So! We finally reached it! The end! But there will be an epilogue consisting of smut though, because I didn't feel like they've reached that point yet where we are now in the story. Also, I'm going to try and write a oneshot for Itachi and Shisui, so I will probably publish that one before the epilogue.

I just want to say a big thank you to all of you reading this story and appreciating it. It started out as something not so serious, but it has become rather important to me. Somehow I feel like that happens a lot. Not to mention I'm proud over the chapter lengths, I've never written something before with chapters this long.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter, because I know I did! I can't promise how quickly the next part will come out, because tomorrow uni starts again and it will be hell most likely. Can't wait. But I've started up a drabble thingy on tumblr so that I can at least keep practicing if I run short on time, since I have huge troubles working on something longer when I'm under time pressure. I won't bore you with the terrible amount of things I need to do this semester.

Now then, I hope I managed to tie all the loose ends together:)

Chapter 6


When Sasuke entered Itachi's apartment later that day, it was to find it empty of both brother and cousin. At the very least he didn't need to catch them again, though he knew Itachi should still be at the university. He made himself a sandwich and went to his room, trying to focus on schoolwork. There wasn't much left to do, however, not with graduation around the corner. The last days would be spent mainly doing activities with the class, and they'd gotten all their grades already. In the end he settled for re-reading one of his old favorite books, only managing forty pages or so before Itachi returned.

He hesitated, debating on whether he should go greet him or not, and how he should act. Itachi made his decision for him though, knocking on his door and opening it to lean against the doorpost when he was allowed entrance.

"Do you mind rice and chicken for dinner?" he asked, and Sasuke shrugged. "Alright then," Itachi decided, hovering in the doorway a few seconds before leaving again.

The look Itachi had given him was enough to make Sasuke highly uncomfortable with the knowledge that it was possibly Shisui related. He tried to focus on his book again, but the words seemed to blur in front of his eyes, and eventually he gave up. He ventured into the kitchen instead, slumping in a chair and watching Itachi fuss around as he cooked. A nice smell was spreading through the kitchen, and Sasuke felt that despite everything, Itachi was still his brother, and still the same person. It was silly that looking at his back now, he felt like a stranger. What did he know about Itachi's personal life, anyway? He rarely met his friends, and Itachi wasn't one to talk much about the things he did in his spare time. Maybe he spent it all with Shisui, though he wondered how their cousin would have time with that, working family father as he was.

"You're awfully quiet," Itachi commented, sending him a look before taking the rice off the stove. "You okay?"

"I kissed Naruto in the classroom today," he answered, choosing to bring that up rather than earlier in the morning.

"Oh?" Itachi raised an eyebrow at him, amused.

"In Kakashi's class."

Itachi's lips twitched now, forming a smile that had Sasuke glowering at him.

"Don't," Sasuke said, pouting when Itachi's eyes glittered with mirth.

"Don't what? Kiss in front of a teacher? That's some good advice you've got there."

Sasuke clenched his teeth. Of course Itachi had to remind him, and he had half a mind to correct him with 'Don't kiss in front of me', but his courage failed him before he'd even opened his mouth again.

"Sorry, did you get in trouble?"

Itachi now looked concerned instead, interpreting his bad reaction as something else. He shook his head, hugging one of his legs to his chest, balancing his heel on the edge of the seat.

"It's fine, but we ditched class. I mean, we kinda skipped the whole day. But it was worth it."

"So you went on a date?"

Cheeks heating up a little, Sasuke nodded again. While the date had been nice, he had to admit that the part where they fooled around was even better. He almost missed the strange look that passed over Itachi's features, almost as if he was… jealous? It made sense he guessed. Suddenly, he didn't feel like gloating about his and Naruto's amazing afternoon anymore.

"We just went shopping," he said with a shrug, playing with the seam on his jeans by the knee.


Itachi sounded hesitant, and Sasuke could feel his eyes on him, but refused to look up and meet them. When his brother turned again to finish up with the cooking, he exhaled slowly, leaning his chin on top of his knee. He felt weird, knowing Itachi's secret and Itachi not knowing that he knew. He supposed that for the time being, he'd just drop it and deal with it if he needed to. Maybe in a while he'd feel more okay with it and it would be easier to talk about it. It's not like Sasuke told Itachi everything about himself, either. It was bad enough he'd found that notebook with all his secret kinks… Damn that wasn't fair though. He hoped his parents wouldn't go snooping around his room now, but he doubted it. Besides, he'd hid that particular book in a shoebox underneath a pair of old sneakers.

When his pocket vibrated, he eagerly dug out his phone to read what was most likely a text from Naruto. And sure enough, it was, but the content wasn't what he'd expected. In fact, he felt a slight churn inside his stomach at the thought, and Itachi must have noticed his grimace because he sat down opposite of him, arms crossed over the table and an expectant look on his face.

"Naruto says his parents want to have dinner with us on Friday."

"Mom and dad as well?"

"Yeah. Seems like his mom feels sorry for calling them like that, and wants to make up for it."

"Well, this should be interesting." Sasuke had his doubts, but Itachi smirked at him, flicking his forehead and ignoring his irritated reaction. "I'll put on my best suit."

"Please don't."

Itachi's smirk refused to fade, and Sasuke groaned into his arm. What good could possibly come out of this? In the best case scenario, nobody died.

"Don't worry, little brother. I'm sure they'll come around once they get to know Naruto a little better."

"Yeah, sure," Sasuke deadpanned, but Itachi only laughed and ruffled his hair as he placed a plate in front of him.

"Eat your food and worry about it when it happens," he said, Sasuke only huffing in response.

He just hoped his parents could like Naruto for the person he was, just like he did, and not expect some kind of out of character polite behavior. The thought of Naruto dressed up in fancy clothes and speaking like a gentleman crossed his mind, and he snorted quietly at the picture his mind provided.

Yeah, not happening.


While Sasuke had moved back home on Wednesday, the atmosphere was still tense between him and his parents as they all sat in the car on the way to Naruto's house. He still wasn't looking forward to dinner, in fact, he tried to keep his nerves under control as they got closer. At least his mom wasn't angry anymore, and had accepted things for what they were. His dad simply wouldn't talk about it.

He honestly didn't see why their parents had to meet at all. Besides, he hadn't met Naruto's parents yet either, unless you count the staring match he'd had with Minato until Naruto had woken up. Glancing at Itachi, he felt concerned rather than reassured. His brother seemed much too cheerful for the occasion, claiming things would be perfectly fine. Then again, Itachi had always taken pleasure in his misery. His heart skipped a beat when they parked along Naruto's street, the neighborhood looking ominously calm and sweet. Squaring his shoulders he led the way to the correct house, taking a deep breath before ringing the bell. Naruto had warned him that his mother might be a little overly familiar with him, so thankfully he was prepared because when the door flew open, Kushina took one look at him before pulling him into a crushing hug.

"Mom, don't kill him," he could hear Naruto complaining before he appeared in the doorway.

While Kushina was definitely shorter than him, he found himself unable to do more than narrow his eyes at Naruto's wide grin. She released him as suddenly as she'd embraced him, holding him by his arms and beaming up at him.

