"Hermione, everything I said tonight..." he trailed off, his eyes clouding over as if here were fighting an internal
struggled, "Everything I said..." he trailed off again, emotion flooding his eyes as the clouds dissipated,
"It was all true." Smiling, his hand came to rest on her cheek, and as she leant into the touch, closing her eyes,
she heard him whisper, "I love you."
"Severus..." He felt his heart come to a halt as she spoke his name
"Marry me, Hermione. Make my the happiest man in the world."
"Severus..." Hermione gasped in surprise...one might say fright; and for a moment Severus thought she would say no.
"Of course I'll marry you...I love you."
In the background, Minerva grumbled, snatching ten galleons out of her tiny purse. "She just HAD to go and say yes,
didn't she!" she mumbled, shoving the coins into Albus' out stretched hands. The gathered crowed laughed out loud at
her comment before offering their congratulations to the couple.
"This calls for celebration!" Albus exclaimed, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Come everyone! To the Great Hall!" The ensemble
followed behind, Hermione and Severus in the back. Stopping for a moment, and letting the group continue ahead of them,
Hermione turned to Severus. Standing on the tips of her toes, she reached up and tenderly kissed him.
"Who would have thought...A Slytherin and a Gryffindor?" Severus mumbled into her hair, smirking when he felt her shoulders
heave in light laughter. Kissing once more, they continued into the Hall, where Albus had called the room to a quiet standstill.
"Ladies and gentlemen, It is with great pride and honor that I announce the engagement of..." he paused, grinning as Hermione
and Severus entered the hall. "Miss Hermione Granger and Mr. Severus Snape!" There were gasps of surprise and murmurs of
excitement at the revelation that Professor Snape (that greasy haired git! one woman exclaimed) was Hermione's mystery
fiance. Of course, the crowd didn't know the truth, and Hermione and Severus intended to keep it that way.
The smile on Hermione's face reached her eyes, as she gazed lovingly up at Snape. To onlookers, it was a moment in history;
the first time they had ever seen Severus Snape smile; really, truly smile. The effect touched their hearts, causing everyone
to clap in joy and many woman to burst into tears.
"A toast to the happy couple!" Albus raised his goblet in the air, and everyone followed suit. Hermione and Severus kissed
to the sound of clinking glass, the stars shining above them. It was a night to remember
"Severus, darling?" Hermione gritted through clenched teeth as another wave of pain swept through her body. Rolling over
to turn on the light, Severus glanced at his wife who was struggling to get out of their four poster bed. Bolting out of the
bed he rushed over to her side, dropping to his black silk pajama clad knees in front of her.
"Is it..." he gulped, "is it time!?" If looks could kill, Severus would have died that instant with the pure look of hatred
shot his way.
"Damn you for having a knowledge of muggle electronics! If you hadn't known how to run that infernal contraption I would
never have to go through with this...this... PAIN! ARGGH!!" Severus' eyes widened in horror as he saw the pain engulf his
wife's delicate frame. As the pain subsided she pushed him out of the way.
"What are you doing just sitting there? You going to help me or not?!" She whispered harshly as she waddled over to the large
wardrobe and withdrew a light robe and her packed satchel. Regaining his senses, Severus rushed forward to take the heavy
burden out of her hands. She slipped on the robes and stepped into her slippers as Severus did the same, returning to her
side in record time. Laying a comforting hand on his back, he ushered her forward.
"Get your hands off of me! I'm not bloody crippled..." she muttered as they made their way down the dark, empty corridor.
Severus gulped, praying to the Gods for assistance and wondering how he got himself into this mess.
The large group assembled in the waiting room outside the Hospital Wing, winced every time they heard Hermione scream, Ron
jumping in fright, eyes bulging out of his head.
"Poor Severus..." Ron muttered, shaking his head after they heard Hermione curse his existence and his entire family line.
Harry nodded in agreement, glancing back and forth between the door and the clock.
"He'll get over it." Minerva muttered, twiddling her fingers in anticipation. Suddenly they heard the high-pitched wail of
a newborn infant. Moments later, Albus burst through the door.
"It's a girl!" He exclaimed, pulling Minerva into a hug. Bursting into tears, she buried her head in his purple robes.
