Yeah. Ok. Uhm. It's been a while, yes? First let me start off with this: I apologize for being a crappy updater, but seriously, life is wank. I can't keep control of it, goaties. One minute I plan to write you guys f*cking beautiful god-worthy chapters, then the next I'm sitting here with the worst case of writer's block ever. Then when I actually do have some inspiration, I'm nowhere near my computer. Ugh. Wank I tell you, wank! Anyways: Here is this chapter, please, please, please enjoy! (P.S. Sorry to the vomit cliché with Sasuke's tattoo to those of you who highly disapproved. But, alas, y'all can't touch this *break dances*
Warnings: Rusty writing, POSSIBLE SMUT OMG OMG OMG, obvious raging emotions within the writing, confusion more scrambled than your morning eggs, and maybe even a bit more vomit cliché. J
Disclaimer: Don't make me laugh. Actually, don't make me cry.
Sasuke ran his hands through his hair and looked at himself in the mirror, taking in all the angles of his face. It had been two weeks since Naruto's break down, almost 2 months since Minato had taken him and his brother in, and Sasuke was ready to get a job. He had no idea exactly how to approach this particular subject, but he knew for sure he was determined to get one. He knew, with his lack of a high school education, and lack of overall experience in the work force (he knew how to clean like a pro, but that didn't count, not really). Kyuubi suggested McDonald's, because, as he put it, 'You could be a fucking walrus who didn't know how to flop and they'd hire you.' Sasuke wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but it sounded positive enough. His brother had progressively gotten better to the point of extreme physical health. Itachi now hit the gym every day, and Kyuubi watched with satisfaction whenever the older raven walked back into the house dripping with sweat.
"Hurry up, teme!"
Naruto shouted from the other side of the door. He, the annoyingly stubborn bastard that he was, still hadn't broken it off with Sakura, nor had he acknowledged the kiss. Sasuke discovered that the bright-eyed blonde was amazingly good at putting things out of his mind. Sakura had actually come over a couple of days prior, with this whole big speech about how she was confused and sorry and that Naruto should not be this forgiving but she was blessed that he was and that she would never betray him again and please, please, please forgive Sasuke because she forced herself on him and he didn't want it and Naruto, I love you. Sasuke, of course, was surprised with this confession, as was Naruto. So surprised, in fact, that he pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. Forgiving bastard.
More pounding on the door snapped Sasuke out of his daze, and he quickly splashed water on his face once more before he unlocked the door. Naruto barged into the room, his shoulders seeming ten times bigger, his biceps looking suitably rock-like. It seemed everyone wanted to work out nowadays.
"Took you long enough, Sasuke. What were you doing in here, anyways? Jerking off?" Naruto snickered and Sasuke glared at him as he left the bathroom. Then he shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen where Cook was, you guessed it, cooking. Whatever she was making smelled delicious and Sasuke was tempted to stay just so he could eat. He instead grabbed his leather jacket – the one he had gotten with Naruto – and shucked it over his shoulders. Kyuubi was waiting for him outside, his car purring, radio thumping loudly. Once Sasuke climbed in, he felt the beat pump through him, so loud and hard that it felt like he had a second heart, pumping his blood erratically through his body.
"Hey, Sasuke. Wanna check out somewhere else other than McDonald's first?" Kyuubi asked as he turned down the radio.
"I don't think I really have a chance anywhere else."
Kyuubi shrugged and pulled out of the driveway. "Whatever you say."
"Eh, what's your name again?" The manager looked over his shaded glasses at Sasuke, a cigar hanging out of his thin lips. Smoke clouded the air around Sasuke, and he tried his best to breathe as little as possible.
"Sasuke Uchiha."
"You ain't got shit experience on your record boy. What the hell you been doin'?"
"I was occupied with my… family."
"Ah. Shit's tough on a kid. How long you lookin' to work?"
"Don't ask me. Tell me."