"Oh my," she said, scrutinizing his face and making him feel slightly self-conscious, "My son sure has good taste in men!"

She leaned to the side to peer past him, Naruto rolling his eyes behind his mother's back with a faint blush dusting his cheeks.

"And Itachi is certainly handsome as well! What's your secret, Mikoto?"

When Kushina finally let go of him he half-turned to find his mom laughing quietly as she stepped up towards them.

"Kushina, you're as lively as ever."

"Of course!"

While Kushina greeted his family, Sasuke sidled up to Naruto, their hands brushing lightly. He blew some air through his nose and elbowed the blond in the side when he waggled his eyebrows, startled when he received a chaste kiss to his cheek in greeting.

"So!" Kushina exclaimed, clapping her hands together, "Dinner is almost ready, Minato is in the kitchen fixing the last things. Come on, I'll show you around the house!"

It had to be a funny sight, four pale, darkly clothed and serious Uchihas hesitantly following Kushina inside, her bright red hair twirling behind her and falling down the back of her bright green dress. Naruto wrapped his fingers around his wrist, holding him back when Kushina excitedly started the short tour around the house. He leaned in close, breath hot in his ear, thumb caressing the inside of his wrist, and needless to say it caused a warm flutter to fill Sasuke's stomach.

"Hey," was all he said, and Sasuke glanced at him, unable to suppress a small smile in response to Naruto's own.

"You shouldn't be so close, my parents might freak out," he replied, snorting when Naruto pouted and latched onto him as an act of defiance.

"Don't worry, my mom will loosen them up in no time."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, but didn't try to escape Naruto's embrace. The others had disappeared into the living room anyway. Instead he pressed a kiss to the corner of Naruto's mouth, his protests muffled when Naruto initiated a longer, deeper one. Though, he was probably too in love at this point to really care if his parents saw them.

"Naruto!" Kushina called, and with a sigh, Naruto let go of him and jerked his head to indicate they should go join the others.


Dinner proceeded better than Sasuke had expected. That is, he had yet to be embarrassed to hell and back. He was only waiting for it to happen, though. Apparently his mom had gone to junior high with Kushina, and they had also hung around the same circles in university. Because of this he was learning quite a few things about his parents that he wasn't sure he wanted to know, even if Kushina's storytelling was highly amusing. And she would say things like "Fugaku, I think you're the only person I know who would mistake casual wear to mean shirt and tie," or "Mikoto you looked so sexy at that party, remember?" while he, Naruto and Itachi tried not to snicker.

Oh, and of course she told embarrassing stories of Naruto as a baby. It was lucky for him that she talked so much that his own mom wouldn't have time to share stories too. Minato mostly ate with an apologetic smile on his face, now and then flicking in that reality wasn't quite as ridiculous as she'd described.

He should have known it wouldn't last forever. After serving ice cream as dessert, Kushina looked between him and Naruto in contemplation. He pretended not to notice, but Naruto decided it was a good idea to stare back at his mom with a questioning expression.

"So," she mused, after a surprisingly long pause, "how did the two of you get over yourselves and agree on dating instead?"

Sasuke froze, spoon lifted towards his half-open mouth, eyes darting to Itachi in panic. He doubted Naruto would spill, but Itachi had a knack for betraying his trust in the worst moments.

"Mom, stop it!" Naruto whined, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms when she only grinned innocently at him.

"But sweetie, it's not fair that you know how me and your dad got together, when we don't know about you two!"

Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Uh, yeah, not my fault you insist on telling me once a day."

"Perhaps we shouldn't-" Mikoto started, but was interrupted by Kushina.

"I do not tell you every day! Besides, you should feel lucky to have parents that are happily in love! And you know how much I love these types of stories, you have to tell me!"

"Go read one of your stupid romance books instead," Naruto pouted, sinking lower in his seat, and Sasuke finally remembered the ice cream melting on his spoon.

He started eating again to keep his mouth occupied, hoping no one would bother bringing him into the conversation. It was bad enough they'd brought up the topic at all.

"But Naruto! Do you even realize how funny it is that you were fighting while loving each other all along? It's like taken from– hey! My books aren't stupid!"

"Honey, I'm sure they'll let you know eventually," Minato tried to mediate, but Kushina only flicked her hair and bore her eyes into Naruto, apparently taking his reluctance as a challenge.

One glance at his parents told him they seemed torn between mild horror and amusement, his father wearing a tight-lipped expression and his mother blushing lightly.

"No, I think I'd like to know right now." Kushina smiled, promising all kinds of pain if her son didn't reply, Naruto paling underneath her gaze.

"Mom, seriously?" he asked, looking pained.

Sasuke wished they'd come up with a fake story in advance. He desperately tried to come up with one now, something innocent rather than traumatizing for parents. Working together on a school project? Accidentally asking the other on a date? A dare? He'd just opened his mouth to blurt out whatever would come to his mind first, but someone else was faster.

"Ah, I guess I'll have to take the blame for this one."

Snapping his mouth shut again, Sasuke felt his lungs shrivel up and die at the prospect of Itachi explaining things.

"No, that's-" he started weakly, but Kushina's attention had already been caught as she beamed at his brother.


He shared a look with Naruto, his boyfriend mirroring his own feelings of doom.

"Yes, you see, I'd been suspecting something was going on for a while, and then I happened upon Sasuke's diary."

Oh god. He couldn't breathe, only shake his head violently in warning at Itachi who promptly ignored him.

"Go on," Kushina encouraged him, leaning over the table on her forearms.

"He had written such cute things that I thought I just had to help him out."

Itachi's smile would look affectionate to anyone who didn't know him, but to Sasuke it was nothing short of wicked. Cute? Cute?! Instantly his face felt like it had caught on fire, and he refused to meet Naruto's eyes as they searched for his.

"Awww," Kushina cooed, her eyes shining, and Sasuke glared down at his plate where the remains of his ice cream now melted into a sad mixture of brown and pink. "So what did you do?"

"Well, it wasn't as interesting as it might sound. I merely had a little chat with Naruto, to see if he was interested, and then nudged them in the right direction."

Oh, my, fucking GOD, Sasuke thought, clenching his fists in his lap and silently wondering if it was possible to die from too much blood in your face. He'd managed to push that little detail far from his mind, but the way Itachi described it, and the way it had actually happened… It was then that he realized Naruto had no idea what had happened. Oh, if only the floor could swallow him whole!

"Mmmmhm," Kushina hummed, a cheeky grin splitting her face, then she threw her head back and gave a light-hearted laugh. "Oh Fugaku, no need to look so mortified! It's cute, isn't it!"

Sasuke desperately tried to will his heart to calm down, which proved hopeless when Naruto tapped his arm and leaned in to mutter in his ear.

"I don't know if I feel happy or scared about what he said." Raising his voice he continued, turned towards Kushina. "Have you embarrassed us enough now?"

"Enough? I've hardly started!" She laughed again at his deadpan look, and waved at him. "It's okay sweetie, you can leave the table if you want. I'll just pressure Itachi for all the details."

"Please don't," he groaned, but stood and brought Sasuke up with him, proceeding to drag him to his room, sticking his tongue out when Kushina gave him a teasing grin.

