Despite the distance and lack of seeing each other, Percy and Annabeth stayed faithful and both ended up working in New York. They moved in together after three months and he proposed on her twenty fifth birthday.
Bree and Liam are still dating, both very in love.
Finn and Marly ended up dating. Although they have a love hate kind of relationship it somehow works.
Marty and Jen are engaged, waiting till he finishes his last two years and gets a good job till they get married.
Kelly had an incident where three guys showed up at her door, all three wanting to date her. So she decided to go on dates with each, choosing the one she enjoyed most.
She hated all three, and left to go to a holiday in Italy. She met a guy there and ended up extending her two month holiday. She came back a month later, with him. He met her parents and they liked him.
They decided before getting married after their engagement, they wanted to travel the world first, going to Africa and Asia and traveling Europe.
Nate and Kate broke up, had a six month break up and somehow bumped into each other on the way to work as they were rushing down Miami streets. They ended up getting back together.
John and Penny broke up, and he started to date a pretty girl named Hannah. They both studied the same thing, and met because they worked in the same company.
Matt went on to start working as a chef in a really good restaurant in France, having numerous girlfriends.
He ended up falling for his bosses daughter, who was engaged. She called off her engagement, saying she was in love with someone else. He felt bad, but was welcomed into their family. When his boss gave him his blessing, he didn't hesitate in proposing.
All in all, they all were happy.
Suckish epilogue? I know. Anyone got ideas fir a new story for me?