"This way Kid." A adult human grunts as he leads the small angel away from the cafeteria towards the office. The small angel recognizes this place from when he had to borrow shoes on the first day but he can't help to still feel upset. The small angel is holding back tears...He has caused another fight. Arthur is going to be mad and disappointed at him again...Ludwig will go back to glaring at him and getting mad...Alfred will stop being his friend and maybe Matthew would even be angry with him for causing another fight with his brother.
The small angel can already imagine the fierce glare on Arthur's face, how his green eyes will flare once they are alone. His heart is beating painfully against his chest, the feeling of guilt like a rock sitting in his stomach. He's afraid. He doesn't want the humans to hate him and he certainly doesn't want Arthur to hate him...Though he might already but the small angel doesn't want to make him angry.
What does the small angel keep doing that's causing these humans to act out in violence? Is it his voice? Lovi use to say it was annoying how cheerful he was. The small angel wishes he knew what he's doing wrong. He doesn't want to cause Arthur or the humans anymore pain. He's suppose to be helping them!
The small angel's thoughts are cut off when the adult pushes him lightly into a room Feliciano didn't even realize he's been dragged to. The small angel's eyes widen a bit when he takes in this small room with a desk in the middle. A man sits at the desk, his hands placed in front of him, looking at the small angel with indifferent eyes...But what got the small angel to freeze is that this man isn't the only one staring at him.
Arthur, Alfred, Ludwig, and Matthew are in this room as well. Ludwig and Alfred are sitting in a chair in front of this man while Arthur is standing next to Matthew who is closer to Alfred. As soon as the door opened they all turned around to look at the small angel. The small angel gulps and averts his gaze to the ground, afraid what their expressions will hold, the guilt causing his stomach to twist painfully.
"Good you're here Feliciano. Sorry to drag you into this but it seems Matthew didn't see what happened between Ludwig and Alfred at lunch. Usually when Alfred gets into fights, Matthew is close and can be a witness. But not this time." This man speaks from the desk, those blue eyes are narrowed. His blonde hair shaping his face, a curl sticking out on the side that reminds him a lot of his own. "So could you please explain to me what happened? Ludwig never gets into fights. There must have been a reason. Did Alfred provoke him?"
"What the hell!" Alfred fums, the small angel looking over at him only to swallow when he sees how Alfred's face is red with anger. "Ludwig was the one provoking me! I told you! He's the one who started it!" Alfred turns those fiery blue eyes toward the small angel who tenses. "Tell Him Feliciano. Tell him who's fault this really is!" Alfred glares over at Ludwig, who returns it.
The small angel tenses up again when everyone looks at him. The small angel's eyes lock with Ludwig's piercing blue. His face looks so scary! Arthur is looking at him with that look...He's angry too! Matthew is frowning...He must be angry too! They all know the truth...It's time to confess and take his punishment.
"Ve it's m-my fault!" The small angel cries out in distress, getting everyone's eyes to widen for some reason, Especially when he starts to sniffle. The small angel looks pleadingly at this man at the desk. "Don't punish Alfred or Ludwig! I-It's my fault so..." The small angel holds out his shaky hands, looking at no one but this man at the desk. " Punish me..." The small angel is scared to death. What do they do to humans who start fights? He doesn't want Alfred or Ludwig getting in trouble though! Everyone just stares at the small angel, silence falling hard in the room.
The small angel doesn't look at anyone but when the silence is broken by a weird sound, he can't help to look at Alfred. The blonde's lips are twitching, he's making strange sounds that soon the small angel finds out are laughs he's holding in. Alfred starts to crack up, that angry face gone. "Dude! Seriously you're so weird! And that face! You look so serious! Like you're about to go to jail!" Alfred keeps laughing...This causing the man at the desk to give him an irritated look. "it's not even your fault dude!"
"Huh?" the small angel looks at Alfred with wide eyes, so confused.
"Agreed. The fight was not Feliciano's fault." Ludwig says sternly, getting the small angel to look over at him with wide eyes. Ludwig is staring back at the small angel with his eyebrow raised. When their eyes meet he quickly looks back at the man at the desk.
"Then who's fault was it?"
Ludwig and Alfred get quiet at this.
"Fine! Since i'm not going to get anything out of you two, I'm going to let this slide. You two didn't fight and it was at lunch so no lesson was disturbed. Alfred you may go. Ludwig, Arthur, Feliciano. You three stay."
Alfred stands up from his seat and turns, walking towards the small angel with Matthew by his side. The small angel fiddles nervously, averting his gaze from Alfred, worried he might still be mad at him...The small angel tenses when he feels a hand on top of his head, waiting for Alfred to hurt him but instead he ruffles his hair affectionately. The small angel blinks before looking up at the taller man. Alfred is grinning like he normally is, those blue eyes sparkle.
"See you after school dude! Remember we have job interviews!" Alfred leans in, whispering, still grinning.
"Y-You're not mad?" The small angel looks up at him with wide eyes, his heart lifting in hope.
"No. It wasn't your fault. We'll talk about this later though." Alfred notices the annoyed look from the man at the desk before he grins at the small angel. "See you later dude." Alfred leaves the room with Matthew...Matthew had stopped to look at the small angel...a frown on his face before he walked out with his brother. The small angel frowns...Is Matthew upset with him after all?
"Come closer Feliciano." The man at the desk speaks, getting the small angel to look at him. Ludwig was staring at the small angel intently, A small frown on his face from watching the scene with him and Alfred. Ludwig's fist gripped when Alfred touched the small angel's hair and ruffled it like that...Feliciano can see the anger on Ludwig's face and it gets him to frown more. A little bit afraid that Ludwig is mad, the small angel walks closer but stays in the middle of Arthur and Ludwig, shifting from foot to foot.
"Now...What happened with you two, Arthur and Ludwig? What did you see Feliciano?"
"Ve...um..." The small angel fiddles with his fingers...Not going to lie. "...Ludwig punched Arthur."
"...Is that true?" The man looks at Arthur.
"Yes he did and I have no idea why. He just attacked me for no reason. I didn't say a word to him!" Arthur keeps calm but the small angel can tell he's angry. Those green orbs are a dull fire.
"Is this true Ludwig?"
"No. There was a reason. He deserved the hit he got sir. I take full responsibility for my actions." Ludwig's shoulders are so straight, his face stern as he locks eyes with the man at the desk. The man frowns, seeming at bit sad.
"...Hmm. This is just strange. You've been here for years and you never have gotten into trouble. You are one of our top students...Are you having a bad day?"
"You could say that." Ludwig stiffens, those eyes glancing over at the small angel before looking away before he's caught.
"Okay...Since I like you, and you work so hard, your punishment will be three detentions and you have to go home for the rest of the day. Let's not have this happen again okay?"
Ludwig and Arthur nod...But the small angel knows Arthur is holding in a glare. "You are all dismissed. Arthur you leave first, get to your class. I don't want another fight to break out."
Arthur stands up without a word. As soon as his back is turned to the human, his face warped into a face of fury. The small angel, though scared of Arthur, feels like this is still his fault. Arthur got hit...The small angel starts to follow out with Arthur, only for a thick voice to stop him.
"Wait Feliciano..." The small angel stops, he blinks and turns around. Arthur turns around also, staring at the German. Ludwig is giving Arthur a hard look before those piercing blue eyes fall on the small angel. They soften. "Wait for me." Ludwig glares at Arthur.
Arthur's eyes light in realization and he grips his fist. He turns and marches out of the room. The small angel frowns, Wanting to follow Arthur to ask if he's okay and if he's mad but Ludwig asked him to wait for him. The small angel decides to wait for Ludwig since Arthur stormed out...Which means he doesn't want to talk to the small angel at all.
"Alright you two can go." The human at the desk grunts. Ludwig nods as he gets out of his seat and walks towards the small angel. Instead of walking past him, Ludwig grabs the small angel by the wrist and leads him out. Ludwig's grip is tight but it doesn't hurt. The small angel follows him without struggling as they walk out of the office and into a hallway that is empty and quiet. Ludwig lets go of him, turning around to face him...The small angel tilts his head, staring at him with curiosity.