Once inside his room he shut the door, and pulled a chair over to place it underneath the handle so no one could open it.

"Oh man," he sighed, throwing himself onto the bed, patting the spot next to him when Sasuke hovered by the desk. "You're pretty cute when you blush," he commented, and Sasuke narrowed his eyes at him in warning, but he only flashed a smile.

Giving up, Sasuke shuffled over to the bed, making himself comfortable next to Naruto, letting him put an arm underneath his head.

"So, a diary, huh?"

Sasuke gritted his teeth, sending murderous thoughts in Itachi's direction.

"None of your business," he ground out, turning his head the other way when Naruto leaned up on his arm to look down at him with a teasing expression that Sasuke now knew he'd clearly picked up from his mother.

Naruto's fingers teased his stomach where his shirt had bunched up a bit, forcing him to bite his lip to be able to ignore it.

"Did you write about our first kiss? I bet you did," Naruto sang, nails running lightly along the hem to Sasuke's jeans.

Cheeks heating up, Sasuke still refused to turn his head and look at his boyfriend. Yes, in fact he had written about the kiss. On page eleven or so.

"Come on, Sasuke, I'm dying to know what you wrote about me!"

Naruto slid on top of him, then moved down along his body so that his face ended up hovering above his stomach. Pushing up his shirt further, Naruto's tongue darted out to circle his navel, fingers continuing upwards to ghost over his nipples.

"Our parents are in the next room!" he hissed angrily, grabbing his shirt and simultaneously attempting to push Naruto away.

All that happened was that Naruto pulled the fabric over his own head, now placing open-mouthed kisses across his skin. It was way too arousing, and since Sasuke's mind was already on the writing he'd done in the notebook, all sorts of lewd fantasies played in front of his eyes. When Naruto's mouth closed around a nipple he bit back a moan, grabbing his shoulders and holding on, hips jerking up against Naruto's abs. With one last, hard suck, Naruto released him and appeared from under the shirt again, his grin slightly embarrassed now.

"But I really wanna know," he urged, running his hands up and down Sasuke's chest which only served to arouse him more. "It's not fair that Itachi knows what you wrote."

"You think I wanted him to read it?! I had no fucking idea he did, and then I came home to find out he'd–" He bit his tongue, not so sure he wanted to disclose that last piece of information.

"He'd what?" Naruto asked, tugging at his waistband now, as if threatening to pull down his pants if he didn't answer.

Torn between pleasure and extreme embarrassment, Sasuke tried his best to glare at Naruto. Digging his fingers into the blond's shoulders he pushed at them, but Naruto only moved to straddle his hips instead.

"Please, Sasuke," he almost moaned, fingers splayed over his hips and lower lip jutting out in an attempt to look cute.

"I'm serious, Naruto," he said, shifting slightly, sounding more affected than he wanted to. "You don't want to know. I don't want to know."

Naruto narrowed his eyes in contemplation, then slowly ran his gaze down Sasuke's body, pausing at his crotch before flicking them up to his face with a suggestive look.

"If you tell me what you wrote…" He moved one hand down to trace the outline of his length through his pants with a finger. "I'll give you another blowjob."

Swallowing proved difficult, but Sasuke needed it in order to clear his throat.

"I think we've gone through most of it already," he said, voice strained, thinking back on the sexting they'd done earlier in the relationship.

Naruto didn't seem satisfied with that answer, but loud laughter coming from the direction of the kitchen interrupted them for a moment, and Sasuke was painfully reminded again of exactly the situation at hand. As nice as the offer was, he'd rather not do it this close to his parents.

"Fine," Naruto huffed when the laughter had died down again, sitting back slightly and releasing Sasuke's pants. "But you need to explain what Itachi meant by saying he had a little chat with me."

"That's…" Sasuke wet his lips, a pained expression on his face. "You won't like it."

"Oh come on, I can handle it!"

Knowing Naruto, there was no way he'd give up until Sasuke told him something at least, but he still hesitated.

"Or, I'll just go ask Itachi later, I'm sure he'd love to tell me."

An evil grin on his face, Naruto raised his eyebrows and stared expectantly down at Sasuke. God, he could be so annoying when he put his mind to it.

"Hn. He's the one who messaged you on facebook, asking about the kiss."

He'd blurted it out, and he could see Naruto's confusion turn into surprise turn into horror as the admittance clicked with his memories.

"What?" he asked, grin faltering, a little wild around the eyes.

"You heard me," Sasuke gritted out, ignoring that his face was burning up. "He found my notebook and god knows why but he wrote that stuff to you when I was at practice."

Naruto's eyes widened comically, mouth falling open in shock.

"Fuck!" he breathed out, desperately searching Sasuke's face for any signs of a lie. "You mean that wasn't you? You mean I- Fuck, Sasuke, I jerked off to that!"

Not knowing what to say, Sasuke settled for groaning with his arms covering his face.

"Shit!" Naruto continued, "Holy fucking ramen on a stick, I can't believe I- Your brother is fucking evil!"

"Tell me about it," Sasuke muttered, tilting his head back to peek up at Naruto.

The look of bewilderment that now took over Naruto's face had his lips pull up at the corners though, and he lifted a hand to link their fingers.

"Does it really matter? I don't like his methods, but at least it worked."

Naruto pursed his lips, mulling the question over for a few seconds before letting out a heavy sigh.

"So, at what point did you take over?"

"I think Itachi said he had to go, and then after the pause it was me."

"Mmkay…" Naruto was gnawing on his upper lip, still highly disturbed by the fact that he had, apparently, gotten off to Itachi's messages rather than Sasuke's. "Good to know it at least wasn't him that suggested I suck you off, I mean, imagine if I'd just pushed you into the bathroom and you had no idea what was going on!"

Sasuke snorted, fairly certain he would have beaten Naruto into a bloody pulp had he attempted something like that unannounced. He tugged at Naruto's hand, making him bend down towards him, hooking an arm around his neck and pulling their faces close. Instantly his chest was flooded with warmth, Naruto pecking his mouth and leaning his arms on either side of his head.

"So," Naruto said in a dismissive tone, "How about we forget about that and head straight to the fun part?"

"You're too horny for your own good," Sasuke muttered, a shiver running through his body when Naruto grinded their hips together, heartbeat picking up.

The teasing felt nice though, comfortable even, and it was difficult to remember how awkward he used to feel. When Naruto let go of his hand to comb through his hair he ran it down his back, wrapping it around his waist and embracing him tightly as they kissed again. Naruto's tongue traced the seam of his lips, and he eagerly opened his mouth to respond. It was only when he felt something hard against his groin that he pushed Naruto away, short on breath and a pleasant tingle spreading through his body.

"We really shouldn't, though," he said, Naruto heaving a disappointed sigh but nodding and sitting up.

"Yeah, I know, I know."

He rose on his elbows, watching Naruto readjust himself with a grimace after sliding off to sit next to him. It's not like he wanted to stop, but the thought of their parents and Itachi walking in on them sort of killed his mood. Sadly they hadn't been able to find much time to indulge in anything sexual the past few days, and the tension was building up a little. He felt his body cool down now that Naruto wasn't touching him anymore, and he stared at some of the band posters so he wouldn't change his mind.

