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Horse Heart

Chapter 3.

Hadrian spent few hours on his broom, flying in direction of the site, where Théngel's men were ambushed by wargs those weeks ago. He's had an inkling of a plan hatching in his head.

As it had been explained to him – orks, wargs and goblins were servants of Sauron. After his fall their numbers have greatly diminished, but they didn't completely disappear. It seemed during years following; they bred and again started to pose a serious danger to the rest of inhabitants of Middle Earth.

Hadrian smiled viciously. It's not like he had that much to do. Taking into consideration his magical power and knowledge of battle spells – those accursed creatures would soon find formidable new foe.

It was rather funny, when wizard thought about it – he never really liked fighting (more like despised it), but now – he actually welcomed the challenge and the thrill of struggle to overpower his opponent. However, he had a small problem as he didn't know where he would most likely find those beasts. Hence his decision to go back to said battlefield. He needed a starting point.

Hadrian managed to find the place three hours after the sunrise. He looked at the great forest growing next to it. If he remembered correctly, wargs emerged from there. So, in he went.

Lately, he felt so much more secure and natural in his stallion form that he rarely changed back to human. Without thinking, he shifted into Sleipnir as he went in. The forest was unlike any others he's been to. Trees were old and very tall but at the same time, they seemed darker and one would say – angry. The shrubs and bushes covered forest's floor, minimizing visibility. Some animals were present but it was as if they were ghosts instead of living flesh and blood. Heavy silence encompassed the surroundings.

Hadrian thought about one forest he could compare it to – the Forbidden Forest by Hogwarts School, from his old world.

He trotted unhurriedly, trying to spot a clueof some kind, leading to warg's den. Soon he found hidden trail, full of muddy paw-prints that could only belong to a canine creatures of considerable size. Following the tracks, he went deeper into the woods. The deeper he went – feelings of all-consuming darkness and despair intensified. Wizard shuddered, eerie presence strongly reminded him of being in vicinity of dementors.

It is simply impossible. There is no way those soul-suckers can be here! I wonder if this is natural.

He snorted. In his animal form, wizard knew that he was less affected than a normal human would be. He felt sorry for any creatures this forest was home to.

After some time Hadrian came up to what he thought was entrance to some sort of tunnel or a cave. He decided to proceed very carefully and started with scouting an immediate area surrounding the lair.

He breathed deeply, scenting the air. Hadrian could smell fresh and decomposing vegetation, squirrels, deer and – spiders?

That was strange. – He thought.

Usually he could not smell the little critters unless he stepped on (splattered) a particularly big one, but this time the scent of eight-legged insects was almost overwhelming.

Now, that he thought of it, he remembered noticing few rather big spider-webs, hanging between trees here and there on his way.

His head quickly swiveled around, trying to spot one, as the smell was intensifying. To his horrified amazement, he saw no less than fifteen. They were bloody huge. Hadrian had a sudden sense of de-ja-vu.

What the hell are acromantulas doing in here?!

Without the second thought, he was wizard again and whipping his wand out of his wrist-holster, Hadrian hissed in serpent-tongue.


During third year of his independent studies after he graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hadrian discovered, he had a lot stronger control over his magic if the incantation was spoken/hissed in Parseltoungue. So, when he summoned Fiendyfyre, magic has read his intentions and followed it to a T. Suddenly, there were snakes, dragons and hydras made of white-blue fire, attacking giant spiders and burning them to ashes. The forest, however was not even touched. The moment critters were no more, fire went out with a screech.

Not wanting a repeat of a story, Hadrian disillusioned and silenced himself. It was time to hunt.

Severely pissed off, he memorized location of the cave for later, he decided spiders were going to be his priority for now and went looking for more arachnids.

As his senses were much better than that of an average man – even in his human form, following his nose, he found another trail leading deeper into the creepy woods.

The forest was never-ending. At least that was the feeling Hadrian got after nearly two weeks of travelling and killing acromantulas all the while. Spiders seemed to love those woods. It was absolutely perfect enviroment for them, the moisture and lack of light would only help them populate the place. So far, wizard counted two hundred and twenty – seven insect, raging in size from smaller than a dog to a fully grown giants, that he killed with either magic or his blades.

He realized, he was safer staying as a wizard than stallion, as it was easier to manoeuver and he had faster reactions. That is not to say he did not take extra precautions, he travelled disillusioned and silenced his footsteps. He was currently following a scent of what he thought a particularly big grouping of arachnids.

Hadrian slowly and stealthily moved forward, paying attention to his surroundings as he did not want to get ambushed. Once was enough – thank you very much! As he passed thick thorn-bush, he heard excited clicking of pincers and terrified whimper.