"Ve Ludwig why did you bring me here? Y-You're not mad at me are you?" The small angel tenses up at the thought and starts fiddling with his fingers. Ludwig takes a deep breath but those piercing blue eyes are narrowed and his chest is puffed out, making the small angel whimper.
"Nein. I'm not mad at you. I can't believe Alfred would do that to you! Why do you even like a jack ass like that? Who can not even admit to what he is?...to what you two are?" Ludwig's angry face softens a bit, his lips turning in a frown at how the small angel looks up at him with confusion.
"What do you mean Ludwig?"
"I mean he denied that you two are dating! He even denied he was gay! You deserve better than him Feliciano! Why would you be with a man like that? When you could do so much better? You're cute and sweet and..." Ludwig started off angry but towards the end he started to soften up. His eyes get wide at what he said, his cheeks turning red as he coughs into his hand and averts his gaze, taking a deep breath. "...It upsets me seeing you be treated this way."
"Ve dating?" The small angel blinks, more confused then ever. He knows what dating is. Humans date in heaven. Angels date in heaven too...It's something lovers do. The small angel doesn't have a lover, and surely he wouldn't have a human lover. "Me and Alfred aren't dating!" The small angel can't help to chuckle at the dumbfounded look on Ludwig's face...his eyes are wide and his face looks so funny! "Why would you think that?"
"W-What? But I thought...but you said...when I asked about your relationship, you said you two were doing good!" Ludwig is the confused one now, his eye brows furrowed. The small angel tilts his head...before his eyes widen in realization.
"Oh! When you said relationship I thought you meant our Friendship! Sorry I was confused. " The small angel giggles a bit at this confusion. Ludwig's eyes widen more.
"But...But at lunch! When he denied your relationship and that he was gay you looked so sad! I thought It was because he was denying your relationship!"
"I was sad because I thought Alfred was saying we weren't friends and that he wasn't happy!" The small angel tilts his head at how Ludwig's face goes pale.
"...So...you and Alfred aren't together? You're not dating him?"
"Nopes! Alfred is just a good friend!" Feliciano smiles brightly, happy he can still say that. The small angel doesn't get why Ludwig lets out a long sigh...or the relief that floods his expression...Those piercing blue eyes sparkle a bit, a twinkle in his eyes as he looks into the small angel's brown orbs. Ludwig's face lights back up, his body relaxing...he even lets out a soft chuckle.
"It seems I have to apologize to Alfred after all...I really did start that one." There's no guilt in his eyes. Ludwig's cheeks are dusted a pink as he reaches out, grabbing the small angel's hands and holding them in his larger ones. He rubs his thumbs soothingly against the small angel's hands, getting Feliciano to beam at the contact. It feels nice. He doesn't understand why the human is so red though as he stares down at their hands. "...Do you have a lover?"
The small angel tilts his head, looking up at Ludwig. The German flushes but his eyes look deep into Feliciano's...searching his face. The small angel thinks about it...Lover? No. He use to have Arthur but...the past is complicated with him. The small angel is sure he's not his lover. "No I don't have a lover. I haven't dated anyone!" The small angel flushes a bit in embarrassment. He was never a hit with the girl angels in heaven...he wonders why.
"Really?" Ludwig's eyes flash, that twinkle getting brighter as he walks closer towards the small angel, so close their chests are almost touching, his hands still in the German's. "That's hard to believe. You're very attractive...B-Beautiful." Ludwig's hands are sweaty now, his face so red as he glances away shyly. The small angel's chest feels warm, and he smiles brightly up at Ludwig before he wraps his arms around him, getting the larger man to tense...but he soon relaxes into the touch.
"Thank you Ludwig! I feel all good now! You really think I'm beautiful?" The small angel looks up at the German with those sparkling brown orbs...Ludwig swallows, those piercing blue eyes getting half lidded and soft.
"Ja..." Ludwig warps his arms around the small angel...one of his hands cupping his cheek, rubbing the skin there gently.
"Ve I think Ludwig is beautiful too! Your eyes are amazing! Sometimes I feel frozen when I look into them." The small angel smiles happily at the German, not aware how intimate this is getting, not aware of how fast this human's heart is beating or what that look in those piercing blue eyes mean.
"I feel the same way every time I look at you." Ludwig's words get softer...His eyes slipping shut as he leans in slowly. The small angel tilts his head as Ludwig's strokes on his cheek get lighter. Ludwig is so close he can feel his breath on his face!
The small angel suddenly has a strong feeling over come him...he tenses in Ludwig's hold, getting the German to release him immediately, his eyes snapping wide, his face red. "I-I'm sorry. Things like this should be done properly. I've gotten ahead of myself...I'm just so relieved that you're not with Alfred and..." Ludwig's face heats up more. "I just...Forgive me for jumping to conclusions with you and Alfred."
"Ve it's okay Ludwig! I'm just glad you're not mad at me!" The small angel smiles, leaning up to kiss the German on the cheek. "Thanks for saying such nice things! You're such a good friend!"
Ludwig's smile from the kiss gets replaced by a frown. "Feliciano..." He gently cups the small angel's face, tilting his head so he's looking into those piercing blue eyes...they have an odd look to them. "I want to me more than just a friend to you..."
"What do you mean?" The small angel tilts his head.
"...Tomorrow. I'll show you what I mean. The school is no place for something like this." Ludwig flushes, glancing away. "I'll ask properly tomorrow..." Ludwig looks back at the Feliciano...staring deep into his eyes with those piercing blue ones. After awhile of looking at each other, Ludwig lets go of the small angel reluctantly. "...Bye Feliciano. You should get to class. I've held you long enough." Ludwig's face is bright red but before the small angel can say anything he walks away stiffly, walking so fast.
The small angel watches him go...Ludwig sure acts weird sometimes. Why would he think him and Alfred were lovers? Ludwig is funny.
The small angel smiles at the thought of spending tomorrow with Ludwig before he turns, about to walk into the hallway...only to bump into someone. "I'm sorry-" Feliciano starts, only to squeak when he's shoved against the wall, his hands pinned above his head, a body pressed against his. The small angel's eyes widen at the strength. He becomes frantic, Thinking this is a demon, one of the demon's Death warned Arthur about.
He calms when he sees those familiar green orbs but not too much when he sees those eyes so dark. "A-Arthur?-"
"Was it him?" Arthur growls, his words like venom, his face close to the small angel's...He's holding both the small angel's hands up above his head with one hand. Arthur's really strong.
"W-What?" The small angel stares at him with frighten, confused eyes.
"Was it that human? Ludwig? Is he the one who touched your curl?" Arthur's voice doesn't lose the darkness. Those eyes so narrow.
"N-No it wasn't Ludwig-"
"Are you saying that to protect him? I saw that look he was giving you." Arthur grinds his teeth. "That human is trouble! Tell me, did he touch your curl? Don't lie to me!" Arthur's eyes narrow once again, his body is pressed against the small angel's, his forehead resting against Feliciano's.
"I-I'm not!Ve Ludwig is nice! He's not trouble!-"
"He punched me in the face and told me to stay away from you!" Arthur snaps, his eyes flashing. "How dare you defend a human who has attacked me?!" He's getting madder.
"I-I'm sorry Arthur. I know that was wrong of Ludwig but he didn't mean it he-" The small angel starts whimpering out words, getting lost in those glaring eyes...It feels like Arthur wants to kill him, Feels like Arthur is about to hurt him real bad and-
Arthur leans in all the way, his lips pressing firmly against the small angel's. Feliciano's eyes widen in shock as Arthur continues to kiss him. His lips soft and familiar. Arthur's eyes are shut tightly, his body tense but he doesn't pull away. The small angel can't help but to relax into this warmth. His lips moving naturally against Arthur's.