"And my parents will be home all weekend…" Naruto grumbled, leaning against the wall and placing an elbow on a bent knee, looking slightly put-out.

"Mine will be out on Sunday afternoon," Sasuke remembered, glancing at Naruto. "Told me not to expect them back until late."

"Oh?" Naruto's eyebrows did their little dance, causing Sasuke to roll his eyes. "What, I have no problem admitting that I'm totally horny for you."

"Obviously," he replied, ignoring the heat blooming in his stomach and instead pulling at Naruto's ankle so he sat with both legs stretched out.

Feeling bold, and not warm enough, he scooted over to sit with his back leaning against Naruto's chest. If they couldn't get off, they could at least cuddle.

"This isn't helping my case, you know," Naruto murmured, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing behind his jaw.

"You don't mind," Sasuke assured him, making himself comfortable, smirking when Naruto winced slightly.

Just because they couldn't do anything didn't mean he couldn't tease Naruto back.

"Bastard," Naruto muttered, but hugged him closer anyway.

He turned his head to meet Naruto's lips in a chaste kiss, then leaned back and relaxed, thinking he'd take a nap. Placing his hands over Naruto's he sighed lightly, a small smile playing across his face as Naruto nuzzled his cheek. Hopefully, his parents wouldn't want to go home anytime soon.



"Feel good?"


Naruto bit his lip, one hand splayed across Sasuke's chest, the other slowly stroking his cock. Sasuke was leaning back against some pillows on his bed, daylight filtering in through the gap they'd left in the curtains, letting Naruto clearly see the flush on pale cheeks. He ran his hand curiously over the dips and ridges of Sasuke's ribs, felt the smooth skin heat up underneath his touch. Sasuke's legs were spread on each side of his hips, the position like something out of a porno, Naruto couldn't help but think.

He'd barely entered through the door before Sasuke pulled him in for a kiss, burying his fingers in his hair and crashing their lips together, releasing all the tension finally. And here they were now, Sasuke naked and Naruto in only briefs, with no one around to interrupt them. His erection pressed against the underside of Sasuke's right thigh, and he desperately tried not to rub himself against it. Sasuke was gripping the pillows, watching him through half-lidded eyes, desire mixed with slight hesitation and embarrassment. When Naruto bent to brush his mouth up the middle of his chest he gasped quietly, one hand coming up to cup Naruto's neck, fingers running circles over the skin there before digging into it, in response to the tongue giving languid licks over his nipple. Naruto gently took the nub between his teeth, feeling Sasuke's length twitch in his hand.

On the one hand, his body ached for release as fast as possible, but on the other hand he wanted to drag this out, wanted to experience Sasuke's every reaction fully. It was an amazing feeling, to know that Sasuke trusted him enough to expose himself like this. He kissed up Sasuke's chest, following his collarbone, moving up along the sensitive skin on his throat. Sasuke arched against him when he sucked on his pulse, hard but not enough to leave a bruise. He felt high on the arousal coursing through his veins, high on the feeling of Sasuke's skin sliding against his, and the fact that they would only do this with each other since there was no one else they wanted. But oh, how he wanted Sasuke!

"I feel really good, too," he mumbled into Sasuke's ear, pressing his groin against his thigh in order to reach.

"Then why aren't you naked, idiot?"

Sasuke's voice was part breathless, part sinfully husky, and Naruto could only moan and bury his face in his neck as Sasuke's hands caressed down his back to pull down fabric. Inhaling Sasuke's scent deeply, he created some space between their bodies in order for Sasuke to successfully push the briefs down. It was difficult to take them off without separating for too long, and even a second felt like an eternity as he tugged at them harshly. Sasuke wasn't exactly helping, boldly massaging his buttocks and hips. Once he was free he placed one hand on the mattress by Sasuke's left side, leaning over him to capture his already swollen lips. When pale legs spread wider he combed through dark, silky hair, letting out a needy groan as their cocks pressed together. He thrust his hips back and forth, Sasuke embracing his back and pushing him closer.

He was starting to feel sweaty, ever part of his body connected to Sasuke sizzling hot as if it burned. He brushed his thumb over Sasuke's cheekbone, tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss, closing his lips over Sasuke's fervently. His heart pounded in his ears, and everything was a haze of pleasure and desire, his chest aching when Sasuke hummed and bucked up against him, clearly wanting this just as much. Supporting his weight on his knees he dragged his left hand down Sasuke's side, digging fingers into his hip, encouraging his movements.

While it felt incredibly good, he was still unsure of exactly where they stood when it came to sex. He'd said he wanted to take it slow, and he would, but how slow was slow? Hesitantly, he snuck his hand lower, caressing the inside of a smooth thigh, brushing against pubes before moving outwards again. Sasuke's calves were squeezing his hips, and he caressed his leg the whole way down to his ankle, playing with the hairs along the way. Sasuke's skin was so smooth underneath them, his fingertips eagerly mapping out everything, from the tendons in his heel to the shape of his kneecap, and the slight scarring just below the knee which he'd been told had been caused by an unfortunate tree climbing incident. He carved it all into his memory, because who needed math formulas when you could memorize every birthmark on your boyfriend's body instead?

Nibbling on Sasuke's lower lip, he moved his hand up to his waist then ran it down the side of his back, forcing Sasuke to rise from the mattress slightly. Since Sasuke had already touched his ass, he felt confident enough to return the favor. He massaged the soft cheek, appreciating the muscle when it tensed as a small tremor ran through his boyfriend. His hand was stuck between ass and mattress though, making it difficult to touch properly. Humming in thought for a moment, he released Sasuke's lips and sat up on his haunches, pulling him up as well and arranging them so that Sasuke comfortably straddled him.

"I really like this position," he mumbled, causing Sasuke to blush, most likely assaulted by memories of that time on the hill.

Grinning happily, he traced down Sasuke's spine with both hands, leaning forwards to suck on the juncture between neck and shoulder. Pale arms wrapped around him, and Sasuke tilted his head back to give him more access. He could feel Sasuke's quick pulse against his sensitive lips, his tongue darting out to press against it, eliciting a vibrating moan that added to the feeling. Placing his hands over Sasuke's ass, he pulled him closer so that their lengths brushed, sending a tingle throughout his stomach and thighs.

Pale fingers gripped his hair, tugging at it, and he bit down harder on Sasuke's neck in response. He then gave the abused spot a soothing lick, continuing up to kiss below his chin. Almost shivering with need, he slipped two fingers into the crack between Sasuke's ass cheeks, touching the skin there, his breath hitching when Sasuke gasped and pushed into the touch. He hadn't expected such an inviting reaction, and swallowing hard he traced the puckered skin again. Sasuke's head fell down, his forehead resting atop of Naruto's, dark eyes opening only for Naruto to drown in the heated look they gave him.

"Umm, I've got some…"

Sasuke left the sentence hanging, averting his eyes and gnawing on his lip. Naruto blinked once, before realizing what had been omitted.

