AN: Hello, my lovelies! I'm SO INCREDIBLY SORRY THAT I TOOK SO FREAKING LONG ON THIS CHAPTER! I was sorta dealing with personal stuff and writers block and school. So yeah. BUT, to make it up to you, this chapter is exactly 3,000 words long! I was proud of myself! This will most likely be the last chapter. Although you can read the bottom AN for more detail.
Anywho, enjoy!
The castle nurse walked in to check on the Queen. As she stepped through the door, she noticed that the temperature was significantly colder than it was out in the hall.
Making a mental note to fetch more blankets, she walked to the bed. Curiously, there was a chair on the side of the bed that was closest to the door.
The nurse shrugged it off and continued.
It took the nurse about 20 minutes to change the bandages that covered the platinum-blonde woman in the bed. She then checked the girl's pulse to make sure she was improving.
Nodding in satisfaction, she turned and walked out of the door, headed for more blankets.
Just as she was walking out, Anna was walking in. With a quick greeting, the young princess stepped into the room.
She stopped at the doorway, a smile finding its way onto her face. Right next to Elsa, was the Guardian of Fun himself.
"Oh, Jack," Anna whispered, shaking her head. He hasn't left her sister's bedside since they all got back.
The strawberry blonde woman stepped closer to Elsa's bed. Making her way around to the opposite side of the bed that Jack was on, Anna gently sat on the bed.
Carefully, she reached over and moved a stray piece of hair that was in her sister's face. A loving smile graced her features. Her sister was brave. She would pull through.
Just as Anna leaned back into a sitting position and then stood to leave, the boy in the room stirred, his eyes fluttering open.
He sat up and stretched, yawning. "Oh, hey, Anna. Any change?"
The princess nodded. "The nurse says she's getting better. She'll be awake in no time, don't worry," she replied.
Jack smiled slightly and his gaze fell back on Elsa. "That's good."
Anna nodded once more and continued towards the door. Stopping next to Jack, she gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
When he looked up, she smiled lightly. "She's strong, Jack. She'll make it through."
He returned the smile. "I know."
"Come get me if she wakes up. Alright?" she checked.
Jack nodded. "Will do," he promised.
Anna then proceeded to walk out of the room, shutting the door lightly behind her.
The invisible (to most) boy sighed and got up, sitting on the bed. Grabbing her hand, he whispered, "Please wake up soon," and leaned over, placing a lingering kiss to Elsa's forehead.
After a few seconds with his lips to her skin, he sat back. He looked at their hands. Hers seemed to fit perfectly within his own.
He took a deep breath and looked back at Elsa's sleeping face. She really was breath-taking. Even with a few cuts and bruises scattered across her face.
With his free hand, he reached over and tucked a stray piece of hair back into place behind her ear. Jack let his hand stay cupped to her cheek. His thumb was gently rubbing back and forth across her porcelain skin.
And, leaning over her carefully, he touched his forehead to hers, closing his deep blue eyes. His face unconsciously leaned a bit closer to her own.
The sides of their noses were brushing against one another. He could feel the breath of her nose tickling his skin.
Sighing, Jack withdrew his head a little and kissed her nose. What he actually wanted to kiss was a bit lower than that, but he would never take advantage of her like that.
Jack sat back in his chair and took the hand that was holding hers, rubbing it down his face as if to scrub away the worry (spoiler alert: it didn't work).
He then ran his hand through his snow-white locks and sat back in the semi-comfortable chair.
All that was left to do was wait for her to wake up.
Jack Frost had never been so impatient in his entire life as a Guardian. He just wanted her to wake up already, dammit!
It's been a few hours since Anna's visit. He was now leaned back far into the chair, his feet crossed and resting on the bed beside the sleeping Queen.
His head was back and he was creating intricate designs made from frost on the ceiling. He had just finished a picture of a bunny when he sighed.
Glancing back at Elsa's face, Jack smirked gently before his eyes flicked back to the ceiling.