It's been so long since Arthur has kissed him. He remembers after their first kiss with the one heart fruit, Arthur would kiss him a lot. He said it was a way for him to show how much he loves him. A way to show affection. Arthur would kiss him when they lay in bed together or whenever they were alone. It felt nice...it felt good. It still feels good now. It fills the small angel up with hope that Arthur and him can go back to being best friends, that he won't be alone anymore.
Arthur's tongue slips in the small angel's mouth...It rubs against his tongue, exploring the inside of his mouth, his grip on the small angel's wrists are tight. Feliciano's tongue follows his lead, rubbing and caressing his dear old friend's, feeling how warm it is and soft. Arthur's grip on him soon loosens before he pulls away.
Arthur's face is flushed red, he pants slightly close to the small angel's face. The small angel has to catch his breath too, staring at Arthur with curious eyes, his head tilted, his cheeks flushed but...his curl is in the shape of a heart.
"Arthur..." The small angel smiles, wiggling against him, trying to get out of his tight hold. Arthur's eyes flash, before they widen. Arthur lets go of him quickly, jumping away from him, staring at him with astonishment, his face so red before those eyes narrow and he bares his teeth getting the small angel to flinch.
"You're driving me insane!" Arthur growls at the small angel...Something hurting in Feliciano when he sees pain in those green orbs of his old best friend. "I should just kill you myself! I hate you!"
"A-Arthur what did I do? W-Why are you angry? You just kissed me so I thought-"
"I wasn't thinking! I-" Arthur starts to shout, his face so red and conflicted. He almost looks as if he's about to cry. The small angel frowns deeply, walking towards his old best friend, his dear friend Arthur, reaching out to give him comfort. Ignoring his mean words. The small angel can't feel pain when he sees Arthur is in pain himself. Arthur takes a step back. "Stay a-away, you stupid git!" He fums but it's not as strong.
Just when the small angel is about to touch Arthur...He flinches away, his shoulders slumping and his blonde hair casting a shadow over his eyes, covering them from view. "Come on. We have to get to our music class." His voice, so deep with pain...The small angel can only stand there, confused and upset. He's never seen Arthur like this.
"Arthur I-"
"Don't speak." Arthur grabs the small angel by the wrist and starts leading him out of the hallway, his face hidden under his hair...What is he trying to hide? What is the pain he's feeling? It use to never be like this. When they kissed, the feeling after would feel good or warm. They kissed but it feels bad now. The air is tense and cold...not warm like it use to be. The small angel wonders what Arthur is thinking. Did he kiss him because he loves him again? But then why does he look like he regrets it?
The small angel doesn't understand.
"And that's how-" The human teacher starts, only to be cut off by the door opening. The students turn their heads to see what is the cause of the distraction. The small angel fiddles with his fingers, standing next to Arthur who hasn't spoken a word to him. The small angel is just confused. He wants to talk to Arthur but he's afraid to..
When his eyes lock with Kiku's who is staring at him from the back...He remembers he has a job to do.
"Sorry we are late. We had business in the office." Arthur speaks up.
"It's okay. Just take your seats."
Arthur walks to the back and takes his seat next to Matthew...The small angel follows behind him before taking his seat next to Kiku. The small angel tries to give Kiku a bright smile but he's not sure if it was bright or not. His chest is hurting. Kiku stares at the small angel for a moment before looking back to the front of the class...The teacher starts talking again about music and reading music...which the small angel still doesn't understand-
"Um...Feliciano?" The small angel blinks before looking over at Matthew who has leaned over to whisper towards him. His eyes are shifting...but there's a frown on his lips. "A-Are you...are you still friends with my brother?"
"Alfred? Ve of course I am!" The small angel smiles...before he frowns. "Ve Alfred still wants to be friends with me right? He's not mad?"
"Well...he's a little upset. H-He thinks you're replacing him with Ludwig..." Matthew frowns.
"Replacing him? No! Ludwig's my friend too though just like Alfred is my friend." The small angel smiles.
"...I-It's going to be hard being friends with both of them." Matthew still doesn't seem happy.
"What do you mean?" The small angel tilts his head.
"...W-Well i'm sure you've notice that Alfred and Ludwig don't really like each other right?"
"...They don't?" The small angel frowns. "Why? Ludwig is nice and so is Alfred! They should like each other!"
"I don't know why they don't like each other...i-it's just one of those things..."
"Just one of those things?..." The small angel frowns before he smiles. "Maybe I could open their eyes to see how great they both are! Maybe they just need to spend more time together to become friends!"
"I-I'm not sure that's-"
"Everyone open up to page 32 we are..." The teacher starts to talk...Matthew's soft voice not able to be heard as the small angel's mind starts to run wild...
He thinks of Arthur , Ludwig, Kiku, Alfred...he thinks of why he's here and thinks of all the things that have happened...He thinks of Arthur's kiss and Ludwig's bright blue eyes, the way they looked at him...
Why is the human world so confusing?
"Are you alright Feliciano-kun?" the small angel is brought out of his thoughts, his eyes widening from that voice. He looks over at Kiku to see the quiet human looking at him with that blank look.
"W-What? Yeah i'm fine Kiku!" The small angel beams before he tilts his head. "Why?"
"You haven't been as hyper since you've come back." Kiku states. "Also the bell has rung and you've just been staring forward."
"Ve?! The bell rang?" The small angel sits up in alarm, looking around to see that most of the humans have left. Wow he really was out of it! He was just thinking about everything and it just...The small angel shakes his head and gives Kiku an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Kiku! I spaced out! Thanks for waiting for me!" The small angel brightens up when he realizes that not only did Kiku wait for him but he asked if he was okay. They are getting closer! This is great!
Kiku stands up, collecting his things before walking towards the way out. The small angel is happy to follow after him. "How was gym? I ended up missing it. Did you have to do those horrible push ups?"
"We did laps." Kiku glances at the small angel before looking forward. "I think he wants your attention."
"Who?" The small angel glances over at Roderich who had been waiting for him to come out. Those purple eyes light up when they make eye contact.
"Feliciano! A moment of your time." He walks up to him quickly, handing him a piece of paper. The small angel blinks, tilting his head at it. "We are having try outs for our concert. I'd love to have someone who is so passionate about music to be in it. The try outs are Thursday in the cafeteria. I expect to see you there." Roderich beams before walking off.
"Concert? Try outs?Ve?" The small angel looks at the paper before looking to Kiku for advice. His eyes widen when he sees Kiku isn't by his side anymore. Oh no! He lost him again! The small angel calms down when he remembers that Art is next and it's not far away. He quickly makes his way to his classroom, shaking off all his thoughts.
Kiku got worried about him. The small angel shouldn't be worrying Kiku. He should be taking his worries away!
"I did not want to be late." Kiku says when The small angel ran to sit next to him, smiling at him. Kiku's expression is blank but he's looking at him and the piece of paper he's holding curiously.
"That's fine! I know how much you love this class!" The small angel beams before he sits down and shows Kiku the paper. "Roderich gave me this. He said something about a concert coming up and he wants me to try out Thursday...but what's a concert and what am I trying out?"
"A concert is when a group of people or just one person sing or do something musical! You've never heard of a concert before sweetie?" Elizabeth giggles, getting the small angel to look back at her. Kiku is still looking at the paper.
"No! But a concert sounds like a lot of fun!" The small angel's eyes sparkle. "What am I going to be trying out at this concert?"
"You tell me! If Roderich gave you that paper that must mean you have talent! He wouldn't want anyone ruining his precious concert" She chuckles. "Do you sing? Or play an instrument?"
"I play the harp! And I use to sing all the time in he-" The small angel stops himself quickly, his curl twitching from his almost slip up. "At home!" The small angel fixes.
"This says it's an instrumental concert." Kiku cuts in. "Roderich wants you to try out with the harp."
"Oh...but I don't have my harp with me."
"I'm sure they have a harp you can borrow! This place is filled with instruments. Trust me. I hear roderich talk about it all the time." Elisabeth smiles. "I think you should try out sweetie!"
"I agree." the small angel looks at Kiku with wide eyes. Kiku looks down at his hands.