"Great. I think I've got a spot open for ya, Sassy. Welcome to Mickie D's. I'll be your new manager. My names Rich."
Sasuke walked out of the office at McDonald's, head swimming, trying to rid the smoke from his lungs. That had to have been the shortest interview ever. Kyuubi was right, apparently.
He found said red-head munching on fries and slurping a shake at one of the booths by a window. Once he saw Sasuke, he stood up and smiled. "How'd it go, little man?"
Sasuke smiled a little, looking down at his hands. "I got myself a job."
"Nice!" This was accompanied by a hard slap to the back that knocked the wind out of Sasuke. He wasn't sure if a job at McDonald's was actually a 'Nice!' moment, but it was certainly a stepping stone. Plus, it would be nice to get some money for himself for once.
When they returned home, Kyuubi departed immediately and raced up towards Itachi's room, and Sasuke was left to stand alone in the kitchen, the smell of cooking still lingering slightly. He had told no one else about his job quest, just in case he hadn't gotten one, and also so they wouldn't jump to conclusions about him 'repaying them', even though that's exactly what he was doing. Sasuke wandered into the living room, where Naruto was sitting peacefully, his whole being thrown into the act of being lazy. His arms were flung across the top of the couch, his legs spread eagle, his long (to the shoulder long) hair ruffled and achingly adorable. His eyes were heavy lidded, and he had a slight smile on his face as something happened on TV.
"Hey," Sasuke said, his eyes unable to leave the blonde in front of him. A warmth was building in his stomach, and he knew he wasn't going to be able to fend it off for long.
Naruto glanced up, his face almost immediately softening, transforming into a look of adoration before it was masked with a lopsided grin. "Where've you been, teme?"
Sasuke would have been insulted at the name, but the way Naruto said it, as if he took care to insert as much caring and kindness into one word, made it feel special and loving.
"I got a job." Sasuke couldn't seem to stop talking in short, clipped sentences, as enraptured with Naruto as he was.
Naruto's eyes widened and he jumped off the couch, his large, tan hands came up, as if to touch Sasuke's face, but he held them in the air instead, his beautiful eyes locked onto Sasuke's own.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
The question startled Sasuke into letting out a breath, as the idea had never popped into his head. He still assumed that Naruto wanted almost nothing to do with him.
"I… I thought you were still mad at me." Sasuke said quietly, his eyes falling downwards. There was a soft snort.
"Sasuke, you are wrong. That's all I am going to say. Where'd you get the job?" Naruto asked, interest in his eyes. Sasuke wanted to cry at the way the blonde's eyes roved over his face, like he was the only thing that mattered in the world.
Naruto's face broke out in the most brilliant smile. "McDonald's?" He laughed, his hands going to his hair, his cheeks pinking from what Sasuke thought was joy. Smiling a little, then slightly chuckling, Sasuke soon joined Naruto in full blown laughter, both doubling over onto one another as their laughter shook their body. Then, finally, when the giddiness dimmed and the laughter faded out, Sasuke was staring directly into Naruto's eyes and suddenly they were kissing again.
Sasuke moaned softly into Naruto's mouth as his warm hands curled in the raven's hair, successfully tangling the soft locks. Sasuke pulled at Naruto's lower lip, causing the blonde's hips to buck, just slightly, but enough that Sasuke felt it. Suddenly Sasuke was thrown onto the couch, and for a terrible, fleeting second he thought that Naruto was done, but then he was back on top of the smaller boy and their mouths were locked again. Naruto's hand found its way up Sasuke's shirt, and when his warm fingertips brushed over Sasuke's nipple, the raven shivered and arched into the blonde's touch. Naruto made a sound much like a growl that excited Sasuke all the more, and he desperately grabbed at Naruto's shirt.
There was a loud cough from behind Naruto, and the two broke apart sloppily, blinking at each other with blown pupils. Cook raised her eyebrows at the boys, made eye contact with Sasuke, effectively ruining the mood, then exited the room. Fuck. Naruto turned back to Sasuke, his eyes wide, cheeks flushed. Double fuck.