He started to create a beautiful portrait of Elsa dressed as she was when he first met her. Her arms were spread wide and, looking up at the ceiling, it seemed that she was looking up at all the other creations he made.
There was a bright smile that lit up her features as if the frost creatures were her own.
As Jack finished, he put his arm down and looked at his work. He smiled and nodded, satisfied that it all looked good.
Suddenly, he heard a small groan and some sheets shifting. Jack's head whipped down and he sat forward.
Elsa's eyes squeezed shut tighter before fluttering open.
"Elsa! You're awake!" Jack said happily, a bright smile lighting his features.
The slightly disoriented girl looked at Jack. It took a few seconds, but then her face lit up with recognition. "Jack!"
Jack stood and helped her sit up in bed. He tried to do so gently, but she still winced as her sore abdomen was aggravated.
"Sorry," he mumbled quickly as he, himself winced.
The Queen placed a comforting hand on top of Jack's. "It's alright, Jack. It's not your fault," she comforted, smiling.
Jack's head was tilted slightly downward when he looked up at her, seemingly giving the "puppy dog face" without actually begging. Some of his unruly hair was covering his eyes.
He was undeniably attractive.
She was enchanted by his blue eyes that seemed to hold the pattern of a snowflake within it.
Carefully and almost hesitantly, Elsa reached up and ran her hands through his bangs, pushing them back.
At her touch, Jack closed his eyes and seemed to lean into her touch. "Elsa..." he breathed, barely being able to contain himself.
Elsa moved her hand so it was on the side of his face. "Thank you for saving me, Jack," she whispered.
Jack opened his eyes and looked into hers so she would know his next statement was genuine. "I will always be there to save you. No matter what kind of trouble you're in," he promised, reaching out and brushing his fingers across her cheek.
A gentle smile found its way onto her face. "I know."
Then, breaking the mood, there was a knock at the door.
Fearing it was Anna, Jack quickly withdrew himself and sat in the chair, averting his gaze from Elsa.
Elsa sighed and shifted her attention to the door. "Come in," she called softly.
The nurse from earlier stepped through the door, a blanket folded in her arms. "Ah, milady, you're finally awake," she said happily.
Elsa smiled and nodded as the nurse walked closer to her bed, setting the blanket at her feet. "It seems I am," responded Elsa politely.
"How are you feeling, dear?" the nurse asked.
"A bit groggy. And sore. And it stings in some places," Elsa listed. Then, adding as an afterthought, "Exactly how long was I out?" she inquired.
"Um... About 6 to 7 hours, I believe."
"Really?" Elsa asked, looking at Jack, a surprised look on her face.
"More like 9 or 10," he answered.
Thinking the question was directed at her, the nurse nodded. To her, there was no one in the room besides herself and the Queen. "Yes, your majesty."
Elsa looked back at the nurse, her eyebrows furrowed. "Did you not just hear him?" she asked.
"Hear... Who, milady?" the nurse asked, a bit concerned.
Jack touched Elsa's hand softly with his own to get her attention. She looked over at him. "It's fine, Elsa. She can't see me."
Her face lit up with understanding before she quickly looked back at the nurse, an embarrassed smile on her face. "No one. Never mind. I must have hit my head. Forgive me."
"It's alright, your highness. You're not any crazier than my husband," she responded, a wry smile on her face.
Elsa covered her mouth as a giggle escaped her lips. Jack laughed as well, even if the nurse couldn't hear him.
Glad to see her Queen happy, a genuine smile replaced her teasing one. "Shall I go inform the princess that you're awake, milady?"
Smiling brightly, Elsa nodded. "Yes, please. If it's not too much trouble, of course."
"Not at all, milady!" the nurse said enthusiastically. "Wait just a moment, and I'll fetch her," she added, patting Elsa's hand.
"Thank you," replied Elsa, smiling gratefully.
The nurse dipped her head before walking out of the room.
