Blanket Disclaimer: moi-moi819 does not own Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha, or any of their titles therein. This is a nonprofit fanfiction. No copyright infringement was intended.
Moi-Moi: Since it was requested, I decided to give Yu-Gi-Oh/Inuyasha crossovers another crack. ;) Of course, this will be another Yami Yugi/Kagome fic, but there will also be some Yugi/Anzu action. I really hope you guys enjoy this.
Also, I am currently looking for a beta for this story to help with all future duels. I can watch a duel and follow along, but I can't write one to save my life. I'm not good at strategy. ^.^' So, any professional duelists out there are welcome to send me your professional resume. Lol. Just kidding. Just send me a PM…(if you do send a resume I promise to read it though ;P)
Kikyou took a deep, shuddering breath with a long exhale as her entire body slumped in exhaustion. The last demon fell with a large, resounding thud into the mud, the dirt and grime quickly being washed away by the down pouring rain. It took several seconds, but it's body vanished into nothing as her spiritual powers took effect. With that, another flash of lightning lit up the dark night skies with a loud thunder crash and heavy winds to blow the smell of burnt skin and ash her way.
Pulling herself together, Kikyou started her trek away from the damaged forest turned battle ground. Her side was screaming in pain from the large wound she sustained. 'This is no good. I'll surely attract more demons with the smell of my blood.' While taking deep breaths, Kikyou pushed herself forward. Shelter was her first priority.
"The kami must favor me tonight," Kikyou mused with a grateful tone at the sight before her. At the foot of a cliffside rested a cave. This would be her rest stop for the night.
Once she was safely inside, Kikyou got to work on her wound. Using her last bit of energy, she placed her hands onto the wound at her side. She took steadying breaths as she poured her miko energy into the wound. A relieved sigh tore through her at the diminished pain. Surprisingly, she still had energy left over to remain awake after healing herself.
After removing her arrows from her back and resting them next to her bow, she reached a searching hand into her kimono. Feeling the cool metal touch her fingers, she removed the item from her clothes with a sigh. As her chocolate brown as gazed down at the piece of jewelry, she couldn't help but think that it was more trouble than it was worth.
The jewelry was a simple, gold band with a strange eye for the clasp. Kikyou took care to keep the band unclasped at all times. She knew that clasping the band would unleash the dark magic sealed within.
Kikyou had taken it upon herself to destroy the band the second she had felt the dark energy within. However, this magic was far greater than any she had ever seen. The magic was ancient and complex. Not only that, while she could identify portions of the magic and the incantations used for them, there was a large amount that she could not.
'I have heard only tales of this evil. I now see that I will not find anyone here who will know of a way to purify the evil magic within. I must seek out someone who does. Something so impure must not be allowed to exist.'
If the legends were true, this dark magic was formed by the combination of black magic from all corners of the land, the mainland, as well as a land she had never before known. The land was a great distance from Japan. She had heard tales of the large kingdom known as Egypt.
Kikyou had already spoken to many men from the mainland on the black magic of their homeland. She knew now that the only hope she had for finding someone capable of destroying this dark magic was in Egypt. And once her wounds had healed and her energy restored, she would make the trek to the foreign land next.
Egypt was completely different to her homeland. As to not stand out, she acquired commoner's clothes and made sure to keep to herself. Among the tanned people, her creamy, pale skin was a dead giveaway. Unfortunately, she had made the decision to come to the foreign land without knowing a lick of the native tongue. She had already given up on trying to convey her meanings and words to the people. It was pointless.
Kikyou was walking through the streets at night with her bow at hand. She rarely went out into the harsh, daytime sun. The night was much cooler and easier to bear. It was on her late-night walk that she heard the voice of another calling to her.
Not only could no one of this land understand her, but she could not understand them at all. As she stared at the dark alley where the dark voice had come from, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She could hear the person- a man surely- laughing darkly before he stepped out of the shadows. He was a tanned man with the most unruly white hair and a scar moving down the right side of his face. He wore a red cloak that he kept open with a navy tunic and beige sandals on his feet.
