Wally POV

I walked to my room in the cave after completing a long day of training, desiring the feeling of warm water of a shower and the warm embrace of my cozy bed. Everyone on the team had a room at the cave that we could sleep in on weekends or school holidays and in case we have a mission that goes longer than goes past 12:00am. The rooms came complete with a pillow top queen bed, a small closet, and a full bathroom. It wasn't big, but it got the job done.

Once I got close to my room I noticed Artemis standing in front of my door. Oh god, what could she want? "Artemis, what are you doing here? You room is all the way on the other side of the cave."

"Well I just wanted to come and tell you sorry for being so mean."

Weird. I think she's finally lost it. "What do you mean exactly?"

"Well... I know I can be rude, so I just want to apologize because... I just fell guilty."

Wait does she actually like me. As in like like me. Just make your move.

I pressed my lips against hers. She at first tried to push me away, but she then kissed me back.

She started to walk into my room as my door opened. I started to remove her shirt. Once that as gone, she did the same to me. Once both of our shirts were off, we both fell onto my bed.

Artemis POV

OH! MY! GOD! I can't believe Wally and I just did it. I just came by to apologize about being mean, I didn't expect it to turn out like this. Holy crap!

We both were on opposite sides of the bed, out of breath, with nothing on. Neither one of us wanted to speak because we had no idea what to say.

Wally was the first to speak and said, "So what does this mean?"

"I have no idea."

"Do we start dating?"

"No. If we did, we would kill one another."

"Oh. Out of curiosity... um... did you like it?"

What type of question was that?!

I will admit, it was awesome. What do I tell him? "It was good."

"But not awesome?"

"Fine! It was awesome. Happy?"

"Very. You were awesome as well."

I lied there remembering what we had just done. I don't want that feeling to end. I want to continue to do this with Wally. "I have an idea," I said to Wally as I rolled over to face him.


"Friends with benefits."


"We don't date, but we have sex whenever we want."

"But we're not friends. No offense. If we were friends, we wouldn't fight this much."

"Fine! How about Frenemy's with benefits."

"Better, and sounds fun."

"First off, we need rules."


"No feelings. Neither one of us does something romantic. That means no candles, no roses, and no dates."

"Deal. Also, we can sleep over if we want. But, we can only do it after missions that go past midnight and we are too tired to go back to our rooms."

"Okay. But if we do sleep over, no snuggling. Only creates feelings."

"Oh, no making fun of one another about hat happens when have sex. What happens any other time is free game."

"Also, no telling anyone on the team."

"I thought we never really had to say that."

We then lied there and stared at each other for a while. I rolled over just in case he was going to say that he actually cared for me and wanted a relationship. I really did care for him, but I don't think he would ever want to have a relationship with me though. He shows it by constantly hitting on M'gann. Even if we did date, we would break up once he finds out who my family really is.

He then broke then silence again by saying, "So do you want to sleep over tonight or..."

"If you don't mind."

"No. Go on ahead. Doesn't bother me."

We both fell asleep on opposite sides of his bed.