continuation of the previous apparently.


Someone was calling my name. Screw them, I want to stay in the darkness. The darkness was cool. Also, I have come to a conclusion.

I think I sleepwalk.

No, hear me out! After dwelling in the darkness for a while, I thought back to the events leading up to my meeting with Wolf. Moony. Professor Lupin. Man, my subconscious was really unorganised.

The calls of my name were getting louder. I blinked and the darkness was gone. My eyes focused to see two people in front of me: Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Lupin. Upon seeing the latter, my body tensed up and fear leaked into my system. I quickly pushed that reaction away. Professor Lupin didn't mean to hurt me. I kind of hoped that he didn't see my reaction but he probably did.

Professor Lupin refused to meet my eyes and Headmaster Dumbledore's eyes were not twinkling. Apprehension crept up on me. Were they here about my trip to the forest? Believe me sirs, I didn't want to go there either!

I opened my mouth and my words came out slurred and incomprehensible. I swallowed and tried again.

"Where's Wolf?" It would be best if they didn't know that I knew about werewolves. "You dint- didn't kill him, did you? He did nuthin- nothing wrong." I swallowed again. The twinkle had come back into Headmaster Dumbledore's eyes.

"Miss Nimus, I believe that you know who 'Wolf' is," he said. Shit, my use of the word 'he' gave me away. No pretending now. I looked at Professor Lupin and gave a shy smile.

"Hi Wolf- I mean Professor Lupin. You didn't bite me, right?" He winced and I quickly backtracked. "Are you not Wolf? Do you know who Wolf is?" Professor Lupin was silent for a while.

"Yes, I'm... 'Wolf'," he finally spoke, "and no, I did not bite you. However, I..." His eyes went to my neck and immediately flickered away. I automatically reached up to touch my neck and stiffened. Of course. How could I forget? Werewolf inflicted injuries are considered cursed. Cursed injuries leave unrecoverable scars. I now had a scar that stretched from just under my right ear to my left collarbone.

How was I going to explain this to my parents of this world? I wouldn't want Professor Lupin to be sacked!

"Ah, well," my voice sounded a tad faint, "At least my clothes would be able to cover it up. And muggle makeup too, can't forget that useful thing." I tried to smile. I didn't think I succeeded.

"Are you not going to tell your parents?" Headmaster Dumbledore asked me. I looked at him strangely. Why, did he want me to tell?

"Um, no sir. I would like Professor Lupin to stick around to teach for another year, after all. He is our most competent teacher yet. Also, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to hurt me." Also, if Lupin was around, Fake-Moody wouldn't come next year and Cedric wouldn't die.

Yes, I am being unreasonably and uncharacteristically optimistic.

"Sorry Miss Nimus," Professor Lupin swallowed, "but I'm resigning after this year." I stared at him. It didn't come as a surprise, really. He resigned in the book as well. Still, I didn't really want him to go. And of course, there was that irritating curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher post. Resigning is better than dying.

I sighed. "Yes sir. But I do mean it when I say that you are the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've had, and will ever have." I said it with conviction and forced myself to look into Professor Lupin's eyes. He held my gaze for a while and smiled a little. Then, it dropped to my neck and the smile vanished. He swallowed.

"I will go pack my things now. I really am sorry, Miss Nimus. Thank you for letting me teach, Professor Dumbledore." With that, he left. I looked down at my hands guiltily. This accident never happened in the books. This accident will make Professor Lupin feel horrible for the rest of his life. What if bad things happened? What if he never got together with Tonks? What then?

This was all my fault. I shouldn't exist in this world.

"It is not your fault, Miss Nimus," Headmaster Dumbledore said gently. I whipped my head up to look at him. Something warm slid down my cheeks. Was I crying?

"Yes it is, Headmaster! I shouldn't have been out in the forbidden forest! I shouldn't have gone out at night! I shouldn't exist!" Right after I said it, I stopped short. What was I doing, revealing this to the Headmaster? To Dumbledore? I may be fond of the guy but that doesn't mean I trust him! Morally ambiguous chess master, hello! He might mean well but the road to hell is paved with good intentions! I was fortunate that I wasn't making eye contact with him. I immediately looked back down, not wanting to take any risks.

"My dear girl, you should not say that! Every life is precious and you should treasure yours. You should not wish to die," he said gently. I froze. He didn't figure it out! He misunderstood my words. Should I allow him to continue with this misconception? On one hand, I will dodge a bullet. On the other hand, there might be counselling.

Who am I kidding?

"I guess you're right," I said in, what I hoped to be, a weak voice. There was silence for a while before I heard Headmaster Dumbledore stand up.

"Madam Pomfrey has strict visiting hours and I fear I have overstayed my welcome. I wish you a speedy recovery." And he left me to my thoughts.

I wondered how long will I have to stay in the infirmary for, and if anyone would visit me.

Probably not.

Author's note

I have no freakin clue what happened here. This was supposed to be about something but i forgot what it was. I wrote the start months ago and left it unfinished. Guh.

I wonder who visited Anna. She doesn't have many friends, after all.

Also how does Dumbledore talk anyway.

Also also, I have officially run out of ideas. I probably won't update for a long time. Well, until I get more ideas, anyway.