Chapter 19) Once Upon a Nightmare pt. 2

Disclaimer: I do not own TVD or TO… (if I did, there would be a lot of things I'd fix… I'd also turn this into a Caroline spin-off lol.)


A/N: Wow, you guys must wanna kill me. Life is busy, that's all I can say. As much of a fanatic as I am, I need to get out there and make my own life story too lol. Okay enough about me. I might go back and edit this through but you guys were in a desperate need of an update, and I can't handle it anymore. I finally found a good place to end the chapter and its 30,000 words in. Am I a freak, indecisive writer or what? Be sure to take your time with this, no rushing.

There are some very serious development in this chapter BEFORE we get to the Klaroline. This is only PART 2 of Once upon a nightmare. There's way more to come, and heck I'm already planning the next night. I wonder how good you guys are at CONTEXT CLUES. I really hope your liking the family I gave Caroline so far.

BTW I'm playing around with POV's in this chapter, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. If it gets too confusing, feel free to write feedback, especially if there's a particular one that you like best. Thanks!


btw: I've put up pictures of the rest of the characters on my profile



~Moscow 1362~

The blizzard winds howled. Over its cry the furious gallops of many horses battled their way through the snow, and the forest was providing no shelter. They trampled over fallen bodies; any that managed to struggle up were met with instant passing strikes. The light of day had completely faded behind the icy grey skies; torches of fire providing the most light among the riders. Enemy lines trotting on the escape in a forced retreat; arrows and spears targeted towards the backs of their fleeing forms.

Agilely dodging the clutter of trees, arrows pierced through the air. Screams of agony and wails of the shot down horses, men were slowed down by the falls but an ambush descended from the high branches. Men took to their feet, turning to face their foe. Hearing the ringing of swords and the slashing of flesh was all it took to paint the scene for this clash.

Settling on foot, opponents jabbed and struck, either meeting sword or shield until a weapon was eventually painted red. The adrenaline pushed them on and on to ignore the cold while the fight for survival, for ideals, or for power raged on.

An audacity to seek control of their principality…

To bow down to a higher ruler; such arrogance, as if they would submit to it. As if their kingdom would answer to another. Collaboration is over for both ends…

Cries of pain… and cries for mercy. Armor cut through, throats slit, limbs sliced…

The reinforcement ambush shot down pursuers of the invaders. Attention was drawn away from them and towards the tall trees. Many front pursuers were lanced off their horses by the aerial attack. This distraction proved to even out the fighting once again. Camouflaged in the high branches, the principality defense was caught between fights on the ground and shootings from the forest. Taking down one man, only to be met with arrows to the throat, eyes, and stomach next?

How bothersome…

A youth of golden ash brown hair seemed to elegantly slice through his opponents taking the offense. Blocking a sword with his own as his shield fended off another lunge. Kicking the first by the opening to the stomach, he waved his sword to the second to meet a clash. Swords caught together, the warrior whipped them down to slice across the first assault's neck. Blood spurted forth while the shield slammed across the second man's head in the distraction. The first fell to his knees, choking on the red liquid while the second with a now broken nose stumbled into him. Kicking their lowered shield fully out of the way, the youth made an easy slice across the abdomen, leaving them to fall over on the enemy choking on his blood.

The next breath of air was quickly caught before sensing yet another oncoming strike. Rage burning, he skillfully caught the spinning axe, only to spiral it right back to the owner, having it meet with the middle of their skull. The very next second, he dove for his shield, managing to lift it in time to meet 5 arrows.

This is ridiculous. Leveling the playing field is in order….

Chants of the Indo-European language family hymned behind the shield. The tongue of their predecessors, routing from Old Slavic, sounded as the shield was lowered. Now standing tall, attention was centered to the dark shadows of the tall trees and they instantly illuminated. Not by daylight but by the vast inflaming of the forest. Fire manifested to the trees and spread as quickly as the icy wind was blowing. Fire took over the battlefield and screams of agonizing panic filled the air as enflamed human bodies fell to the ground.

A wicked smirk overcame the young warrior at seeing these cretins fall. Let them burn for their trespassing sins.

Several had quickly made an escape to the ground where the fights still raged, even as parts of the forest began to collapse around them. More of the principalities warriors were riding in to face this foe. Some of the invaders took to a retreat but many spears and arrows still zoomed back through the air with more of the front line struck down; their horses panicking. With only a few shots managed, their next fleets of weapons were suddenly caught. Halting in mid-air after their launch, the dozens of sharp objects seemed to amazingly freeze in their strike without any sign of deflect or a rebuttal, only holding their place in the air.