"Well, I should probably leave you and Anna to your 'sisterly reunion' stuff," Jack said somewhat awkwardly, standing up and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Um, yes. I suppose you should," Elsa acknowledged, also kind of awkward.
"I'm glad you're okay," Jack added quietly, but loud enough to hear. Then, bending over her, he kissed her forehead and then stood upright.
Elsa smiled at him and he returned it. "All thanks to you."
"Nah, I had some friends help me," he said, grinning mischievously.
Glad they were over that momentary awkwardness, Jack waved and picked up his staff, which was leaning against his chair. Then, moving to the door, he looked back at her once more before gently shutting the door behind him.
Unbeknownst to the other, they each let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.
Both were because the Queen was safe and awake. Jack had nothing more to worry about (for the time being) and Elsa was no longer in pain.
Jack was at the balcony, sitting atop it with his legs dangling over. His staff was leaning up against the railing right next to him.
He sighed. There was a pretty nice view of the kingdom from here. Granted, you couldn't see all of it, but enough to appreciate it.
The Guardian had been waiting out there for about 30 minutes. He had wandered the palace for about 15 before he came across big doors that opened up to the balcony.
He was absentmindedly swinging his legs when he heard the doors open. As soon as he heard them close, he smiled lightly. "Shouldn't you still be in bed, your highness?" he inquired, taking a guess as to who had walked through the doors.
"How did you-," started a familiar voice. He was correct. "Oh, never mind," she said, somewhat exasperatedly. He laughed.
Then he heard footsteps as Elsa came to stand to his right, leaning with her arms crossed and resting on the railing.
She looked at him, playfully glaring. Jack looked at her as well, a smirk adorning his features.
When their eyes met and he saw how tired she was, his smirk fell and was replaced with a look of worry and concern. "Seriously, though. You should be resting," he said quietly, reaching out and placing his hand gently on her shoulder.
"I've done enough resting, Jack. I'm fine, I promise," she replied, moving so her left shoulder was touching his side. This made Jack's hand shift to her right shoulder to bring her closer in what sort of looked like a side hug.
Then, placing her right hand over his, she looked up at him. "But I appreciate your concern."
Jack smiled somewhat dismally. "Any time," he ruefully admitted.
She giggled, looking forward. At her laugh, he smiled, glad to see her happy.
He followed her lead and looked forward as well.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked absentmindedly.
"What, the view or the kingdom?"
"Oh, yeah. Definitely."
A comfortable silence fell upon the pair.
Elsa sighed contentedly, finally glad to be back in her kingdom.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you..."
Elsa was brought back from her thoughts at his statement. She blinked once. Twice. "What?" she asked dumbly.
He sighed as well, but his was annoyed (mostly at himself). Jack drew his hand back from her shoulder and ran it through his hair. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there when you really needed me," he repeated, gliding down from the railing.
Elsa furrowed her brows. "Jack, it wasn't remotely your fault."
"I know, I know. But somehow it feels like it's all my fault," he responded.
She took a step closer to him, her brows still furrowed. "Well, it's not. So stop thinking like that."
"But I can't help it! I should have been there for you. To stop those men from taking you," at this point, he was just rambling and his eyes were looking everywhere except at her.
"Jack." This one word brought his attention back to her. She gently placed her hands on either side of his face and made sure that he wouldn't break eye contact.
"Listen to me. This wasn't your fault. You were called away on a mission. It was your duty, and I certainly don't expect you to drop that for me. In fact, if you ever do, I won't forgive you. You couldn't have possibly known something bad was going to happen to me. Therefore, none of it was your fault, Jack," she said firmly, looking into his eyes to show her sincerity.
The Guardian frowned. "Alright... But I'm still sorry that you got hurt so badly," he replied, brushing his hand against a bruise that was on her collar bone.
Elsa shivered from his light tough and goose bumps appeared along her skin. To mask it, she glared at the man in front of her and took her hands away from his face, crossing them in front of her chest.