"Oh," he breathed out, nervously licking his lips. "You want to…?"

Inhaling sharply, Sasuke turned his head to look at him again, but there was apprehension in there, and Naruto quickly explained what he'd meant.

"I mean, just a finger, if you…"

Features softening again, Sasuke nodded, tracing patterns over Naruto's scalp so the silence wouldn't feel so awkward. Smiling in what he hoped was a reassuring way, Naruto carefully nudged Sasuke off himself and watched him shuffle off the bed as well. His heart was thumping like crazy, and his throat almost hurt in anticipation. He'd been fantasizing about this for so long now… He was fine not going the whole way, really, he probably wouldn't even be able to go through with it yet anyway, too scared of messing something up. But something like this, it was progress, right? As long as Sasuke wanted it, as long as he felt good… Naruto would go at any pace he wanted.

Sasuke dug through a drawer, glancing at Naruto, who couldn't help but ogle him a bit. Sure, he'd seen most of Sasuke when changing for gym class, had snuck glances in the shower, too, but seeing him all worked up and hard was something else entirely. When Sasuke had found the bottle he was looking for, Naruto's eyes widened and he could feel his face burning as Sasuke walked back in all his glory, erection bobbing with every step. Oh damn, his mother had been right when she said he had good taste in men, because Sasuke was just too good to be true.

"Don't stare," the object of his affections mumbled, scowling at him in obvious embarrassment.

Naruto shook his head slowly, teeth showing as he smiled in disbelief, reaching a hand out to touch Sasuke's face when he climbed onto the bed again.

"Can't help it," he answered, tugging at Sasuke's bottom lip teasingly. "You're like, sex on legs."

Sasuke's scowl hardened, as if he didn't know how else to react, but Naruto pulled him into a hug. Nuzzling his nose against Sasuke's cheek he sighed happily, making a content noise when Sasuke melted into the touch. Leaning back to look at him again, he grinned wider and fell backwards, Sasuke having no choice but to follow after. They both squirmed a little, shifting into a more comfortable position. He tickled Sasuke's lower back, between the dimples present there, a suggestive look playing in his eyes that had the other male giving him a pained one in return. Strangely, Naruto wasn't nervous. They'd simply go for trial and error, and he was sure Sasuke would let him know if he somehow ended up failing the simple task of pushing a finger inside. Well, he should probably pull it out, too, thrust a bit, yeah that should do the trick.

Pushing up a little, he pecked Sasuke's nose, then retrieved the bottle from him and opened the cap above Sasuke's back.

"Want me to talk dirty?" he joked, not nervous but definitely trembling with anticipation.

"Why," Sasuke said in a flat voice, and Naruto rolled his eyes as he coated a finger.

"To distract you, of course. You're tense."

A put out look immediately flashed over Sasuke's pretty face, but Naruto knew now that it wasn't because of disapproval of Naruto's actions. Latching one arm around pale shoulders, he pulled Sasuke in for a nice, slow kiss, licking along the seam of his mouth, leaving his right hand lying by his side until Sasuke relaxed on top of him. Then he carefully lifted it, ghosting over the skin on his lower back, caressing over the rounded flesh before dipping in-between cheeks. Sasuke exhaled in a sudden whoosh of air, his arms holding his weight on either side of Naruto's head as their eyes met.

"You okay?" Naruto whispered, not sure why he kept his voice that low, but perhaps the moment required it.

He could see Sasuke's Adam's apple bob when he swallowed thickly, but another nod encouraged Naruto to circle the puckered skin. Kissing Sasuke again, he nudged the entrance, surprised that his finger slipped in fairly easily. Well, it was only a finger after all, but the heat that enclosed it felt amazing. He paused halfway in, evaluating his boyfriend's reaction. Though, if anything, Sasuke seemed to ignore the sensation and engrossed himself in the kiss instead. Now that just wouldn't do.

Wiggling the finger inside that tight heat, he was satisfied to hear a faint gasp leave Sasuke's mouth. He started to thrust, slow at first, but gradually building up the pace. Sasuke's thighs twitched, his hips rolling which meant glorious friction between their cocks. Sucking on Sasuke's tongue, he pushed the finger in as deep as possible, enjoying the way the heat clamped down on him. Sasuke's insides felt slippery as he searched for that special spot, hoping he'd found it when another moan filled the silence. It was almost scary how arousing it was to pleasure Sasuke, sparks rushing through his limbs. He settled for what he thought was a good rhythm, pushing in and out and making sure to brush over Sasuke's prostate with each movement.

"Oh, fuck," Sasuke groaned, his whole body moving on top of Naruto now, desperate for more, precum leaking from them both as they brought each other closer to the edge with each passing second.

Naruto circled his finger, pulling at the tight muscle, breathing heavily with Sasuke's weight pushing down on him. His dick throbbed, begging to be touched, but he ignored it in favor of brushing a few bangs sticking to Sasuke's face out of the way. It was almost unbearable how good it felt to be close like this, naked and vulnerable but so devoted to each other.

"Sasuke…" he mumbled in-between kisses, wanting to say more but there was no space in his brain for coherent thought.

All he could do was feel the heat of Sasuke's body, the passion in his touch, and lose himself in the moment. A long, outdrawn moan was the only warning he got before Sasuke stiffened against him, shuddering as he jerked his hips a few last times while riding out his orgasm. They were both a panting mess, but Naruto was still achingly hard. Sasuke seemed to have noticed, coming down from his high and glancing at Naruto, wetting his lips before sliding down his body. Breath catching in his throat and heart fluttering wildly inside his chest, Naruto could only stare in wide-eyed disbelief that turned into pleasure as Sasuke's mouth descended on his length. One slender, pale hand wrapped around the base of it, Sasuke's tongue darting out to circle the tip lewdly.

"Oh my god," he choked out, raising himself on his elbows to watch.

There was a determined frown on Sasuke's face, his eyes glazed over as he daringly met Naruto's. Taking the head between his teeth he gently scraped them across the sensitized skin, Naruto's legs twitching violently. His lungs felt much too heavy as he gasped for air, fingers digging into the sheets when pink lips opened only to close around him. Sasuke gave an experimental suck, and Naruto all but moaned in agony. He'd already been so close, and now he was fighting to stave of release, wanting to enjoy Sasuke's mouth longer than ten seconds the first time. Sending him another heated look that sent shivers down Naruto's spine, Sasuke started bobbing his head, twisting his fingers around the base of his cock, hollowing his cheeks to increase the suction when Naruto threw his head back with a gasp.

"Shit, Sasuke, I'm gonna…"

The wet heat left him for a moment, and instead Sasuke pumped his shaft in quick strokes, mouth latching onto the inside of a thigh instead. He felt more pleasure than pain when teeth sank teasingly into his skin, and toes curling despite his efforts he let his head fall forwards, choking on a garbled version of Sasuke's name. Spurts of milky white splattered across his stomach, and had he been able to keep his eyes open he would have seen Sasuke lift his head slightly to drink in the sight.