Both sides desisted at this extraordinary phenomenon. Shock was evident, but it didn't last long for the home side. And entire series of piercing objects hovered together, but suddenly spun around to face in the opposite direction. Their target had shifted completely on their own accord.

Another youth with hair and eyes as dark, fierce and cold like those of the land's ruler strode confidently forward through his men, joining his cousin. The harsh Siberian winds unfazed him. The ancient words of their ancestors and a snap were all it took to send the fleet countering back to their original shooters at unfathomable speeds. Each and every one hit a live target of the enemy's side. Gorey howls, bawls and outcries filled the air while the pure white snow was painted with stains of red.

"Heh, pathetic fools…"the dark haired warrior freed a spear from a skewered corpse at seeing the few remaining on a retreat.

"Nicely done…" a wave from the first man contained the forest fire from its expansion, closing his hand to shrink it back from the tree tops.

"Very good, indeed" an overwhelming presence emerged behind them…

Rumbles sounded beneath their feet and the snow.

The fleeing forces didn't ride far before they were met with the unnatural collapse in timber of a trunk barrier from the uprooted trees falling across their path; some crushed while others contained.

"They aren't going anywhere…" they were closed in, forcing them back.

"Uncle Vladimir…"

"I see you handled the vermin, boys…" he chuckled softly. With their skill, this could become a sport to them.

"I was enjoying a much needed rest until this little disturbance sounded off at the town and gates"

"They didn't even make it in…" the eldest nephew dismissed at the invasion attempt. Turning to his reinforcing men, they cornered the enemy, forcing them to surrender "Bring them here…"

"Always one to make an entrance, Vikenti" Ivan chuckled beside his cousin, at the earlier ordeal. Seeing their armed forces in a struggle, it looks like they both decided to take the playing field and stop another nuisance.

"…as opposed to your slash and burn method" their uncle noted

The surviving forces of the invaders were hauled off their horses, forced down on the ground with cuffed arms and daggers ready to drive into their croated arteries should any resistance be made. While they were wrangled before the three royals, Vladimir took this moment to really examine his nephews. He couldn't be more proud of the men they had grown to be. They'd always shown skill, fury, and passion of dominating leaders, just like the rest in their line. Up to the present, it was something Vladimir had lacked in passing to the new generation started. He was a proud uncle, but he couldn't help but duly note a change in the eldest of all their children, Vikenti. The young man's dark locks and the facial hair he'd let lengthen to a short beard along his jaw; he was Maxim's son but he was the spitting image of his uncle. More than appearance, their similarities were more evident after his long absence returned him home. Noticing his gaze, he turned slightly to his uncle.

"You needn't trouble yourself being here, uncle. It's no problem silencing this arrogance and stupidity…" he declared coldly. Even that tone could rival his.

"I had to see for myself" he dismissed before gesturing back "It is far below freezing, are you alright out here?"

"… I don't even feel it" he replied indifferently with more sharp winds blowing by them. Flinching and shivering, no doubt many of the other men have been overcome with numb limbs.

"Face them up" Vikenti raised a snap to his men. The foes submitted to kneeling, with the troops forcing their faces back up.

Just as he suspected

From the looks of these men, the Tatar's ambition makes them think they can turn the knife. "You're from the Horde. It's obvious the Khan wants me dead… care to explain your plans, or shall we skip to the part where you're beheaded…"The Grand Prince hissed to the invaders. They remained silent, eyes in a frenzy of panic by the threat yet no one moved to speak…

How foolish…

"Is your cause to make an enemy of us worth the head on your shoulders men?" Ivan mocks. Our men laugh as those kneeling look to each other on their next move.

"I might consider letting you off with a fitting warning to take home should you reveal all you know…" Drawing my sword, I walk by each new prisoner's throat. When they refused to talk, perhaps they'll be convinced after it's forced out of them. They'll be dragged back to the dungeons…

"There will be more to come" one of the struggling prisoners sneered with a pull against our soldier

"The power of the Horde far exceeds this kingdom's, even with you demonic pagans on its throne" I turned sharply back. They've known of our power, they fear it; they want our expanding kingdom…

"It is you who will be put to the chopping block"

"You're not royals, your nothing but wicked sorcerers; sick demons sent from hell…"

"You have cursed these far regions!"

"Mos will fall!"

"It will submit…" I chuckle internally, but my rage at this audacity fuming. They had help… Something was feeding them information.

"We'll be sure the word of your failure this evening reaches your Khan…" Ivan hisses

"Take them to the hang…"I growl.

(Start playing Take Me to Church by Hozier)

"Unnecessary…" a snap in command sounded. We turn to my eldest nephew stepping forward. His eyes darkly void of any emotion as he looks over our prisoners.