"I'm an Uncle?!" Ron exclaimed, jumping to his feet. "But...but I'm too young to be an uncle! I don't have gray hair, I don't
need a cane...Do I have gray hair?! Does it look like I have gray hair to you!?"
"Ron, firstly you are in no way shape or form related to either Snape or Hermione so, no, you aren't an Uncle. Secondly, yes
you do have gray hair." Harry reached forward and harshly plucked a strand of hair from Ron's head. Ron yelped in pain.
"And here it is."
"Shut up Harry." Ron grinned, finally relaxing.
An hour later, they were allowed in to see Hermione and the baby.
What they found was most touching. Hermione was sitting up, holding her baby girl and singing to her softly, while Snape;
who had joined them on the bed; was running his fingers lovingly over his daughter's cheeks. Hermione was the first to notice
"Hey Uncle Harry, hey Uncle Ron." she smiled softly, exhaustion apparent in her features. Snape looked up, acknowledged them
for a moment, and then returned his attention back to his daughter.
"You see!" Ron said, looking at Harry, "I am an uncle!" Harry only laughed.
"Yes, of course. It's only natural. You two will be around her most; it will be a lot easier if she calls you uncle. And
since Sev and I are both only children, it just seems right." she explained, glancing down at the small infant asleep in
her arms.
"Albus, Minerva," Snape finally spoke, looking up at his friends. "Hermione and I have been talking, and well..." he looked
to Hermione, who nodded in confirmation, before continuing. "We would be honored if you would consent to be Taryn Rose Snape's
godparents." Albus smiled, letting a steady stream of tears roll down his face, while Minerva out-right burst into tears again.
"Oh Minerva, do stop, you're going to flood Hogwarts at the rate your going!" Severus moaned, causing everyone to laugh. The
sudden outburst woke little TJ, as Ron had already began calling her; but she didn't cry. Instead, startling obsidian eyes
peeked out of the blankets, surveying her surroundings. She was peaceful, content and happy. And very, very lucky.
Taryn and Jordan would very much appreciate your feedback. Should there be a sequel? What would you like to see happen?
What characters should be brought back? Plot idea's? How did you like Damsel in Distress?
Discuss it all here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/grangersnape
struggled, "Everything I said..." he trailed off again, emotion flooding his eyes as the clouds dissipated,
"It was all true." Smiling, his hand came to rest on her cheek, and as she leant into the touch, closing her eyes,
she heard him whisper, "I love you."
"Severus..." He felt his heart come to a halt as she spoke his name
"Marry me, Hermione. Make my the happiest man in the world."
"Severus..." Hermione gasped in surprise...one might say fright; and for a moment Severus thought she would say no.
"Of course I'll marry you...I love you."
In the background, Minerva grumbled, snatching ten galleons out of her tiny purse. "She just HAD to go and say yes,
didn't she!" she mumbled, shoving the coins into Albus' out stretched hands. The gathered crowed laughed out loud at
her comment before offering their congratulations to the couple.
"This calls for celebration!" Albus exclaimed, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Come everyone! To the Great Hall!" The ensemble
followed behind, Hermione and Severus in the back. Stopping for a moment, and letting the group continue ahead of them,
Hermione turned to Severus. Standing on the tips of her toes, she reached up and tenderly kissed him.
"Who would have thought...A Slytherin and a Gryffindor?" Severus mumbled into her hair, smirking when he felt her shoulders
heave in light laughter. Kissing once more, they continued into the Hall, where Albus had called the room to a quiet standstill.
"Ladies and gentlemen, It is with great pride and honor that I announce the engagement of..." he paused, grinning as Hermione
and Severus entered the hall. "Miss Hermione Granger and Mr. Severus Snape!" There were gasps of surprise and murmurs of
excitement at the revelation that Professor Snape (that greasy haired git! one woman exclaimed) was Hermione's mystery
fiance. Of course, the crowd didn't know the truth, and Hermione and Severus intended to keep it that way.
The smile on Hermione's face reached her eyes, as she gazed lovingly up at Snape. To onlookers, it was a moment in history;
the first time they had ever seen Severus Snape smile; really, truly smile. The effect touched their hearts, causing everyone
to clap in joy and many woman to burst into tears.