Panting heavily, his orgasm crashing through him like waves, he was blind to the world for a moment of pure bliss. When he became aware of his surrounding again, he noticed his arms had given out on him, and he now laid down on the bed, arching his back and tensing his muscles to enjoy the last remnants of pleasure as it faded out to a nice throbbing. Soon he turned into a boneless heap however, letting out a quiet hum when Sasuke sidled up to him, putting an arm over his chest. He sighed, turning to press a kiss to dark hair damp with sweat, incredibly self-satisfied. Running his fingers over Sasuke's back and shoulders, he tried to bite back a goofy grin, thinking he'd look a little silly.


"Hm?" Embracing Sasuke's back tighter for a moment, he kissed the top of his head again, unable to help a grin this time when Sasuke tilted his head to press his lips against his chest.

"Nothing's going to change after graduation, right?"

Sasuke's mumbled question was almost too low for him to hear, and he blinked in slight confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Between us. Since we can't see each other every day anymore… I mean, we'll be working, and then I'm starting university, and I'll be living with Itachi…"

"Ha. I already told Itachi that when you move in with him, he'll be seeing so much of me that he might as well start charging me rent."

Sasuke snorted, but hugged him tighter as well, Naruto caressing his cheek and thus able to feel the small smile forming on his face.

"I'm not worried, so I don't think you should be, either," he added, and Sasuke raised his head to give him an evaluating look.

"I wasn't worried," he disagreed, Naruto not believing him one bit but grinning at him all the same. "I wasn't," Sasuke continued stubbornly, Naruto chuckling before kissing him.

"Sure, I believe you," he said, peppering the indignant look on his face with little kisses.

If Sasuke was worried, he'd just have to prove to him that he was serious.


Sasuke was a little tipsy, he supposed, but there was an indecent amount of champagne in the house and too many relatives that wanted to toast with him in congratulations of graduating. His mother had sternly told him that this was a once in a lifetime happening, and he better behave and be social for once. So, he drifted between groups of mostly familiar people, answering the doorbell now and then to greet more and accept gifts. He'd written a very specific wish list, only wanting gift cards from certain stores or money, but he had a feeling not many had followed it judging by the size of some of the box-shaped wrapped presents.

Well, it didn't matter that much, at least not right now. The only thing dampening his mood was the fact that Shisui with family was there, and his six-year-old little second cousin Michi seemed extremely thrilled by the idea of being carried by him.

"Can I put you down now?" he asked, starting to feel the strain in his arms, not to mention he'd been close to spilling his champagne several times.

"No!" she insisted, squeezing his neck and wriggling slightly.

He'd already tried putting her down anyway, but she'd refused to let go of his neck, and so he'd been forced to walk around with her the past twenty minutes or so. Of course, his mother had taken an unholy amount of adorable pictures, but Itachi was nowhere to be seen. Luckily he spotted Mabui, and as he neared her she gave him an amused look.

"Getting tired?" she asked, stretching her hands out to accept the child.

"I'm never having kids," he groused, thankful when another relative took his glass as he tried to pry Michi's fingers off his neck.

"Nooo, don't wanna!" she complained, kicking at her mother's arms.

"Michi, Sasuke is very busy, you can play another time."

Dark eyes glared daggers, and her cute little round face scrunched up in annoyance.

"But we're getting married!"

Sasuke winced, thinking that children really were able to say the most horrifying things. Mabui finally managed to take her into her arms, and he sighed in relief, rubbing his neck. Michi had inherited her mother's darker skin and white-blonde hair, but the curly texture of it and the demanding pout on her lips were definitely from the Uchiha side of her heritage. Mabui laughed, shaking her head apologetically at Sasuke.

"I'm sorry, lately she's found a new person to marry every day. I think all those Disney movies are getting to her head."

Sasuke thinned his lips, still eyeing the upset child with suspicion. He retrieved his glass and took a sip, startled when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Aww, but you looked so cute carrying her around," his mother said, smiling brightly.

"A little longer and you might have been forced to marry him off already," Mabui laughed, winking at him when he paled.

"Well, I think a certain someone wouldn't be very happy about that, right, Sasuke?" Mikoto answered, and he nodded vigorously.

Mabui raised her brows in interest, and Sasuke was just about to sidle away and head for safety when his mother frowned slightly and looked around them.

"I thought Itachi would have been around here, have you seen him?" she asked Mabui, who shrugged.

"I think he and Shisui went to look at something in his room."

Sasuke froze, glancing between the two women.

"Hmm, I guess I'll go looking for-"

"I'll go!" Sasuke interrupted her, waving off her protests, already heading for the stairs.

It's not that he wanted to feel suspicious, but if they were doing what he thought they were, he'd prefer being the one to catch them. Soon, he reached the door to Itachi's room, muffled voices reaching him from inside when he stopped in front of it. He wasn't sure which way to go about this, and had he been completely sober he wouldn't have picked the option of slowly opening the door a notch to peek inside. As he'd feared, he could now hear what sounded suspiciously much like kissing noises, though he couldn't see them yet.

"Shisui…" Itachi murmured, and Sasuke could feel his eye tick in irritation. "We need to go back."

"Mm, just a little more," Shisui said, and Sasuke's lips curled in distaste when another wet, sucking noise could be heard. "I haven't seen you all week."

"You know I've had exams…"

Not very interested in listening to more kissing, Sasuke kicked the door open, crossing his arms with a glare.

"Mom's starting to wonder where you are," he said, then moved his glare to settle on the surprised Shisui. "I suggest you try to be a little more discreet next time."

Shisui's mouth had fallen open, but he closed it again, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Next time, huh?" His arms fell from their position around Itachi's waist, gently pushing him away. "Well, it was nice of you not to let Mikoto catch us."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes as Shisui walked past him, patting his shoulder.

"I'll cover for you a couple of minutes, I'm sensing you need to talk."

With that, he left the room, shutting the door behind himself. Sasuke stared at it, gnawing on his lip, losing courage for a moment.


Itachi's deep voice made him turn his head again, to hesitantly make eye contact. His brother looked tense, a worried crease between his brows, fingers clenching around the desk he now leaned against.

"You caught us? That time he came over?"

He nodded slowly, watching Itachi heave a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke. I wanted to tell you but-" Itachi paused, as if unsure of how to explain. "I guess I didn't know how to bring it up."

Torn, Sasuke pushed his hands down the pockets of his dress pants and leaned back against the door, a blank expression on his face. While he'd thought a lot of what he'd say when he finally talked to Itachi, it felt like he'd forgotten every word he wanted to say. Instead, blaming it on the champagne, he blurted out the first question that came to mind.

"Why him?"

A wry smile ghosted over Itachi's lips, and he sent a pointed look in his direction as he answered with a question of his own.

"Why Naruto?"

Sasuke huffed, feeling slightly stupid but annoyed at the same time.

"Naruto isn't my married cousin."

Itachi's lips instantly thinned in disapproval, his deep eyes boring into Sasuke's.

"You think I'm not aware of that? You can't help who you fall in love with."

"But he doesn't deserve you!" He hadn't meant to shout, Itachi's expression surprised for a second before morphing into his usual calm, reasoning one. "I mean, he's obviously hurt you," he muttered, averting his eyes.