"These years and years of outbreaks grow so tiresome, and to challenge our strength is nothing short of an insult." He walked along the line of captured men, his spear slung casually over his shoulder "They fear our expansion, they are threatened by our powers, our practices and our superiority… they target our people, our loved ones… such arrogance…" For the very first time in several years, the sign of a vague smile is displayed on the corners of my nephew's mouth. Our own troops even look weary at the signs of this unrecognized demeanor in Vikenti.

"A fitting message is in order…" he held this rare grin in place before pausing "And what better message than sending their own troops…" before I myself could blink, Vikenti drove the spear through the abdomen of the last speaker. Slowly pushing further in, the now red spike was fully visible through the back of the man as he fell forward, however my nephew made no move to remove it from its new place. He pins the spear to the ground, leaving him unable to fall down.

"A fitting delivery" his aloofness returns, flicking the blood from his fingers. This profound change is quite fitting, considering what made him this way. He was a youth proud and spirited, born to take the thrown as an honorable ruler, but he's walked a path of blood for the past five years. A boy after my own heart… only I can fully understand him.

I nod at the declaration. What better message than our favorite execution from abroad? They look to me.

"You heard him. Have them all set up to display high on the outskirts of the kingdom for those who may challenge" I declare to my men. The panic and frenzy of struggle overwhelms the captured enemies.

"Just like this one…" I motion to the impaled corpse displayed by Vikenti.

My nephews and I take our leave after an overlook commencing the brutal execution. Pikes gathered, the impaled bodies were nailed to the outer edges of our kingdom where vaster enemy influence could witness. Speared or inflamed, the area cast the stench of rotting carcasses left for the scavengers.

After all they've cost us… In the eyes of my brothers, and especially my nephews, we feared no challenge…

Blood will continue to paint the snow red…




Present Day… Above the St. Alexander Hall

Vladimir POV

We were the mightiest… And we still are.

I was proud of them. My nephews would have been the perfect Purebloods…

But we carry on without them…

Looking down at my girls in the waltz, dancing with their respective pairing we selected, it gives me hope for our recreated empire. This is no longer a Vedmak brotherhood. The power we need is in them now. It is time our clan found new princes…

Megara, my heir, she had it perfect. It is time she take back the place she had.

My precious Natalia….

She must resume her original role…

All of my pawns must do so…

I'll never allow any squabble or interfering game pieces to get in the way of that.

With their vanishing, the applause sounded.




Caroline POV

As soon as we stepped foot off the stairs, the music suddenly stopped and the lights dimmed once again. Before there was blackness in the large room, my sisters and cousins were right beside me. I reached for Meg or Xi but they weren't near me anymore. Before I could linger too much on why the lights went out, there was suddenly a large bright light centered in the middle of the reception hall. The rest of the room was dark, but I could still make out the silhouettes all around. Who was that? Where did my sisters go?

It was then that a caped and masked figure somewhat turned my way, and even with their face half covered, I'd recognize my father anywhere. There was a sync of applause that sounded around the whole ballroom. Now I get what's going on.

We're starting the waltz…

I didn't think it would be as soon as we walk in. It's sudden but it looks like there's no putting it off now.

"Thank you, my friends, for joining my family on the most festive of evenings in our history…" the way the room was silent in hearing him speak, his voice strong, and especially with that caesarian mask, his presence was very powerful "700 years it's been. What's started with 3 has now expanded to the great thousands we've reached, and especially the 523 in this room. We could not have done so much without you. So brethren, I present to you this evening, my daughters … Natalia Aleksandrovich, and Dimitra Aleksandrovich…" The way he motioned his hands… he knows where I am but where are the rest of my sisters? The wave of applause sounded and the light around my father faded. But just as it did and the applause was calming down, both reignited when suddenly my father was standing in front of me and the only light in the room was on us.

Whoa, here we go.

He formally bowed as he offered his arm out to me to accept a dance. It took me a second but I shook out of my stupor and gracefully curtsied to take his hand. Hold it together. Once linked, my father walked me away from the bottom of the stairs and toward the center with the light following us.

(Start playing A Daisy in December Waltz by Mick McCauley & Winifred Horan)

Turning me towards him, there was silence in the room. Our arms linked and the music of the orchestra began just as we took the first step. I would not let any fault show. It was fast but I had to trust what my father said about the steps coming naturally, so I followed his lead. Feet paralleled through the beats, we swayed across the floor, almost to the opposite end and on cue with the violins, he gave me a lift before falling back in step to the original form. Turning and taking the quick steps per measure, I was finally able to look up at my father more comfortably. He smiled through his mask and I couldn't help but do the same. My sisters and I have had several issues with him these past few days but somehow, he's managed to make that melt away…

I guess there is no such thing as a perfect father, but the important thing is that he tries. I didn't get to share many moments like this with my human father, so this moment right now means so much to me… Despite all the differences, I need to savor this moment between us.