"What was that?" He asked, his voice deep, eyes glazed. Triple fuck.
Itachi was sprawled out on his dark maroon sheets reading an erotica novel when he saw Kyuubi enter his room slowly. His red hair was down and hanging around his face, bringing out his natural green eyes.
"Are you reading more porn?" Kyuubi asked, a small smile on his face as he closed the door behind him. His jacket hit the floor, and Itachi's eyes instantly went to his shirt; a red and black plaid slightly unbuttoned. His black skinny jeans hugged his almost nonexistent legs, and his feet were bare. He had to give it to Kyuubi – he never looked anything but one hundred percent perfection. Slowly setting his book down on the night table of what he now called his room, Itachi patted the end of the bed with his foot, beckoning the tall male to sit down.
Kyuubi complied, sinking onto the bed with a grace that Itachi still found beautiful. "So, what've you been doing?" Itachi asked, sending Kyuubi a look that he knew made the red-heads blood light up.
"I took your brother to get a job. He got it."
Itachi stopped in the process of removing his pony tail, so it hung, half out, as he stared at Kyuubi. A red hot fire poker stabbed him in the heart and he wanted to choke. Instead, he coolly continued to remove his pony tail, flicking the band towards the table.
"You've been spending an awful lot of time with my brother."
Kyuubi watched as Itachi picked a fuzz off the bed and flicked it away, then moved closer and lifted his chin. "Are you jealous?"
Itachi's eyes got dangerously fire filled. "Why would I be jealous when I know you belong to me?"
Kyuubi's hands fell to his sides as Itachi crawled towards him, curling his hands around Kyuubi's biceps, yanking him forward so he fell onto the bed. Itachi then straddled him, his long hair falling over his shoulders as he stared down at Kyuubi, who was panting hard.
"Isn't that right?" Itachi whispered as he trailed his hands over Kyuubi's chest before slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Once he was done he parted it with his hands, then leaned down to kiss his smooth skin, loving the way Kyuubi shivered at the contact. He swiftly removed the offending clothing and threw it to the floor, bringing his hands back down on Kyuubi's chest, running his fingers feverishly over the redheads skin, and he suddenly couldn't get enough. He brought his mouth down on the Uzumaki's throat, sucking a love bite into his pearly skin, then tenderly kissing it before moving down to his collarbone, causing Kyuubi to gasp and buck.
"Itachi," he panted, his eyes closed.
"Yes?" Itachi grinned down at him before pinching his nipple.
Kyuubi arched quickly off the bed with a cry, his eyes flying open. Itachi smiled innocently down at him, then brought his face closer to Kyuubi's until their breath mingled sweetly together. Then their lips connected and he briefly forgot how to breathe. Kyuubi's lips felt like rose petals against his own, and he quickly pinched the other nipple so he could feel Kyuubi's cry vibrate against his lips. The other boy was panting harder now, his hands clenching fistfuls of the bed sheet.
"Fucking tease," Kyuubi panted, moaning when Itachi replaced his mouth with his fingers, delicately sliding his tongue over Kyuubi's sensitive nub, nibbling slightly just so he could heard the deep sound of the redhead groan. Then his mouth was moving down Kyuubi's stomach, kissing and licking and sucking at every centimeter of skin available. Kyuubi was a writhing mess of moans and cries by this point, and he was begging Itachi to take him. Once the raven reached Kyuubi's pants, however, he slyly looked up at the flushed man.
He teasingly unzipped his skinny jeans, caressing his hand over the large bulge in Kyuubi's pants. Kyuubi weakly groaned at this and bucked up, his eyes desperate.
"Who do you belong to, Kyuubi?"
AN: Hoped you guys liked that! And, also, I am being stubborn and not uploading the next chapter until reviews come in, because I really miss you guys. THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU HOLY CRAP! Much love,
-IC (that feels so shitting good)