Creeping closer, he came up to a small clearing. On the edge of it lied body of a horse, with ripped apart belly and intestines stretched into macabre imitation of a spider web. Few yards away was a big spider, busy wrapping in its silk a bloodied body of a humanoid of some kind.

Wizard suddenly threw away any thoughts of stealth and in dead run approached the critter, his twin blades bared in his hands. Before beast had a chance to turn around to face new danger, he jumped onto its back and separated the head from the rest of its body. Spider collapsed and died twitching it's legs.

Hadrian nimbly jumped of and cautiously moved closer to a spider's victim, as the horse was beyond any help already. It appeared to ba a young male with long, now dirty and tangled blonde hair, very pale and blue-veined skin and most azure, almond-shaped eyes Hadrian has ever seen. The male was somewhat conscious, because as soon as he noticed the wizard, he tried - the key word was tried – to move away. It was however impossible, as the critter nearly finished wrapping him before Hadrian killed it.

Wizard could clearly see the male was terrified, as regardless of determined face and challengingly lifted chin, blond was shaking ever so slightly. Or it might have just as well been effect of a spider venom in his blood , his bleeding thigh bearing signs of arachnid's bite.

Hadrian dropped his disillusionment charm as it was clear male has seen him anyway. Curious but also worried about male's ability to see through his spells, he knelt on the ground, keeping his face firmly in the shadow of his hood. Moving closer, he lifted his hands, palms up, silently showing his lack of weapons and trying to convey desire to help.

Blonde had lift up his head weakly and in very melodic sounding language quickly whispered few words. Judging by the tone it was a question of some sorts.

"Wish I could understand you sweetheart, I bet you want some answers as well." Hadrian chuckled to himself.

"You are going to be alright, sunshine – now lets see about getting you out of this cocoon." Murmuring softly to put the male at ease, Hadrian slowly moved his hands towards blonde's feet, touching deceptively strong silk threads. Under watchful gaze of azure eyes, he started ripping it apart, freeing male's legs. He stopped at his left thigh, long gash started bleeding again after removal of bonds that kept steady pressure on the wound, stopping earlier blood-flow.

Blond flinched as the injury must have seriously pained him. Wizard whispered quiet "Aquameti" and cupped palms above the wound filled with cool water, which flowed down gently washing away the blood and cleaning it. Male stilled and gazed in wonder at Hadrian, shocked at his actions. Once finished, wizard gently put his right hand on blonde's leg, covering the gash and closing his eyes, concentrated on neutralizing venom and healing the thorn flesh. After few minutes, when he lifted his hand, all of what remained from previous wound was thin jugged pink line of a scar.

Sorted that out, he continued removal of the silk until he completely freed the male. The moment it happened, blonde was on opposite side of clearing in a flash, long dagger in his hand and ready for combat in crouched stance. Without any sudden movements, Hadrian slowly stood up and keeping eye on him he moved back to the forest, as he was not that keen on company of a stranger who could see through his disillusionment charm. When he was sure he could not be seen, wizard aparated away with a quiet crack.

It wasn't until later, when Hadrian felt a strong urge to walk up to a nearest tree and bash his head on it. Firstly – him not understanding a strangers language – he was a wizard for Merlin's sake! Why did he not think to use legilimency again and just project his thoughts? Secondly – of course the male could see through his disillusionment – he was a fay of some sort, maybe a high elf even. He's had pointed ears! Hadrian has noticed this little detail when blond jumped away from him but at the time, it did not sink in what could it mean.

Hadrian did walk up to a tree and did start hitting his head on it when he realized the most important thing – being able to be understood – he could have made clear he was not an enemy and get a new friend.

He also realized one other thing. Thinking back, the elf (assuming he was one) did not have much in a way of equipment with him. He either lost it or it could mean, that he didn't plan on going far from his home. It was entirely possible that forest had more residents than just giant spiders, wargs and other animals. Also Hadrian had to take into consideration elf's lack of steed, as the horse was slain by acromantula. Being on foot in woods such as those was a dangerous thing.

Luckily enough, wizard held a solution to both – satisfying his own curiosity and ensuring safety of unlucky blonde. After all – he was a stallion – wasnt he?

With mischievous smile on his face , he apparated back nearby the location he left the elf and morphed back into his four-legged form. Creeping closer, he discovered the clearing was empty. Even equine carcass was gone. Letting his nose lead him, Sleipnir found entrance to small natural cave, covered by fresh soil and small stones. Judging by bloodied tracks, elf made it into resting place for his animal companion. From there he could see a trail of footprints following one of natural animal paths, leading to one of many streams flowing through this forest.