"You think I should Kiku?" The small angel smiles, getting closer.
"It is up to you." Kiku seems flustered. This gets Feliciano to perk up. He's never seen him be so lively. He shakes his hands.
"Would you come to see me try out?" The small angel smiles when Kiku glances at him, seeming to think.
"We shall see."
"Would it make you happy if I played at the concert?" The small angel can't help to ask. Kiku doesn't respond. Kiku seemed pretty excited about the concert though so Feliciano goes on. "If it made you happy i'd play you the best song I could! I'd do my best!"
Kiku looks over at the small angel seeming surprised. When he sees those amber eyes so bright he looks down quickly. Those black eyes don't seem as empty.
"Y-You should not play for me Feliciano-Kun." Kiku seems flustered again.
"But I want to!" The small angel puts a hand on Kiku's shoulder.
"Refrain from touching me!" Kiku says a bit loudly so the angel is quick to stop.
"Sorry! I just got happy!-" The small angel is about to start patting Kiku's back but he stops himself. The small angel wants to jump up and down when he sees the slight pink in Kiku's cheeks. He's never seen so much color on the boy! This is great! "I want to play! I'll play my best! So please come see me Thursday! I want to play and I want to make you happy!"
"We shall see about Thursday. Thank you but you do not have to be so loud." Kiku calms down when the teacher comes in and he looks forward. The small angel is a little upset when he sees his face has gone back to normal.
"I'll come see you Thursday." Elisabeth whispers, getting the small angel to look back at her. She's smiling from ear to ear for some reason. "My ship is happening." The small angel hears her mumble.
"Yay thanks!" The small angel beams at her. He blinks when the teacher puts a piece of paper on his desk. He frowns when he hears the teacher saying to open their books to read...this is art. Why are they reading? The whole class goes by without them drawing at all. They just read the book. The small angel glances at Kiku but he doesn't seem to mind. His eyes are brighter as he soaks in all of this information.
Kiku really loves art. The small angel finds himself smiling at the human. He wishes Kiku could always be bright and lively like he was when they were talking a bout the concert.
The small angel starts to doodle, his thoughts leaving him once again. He draws two bunnies playing, giving one of them thick eyebrows- the small angel frowns, thinking of Arthur right away. He remembers the feeling of Arthur's lips on his and the warmth he felt. The small angel touches his lips, his chest tightening when he remembers how Arthur had looked at him after it. He looked like he was about to cry. Like he was hurt.
"I hate you!"
The small angel closes his eyes tightly, feeling the tears well up. Those words ring through his mind, making him more upset by the minute. The small angel always thought that Arthur hated him but to hear him say it...
But that's not what bothers the small angel the most. He didn't like seeing Arthur hurt. The stronger angel is so confusing! He was sure Arthur was mad at him but then he kissed him like he use to...then he got mad and sad! The small angel wishes he could understand. And that kiss...The small angel longs for it. It brings back good memories. It was a comfort. It felt insanely good and by how red Arthur was, The small angel thinks it felt good for him too.
It's probably because of what they are...The small angel wiggles in his seat. He wonders if Arthur thinks about that at all? Has it crossed his mind? It's been so long since they've seen each other...and that kiss just brought it all back. The small angel is terrified of Arthur but he feels like he has to talk to him about this.
The bell rings and the small angel can't help to cheer. "Yay that's over! We didn't get to draw at all." The small angel pouts, looking at Kiku who is cleaning his stuff up.
"I didn't mind. We will get to draw tomorrow." Kiku says plainly but there's a shift his eyes. The small angel thinks he's excited.
"Good! And Kiku gets to draw kitty cats for that project thingy- oh! I forgot to tell you! Tomorrow i'm going to be hanging out with Ludwig!" The small angel starts to go off as they walk out of the room together. Kiku listens to him quietly.
"I'm sure Ludwig-San is happy about that." Kiku says with this knowing look.
"Yeah he seemed happy! Ve he said we were going to go out after we do school work! I thought he didn't like me but then he was so nice and now we're friends!"
"Are you still going to be friends with Alfred-san?"
"Yes! Matthew seemed like he was worried about it because Alfred and Ludwig don't like each other...but i'll just get them to see they're both great!" The small angel beams.
"I would stay out of it." Kiku says, tensing when they walk out and Alfred spots them. Those big blue eyes brighten up and he starts running towards them. "Good bye Feliciano-Kun." Kiku is quick to get of the way when Alfred jumps towards them.
"Bye Kiku-" The small angel starts to wave after him.
"Dudeeeee!" Alfred tackles the small angel in a hug, he almost falls back with a surprised yelp. "Are you ready for this interview?! We're going to go in there all kick ass and get those jobs!"
"I'm ready!" The small angel jumps up and down with Alfred, getting hyper from the human's energy. "I want to get a job at the fast food heaven!"
"Haha that's the spirit!" Alfred hits the small angel on the back roughly before grabbing his wrist, pulling him along. "I have the perfect clothes for us to wear dude. They'll take one look at us and have to hire us!"
"Really?!" the small angel beams taking off with Alfred. He doesn't notice the hooded figure watching him, leading against the school wall.
"Ve that was a lot of running." The small angel pants as he walks into Alfred's dorm room. They ran the whole way. Alfred looks red in the face but for the most part he's fine. He's in good shape. He's healthy and that makes the small angel smile.
"I know right. I'm sure I burned like a million calories. Which is good. We're going to need room for all the cheeseburgers we're going to be eating!"
"Cheeseburgers?" The small angel gets pale at that.
"Put this on dude!" Alfred throws him a shirt and a hat. The small angel looks over at Alfred to see that he's taking his shirt off to put on other clothes. So this must be the work clothes? These clothes are their key to the jobs?
The small angel puts on the shirt and hat. Alfred turns around once he's done the same and starts to chuckle. His eyes are so bright. "Yes! We look so kick ass. Hold up." Alfred brings a mirror over. He puts his arm around the small angel bringing him to the mirror so he can see.
The small angel touches the large M on his shirt before touching his hat that looks like a cheeseburger. Alfred is wearing the same thing.
"That job is as good as ours." Alfred punches his fist in the air.
"Yeah! Because we have the M's!" the small angel beams at Alfred.
"Yup!" Alfred laughs as he pats the small angel on top of the head. "We're going to walk up in there and they'll be like 'wow...they need to work here.'.
"Then we'll get jobs at the best place ever and we'll be able to make money- oh and we can work with Ludwig!" the small angel jumps in his excitement, not catching how Alfred tensed or how he frowns.
"You really like Ludwig huh?"Alfred mumbles, walking away from him. He crosses his arms.
"Yeah! Ludwig is my friend!" the small angel beams. He tenses when Alfred looks over at him with this hurt look. He's pouting at him and the small angel doesn't know if he can handle those blue eyes.
"But I'm more of your friend right? I mean Ludwig is so ugh. He was an ass to you not too long ago. Which brings me to lunch time. What was up with that, dude? Trying to sit with him..." Alfred looks hurt. The small angel frowns. He doesn't want to hurt another person today.
"Ludwig said he was sorry...and I really wanted to sit with Kiku. Why can't we all sit together? Ludwig is really nice if you get to know him!"
"Yeah right. He thinks he's so much better than everybody. As soon as I sat down he started throwing a fit! Did you see that?...If Ludwig says I can't sit there, are you just going to sit there anyway?"
"No. I'll talk to Ludwig. I want to sit with you Alfred. You're my friend! I also want to sit with Matthew too...we should all sit together!" The small angel smiles gently when Alfred peeks at him. Alfred seems to think before he grins.
"If I get Kiku to sit at my table then Ludwig can suck it!"
"Or we could all sit together-"
"Don't wanna! He just wants you all to himself. He's so stingy. Don't you have a kick ass time with me?" Alfred gives him this look. It seems the more the small angel talks about Ludwig, the more upset he gets.