"A toast to the happy couple!" Albus raised his goblet in the air, and everyone followed suit. Hermione and Severus kissed
to the sound of clinking glass, the stars shining above them. It was a night to remember
"Severus, darling?" Hermione gritted through clenched teeth as another wave of pain swept through her body. Rolling over
to turn on the light, Severus glanced at his wife who was struggling to get out of their four poster bed. Bolting out of the
bed he rushed over to her side, dropping to his black silk pajama clad knees in front of her.
"Is it..." he gulped, "is it time!?" If looks could kill, Severus would have died that instant with the pure look of hatred
shot his way.
"Damn you for having a knowledge of muggle electronics! If you hadn't known how to run that infernal contraption I would
never have to go through with this...this... PAIN! ARGGH!!" Severus' eyes widened in horror as he saw the pain engulf his
wife's delicate frame. As the pain subsided she pushed him out of the way.
"What are you doing just sitting there? You going to help me or not?!" She whispered harshly as she waddled over to the large
wardrobe and withdrew a light robe and her packed satchel. Regaining his senses, Severus rushed forward to take the heavy
burden out of her hands. She slipped on the robes and stepped into her slippers as Severus did the same, returning to her
side in record time. Laying a comforting hand on his back, he ushered her forward.
"Get your hands off of me! I'm not bloody crippled..." she muttered as they made their way down the dark, empty corridor.
Severus gulped, praying to the Gods for assistance and wondering how he got himself into this mess.
The large group assembled in the waiting room outside the Hospital Wing, winced every time they heard Hermione scream, Ron
jumping in fright, eyes bulging out of his head.
"Poor Severus..." Ron muttered, shaking his head after they heard Hermione curse his existence and his entire family line.
Harry nodded in agreement, glancing back and forth between the door and the clock.
"He'll get over it." Minerva muttered, twiddling her fingers in anticipation. Suddenly they heard the high-pitched wail of
a newborn infant. Moments later, Albus burst through the door.
"It's a girl!" He exclaimed, pulling Minerva into a hug. Bursting into tears, she buried her head in his purple robes.
"I'm an Uncle?!" Ron exclaimed, jumping to his feet. "But...but I'm too young to be an uncle! I don't have gray hair, I don't
need a cane...Do I have gray hair?! Does it look like I have gray hair to you!?"
"Ron, firstly you are in no way shape or form related to either Snape or Hermione so, no, you aren't an Uncle. Secondly, yes
you do have gray hair." Harry reached forward and harshly plucked a strand of hair from Ron's head. Ron yelped in pain.
"And here it is."
"Shut up Harry." Ron grinned, finally relaxing.
An hour later, they were allowed in to see Hermione and the baby.
What they found was most touching. Hermione was sitting up, holding her baby girl and singing to her softly, while Snape;
who had joined them on the bed; was running his fingers lovingly over his daughter's cheeks. Hermione was the first to notice
"Hey Uncle Harry, hey Uncle Ron." she smiled softly, exhaustion apparent in her features. Snape looked up, acknowledged them
for a moment, and then returned his attention back to his daughter.
"You see!" Ron said, looking at Harry, "I am an uncle!" Harry only laughed.
"Yes, of course. It's only natural. You two will be around her most; it will be a lot easier if she calls you uncle. And
since Sev and I are both only children, it just seems right." she explained, glancing down at the small infant asleep in
her arms.
"Albus, Minerva," Snape finally spoke, looking up at his friends. "Hermione and I have been talking, and well..." he looked
to Hermione, who nodded in confirmation, before continuing. "We would be honored if you would consent to be Taryn Rose Snape's
godparents." Albus smiled, letting a steady stream of tears roll down his face, while Minerva out-right burst into tears again.
"Oh Minerva, do stop, you're going to flood Hogwarts at the rate your going!" Severus moaned, causing everyone to laugh. The
sudden outburst woke little TJ, as Ron had already began calling her; but she didn't cry. Instead, startling obsidian eyes
peeked out of the blankets, surveying her surroundings. She was peaceful, content and happy. And very, very lucky.
Taryn and Jordan would very much appreciate your feedback. Should there be a sequel? What would you like to see happen?
What characters should be brought back? Plot idea's? How did you like Damsel in Distress?
Discuss it all here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/grangersnape