I was then spun but in place of being pulled back into him, I felt another arm take my opposite hand. Out of the shadows and into the light, my father handed me over to a new figure. He bowed and as soon as he looked back up, I was completely stunned to see my partner for the waltz appear like this. Tall and confident, dazzling smile; I hadn't known who it would be this entire time…

There was applause all around us when I remembered to curtsy. He pulled me to him to pick up the form. From the dark around us, my father had turned to bring in my sister. She looked just as surprised as I was, but the light we were in began to split in two, and we quickly continued in rhythm with the waltz. Now that there were two pairings, the applause was all around us. My father guided her while my partner guided me…

I looked up into his dark eyes, and there was definitely a familiarity in his features… The white mask covered a great deal of his face, and he wore formal black attire with a cape. The next beat came and I saw both my sister and I lifted in sync. Coming back down, I was very close to his face; my finger was almost placed on who he was…. almost….

"Good evening…" the voice confirmed it. My eyes widened, at the realization and he smiled widely. We both couldn't help but chuckle very softly. God, I should have known it would be him….

"Kristoff…" I declare, and he nodded.

"Well if it isn't the prince of Camelot" I'm near his ear so I whisper to keep the joke between us "Look at you trying to bring capes back"

He laughs "Actually, princess, or should I say Queen?" he looked over my costume teasingly. "I thought for sure you'd see I'm prince charming" Nice. Well the suiting was like that of a nobleman "But whatever works, I suppose" I gave him a disbelieving grin, shaking my head at his antic but continued dancing none the less.

My father and sister had swayed further along to where she too was spun into a new figure. It was then that Megara made her appearance from the dark around us. More applause sounded. Our father took her hand and the light once again divided into two, leaving three pairs in the waltz. We were each lifted precisely on cue with the next beat. So far it was running very smoothly. Those of us with our partner danced mostly in our individual spotlight, leaving a line up as more of my sisters appeared.

Our father spun Megara into her own new dance partner as he turned to bring Lily into the light. The applause sounded for them, and they fell perfectly in sway with the rest of us. There were now a total of four narrow lights shining on the four pairs in the ball room. I was able to glance back to my father and sister when the next lift came. Honestly, the sight of our little sister with our father was so precious. She too was spun into her dance partner with the applause welcoming the new pairing. There were four lights lined up across the ball room to shine on us and our partners. It was then that I could vaguely pick up movement around us.

We paused to step back at arm's length, when suddenly the light over us widened to reveal pairings in a circle around us. They each faced each other, nodding before stepping towards their partner to begin dancing perfectly around us. I don't know where the gesture came from, but locking eyes with Kristof it's as if by instinct we linked our right hands, lifting the link above us as we began circling each other. Eyes locked, we did this as the couples that formed a circle waltzed around us. This happened with each of my sisters. Four circles in the room with us at the center. Using our opposite hand, we brought it around each other to begin swaying the way the other pairings did, while our right hands were still linked above us. I never practiced any of these moves, but I felt a sort of nostalgia overwhelming my senses. Looking past his mask, into his eyes, my body moved on its own while my mind was up in the clouds with the music.

Our hands slowly lowered to the basic waltzing position, and with the next beat, Kristof gave me a twirl. While I was pulled back into him, the women of the pairings around us were spun into the male on their right. The way everyone swayed so perfectly in the waltz I couldn't help but be awed by the music, the dancing, the elegance and grace that came with this waltz. The way it came so naturally made me all the more comfortable dancing with Kristoff. Right on cue, I was briefly lifted again, as were the women around me. We continued the dance…

I was slowly and slowly feeling very light headed… almost hazy. Maybe it was all this spinning. Soon, the four spotlights widened again to reveal another circle of pairings. I hadn't even noticed when they took their positions. The sway of the circles around us began again. All around me, I realized that most of the couples were looking our way. Both on the inner and the outer layer circle, I caught eyes with several masks. Faces covered, and half covered, the way they looked back so intensely while they continued to dance perfectly was very inhuman. Kristof and I had done the same linking with our hands before I was swayed once again into a spin while the pairings switched partners counter clockwise… Suddenly, I was feeling very overwhelmed… This new dizziness made me lean further into Kristoff… I might just fall over if I let go, and thankfully he carried me very gracefully in step with the music. Every woman was lifted once again, and lowering back into his arms, I had to blink rapidly and shake my head of this weird sensation. I was getting flashes in my eyes… I started seeing double all around me… I think the circles of pairings converged around us when the lights of the reception hall were then fully restored to the way they were…

The waltz carried on with couples moving with the music all over the dance floor. I still felt eyes everywhere, and my vision was almost like that of a collide scope… I saw several flashes over my eyes. I shook my head to break free of this spiraling in my head. What's happening?

