. Sorry, sorry. It's been months and months...ok, maybe at least a year, since I've updated. I moved halfway around the world for university, had my computer crash before my first university exams, went back to Australia, bought a new laptop and then finally remembered that this story actually existed. And there may have been me fighting off pirates somewhere…Anyway, thanks to everyone's reviews, it has encouraged me to keep going with this blasted story. "" means someone is talking, '' means someone's thoughts, usually Nina's and italics means someone is speaking in a different language. I have a question for everyone: would killing Megan be anticlimactic? I would love to hear what you think about this question, as it is niggling away at me

Amongst the Simbelmyne

Two days had passed since Gandalf and Pippin had left and Merry had been looking both upset and angry. I didn't blame him either. I had my things packed as I was waiting for the beacon to be lit, so I could jump onto the horse and go. Éomer had been getting better, particularly since Éowyn had decided to act like a dragon whenever Megan approached him. Megan, being so fond of Éowyn, would scurry away looking both bewildered and furious at Éowyn's extra protection over her brother. I still had not worked out why Megan wanted to be Éowyn's best friend, but Éowyn was unaffected by her and we had more important things to deal with. So far we would all sit with each in the hall for meals and chat about insignificant things. Thankfully they had not asked me any questions about myself aside from whether I had any siblings or not. I told them about my older sister briefly. That was also odd, as I had not tried very hard to disguise myself mannerisms, so I concluded that it was due to Megan's enchantment. Or, they just thought I was bizarre and decided that asking would be too scary. Either one was equally plausible. This table arrangement was working well so far, but we hadn't been able to help Legolas. He was nervous and didn't seem inclined with being with anyone but Megan. We had tried to be discreet by sending Haldir, Caelon and even Gimlí to talk to him, but without result. We heard that even Aragorn was having a hard time isolating him from Megan. I decided to speak to Legolas myself and get Éowyn to distract Megan. I spoke to Éowyn and she agreed to help, though she didn't seem too pleased. I couldn't blame her; Megan is maddening to be around for any length of time.

On the following day (three days after Gandalf and Pippin had ridden for Gondor) Éowyn and I put our plan into action. It was around noon when Éowyn walked up to the sickly looking Megan and asked her if she would like to help with choosing fabrics for some new dresses she was hoping to have made. Éowyn firmly stopped Legolas from following them while I did my marvellous trick of appearing suddenly (which I never thought would have worked on an elf) and spoke.

"Hello Legolas."

Legolas blinked and turned his head to look at me properly. His eyes were murky and no longer as blue as they were before. I frowned, took his arm and walked off in the opposite direction, throwing a brief glance over my shoulder. Good, Megan had not spotted us. We walked out of the Golden Hall (Meduseld), out of Edoras and towards the tombs covered in Simbelmyne, which sat just before the gates of the city. The wind whistled through the tall, vivid green grass. It was not like back home in Australia, where the grass was constantly trimmed and would turned yellow under the heat in summer. I shook my head and turned my attention to Legolas. He was staring out across the plains, blank and silent. He had not uttered one single word and it was making me anxious.



"Legolas, a few days ago you asked me for my help."

"I did."

"Do you still want it?"

Legolas had not looked at me this entire time and it was a while before he answered.

"Yes, yes I would like you to help me. Please."

"Then you have. What do you need my help with?"

"…tis the Lady Megan…I…I am beginning to…fear her."

There was a pause before I spoke.

"What does she do exactly to make you afraid of her?"

"She is constantly around me…she possessive towards me…but we rarely speak. No, that is not right. She speaks about many things, constantly, but she does not seem interested in speaking to me or with me. I feel like I cannot breathe around her and lately she has…changed."

I nodded and gestured for us to sit down. We did and I rested my head against the gate and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Relax Legolas, she's not here. Éowyn will keep her busy for awhile longer, we have time."

Legolas nodded and brushed threads of golden hair away from his face. He stared at me intently, clearly waiting for me to say something. I decided for a more direct approach. One could describe my techniques being akin to a bull in a china shop.

"Legolas, do you love Megan?"

Legolas looked astonished at my direct and sudden question, making me regret speaking so quickly.

"I do love her…"

I could hear his hesitation and raised an eyebrow. He looked away, discomforted.

"Legolas, have you seen yourself lately?"