"Alright, alright! I'll stop apologizing," he said, holding up his hands in defeat.
Smiling, Elsa nodded. "Good boy."
"I'm not a dog, you know," Jack muttered dryly.
The platinum-blonde covered her mouth as she giggled. Jack smirked. Then, sighing, he looked out at the kingdom.
A light smile still adorned the Queen's face as she observed Jack's face. He really was quite handsome. And sweet. And caring. And brave...
Before he (or she) could register what she was doing, Elsa stepped closer to Jack, stepped up on the tip of her toes, and placed a light, lingering kiss at the corner of Jack's mouth. It was a bit closer than she had intended...
Elsa then lowered herself back into her feet and looked at her shoes. She was still standing close to him. "I-I'm sorry, that was... Inappropriate."
Jack's eyes had widened and his heart had skipped a beat. But now everything was back to normal as he looked down at her. Unbeknownst to him, there was love in his eyes.
"Please, don't apologize," he said softly, tilting her chin up so her eyes met his. Blue on blue. It was like two ice storms heading straight for each other. Elsa bit her bottom lip.
His eyes kept flicking between her eyes and her lips. Gods, the things she did to him...
Mentally, he was telling himself he'd be an idiot if he kissed her. But his heart was screaming at him to just "freaking kiss her already!"
In the end, it wasn't quite his decision. She leaned in first, their lips now centimeters apart, their breaths swirling together.
His hand reached up to cup her cheek. As he brought her head closer, their eyes fluttered shut.
When their lips finally met, it was a sweet feeling. Elsa felt her heart swell. Jack felt a giant weight lift off his shoulders. He had been waiting for this for a while now.
Their mouths were moving as one.
As Elsa wrapped her arms around his neck, his settled to her waist, gently tugging her closer.
Her head was being moved backwards slightly with the force he was kissing her. Yet, his lips were soft against hers.
When the need for air became apparent, they pulled away slightly, their foreheads still touching. Elsa's eyes were still closed as Jack lovingly looked at her face. Their pants mixed together as they seemed to breath the same air.
"Good gods, you're beautiful," he whispered, eyes shining.
Elsa blushed and opened her eyes. "You're not too shabby yourself, Guardian," she retorted, amusement in her voice and her gaze.
Jack smirked and kissed her again, pulling back almost right away that time.
The young woman pouted. "Not fair." Then, she leaned up and connected their lips once more in a sweet kiss. Her fingers were moving through the hair on the back of his neck, lightly tugging on them.
Jack moaned and she pulled her face away from his, giggling. "Had enough yet, Jack?" she asked innocently.
Opening his eyes and staring into hers, he replied, "I could NEVER get enough of that."
Elsa smiled brightly. Then, a few seconds later, she frowned.
Furrowing his brow, Jack frowned as well. "What's wrong, Elsa?"
"It's just... Will this change anything? Between us?"
"Els, the only thing it'll change is now I'll get to kiss you," he said, smiling. "I promise I won't act any differently around you if you don't act any differently around me."
Elsa's smile found its way back on her face. "Promise."
All of a sudden, they heard Anna calling Elsa's name. They shared a smile and one more short kiss before stepping back from each other.
When Anna came through the door, she smiled. "Oh! There you are. Oh, and you too, Jack!"
Elsa nodded. "Yes, we've been out here for a little bit."
"How? It's so cold out here!" Anna replied. She made a show of shivering.
Elsa and Jack looked at each other, a matching smirk on each of their faces before they turned their heads back to Anna and responded in unison:
"The cold never bothered us anyway."
AN: I saw the chance and I took it. Sorry not sorry.
Okay, so I said above that this was going to be my last chapter. But, if you guys want, I can write a shorter epilogue-type-thing after this! So just let me know what you think in the review you are going to send me *wink wink, nudge nudge* But for now, I'll call my story complete.