I was spun once again, but coming back into him, vertigo took over. I felt myself falling but it was a hold on my waist holding me dipped. My head fell back, leaving my upside down vision to blur…



"Natalia?" I peeked through the hedges in the boards of the stables. The maids have been on my trail all afternoon so I hid here. They must have tattled to mama once she returned.

"Precious? Where are you?" she called for me again.

"Mommy" I scampered out of my hiding place. She turned my way and I leaped into her arms. She laughed before giving me a playful scolding.

"Did I not tell you to behave, young lady? Why do you never do as your told?" she tapped my nose with the lecture.

"Papa says princesses do what they like. I wanted to see Beula today" I was just petting her in the stables. Mama giggles.

"You are far too little to ride, sweetheart. You shouldn't be in there alone, you could hurt yourself" I pout as we walk back inside our estate.

"No I won't! I want my own horse! I want to ride like my cousins" she gives me a slight shake at my declaration.

"Settle down. Perhaps when you grow just a little more, but for now let us go inside, dinner is almost ready for us"


Such innocent times, warm images of my childhood; of my mother, my parents together. Remembering how much I hurt when I lost my mom, Liz; it stunned me to get this sensation about this woman... this other mother I had and lost too. It passed by right before my eyes…


"Enough with your incessant crying; it's irritating" I winced at her harsh tone. More tears leaked from my eyes. My heart sank when I didn't find the solace and comfort I thought I would get from the only other woman who knew me the way my mother did. My sister who had experienced the very same tragedy not long before this; she simply brushed me off.

Nothing but apathy was on her face. With time I've been feeling her more and more distant, some days we got along and some days we didn't. Father said it was simply growing up, but never was it so evident until now.

"Why are you like this..?" I was able to hiccup. Now the both of us are motherless but there is no sympathy in her eyes. "Did I do something to make you hate me?"

I thought I might have seen a falter in her hard façade when I spoke, but there was soon no sign of it.

"Now you know my pain…" she hissed lowly before turning away from me.



I gasped out in shock as an arrow flew by inches from my face to sink into the bark of the tree beside me. Several flashes of fire crossed my sight and my horse was startled even more so than me. More and more arrows appeared instantaneously and before I could even think of calming my horse, she waved her hooves high while I screamed, falling to the ground.

"Natalia!" the back of my neck and shoulder harshly hit the ground as the sound of my horse's gallop faded.

I was barely able to register the familiar voice that had called my name with the landing I made. Someone was instantly at my side, and some relief came to see it was my young cousin.

"I did not know you were out here, dear cousin" he helped to sit me up "Please forgive me. Did I hurt you? Are you injured from that fall?" I winced while holding my neck but nodded none the less.

"No, I think I'm alright" I reassured "We were just surprised. I thought you went hunting with my uncle" The fire on the arrows had burnt out on the trees "What was that? Were those arrows you?" The way they scattered in every direction, I thought I was under attack by an entire fleet! How did he launch so many that fast?

He nodded with a sigh "I was simply training on my own"

"How did you do that?" I was bewildered but he didn't look so convinced at its impressiveness; to have such speed and still just a boy…

"I have no control…" he mumbled something very quietly as he helped me stand



"Hurry, hurry, father has returned. Surely he brought us gifts!" I hold my dress up from tangling with my legs.

"Wait for me!" Dimitra is close behind.

"Whoops!" Shrieks and clatters are heard as we dodge the maids and servers; our laughter filling the air.

"Hurry" just as we turn the corner, our laughter turns to gasps as we collide with a tall hard structure. My sister falls back first, and just as I am about to fall beside her, my hand was caught.

"My darlings behave yourselves" Our uncle calls to us as he and several other men pass us by. It seems we had run into two of those men, the force of which had knocked us back while they didn't even budge. A tall lord had caught my arm.

"Energetic as always; you and your friend should be more careful, cousin" Just as I had looked up at the prince, my eyes widened to see a face I had not seen in a very long while. Behind the dark stubble that was near a beard, a familiar face was much more angular and strong. He was taller, and a much more deep tone to his voice.

"You're back…" I whispered. He pulled my sister to her feet.