"I have a lot of fun with you Alfred! But I don't think he wants me all to himself-"
"He likes to act like everyone else isn't around. He hates anyone who isn't smart like him. The only reason he hung out with Kiku was because he's the only one who came in through his smarts too. He thinks he's better than us. Ludwig was trying to say we were gay for each other and he made a big scene too. To me it looks like he's just trying to bother me by trying to take my friend." Alfred grumbles.
"Ludwig just misunderstood for some reason. He thought we were dating." The small angel frowns when Alfred still doesn't look happy. "I don't think he's trying to take me away-"
"You don't know the guy dude. It's just fishy. Why do you have to be friends with him anyway when you have a hero like me?"
"I want to be both of your friends! I like you both! I want all of us to be friends!"
Alfred stares at him a moment before those eyes change. He looks at himself in the mirror, messing with his hat. "Dude...You won't replace me with Ludwig will you?"
The small angel is surprised by that voice. He frowns when Alfred looks over at him and smiles brightly with his eyes closed. "Ha just kidding. I don't care. We got an interview to get to!" Alfred walks up and pats him on the head before walking towards the door. The small angel is close behind but he can't get that voice out of his head.
"Alfred." The small angel grabs his wrist. Alfred doesn't' look back at him. "I really like you. You're my friend and nothing will change that. I have a lot of fun with you. I couldn't replace you with anyone!" Alfred looks back at the small angel slowly, his eyes widen but they seem brighter. The small angel smiles. "No one is Alfred,only you are! So no one can replace you!"
Those blue eye soften and he gives him a real smile. "I am the one and only!" Alfred grins. "No one can replace you either dude. No one is as weird as you!"
"Thanks!" the small angel beams getting Alfred to chuckle. For some reason, the small angel thinks he's made Alfred feel better. The air is no longer tense between them.
They both walk out of the room, still laughing. Just when they are coming out, Ludwig comes out of his dorm room. Alfred stops laughing when their eyes lock. He glares at him.
"Hi Ludwig!" the small angel waves, Ludwig turns his hard look away from Alfred to smile at him. "We're going to get jobs!"
"Where are you going to get jobs?...and why are you dressed like that?" Ludwig wrinkles his nose. He stiffens up when Alfred puts his arm around the small angel, grinning at him.
"We're getting jobs at McDonald's. We are dressed to win. Once we get our jobs, you can't act like you're better than us." Alfred is grinning so widely. "We're going in as a team and we will win."
"Feliciano if you go into the interview with this dumkoph, you won't get the job-"
"And we will win. And we will win. And we will win-"
"Shut up!" Ludwig's eyebrow twitches. "You won't win anything looking like that! And must you hang on Feliciano like that?"
"You mad bruh?" Alfred narrows his eyes at Ludwig, keeping his arm around Feliciano. "Because we will win."
"G-Guys don't fight!" the small angel frowns when he sees the anger in Ludwig's eyes. "I want us all to get along!"
Ludwig and Alfred look at him for a moment. Ludwig sighs first when he sees those amber eyes looking at him. "...I'm sorry Feliciano. I don't know if I can get along with this guy but..." Ludwig grips his fist, locking eyes with Alfred. "I do owe you an apology. I misunderstood and thought you were dating Feliciano and treating him badly."
Alfred's grin is frozen on his face before it drops. "Huh? Did you just say sorry?" Alfred tilts his head before his face scrunches up. "Dude why did you think me and him were a thing? Everyone keeps saying that."
"Maybe it's because of how you hang on him as you are." Ludwig glares at his arm that is still resting on the small angel.
"I hang on him because he's my bro. Can I guy not love on his bro without being called gay?" Alfred huffs. "You really almost caused a scene because you thought I was being a jerk boyfriend?" Alfred blinks before he looks at Ludwig who raises his eyebrow. "Then why did you punch Arthur?"
"That is none of your business." Ludwig states quickly when he saw the small angel tense.
"Well damn. Not like I really wanted to know anyway." Alfred grunts.
"Yay you two are talking." the small angel smiles. The two look at each other before glaring.
"Yeah well me and Feliciano have to go. We're going to get jobs together." Alfred grins at Ludwig. "We're having so much fun."
"Si!" the small angel agrees. Alfred beams and Ludwig looks a bit irritated.
"...Well good luck to you Feliciano. I will see you tomorrow. I'm looking forward to spending the day with you after school." Ludwig says with this smile. Alfred's face drops.
"Me too! It's going to be fun!" the small angel beams
"What are you guys going to do after school?" Alfred looks at The small angel.
"We're going to work on a project-"
"Ha! Boring! You nerd!" Alfred points at Ludwig who's eyebrow twitches. "I would never bore my friend with homework-"
"That's because you never do yours."
"Exactly!" Alfred smirks. Ludwig just looks at him like he's stupid. "Come on Feliciano! Let's do something so much cooler than projects!" Alfred starts to pull the small angel along.
"Ve bye Ludwig! I'll see you tomorrow!" the small angel waves bye to Ludwig. The air seems to be so tense but the small angel is happy they talked. Ludwig looked irradiated but when he sees those amber eyes looking at him...he waves back slightly.
"I will see you tomorrow-" Ludwig frowns when the small angel is gone from his sight too fast. Alfred pulling him into the elevator. Ludwig grips his fist. "I will not bore him..."He mumbles, glancing at where the small angel was with Alfred. HE frowns before he gets this look of determination on his face. "I won't lose to you Alfred." Ludwig marches off towards the stairs.
The hooded figure that was watching this from the side, leans off the wall. Death moves carefully towards hall, stopping in front of Kiku's door. He glances at it before he walks through it.
Kiku sits on the floor, reading a book. Death stares at him. Kiku looks over at a picture he drew of a harp and touching it with his finger. A smile lingering there before he goes back to studying.
Death leaves Kiku's room.
"Oh boy i'm starting to get nervous." Alfred rubs the back of his head as he walks into the McDonald's, the small angel right by his side.
"Ve we got this! We're wearing the clothes!" The small angel beams. Alfred grins at him.
"Yeah and we're going in as a team!"Alfred gives him a thumbs up. "Just leave the talking to me! That job is as good as ours!"
"Okay!" the small angel is okay with that. He'd probably just mess up their chances off getting a job anyway. He's had a record of messing jobs up.
"You good sir!" Alfred suddenly points at a human who works here. He gives them a strange look. "We are here for the job interview. As you can see we've come prepared." the small angel points at his hat. The human looks a them blankly before he walks away.
"He was speechless. That's how good we are." Alfred grins over at the small angel.
"You must be Alfred Jones and Feliciano Vargas." The small angel tenses up when a large man walks up to them. His piercing blue eyes remind him of Ludwig but he's much scarier! "My name is Berwald Oxenstierna. I will be doing your interview."
"O-Okay." the small angel nods his head quickly. Alfred is sizing this guy up.
"Follow me." Berwald takes them into a back room. Alfred keeps giving the small angel the thumbs up. Is this a good thing? Berwald seems so scary though. They get into a room and sit down. "Could one of you step out-"
"We're doing this as a team." Alfred says quickly. Berwald stares at him for a long time before he nods his head.
"Why should I hire you?"
"As you can see we have great team work and we love McDonald's. I love it so much I eat here like everyday. No one knows McDonald's like I do!" Alfred says with pride.
"I heard this place is like a fast food heaven and I want to work here!" the small angel chimes in.
Berwald stares at them for the longest time. The small angel is starting to tremble. Why is he so scary? Why doesn't he say anything? Even Alfred seems to be losing his grin.
"Can you work weekends?"
"Yup! We can't work a whole lot cause of school but weekends we can do-"
"You're hired." Berwalds says. The small angel and Alfred look at him with wide eyes before they look at each other.
"Seriously?! Yeah!" Alfred cheers. Both the small angel and him standing up to jump up and down.
"We did it Alfred! The clothes worked!"
"Hell yeah they worked!" Alfred beams. The small angel tenses when Berwald is looking at them intently.
"A-Alfred." The small angel stops jumping wondering if they've made him mad.
"We need your energy here." Berwald says slowly before he stands up. "Be here Friday at 10."