Going from walking into a bit faster trot, Hadrian was hoping to catch up to an elf soon. The day was ending and shadows were stretching, giving the forest even more frightening appearance. Suddenly he heard a shout from further down the path. Giving a sigh, Sleipnir fastened his pace.

Is seems elf is a magnet for trouble. Wonder what is it this time – hopefully not another acromantula. I have had just enough of them!

Soon, Hadrian caught up to see the elf trying to fight of one warg, while the second one was attempting to circle around and get him from behind. Rolling his eyes at predictability of such a manoeuver, Sleipnir whinnied loudly and dancing on his hind legs, challenged sneaking warg to a fight. The beast took few steps back and made a running leap at him. He jumped to the side and just as the warg was flying by him he snapped with his fangs and ripped beast's throat out. Leaving now twitching animal, wizard turned around only to see elf cut off other warg's head with his dagger.

There was a moment of stillness after the ending of a fight, but soon enough, the elf was slowly walking up to him, dagger still held guardedly in blond male's hand. Elf held himself in non-agressive posture but was prepared to respond in kind if Sleipnir showed any signs of attacking him as well. Personally Hadrian thought the elf was smart, keeping such a caution.

Wizard let him approach and minding his previous mistake looked straight into blond's eyes, in quarter of a second locating and basically "downloading" the knowledge of beautifully sounding language the male used earlier that day. Gritting his teeth at the headache resulting from such an influx of information, he waited for what elf would do next.

Blond stopped two feet away from him and bowing lightly said.

"Thank you, noble friend, for helping me out in the fight. I would surely be killed by second wolf, had you not lend your assistance." Obviously elf did not expect an answer, he looked at Sleipnir sweeping with his eyes his powerful body, unusual coloring and peeking fangs. He did not see the wings as Hadrian did not released them. Still wizard knew he was far from normal horse.

Elf did not seem discouraged and looking back into his eyes, he stretched forth his hand and gently patted him on the thick neck.

"I wonder if you could do me a favour, my friend. Would you allow me to ride you? I lost my mare to a spider-attack and need to get back home before my father has an aneurism." His lips turned up in small smile and eyes twinkled mischievously. "I am sure you would help me to surprise my brothers. They always were teasing me, that no stallion knowing his worth would allow me to come close – and here you are – even letting me touch you. Will you help me, please?"

Hadrian whinnied happily and nodded with his head, as elf has played perfectly into his plan. He did not project his thoughts because he decided to pretend to be just an animal – maybe a bit unusual – but only an animal. That way elf will not mind what he talks about around him and it was a brilliant way of gathering information.

He turned, offering blond male his back and bent front legs to allow him to get on. After all Sleipnir was a bit taller than your average stallion and elf had a tiring day. Legolas – as elf had introduced himself, was very gentle and skilled rider. He did not manhandled him, elf was using his own body movements to lightly sway in direction desired. Sleipnir had no problem to follow his lead and the journey was fairly pleasant one.

They stopped for the night in another small clearing, so well hidden away that Hadrian would have missed it if not for light urging by Legolas to walk of the trail. It was perfect place for rest, bushes surrounding it so thick they created a natural wall keeping most of the predators away. It also had fresh, succulent grass, which Hadrian not wanting to risk changing and being rather hungry was eyeing with suprising appetite.

As soon as elf got off his back, he trotted up to a patch of lovely green and had a late dinner. Legolas decided to risk a fire and left to gather some dead wood. He came back few minutes later with bunch of it and after clearing small circle from vegetation, he expertly piled twigs into cone shape. He put little of dry grass in the middle and from his hip-pouch withdrew a flint to start the fire. Within minutes they had a small bonfire crackling merrily and providing enough light to comfortably see the whole clearing.

Finished satiating his hunger, Sleipnir walked up to elf sitting ny fire and laid down for a rest. Legolas slowly shuffled closer and checking if it was alright, leaned back against his side, relaxing.

"Tomorrow we should arrive home. I believe we are just half day away from Mirkwood palace. I will introduce you to my family, noble friend. Soon, you will enjoy hospitality of Sylvan elves."

Having said that, blond has relaxed further, easing himself into sleeping trance. Hadrian also decided to get some sleep, as next day was sure to be exciting. He could not wait!


Dear readers, I would like to thank absolutely everybody for the reviews you wrote about my story. I am shocked at the number of people interested in it and I promise - I will not abandon it. I do apologise for my grammar but I still do not have beta. If anyone is interested - please - PM me and I will be very grateful.

Also if you do not like my story - why bother reading it? in my opinion leaving reviews like "Your story is ****!" is unnecessary and hurtful. I do appreciate all advice you can give me and I do thrive on your attention. Please keep reading and reviewing. Best wishes to everybody :) xxx