"Indeed. We shall gather later" he dismisses with barely a glance and little enthusiasm before walking off. I would have wanted to hug him but his demeanor surprised me.

Just as the other lord is set to follow, I immediately catch my manners…

"Oh.." I call after him, giving a bow. "Do forgive me, milord. I sincerely apologize for my rudeness" Just as I look up, a warm chuckle rings to me. I meet the dark eyes and handsome smile of Prince Kristof of Tver.

"It is no worry, princess" he now holds my hand between the both of his "Are you alright?" I feel a warmness overwhelm my face.

"Y-yes. Thank you" he ruffles the side of my hair in a child-like manner before following my cousin, my uncle, and the other men of court.

At only 15, I cannot help but grow flushed when I made a fool of myself in front of one of the most powerful men in these wide principalities. Stupid, stupid stupid! If Stasya or my sister could see me just now, they'd mock me to no end. Thankfully, he was very understanding. He is about my cousin's age. Seeing their retreating forms, I'm once again overwhelmed with the realization that my cousin has returned. It's been 5 years now. He seems a different man from my memory; he carries himself very bold, intimidating, so superior…

"Who was that?" Dimitra and I had seen the Prince of Tver on many previous occasions in Moscow; it was our cousin she had not met before. He had yet to know her, or fathers infant Liliana.

"Vikenti, uncle Maxim's son" and the next Aleksandrovich patriarch. I never understood his leave, and his new demeanor set me aback. He's been traveling the country side on his own quests and duties for years, now to finally return.



I was cushioned by his chest. He held my head tucked under his chin while he carried on the steps of the waltz. I blinked rapidly, pulling away but struggled with a state like when you're between sleep and awareness. The spinning steps of the waltz continued around us but the music sounded much farther in the background to me. I had only managed to catch glimpses of the couples near us and recognized Tatianna and Lenora with their pairing. I had just seen two more cousins… their brothers.



"You were particularly close to the youngest, Daniel" he noted. I was?



"Wake up" I nudged him till his eyes fluttered open. The boy hacked a few more times into his hand while I helped him sit up. It was still in the late night hours, but my cousins coughs could be heard way down the corridor. He was sick once again…

"Natalia…" he breathed; his face red with a fever.

"Shhh. Its ok, drink this…" I handed him a remedy that I learned from father's herbalists when I would fall ill. The warm drink soothed the 10 year olds throat. Wiping his forehead of sweat, I couldn't help feel so concerned to see him like this. He was born with a weak immune system, but he's going to be a Grand Prince in his own right after our uncle Feodor. He's an Aleksandrovich male heir, so it's a long way to go…

"Thank you, cousin" I fluffed his pillow, tucking him in once again. I smile, shushing him back to sleep. "Of course"

It's so peculiar "One day you're so rowdy and mischievous, but the next you're so frail" he had already drifted off. We had to be here for him when his parents couldn't be. He wants to be just like our fathers, just like Vikenti and Ivan… he may still be a fragile child, but I believe he can do it.



"Brother, just where have you been?" Tatianna scolded as she and I saw him return inside from the stables. He was truly entering adolescence.

"I told you we couldn't ride today. To be out in such a storm, you'll certainly catch pneumonia." I had brought a towel with me on our way down. I throw it over his head and instantly he squirms while we struggle to dry his head.

We three laugh when I let him peak through. "To be stronger, I have to build my endurance" he implores.

"You are so stubborn" He's put many of his studies into the learning of health and herbal medicines with our scholars. If only the others could see this determination.

"Let's get you warm" his sister insists.



Sharp silver clashing; clinks and cuts through the air; a close watch to each other's next movement. Eyeing their feet but never looking away from the opponent. They circled one another.

Dagger and dodge!

A turn, swipe and gash! I gasped, flinching before desperately searching Kristof's torso for the bloody wound.

A cut, clear as day through his chest plate, but no redness overcame it.

Daniel was panting to catch his breath but smirked none the less in victory "Ah ha!"

A grin overcame Kristof's face as he examined the cut of his tunic. My younger cousin had challenged him once again, and he finally exceeded his expectations.

"This victory goes to me!" The teenager declared.

Kristoff began to clap, certainly impressed. "So it does, young Daniel"

He's taught himself to sword fight…

Kris nods with a smile as I rush to my cousin in a proud hug.



I blink rapidly again, slowly falling back into reality I try my best to grip it. These memories of family… They really are a part of my life growing up. These ancient scenes… it's so peculiar to think what a bond I formed with the younger ones. The same attachment I've developed with Lily, I weirdly feel it growing the more I think about a cousin I've hardly remembered. I've never known much about kids, so I'm discovering more and more sides there were to me before...