"Got it boss! I'm just going to take one of these..." Alfred grabs a candy from off of Berwald's desk. The two run out of the McDonald's, laughing and cheering.
"We won!" Alfred and the small angel shout.
"Lets go tell Ludwig!"
"Yeah lets rub it in his face!"
The two run back to the dorm but when they get there Ludwig is gone. "Aw man." Alfred pouts.
"Let's tell Kiku!" the small angel's curl perks up.
"Yeah!" They run over to Kiku's door, they start to knock on it excitedly.
""Kiku!" The small angel cheers. Reluctantly the door cracks open, Kiku peering out at him.
"What is all this-"
"We got the job at McDonald!" the small angel beams. Kiku's eyes widen and he opens up the door a bit more.
"Congratulations Feliciano-kun...and Alfred-san." Kiku adds the last part when it looked like Alfred was bout to complain. Alfred's eyes light up.
"Thanks dude!" Alfred grins. "You want to come with us to tell my bro?"
Kiku seems surprised by the invitation. He looks at the small angel who is looking at him with those big amber eyes. He shakes his head slowly. " I have to study." Kiku goes to close the door. He pauses. "Thank you." then he shuts it.
"Oh well lets go tell Matthew! He's going to shit himself when he hears this!-"
"Ah! Why would that happen?!"
"It's a figure of speech dude." Alfred laughs loudly, the two off them rushing down the stairs to tell Matthew. "he isn't going to really shit himself."
"Oh. I don't like your sayings of speech." The small angel frowns when Alfred keeps laughing at him. They go down the elevator and before they know it they're in front of Matthew's dorm.
"Dude let me in! I got news!" Alfred starts banging on the door. The small angel is worried he might knock the door right off.
"A-Alfred calm down! What's-" Matthew opens up the door, backing away from it quickly. If not for moving he would have been punched by the over excited boy.
"You are looking at the new employees of McDonald's!" Alfred bust in, picking up his brother in a hug.
"R-Really? You got the job?" Matthew seems surprised. When Alfred puts him down and smiles at him brightly, the quiet boy can't help the small smile on his own lips.
"Yeah we really got the job! It was all thanks to Alfred and these special clothes!" The small angel jumps up and down. Matthew glances at the small angel before looking at Alfred, seeing how the older brother is rubbing the back of his head. He looks pleased by the compliment.
"I'm really proud of your guys. Really Alfred..." Matthew's smile is so gentle when his brother looks at him. "I am." The small angel can see how much Matthew cares about his brother in those soft gaze. It fills the small angel up with longing
"Lovi! Look i'm flying! I can fly Lovi!~"
"Yeah but your flying his still sloppy." He remembers Lovi's irritated expression and how he crossed his arms. When Lovi say the dejected look on his younger brother, he sighs. He rubs the small angel on the top of his head. "Don't look like that. You'll get better stupid." Lovi tenses when the small angel looks up at with bright amber eyes. Lovi's lips turn in a small smile.
"I'm proud of you Feli."
The small angel takes a deep breath, pulling himself out of that memory. Seeing Matthew and Alfred, it makes him long for his brother. The small angel feels like smiling and crying at the same time. The bond those two have is beautiful.
"Thanks bro." Alfred scratches his cheek before he grins over at The small angel. "Dude lets go and get ice cream to celebrate-"
"Don't you have that English paper to do." Matthew points out, getting Alfred to tense.
"Ughh but I don't want to!" Alfred whines. "I want to go get ice cream with my dude!"
"You m-might fail if you don't do this paper." Matthew says with a frown when Alfred starts to pout. "Alfred don't you want to pass?"
"It's not like it even matters anyway. I've already decided what i'm doing." Alfred glances at the small angel. He tilts his head at him.
"What do you mean?" Matthew questions.
"I'm going to be a cop. I don't care what dad says. That's my dream." Alfred's eyes burn with a fire.
"Alfred-" Matthew starts but when he sees those blue eyes get a shade darker he stops. Matthew glances at the small angel before looking back at his brother. "A-At least finish your classes. Dad already paid for them."
"Yeah well I didn't ask him too. He's the one who wanted me to go here." The small angel frowns at the defensive tone.
"Ve Alfred why don't you finish the classes and then be a cop! You should still honor your father." The small angel chimes in, hoping to calm him down. Alfred looks back at him, the small angel tensing when it looks like he might snap at him. Alfred pauses. He seems to consider something before sighing.
"Well if I just failed out that would mean i'd have to leave you guys. Dad would cut me off so I probably should have some money saved." Alfred's eyes get distant before he grins at the small angel. "I'll see ya tomorrow at school dude! We'll go out for ice cream another time! I have to do that stupid paper." He grumbles before walking out.
The small angel watches him go about to walk out himself when a quiet voice gets him to stop. He turns around to see Matthew staring at him strangely.
"...P-Please continue to be my brother's friend." Matthew stutters but his eyes are firm. "I-I know you want to be friends with both my brother and Ludwig...and maybe you can b-but please keep being my brother's friend. He's been much h-happier since you've come around." Matthew's eyes lower. "Because of me, m-my brother has lost all his friends. He's always protecting me and because of it..." Matthew closes his eyes, his expression painful before he looks back at the small angel. "I know Alfred can be a handful but...p-please don't replace him. You're the only f-friend he has."
"Matthew..." The small angel feels himself tear up. He felt the love, the protectiveness of this younger brother. Matthew is such a shy thing and to be say something so bold... the small angel tackles Matthew in a hug, not able to help it.
"Don't blame yourself for what happen...Alfred told me. He told me how his friends were being mean to you. Alfred loves you so of course he's going to protect you. You'd do the same for him! You don't have to worry about a thing. I will continue to be Alfred's friend. I won't replace him and I told Alfred that myself!"
"G-Good...I'm glad." Matthew sighs in relief, patting the small angel on the back awkwardly. "He's g-gotten close to you if he's told you everything...and about being a cop. He wouldn't have brought it up in front of you if he didn't. I-I'm just happy he has a friend again."
"Matthew you're really amazing." the small angel pulls away, seeing the pink on Matthew's cheeks.
"M-Me? How?"
"You care so much about Alfred!" the small angel giggles in his happiness. "You have such a kind heart that it makes me feel warm! I know you feel guilty about what happened because you care so much. You're just as protective of your big brother as Alfred is of you!"
"I-I j-j-just-" Matthew is flustered. Those purple eyes have gotten lighter. He swallows. "I-It's normal to care about your brother right? T-That doesn't make me amazing-"
"It's sad but not everyone cares as you do." The small angel smiles. "I think you're amazing. I'm Alfred's friend but I hope to be your friend as well!"
Matthew stares at him a long moment before he smiles and glazes away. "...I would l-like that too Feliciano. I t-think you're the one with the kind heart." Matthew's eyes change as the small angel beams at him. "By the way...d-do you know if something happened with Arthur?"
the bright smile on the angel's face falls, and his chest tightens. "W-Why do you ask?"
"...He seemed off after Ludwig punched him...did he get into trouble? Or did he punch really hurt him? I tried to ask about him but he brushed it off. He's always so tentative towards me but when he's upset he doesn't open up."
"Yeah Arthur's kind of like that." the small angel smile sadly. "I'll have to talk to him...I think getting punched did upset him."
"That's understandable. Did Ludwig s-say why he did that? Alfred said he was the one who started the fight too...he was saying you and Alfred were together."
"yeah it was a misunderstanding! Ludwig punched Arthur because...i think he felt like he was helping me." The small angel's curl droops at that. Maybe he shouldn't have told him Arthur hit him. Ludwig really dislikes him now.
"Why did h-he think that?" Matthew frowns.
"Ve i'm going to go and check on Arthur now! Bye Matthew! I'll see you tomorrow my friend!" The small angel waves before he runs off quickly. He had to avoid that question. He can't tell Matthew about Arthur hitting him. Than Matthew would be upset with Arthur and then Arthur couldn't get as close and then he might fail and lose his wings! The small angel can't let that happen!