He was speaking to her in a harsh voice with a dark grin on his face. She kept up her suspicious glare, ready to notch an arrow should the man make the wrong move. Once he stopped speaking, he smirked before pulling a tome out of his robes. He dropped in onto the ground before kicking it over to her.
Kikyou stared down at the tome with an expressionless expression. She could sense the dark magic littering the tome and all its pages. Looking up at the man again, she saw him motioning for her to open the book with his dirty hands and a grin on his face.
Narrowing her gaze at him, she retrieved the book before opening it. She immediately took notice of the page already marked and folded. After unfolding the page, her eyes widened. She had known that the magic she was dealing with was intricate and complex, but she had no idea just how complex. Her steely gaze returned when the man laughed loudly once again. Looking up at him, she waited for his laughter to come to a stop.
He had given her the tome with the answers she sought. But, she had no idea how to read the language. Her only clue was the detailed depiction of the band in the book at the top of the page. 'He has given me what I require. This does not mean that he is to be trusted.' With a final look, Kikyou turned to leave with the tome in her arms. She could hear him speaking to her, but she didn't stop. After several minutes, she turned back only to see that the man was gone.
It had taken a while, but she had found someone willing to decipher the meaning of the text and help her destroy the magic within the seemingly harmless piece of jewelry. After some time of trials, Kikyou had come to understand the basics of the Egyptian language.
"This may be our last chance, Kikyou. If we do not succeed tonight, then I am afraid that I will not be able to aid you any longer," the middle aged man, Amun, spoke to Kikyou in a grave tone. He was a man surprisingly well-learned in the dark arts for his age.
Kikyou stared at his average features- tan skin, short, brown hair, and brown eyes- in blank disinterest. She knew the spell inside and out by now. She knew that she would not require his help after tonight. "This will be my last attempt, Amun," Kikyou spoke. "Let us begin."
Amun held back his sigh and readied the room for Kikyou. He made sure to close every window to shut out all nighttime light. Only the twelve candles he had lit the room. In the center of the empty room, the gold band rested innocently on a stone pillar. Amun stood back at Kikyou faced the band. He watched her notch an arrow and her familiar, spiritual energy encase the tip.
As seconds went by, Kikyou began to chant softly in almost a whisper. Amun held himself tighter as the temperature suddenly dropped in the room. A harsh wind began to pick up, blowing out the candles and whipping at his curtains and clothes. Kikyou remained firm, not ceasing in her chanting. The tip of her sacred arrow began glowing a bright red just before the flaming magic spread to encase the entire arrow. With the last of the chant spoken, Kikyou let the arrow fly.
Amun cried out loudly as the arrow struck the metal and a loud, resounding chime. The windows to his home broke out, the curtains going flaying and the winds rushing out of the small home. Peeking an eye open, Amun froze at the sight of a malicious, dark cloud of black magic seeping out of the band. He curled into a small ball in the corner of the room, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.
Kikyou stood tall and showed no weakness towards the dark energy. Her priestess kimono billowed around her as the eerie winds blew around her. Suddenly, the band exploded in a show of dark magic, releasing more demons at once than she had ever seen. Their disgusting bodies moved towards her quickly, ready to attack. Not having the time to notch an arrow, Kikyou allowed her spiritual energy to flood her bow.
Not being able to take anymore of the gruesome sights before him, Amun shut his eyes and clamped his hand tighter over his ears. The shrieks, screams, and growls only grew louder as the seconds went by. It was only now that he noticed his entire body trembling. He started to pray.
It felt like hours before the sounds began to die down. With a final, gargled shriek, all sounds ceased. After some seconds, Amun tentatively opened his eyes. His home was in shambles. He couldn't even call the remaining three walls a home. Once the shock wore off, he saw Kikyou's unmoving body in the middle of the room resting on the bloodied ground. Many corpses lay around her, each slowly turning to dust before vanishing into the wind. "Kikyou?" he called out.
Amun rushed to her at once, turning her over to pulling her limp body to him. Her face was deathly pale, her lips blue. Her body felt much too cold. He listened for her heartbeat, but heard nothing. Silently, he offered a prayer up to the gods for the foreign woman. With sad eyes, he noticed that the golden band remained perfectly intact on the pillar.