"Are you alright?" Shaking off this stupor, I pull my mask off. This whole waltz has my head spiraling.

"I've got you, it's ok" he helps steady the dizziness.

I'm able to remember where I am, and as I look back up at my dance partner, Kris removed his mask too…

I'm seeing him also…




"What are we doing out here?" we stepped out of the festivities, and I wrapped the fur tighter around myself to shield from the brutal cold.

"I hoped you would join me for a ride around the estate"


"Because I want you to know me…" I gave a wondering gaze at him, as he pulled his horse free from around where the carriages and horses were settled. The bustle of my cousins birthday festivity could still be heard from inside.

"Like you, I enjoy riding.." he smiled, offering his hand to lift me onto the black steed.

After a moment of looking between his hand and his eyes, I felt an urge to take this opportunity, letting my hand slip into his.

"I know what word is spread of me" He hoisted me up to the saddle, and as I adjust my dress over the seat, "but I want you to know the real me…" he swiftly took his place behind me. I could feel his warmth ghost over my back.

"I take it this is about what I said earlier" I quipped. It's so logical, can you blame me? My hands were then shielded from the cold when he placed his over mine with a hold on the rein. The warm breath that tickled my cheek made me look up into his intense eyes.

"Natalia… no title, no land, no dowry, can compare to the value of a good woman…That is the true prize" The horse began a soft gallop along the estate. The way he sat behind me, holding me up in a secure and warm ride, I found myself somewhat wanting to lean back with the consolation… "…strong, and beautiful…" he whispered at my side.

Even in warmth, I got a shiver.



He cringed, moving the collar further over the gash on his neck. We sat in our infirmary.

"You are wounded" capturing my hand, he brought it to his lips, placing a tender kiss to my fingers before resettling it on his shoulder.

"It comes with the job" I sighed. Such violence, I've been around it my whole life, but it isn't until now that I'm older that I'm able to understand the reality of it.

"A target is always on the backs of the powerful"

"I know. You are quite like my father in that aspect" he smiled, reaching for my hand before I gave a pausing notion. He gave me a questioning look, and I let him know to wait a moment. With this, I fetched a cleaning cloth and bandage.

"Would you allow me?" he was hesitant but an almost devilish grin crossed his face when he removed his top. The gash reached onto his back and I tried to keep myself composed while I tended him in this state.

"but the truly great, are the ones able to use that power" when he looked out over the tall window, I had to follow suit. The vast number of stars shown over the dark horizons "those who prevail, who survive, and reject failure….It's how your father built his principality."

I guess it's how he's given our family such a good life.

"He's sheltered us…" all of the heads in our family have. It runs in them.

"And I plan to do the same" dapping away the last of the blood, I paused to look up at him with that declaration. Looking over his shoulder, he took this as a sign to pull from his pocket a small token…

My mouth fell open somewhat "Is that..?"

He smiled widely, nodding "It has run in my family… With this future, Natalia, I pledge to love, honor and obey… if you will declare the same"



"You were nearly killed! What were you thinking?!" Ivan exclaimed, pacing with a searing anger from all of tonight's events.

It was heart retching enough seeing our home purged from this far in the distance. My face was still buried into Kristof's chest, letting my tears spill onto his tunic.

"You should have left with your sisters. Had I not arrived in time, you would have been slain" pulling me back to look at him, to convey the severity of what I risked. Taking a breath to calm himself down, he dried the tears from my cheeks while I held in a hiccup, trying to do the same.

"I needed to know. Those people must have him. They started this. We need to find him…" I argued, though weakly.

He hugged me once again, and I let him.

"We must keep moving" Ivan declared, turning back our way.



The next moment I blinked, I was in exactly the same position I had been in with that memory. Our place around the ballroom wasn't too distant as everything I saw came in only seconds. The nostalgia and the familiarity flooded back to me so quickly, it was overwhelming. Looking up at Kris, he looks exactly as he did that day. We have such history together that I have to admit the realizations leave me curious about what we had… how we got our start…

Mixing who I was then, with who I am now… I just don't know what to think!

The music was building up to a finish. Circling around the other pairings in the waltz; the masks and rhythms of the undead, steps in sync with ours, every movement came perfectly and naturally as he guided me. Being here in our family waltz, dancing it with Kris, this released an all new set of pieces to puzzle together in the picture of my past.

We pivoted a turn. Arm firm on my waist, my eyes widened as the final notes of the symphony sounded with Kristof curtaining his cape all around me to close our dance. Now engulfed, a whisper in the wind was our only trace.




Megara POV

"They seem to be holding it together…" I muse quietly, eyeing Natalia and Dimitra over my father's shoulder.