Legolas frowned.

"You look ill Legolas. Not to put a too finer point on it, but it's…it's like she's draining you of energy."

Legolas looked ashen at this point.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you but-"

"No Nina, you are being honest with me and that it what I need now."

I rubbed the back of my neck and the nodded.

"Legolas, you need to spend time away from Megan. Not with me, Megan hates me, but with Haldir, Aragorn, Caelon, Gimlí, Éowyn or Éomer. Just an hour or two, you'll feel better by the end of it. They are your friends after all. You can't keep pushing them away from you, or allow Megan to push them away."

"I…I understand. I have not been a good friend, particular to Estelle. He has been so worried for me and with all his concerns about Arwen too."

Legolas broke off and buried his face in a pale hand, his golden hair hiding the rest of his face from me. His shoulders shook a little and I began to have a small breakdown. 'What is it with me that cause these strong, intelligent and calm men to burst into tears. Jesus Nina!'

"Hey, Hey, Legolas. Don't cry, it's now. Aragorn is still your friend, we're still your friends Legolas. You tow have been friends longer than I have been alive, something like that doesn't just disappear. Oh honey, it'll be alright."

I have moved forward in an attempt to comfort the horrified elf and slid an arm around him, patting him gently on the arm. He managed to take control of his breathing and I looked away firmly while he wiped his face. I had removed my arm by now and was playing with my hair, trying to inject some ease into the tense atmosphere. Despite this moment we shared, it felt, somehow, too personal to his tearstained face. Silly, but there it is. Legolas looked at me and I could not see any signs of his former distress.

"Why does Lady Megan hate you? And why should I not spend time with you?" asked Legolas curiously.

"There is a very long and messy reason behind why Megan hates me. I'll tell you another time. Anyway, if Megan see you with me, she will go onto high alert and become even more clingy."

Legolas paused as he decoded my confusing speech before nodding.

"I understand Nina. Thank you."

"No problem Legolas. We've all been a tad worried about you."

Legolas gave me a weak smile, but it changed his whole aspect and I was reminded why he had so many fangirls. I gave him a lopsided grin, ignoring the fluttering feel in my heart, and we sat together in silence. I got the impression that he enjoyed the silence, a relief from the constant, inane chatter from Megan. We stayed there until Haldir and Caelon appeared to tell us the Megan was about to start looking for Legolas. Legolas' head drooped but he left anyway with Haldir, who was looking stiff and angry. I glanced at Caelon, who chuckled in reply.

"Lady Megan attempt to…persuade him to continue a relationship with her. She used…physically means." Caelon explained delicately.

I couldn't help it, I burst in to laughter, well I cackled, and doubled up.

"Christ on a bike, Haldir would not take to kindly to being groped."

"No, he is furious with the harlot."

"Good. It will drive him to protect Legolas more."

"Indeed." Murmured Caelon.

He extended a slender, pale hand and helped me to my feet. We were chatting about Caelon's childhood, but we did not get far when Aragorn beckoned furiously to us. We glanced at each other before sprinting over.

"The beacons, they have been lit. King Théoden has declared that we ride out and aid Gondor. We leave as soon as possible."

We nodded and raced through the Golden Hall. I reached my room, threw in the textbooks I had been looking at this morning, carefully went over the room to check I had left nothing behind, before sprinting back down to the stables. I nearly crashed into Éomer but we both dodged out of each other's way and he caught me by the elbow.

"Thanks." I said breathlessly.

Éomer merely rolled his eyes as he saddled his horse. He was clearly use to my clumsy antics. Within minutes everyone had arrived and mounted their houses. Haldir and Gimlí had decided to ride with Legolas, while Éowyn rode with Caelon and me. Megan rode with Legolas, but she was silent throughout the day, which was a relief. I then remembered that Aragorn, Legolas and Gimlí would leave to gain reinforcements from the Dead Men of Dunharrow. I shivered suddenly and realised that Megan was watching me, her eyes cold and emotionless before she turned her head back to the front. I knew what that look meant: she was not backing down without a fight.

'Bring it on motherfucker.'

A.N: And that is the end. I tried to make the time skips a little clearer, but let me know if they are confusing you. This was a pretty self-contained chapter, but don't worry there will be action soon. Please, please review. Thank you darlings.