AN: So I decided to write another Christmas story because my one shot that I did earlier is actually quite boring. I also noticed there wasn't many Christmas stories that had Chibi-Usa in it which I thought was strange seeing that Christmas is all about families and Chibi-Usa is Mamoru and Usagi's daughter after all.

Yesterday I was on my husband's laptop and I changed his desktop from a pic of his motor bike to a manga pic of Sailor Moon. He only just noticed just then. Hehehehe. He wasn't upset but the look on his face was priceless.

Anyways getting off subject... I don't own any of the Sailor Moon characters yada yada yada...

The lake looked so magical. The snow blanketed the park and the lake had frozen over. The schools and colleges had announced a snow day so there were plenty of people in the park. They were all skating over the lake. Chibi-Usa, the pink haired nine yr. old future daughter of Usagi, sat on a bench watching everyone skate. She sighed sadly remembering when she had learnt to skate. Funnily enough, it was her mother, Neo Queen Serenity that taught her. She was poised with grace when she ice skated. She looked like an angel when she went ice skating.

Chibi-Usa watched Usagi and Mamoru skating. Usagi was barely able to stand up on the cold hard surface of the lake. She was sitting on the ice in her black leggings and pink jacket. Chibi-Usa wondered how Usagi could go from an uncoordinated klutz in this time to an amazingly graceful dancer of the ice in the 30th century. It was true though, Neo Queen Serenity was the best ice skater in her time. She was even better than the sailor scouts, and even better than King Endymion.

Usagi noticed Chibi-Usa and clumsily walked towards her, off the ice and onto the snow-covered grass of the park. It was a feat in itself considering she was wearing ice skates. She sat next to Chibi-Usa.

"Why don't you come join us? Mamo-Chan will help you if you fall down." Usagi said gesturing to the lake.

Chibi-Usa shook her head. "I prefer watching people skate. I like seeing people dance on the ice, especially when mama would skate. She always looks so beautiful skating." There was a hint of sadness in her voice but she quickly said, "Why do you suck at ice skating if mama is so good at it?"

"You miss her don't you?" asked Usagi ignoring Chibi-Usa's question. Normally, she would get upset at Chibi-Usa and start poking her tongue out but Usagi knew this wasn't the time to act like that.

"Yeah, this is mama's favourite time of the year. You never grew out of Christmas." Replied Chibi-Usa who now was staring at the ground.

"Well that's good to know. I'm glad I still like Christmas in the future." Usagi commented hoping to cheer up her future daughter. "What would you normally do if you were back at home?"

Chibi-Usa's eyes lit up and she smiled as she spoke. "Mama, papa and I would make Christmas cookies every year then we would take them to papa's old orphanage and personally give the kids cookies. They used to make cookies for the kids before the big freeze as well. Its sort of the family tradition. "

"Wow, the orphanage still exists in the 30th century?" asked Usagi a bit surprised.

"Yeah, mama restored it after the big freeze. She told me that the orphanage helped papa have a stable home. If the orphanage didn't take papa, mama said that, he would have gone from foster house to foster house. Mama said that, that would have made papa's childhood miserable if they didn't take him. She said that she wanted all children to have a stable place to live." Replied Chibi-Usa as she watched Mamoru skate with a little boy. Usagi was taken aback. She was a bewildered at why she would tell her future daughter such a grown up thing.

Chibi-Usa must have read her mind because she continued saying, "Mama wanted to show me how fortunate I am compared to other kids. She wanted me to know that I need to be kind to others and compassionate to others that don't have as much as I do."

"Well, how about I round-up Mamo-Chan and we can go to his place? We'll put some carols on and bake some cookies then take them to the orphanage?" Suggested Usagi softly as she stood up and held her hand out to help Chibi-Usa stand up.

"Are you okay Usako?" asked the king of the earth. King Endymion had walked into the palace's overly large kitchen hoping he could steal some of Lita's Belgium chocolates when he saw his wife in tears while baking some cookies.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking." Replied Neo Queen Serenity who was absently stirring the cookie dough in a bowl.

"About Chibi-Usa?" asked the king as he took the bowl of Serenity and placed it on the kitchen bench. He then wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Hai. This is the year she realizes that she's the one who really started the family tradition." Queen Serenity sighed and there was sadness in her eyes.

"That's not all your thinking about is it?" Asked Endymion as he snuggled his face into the queen's hair. He knew what she was thinking. He knew she was thinking about Chibi-Usa and how she would see her mother in the past almost die right before her eyes.

AN: Sorry to leave it there. Actually I'm not really sorry. Let me know if you like this story. Well, I'm off to get ready to go to the movies and watch Hunger Games:Catching Fire. Till next time...