The small angel swallows thickly. Now he has to face Arthur. If the human could tell that something was wrong with Arthur then it must be really bad. The small angel touches his lips, his heart beating faster.
If the small angel could understand Arthur this could be a lot easier. Either way, he wants to help. Arthur use to always be there for him...The small angel needs to be there for Arthur too.
"Damn it." Arthur curses to himself, flying through the air in his spiritual form. Those green orbs are burning with a painful fire. The look on his face a mix between a glare and a wince. He's been flying since he got out of school but it seems no matter how long he spends with the wind between his wings, it doesn't comfort him. The powerful angel decides to land in a park, his wings flapping to make himself hover before his feet touch the earth.
Arthur runs his hands through his hair, gripping it every once and awhile. "Why?" He asks more to himself. He touches his lips, his cheeks getting tinted, a deep look in those green eyes. He closes them, that deep look replaced with anger and fire. "Why?!" He growls, gripping his fist.
"I hate him. I hate him. I hate him." Arthur kicks at the ground. "That human dare attack me and he defended him...That human was looking at him with lust and he denied he touched his curl. Does he want to give the council more of a reason to take his wings away? That human could try to taint him and yet he defends him from me-" Arthur stops, his face scrunching up with that painful expression again. "I don't care about that bloody git! I hate him!" Arthur roars.
He's answered by silence. Arthur takes deep breathes, he's panting.
"Oh my Arthur, I see you're still talking to yourself." Arthur's eyes snap open. He whips his head over to see a man standing a few feet from him. Those blue eyes are twinkling at him, his lips in a smirk. "What an awful habit to keep. You're such a lonely guy."
"Francis." Arthur snarls, his green eyes darkening. He knew right away when he saw this man what he is. He's seen that face before. "You perverted demon, what the bloody hell are you doing here? Answer quickly or I'll just get rid of you."
"Someone isn't in a good mood! Tell me, who is it that you hate? If you keep wrinkling your face it will stay like that-"
"I will only ask once more." Arthur's eyebrow twitches. "What are you doing here?" Arthur spreads his wings in warning. "Have you come to harm humans?"
"No that's not why I've come." Francis chuckles when Arthur's face falls in confusion.
"Don't lie to me. What else would a demon of your power be here for? You'd think you would learn your lesson after the last time I beat you." Arthur grins, ti's dark. "You got away that time but don't think i'll let you get away again."
"Arthur you are strong but don't forget, so am I." Francis blue eyes flash red. "you're so not cute, just as not cute as I remember. Feliciano is much cuter than you-"
"Feliciano?" Arthur's eyes flash. " How do you know Feliciano?" Arthur's eyes narrow and he takes a step forward.
"Oh yes. We've had a nice little chat recently. He was all worried about you, though I don't understand why he would be. He is so cute, don't you agree Arthur?" Francis blue eyes get darker when he sees the way Arthur has tensed. "As I said I haven't come for any humans...but that cute little angel is another story." Francis long snake tongue comes out and he licks around his lips. "Don't worry. I'll be taking him off your hands. It's about time he joins his brother oui?"
"You won't touch him demon!" Arthur roars, his breath hitching when Francis disappears. With his heart beating a mile a minute he takes off to the sky. He flies as fast as he can back to their home. Arthur is praying to God that Feliciano is home. If not he won't know where he is and that demon will get to him first.
Arthur bust into their home, becoming solid. "Feliciano!" Arthur cries out in alarm when he doesn't see him in the living room. Arthur is about to fly out when he hears a yelp from the other room.
"A-Arthur is that you? What's wrong-" Feliciano runs out of the bedroom towards him. Feliciano cowers when Arthur is right on him, looking at him with this ferociousness. "D-Don't hurt me! I-I'm sorry-"
"Is there anyone else here?" Arthur cuts him off, glancing around, his senses on high alert.
"Ve? No it's just us I think...why?" the small angel frowns when those green eyes look at him. Feliciano looks pretty surprised when Arthur sighs in relief.
"Feliciano you must be honest with me. Have you spoken with a demon named Francis?" Arthur keeps his rage in check when he thinks of the small angel hiding something like that from him.
"D-Demon? No I haven't talked to any demon! I'd be too scared too!" the small angel shakes his head quickly. Arthur frowns. Did the demon lie? It's true that the small angel would most likely run fro ma demon then talk to one.
"...Have you talked to a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes?" Francis may have hide what he was to Feliciano to get closer to him.
The small angel seems to think before his eyes widen. "Yeah! I did talk to this guy like that...he had a french accent and was really nice...he never told me his name though."
"Feliciano, that man was a demon named Francis." Arthur watches how the small angel's expression drops in horror.
"W-What? He was a demon? But I didn't sense anything bad from him-"
"That's because he's a very powerful demon." Arthur grips his fist. "This is very important Feliciano. What has Francis said to you? What have you told him? Has he every tried to touch you or harm you?"
"No he's never hurt me...He asked me my name and why I was here. I told him I wanted to be friends with Kiku...he said we could be friends. Then another time he came here and asked if I lived alone. I told him I lived with you and then he asked if we were friends. It was after you had hit me in the stomach..." The small angel rubs his arm. "he wanted me to fight you but I told him I didn't' want to. I told him we were friends. That was the last time I saw him."
"The fact you've given your human's name to that demon is bad. Francis is after you Feliciano. I don't know why-" Arthur stops, his eyes flashing before he grinds his teeth. "...Feliciano." Arthur's voice gets dark before he locks eyes with the small angel. "Tell me right now, do you love your wings? Do you love being an angel? Do you love God?"
"Of course I do! I love God with all my heart! I love being an angel! I love my wings! That's why i'm working really hard to keep them!" The small angel says with such a brightness. Arthur stares at those amber eyes that are magnificent. So pure and true.
Arthur's glare softens till it's completely gone. "...Then protect your wings with all you have. Those demons want you, Francis wants to drag you down. Keep your senses up and don't go off with strangers. If you see Francis, yell for me." Arthur walks closer. "I'll protect you, Feliciano."
The small angel's eyes widen, his breath catching his throat. He swallows thickly. "B-But I thought you hated me. I thought you wanted me to lose my wings...but you're so kind." the small angel starts to cry, his words have frozen Arthur. "You k-kiss me and then tell me you hate me...you don't talk to me but then say you'll protect me... I j-just need to know, do you hate me? I-I get so confused Arthur!"
Arthur's eyes shake as he watches the tears fall down Feliciano's face. He grips his fist and bites his lip. "I do...I do despise you. I can't forgive you." There's such pain in his voice, the veins In his hand sticking out he's gripping it so much. "The kiss was a mistake. The only reason I would protect you is because my reputation would be ruin if a demon got to you while i'm around. There's nothing to be confused about."
"So you do hate me?" Arthur's eyes widen when the small angel hugs him tightly. "That's fine...i-it hurts but it's fine Arthur. So please don't be s-sad anymore. I hate seeing you in pain. I don't know what i've done...but i'm sorry. I want you to know I don't hate you. I could never hate you even after all the mean things you've said. You're all I have left. I still care for you so please, don't be upset anymore Arthur."
the stronger angel is trembling. Feliciano is ready for Arthur to push him off any minute. Even punch him. What he gets shocks him and gets his heart to pause.
Arthur hugs him back.
"I-I hate you...I hate you..." Arthur keeps repeating this in the small angel's ear but it's cracked from his sobs. The small angel tightens his grip on him, running his hands through Arthur's hair just like he use to do when he was upset about something. The small angel can feel his tears on his shoulder.
"I know...I know." the small angel says with a sad smile, those words still hurt. "But I still love you Arthur." That never changed. Even when Arthur left him after he lost his family. Even with the cold shoulder and the mean treatment from all these years...The small angel never stopped loving him. Arthur is as much family as his grandfather and brother.
They hold each other for awhile. Soon Arthur calms down and he pulls away. Those green eyes are glossy. Their faces are so close together. The small angel's eyes widen when Arthur leans in, kissing him softly on the lips before pulling away. That kiss made him feel better but the small angel doesn't understand why Arthur is still kissing him.