"Sasuke, it's nice of you to worry about me, but this is a decision I've made for myself. The happy moments outweigh the sad ones, it's as simple as that. You don't need to approve of it, but I'd like it if you could come to accept it."

"He's a two-timing bastard," he accused.

"But he makes me happy." Itachi's voice was sharp, leaving no further room for discussion, and Sasuke slumped against the door. "Sasuke, I don't want to argue over this," he continued, gentler this time, "It's hard enough as it is."

Nodding, Sasuke inhaled deeply, letting the air out slowly as he attempted to calm down.

"Fine," he said quietly. "I won't interfere. But, if he does anything to you that makes you unhappy I won't hesitate to tell him what I think of it."

They stared at each other in silence, Itachi stern and Sasuke defiant. Eventually Itachi sighed again, stretching an arm out towards him.

"Come here," he pleaded gently, wrapping his arms loosely around Sasuke when he complied. "We can talk about it later, okay? I'm just relieved you don't hate me."

"As if I could," he snorted against Itachi's chest, though he didn't hug him back. There was the scent of an unfamiliar perfume lingering on Itachi's body, and he gritted his teeth at the realization that it had to be Shisui's. "I still don't like it."

"Yes, well," Itachi let go of him, smiling faintly, "That can't be helped I guess. We should probably go down, though."

"Yeah…" Sasuke fixed the position of his graduation hat, following his brother.

He wasn't sure of what to think, but like Itachi had said, they could talk about it later. It felt strangely relieving though, because he hadn't enjoyed pretending like nothing had changed. They found the others gathered outside, the evening sun shining brightly, their dad waving at them to hurry up. He sure hoped they weren't going to have to suffer through some kind of speech. But it turned out that Michi and a few other kids had put on some music and were now enthusiastically dancing to it, uncoordinated but supposedly cute. Involuntarily, he noticed the look shared between Itachi and Shisui, and he bit the inside of his cheek.

Trying to shrug it off, he looked at anything else he could find, wincing when Kakashi gave him a grin from the other end of the porch. Really, what kind of shit had he done in a past life to deserve his ammoying teacher hanging around family gatherings? It was bad enough that Obito had already cornered him to give him so called 'advice'. He was perfectly fine without being traumatized, thank you. He especially didn't need the list of websites and addresses to various sex shops that he'd given him, either.

When his pocket vibrated, he sighed in relief at the text Naruto had sent him. About an hour and he'd finally be allowed to leave in order to meet up with him and some of their classmates.


"Aah, this place is pretty nice," Kiba said as they all sat down in the bar at a rectangular table surrounded by cushioned stools and a wide couch.

"Of course it is," Ino arrogantly answered, having been the one to pick it out.

"Yeah yeah," he waved her off, picking up a drinks list and flipping through it.

Sasuke sat down next to Naruto by the end of the brown couch, the night air slightly chilly and filled with the sounds of cars and people passing them out on the street. He relaxed into Naruto's touch when he slung an arm around his shoulders, instantly warming up.

"God, it feels good to be away from my annoying relatives," Sakura muttered, sitting on a stool to Naruto's right, her white dress in bright contrast to her curled hair in the dimmed lighting. "If I'd gotten one more question about when I'll know if I get into medical school or not I would have screamed and run off."

"Jeez, as if you wouldn't get in," Ino dismissed her with, snatching the menu from Kiba and ignoring his protests. "Tonight we should drink for us poor struggling idiots, right, Naruto?"

"Hey! Don't call me an idiot," Naruto complained, elbowing Sasuke when he snickered behind a menu of his own. "Not everyone wants to be a doctor anyways. Besides, I already snagged a handsome, rich boyfriend."

"I'm not rich," Sasuke objected.

"Fine, but you will be probably."

Kiba rolled his eyes, as always whenever they got on the topic of their relationship. "I'm just gonna ignore Naruto being a fangirl of Sasuke's ego," he muttered, Ino laughing and smacking his arm.

"Do you think I should order chicken wings or mozzarella sticks?" Chouji asked from the other end of the table, where he sat with Hinata, Shikamaru, Sai, and Shino, all of them having been quiet until now.

"Mozzarella," Shino replied, "Why? Because I'll share with you."

"Buy your own food!" Chouji said, frowning as he continued to scan the menu.

"Sasuke, you want anything to eat?" Naruto asked, but he shook his head.

"I managed to eat some earlier."

Kiba and Ino were still having some trouble sharing their menu as the discussion turned to what to order. A couple minutes later a waitress came over, clad in the bar's standard white shirt with black slacks and apron picturing their logo.

"What can I get you?" she asked, Sasuke pausing his thought process to wonder if her long eyelashes were real or not.

Before anyone had time to properly answer, however, Chouji surprised them all.

"Wow, you're really pretty, Miss," he blurted out, the words almost tumbling over each other, his face turning a dark shade of red when he realized he'd said it out loud.

"Oh, thank you," she answered with a pretty little laugh, tucking some strands of long, black hair behind her ear that had escaped her ponytail in an embarrassed gesture.

"Uh, Chouji, I think you've got it wrong," Kiba snickered, pointing at the name tag on her chest. "Haku is obviously a male name."

Chouji's blush intensified, but as he stammered out an apology, Haku's head shook in disagreement.

"Female pronouns are just fine," she said, raising her brows slightly and signaling she'd be ready to take their orders anytime.

"But aren't you a guy?" Kiba asked, confusion evident on his face, and as Sasuke observed Haku, he supposed the flat chest and angular jaw looked more male than female.

"God dammit, Kiba! How insensitive can you get?!" Ino shouted, swatting him over the head with enough force that he needed to brace himself against the table. "Please excuse him, he's a drunk moron," she continued towards Haku, who merely gave a restrained smile. "I'll have a light beer."

"A mojito," Sakura said, Haku noting down their orders while nodding.

"I'll have the chicken wings and one of those alcohol free drinks," Chouji mumbled, adding "And you're still pretty," under his breath.

Haku must have heard it, Sasuke thought, because a blush spread over her cheeks, but otherwise she didn't show any reaction as she took the rest of their orders before leaving with the promise to return soon again.

"What's this, Chouji?" Naruto teased, "Finding interest in humans rather than food now?"

"Oh, shut up," the large boy grumbled, leaning his chin in one hand and glaring back. "Just because I don't talk about it doesn't mean I'm not interested."

"But damn," Ino sighed, slumping into the cushions next to Sasuke. "I'd kill for lashes like that."

"I still say it was a guy," Kiba muttered, crossing his arms.

"And what the hell does genitals have to do with anything?" Sakura questioned, daring him to disagree with her.

"I think he's just scared that a girl might have a bigger dick than him," Sai provided, taking the opportunity like always to sneak in a dick joke.

"I like you a lot better when you don't talk," Kiba shot back, scowling at the pleasant smile Sai gave him.

"Yeah yeah, we all know you can't handle having your manliness threatened," Naruto chimed in, sounding bored.

"I don't wanna hear that from someone who sucks dick regularly!"

"Oh yeah?! I dare you to suck one without crying like a little baby!"

"I'd watch it," Sai chimed in, raising his hand.

"Me too!" Ino laughed, laughing harder when Kiba's mouth kept opening and closing in speechless anger.

"Would you stop being so immature." Sakura rolled her eyes, sharing a look with Shikamaru who actually bothered to roll his back at her.

"Maybe you shouldn't have high-fived Naruto in the morning," Ino said, looking smug and ignoring Sakura completely. "You never know what parts of Sasuke's body he's touched with it!"

"Oh my GOD!" Kiba yelled, looking scandalized.

"What the fuck, Ino," Naruto groaned, Sasuke agreeing by sending her dirty looks.

"I think Naruto should just tell us, so we don't have to wonder," Sai innocently said, Sasuke gritting his teeth as he glared at him.

"Dammit Sai, stop asking about our sex life!"

Sasuke glared harder, wondering on what other occasions he'd asked. That was strictly private business.

"Maybe I'll go join some other people," Sakura muttered to herself, but the argument died out as Haku returned with their orders.

Picking up his drink, Sasuke figured he'd need it if he was going to survive the night. Naruto's hand stopped him however as he lifted it towards his mouth, and with a sudden bright smile, their glasses clinked as Naruto brought them together.

"God, I hate being single," Ino groaned after watching them, Sasuke sending her a self-congratulatory smirk as he drank. "Shika, wanna date me?"

"What, why Shikamaru and not me?!" Kiba asked indignantly, Ino huffing.

"Because, he's not a jerkface like you and Chouji's apparently more into brunettes."

"I resent that," Chouji mumbled, blush returning to his face as he chewed on a piece of chicken.

"Is everyone out to get me tonight or what?" Kiba groused, sipping on his beer with a sulking expression, no one bothering to answer him.

"Hey, Sasuke?"

Tilting his head to the side, Sasuke felt his heartbeat pick up a little at the close proximity between their faces. Naruto looked hesitant, and Sasuke had the feeling that there was something he'd been trying the say the whole day but never managed to get out.


"Umm…" Naruto glanced towards the others, everyone engaged in conversation, but when he turned back towards Sasuke he let out a small sigh. "No, I'll save it for later."

Sasuke frowned, but nodded all the same, quirking his lips upwards when the blond pecked his mouth before joining into the general chatter. Content to just sit back and listen, Sasuke spent the remainder of the evening sipping on drinks and now and then talking quietly with Naruto. He supposed it wasn't a bad way to spend his last day of high school, though he wouldn't exactly have minded going somewhere with only Naruto.

It was much later, after they'd forced Kiba to stop singing drunkenly several times and Chouji had been rejected by Haku, that they had to leave due to the bar closing. They split the bill, stood in line to the restrooms for a bit, but eventually they were walking down the street towards the bus station with other happy graduates and random party people. It was a shame the subway didn't run during weekday nights. Sasuke strolled behind the rest, Naruto talking to Hinata for a minute before saying something that made her glance back at Sasuke with an apologetic smile and walk ahead of them.

"So," Naruto started, hands in his pockets and graduation hat slightly tilted. "This was pretty nice."

He nodded, taking the opportunity to admire Naruto in a suit again. It was dark blue, fitting him snugly, the jacket open and revealing the lighter blue shirt that he at some point during the night had felt too lazy to tuck into his pants.

"Did I tell you you look good?" he asked, Naruto's cheeks heating up and a happy smile splitting his cheeks.

"I think so, but I don't mind hearing it again."


Naruto grabbed his hand, swinging their arms between them as they slowly followed the others. The silence was comfortable, and Sasuke yawned behind his other hand. It was three in the morning, after all, and it had been a busy day. When the station was just around the corner Naruto stopped, waving at Shikamaru to keep going when he sent them a questioning look. He waited until the others had disappeared out of sight, then turned to Sasuke, looking embarrassed.

"Do you remember when we went to that jewelry store?" he asked, squeezing Sasuke's hand when he nodded again. "Well I kinda bought something…"

Unsure of what to say, Sasuke watched in silence as Naruto dug a small, brown paper bag out of a pocket, something fluttering nicely inside his chest. He accepted the bag, wetting his lips nervously as Naruto squirmed a little.

"I mean, it's just a little something, but I just, well…"

He drifted off, Sasuke glancing at him before opening the bag and taking out two bracelets. They were identical, made of a black leather band, flat and maybe a centimeter wide. On one half was a small metal clasp, and as he turned them to see the top, he found a silvery metal plate covering part of the leather, an engraved yin yang symbol adorning the center of each. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he stared down at the bracelets, turning them over in his hand to inspect them.

"We can always get something else if you don't like it…"

Meeting Naruto's eyes again, he was surprised at the worry shining in them.

"No, it's fine, I mean, I love them…"

Instantly, Naruto's eyes brightened as he beamed at him.

"Okay! I was so damn nervous, I've been trying to show them to you the whole day."

"Well, I did notice you were acting a bit strange."

Naruto shrugged, still embarrassed, but gently took the bracelets from him and held one out for Sasuke after unclasping it. Stretching out his left arm, he felt his heart pound against his ribs as it closed around his wrist. This felt significant, somehow, and he carefully memorized the happy look on Naruto's face as he slipped the other bracelet onto his own wrist. Then, Naruto held his wrist out next to Sasuke's, so they could admire the result. Underneath the orange light of a streetlamp, with cars driving by, someone speeding on a motorbike, and strangers making half circles around them, Sasuke was flooded by emotion.

This was real. He and Naruto were together, heading into an unknown future side by side. Naruto loved him, and he…

Placing his hands on either side of Naruto's face, cupping his cheeks and running thumbs over his cheekbones, Sasuke brought him close enough for their foreheads to bump. Naruto's breath was hot against his mouth, the affectionate look in blue eyes sending shivers of warmth through his body. He took a deep breath, gathering up his courage, taking another step forwards to feel even closer.

"I'm in love with you," he whispered, lungs aching when Naruto's breath hitched, shock morphing into joy as he leaned into Sasuke's touch.

"That's good," he breathed back, wrapping his arms around Sasuke's back, "Because I'm in love with you, too."

Even though deep down, he already knew, hearing the words spoken out loud meant a lot to him. Returning Naruto's smile he brushed their mouths together, hoping that this feeling would last. He hoped they'd be okay together, hoped they could live a peaceful life, and that one day, he could look back on this moment, and this, yes, I found the person I was meant to be with.

Because they were in love, and to them, it was the most precious feeling in the world.

Yes, a lovey-dovey ending. I love those. Like I said eariler, Itachi and Shisui will get their own story, so I didn't make any final conclusions here. As for Haku, I asked on tumblr whether there was something my followers felt was lacking in fics in general, and trans people were one of those things. This was brought up because of me writing Itachi as demi-sexual. I hope I can write some more diversity when it comes to things like sexualities in the future. On the other hand, I also think it's not always necessary to label a character with a certain sexuality. But yes, I'd love to hear any thoughts on that.

As for updates, the best resource for my time schedule is tumblr. I've also started posting quiet a lot on ao3, and I'll start cross-posting my fics there more and more, as well as upload my old ones there.

Anyway, thank you very much for reading, and I hope you're looking forward to the epilogue! Comments are much appreciated :3