"Do not ask." The warns. He stands up and turns his back to the small angel. "Never tell anyone that I cried on your shoulder. Never ask about it either."
"I won't."The small angel stands up. Arthur takes a deep breath before he turns towards him again. His cheeks are slightly pink. The small angel smiles at him. He thinks Arthur feels better now.
"Back to the problem at hand, I'm sure Francis wants to take your wings. He spoke of you joining your brother..." Arthur watches how those amber eyes dull and his face gets pale. "We must be smarter than him. There is a few ways a angel can lose their wings. They can kill a human without an order to do so, they can have sex with a human or a demon, or they can turn hateful against god. I know that you would never kill a human or turn hateful against God...I'm sure Francis will try to trick you to bed him. That's why when ever he comes around, you call for me."
"I will Arthur! That's really scary! Why do they want to take my wings? What d-did I do to them? And Francis seemed so nice! I'd never make love to him though." The small angle wrinkles his nose thinking about the demon he saw and his strange laugh.
"If that method doesn't work he could also try something else..." Arthur frowns. "Death told me there was more than one demon. That means Francis isn't working alone. They may both be after you. As I said, don't go off with any strange humans. Protect that curl of yours..." Arthur gives the small angel a firm look. "and protect Kiku. Don't let them know about your situation. If they knew why it's so important for you to be around Kiku...they would try to get rid of him so you would lose your wings that way."
"T-They would hurt Kiku?" The small angel's eyes flash and he starts to tremble. They could try to attack his friend. The small angel frowns deeply.
"Yes if they knew that he's the key to your wings. So don't tell them anything. No matter what. That's the best way you can protect Kiku." Arthur's eyes soften when he saw the worry there.
"Okay. I won't tell them anything!" The small angel nods his head before he gets pale again. "I hope they don't try to torture it out of me! Demons are so scary and sneaky!"
"Yes they are." Arthur's voice gets low. The small angel looks over to see that fire in those eyes. "Their sins are unforgivable. If you listen to me, you will be safe."
Feliciano stares into those green eyes and finds his heart slowing down. Arthur is strong. Arthur has never let him down. He smiles. "Thank you Arthur."
"I told you, it's for my reputation." Arthur grunts, averting his gaze.
"Either way, thank you!" The small angel jumps up and down. "By the way Arthur, I got the job at the fast food heaven!"
"What?" Arthur raises his eyebrow.
"Me and Alfred got a job at McDonald's-"
"Why in the bloody hell did you get a job at McDonald's?! You are a angel! Your job is to protect Kiku not flip burgers for gluttonous humans." Arthur's eyebrow twitches.
"I know but Alfred wanted us to work together and it seems like fun-"
"you're not here to have fun! That Alfred is a bad influence-"
"No he's not! He's really nice!"
"he's not your human." Arthur is getting irritated. The small angel is about to say something when he remembers Matthew.
"Speaking of humans, Matthew was worried about you." the small angel catches how Arthur tenses.
"...I wasn't being too discrete with it." Arthur rubs the back of his head.
"I think Matthew wanted to help you." The small angel smiles. "You're awesome Arthur. You're human is already so close to you!"
Arthur flushes from the compliment but he waves him off. "Of course! That's the power of the Britannia angel!" He laughs oddly. It's kinda freaking the small angel out.
"Are you okay now?" the small angel can't help to ask. His laughter dies down and he stares at the small angel blankly.
"I was never not okay." He scoffs. The small angel knows that's a lie but that's okay. It's like Arthur and the way he's acting...The small angel smiles.
Arthur is better.
"Oh that reminds me! I'm going to be trying out for this concert Thursday! Kiku seemed really happy about it! I told him I'd play my best at eh harp for him! He got so flustered! That made me really happy because Kiku looked happy!" the small angel starts to go off excitedly, his curl bouncing. "You should come see me too Arthur!"
"I'll pass. I've heard enough of your music during my life time. At least you're making some progress with Kiku but if you focused just on Kiku i'm sure you'd be doing much better." Arthur scolds.
"It's hard to just focus on one!"
Feliciano and Arthur go back and forth. The small angel tells him about his day and Arthur talks about his. The small angels' chest feels really warm. Even though Arthur said he hates him...
This is the most they've talked in a long time without Arthur hurting him or getting angry. Feliciano is really happy and he hopes that he can keep getting closer to Arthur.
He misses their closeness.
"What are you doing you stupidos?" Lovi raises his eyebrow at the two young angels that are cuddled up in the corner. Feliciano tenses up and Arthur covers something up.
"N-Nothing! Nothing at all! There's nothing to see here!" Feliciano jumps up, waving his arms around, his smile wobbly.
"You look guilty as shit-" Lovi's twitches. His eyes widen and he coughs, Arthur looking at him with surprise. "So what are you two doing? You've been avoiding me all day Feliciano. So don't lie to me!" Lovi narrows his eyes.
"Feliciano it is pretty much done. I don't think you can get out of this one." Arthur gives Feliciano a gentle smile, grabbing his hand.
"But I wanted to wait till tomorrow!" Feliciano whines.
"Someone better start talking-" Lovi puts his hands on his hips. He stops when Felicano holds out...a bracelet. It has little people made of heaven stone. It looks like four angels holding hands. It's obvious who they are.
"Happy birthday Lovi! I know it's early but you caught on." Feliciano giggles. "Do you like it? Arthur found the stone! And I craved it. We both blessed it so it will protect you too!"
Lovi looks at the bracelet with wide eyes. He touches the stone people that look like him and Feli. He swallows. "Uh..." He looks at his brother that is staring at him with big amber eyes. Lovi averts his gaze. "Thanks..."
"He loves it!" The small angel gasps, hugging Arthur. "Did you see that Arthur! And it's all thanks to you!" The small angel leans in, giving Arthur a kiss on the cheek.
"You're the one who came up with the idea. You also carved the stone." Arthur flushes before he grabs the small angel's chin. He leans in, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Yuck." Lovi wrinkles his nose. "Don't do that out in the open. You're going to make me puke."
The small angel beams when he sees Lovi is wearing the bracelet. "I have one more thing to give you!" The small angel runs off excitedly. Lovi watches him leave-
"You've been cussing a lot."
Lovi tenses looking over at Arthur who is staring at him intently.
"Yeah? What's it to you?" Lovi snaps.
"You haven't been praying for forgiveness either." Arthur points out.
"Whatever." Lovi walks off. "mind your own business. I can take care of myself." Arthur frowns but he follows after where Feliciano went.
Brown eyes open slowly, glossy and distant. "Feliciano..." The boy sits up from his bed, his tail waving around restlessly behind him. He stares down at his feet for a moment before he forces himself to get up. He walks with purpose to his drawer, opening it. His breathing increases as he takes out the box in it and opens it up.
The boy hisses but he touches the stone figure of Feliciano on the bracelet that he had gotten for his birthday so many years ago.
"I keep having dreams about him. He's in heaven so that stupido should be fine but..." Lovi looks at his finger that's been burned just from touching the bracelet that was blessed by his brother. "I feel like that dumb ass has gotten himself in some trouble."
It feels like his brother is closer than he was. The dreams of his old life keep coming. Lovi looks down at his claw like hands. He has the urge to go out and find his brother but he can't. He can't go back to that...not with what he is.
Lovi has always protected his brother. If protected him also means protecting him from himself, then so be it.
This is the path Lovi has chosen. He promised their grandfather that he wouldn't drag Feliciano down with him or show him what has become of him.
Even though Lovi wants to see him...He'll protect Feliciano.
Lovi puts away the bracelet back into the box, back into the drawer. He turns his back on the light like he did all those years ago.
He leaves that bracelet behind and goes off into the night.
Wow...I'm back guys! It's been like two years. I was looking through my stories and I found this one and reread it...I'm going to try to finish it. Let me know what you think! I'm trying to remember all that I wanted to do with this story and it's slowly coming back. Thank you for those who waited.