"But of course, you should have more confidence in them…" he words in our fluent dance "It's a celebratory evening, my dear. Everyone as they should be…" he smiles to them before we lock a side glance in our waltz. Behind his mask, I recognize a twinkle in my father's eye…

I know once we each have our lead in, he and my uncles stray from the waltz but…

"We have you, your sisters, your cousins…" he spins me around for us to part ways…

"…in-laws" another voice declares when I face the dark eyes of my revealed escort. I'm in a momentary stagger before I feel a fire burning at taking in what he called himself.

"I should have known it'd be you…" I scoff subtly. No mask can hide it. This is so like my father "…it would have been easy choosing another for myself" his smile faded, before lifting me sharply and sinking back into him.

"It is no other man's place to dance the Pureblood waltz with you"

"Don't pretend you care" I hiss a whisper. I cannot help but send a stern look my father's way as he guides Liliana.

"Do you honestly think me so hallow that I don't harbor any sentiment for this?" his voice light but grip somewhat harsh; it didn't faze me what so ever.

"Nothing has sentimental value to you…" I bluntly assert as he spins me.

"You know me better than that…" he defends.

"I did once… but the man I married is long gone…" I won't let this shenanigan get to me. Not the nostalgia or pressures of the celebration.

"And what of the woman I married?" I could feel a scowl wanting to overcome my face. I'm thankful for the mask at this moment but I still had to uphold a smile as we swayed around the other pairings of our clan; more and more guests joining us on the dance floor.

"…No, she's still here" he held me close in a pause while the others flowed around us "just evolved…"

I couldn't help a dry laugh at this mention "Well you were there when it began…"



I shivered looking at the fireplace. Pushing the damp strands of hair from my face, and clutching the blanket closer; seeing the flames, I began to back away even if I was very cold. There was fire everywhere. It is constantly around me, and I now fear what exactly it is that I've done to myself. I chose to leave with Vladimir and his cohorts. These images of my past made me so sure I belonged with them. That I'd found my true family. But now…

I was scared.

I don't know what to think anymore…

All I know is that I'm frightened... of myself.

The things I've seen, the urges I feel, the things I've done…

The fire, the blood…

I've turned into a devil.

Tears streaked down my face and I was startled to hear the doors open.

"Lady Megara…" I'm still not use to that name.

"I don't want to see anybody…"I hiss but my voice cracked. I thought it would be either my father back or one of my uncles.

"Not even me..?" A new voice, and yet not a new voice sounded to me. Cautiously looking to the door, the tears stopped when my eyes widened.

"I don't believe it…" he looked as stunned and disbelieving as I did; both of us frozen, as if encountering a ghost. In a way, that's exactly what was happening…

"Y-you…"I whispered.

He sped towards me before I could finish a blink, appearing only inches away. Holding the sides of my face, I blushed feverishly at a loss for words. He looked so deeply into my eyes, wiping the streaks of tears from my face. What felt like an eternity, soon brought a smile to the strangers handsome features. Only with every passing second that I was this close to him, he was less and less a stranger.

"Vladimir spoke the truth... It really is you…"

"F-filip..?" With his name, a newfound warmth and sense of security overcame me.

He nodded "You've returned to me…"I was bewildered, astounded.

My heart melted at seeing tears at the corners of his eyes too. I wrapped his arms around me, tucking my head into his chest. I did make the right choice… I'm certain of it now. This felt right. Suddenly, I felt so much more at ease. He too was an immortal. He discovered I had been turned. Vladimir called him for me. He sent him to help me, and we were inseparable from then on.

"…You have no idea what power we have now, what greatness awaits us together, my love" he soothed me, making me shiver when his lips ghosted over my neck "We are going to have everything"



It would be a turning point for me.

"Much happier times, weren't they..?" I rolled my eyes as we circled each other at the center of the waltz.

"If evolved is how you want to term it, fine. But I'm nothing compared to the scoundrel you turned into…" We are beasts in human form, but even with this, I've never forgotten who I was, or what I wanted, unlike him…

"So in 700 years, I'm not allowed to make mistakes?" I gave him a strange look by him calling it a mistake, why is this coming up now? The word mistake understates it. We sharply pull ourselves close together in our dance. I almost return a harsh grip. "Those mistakes lasted for half our marriage"

I discretely push back in the waltz. I care not what the others may think; we're already getting stares and murmurs from those who have discovered it is my ex-husband I'm dancing with. I focus on watching the progress of my sisters; surely, it is Kristof that dances behind that mask with Natalia. Strategically planned…

If our father has anything to say about it, there is a slim to no chance of her standing beside an Original vampire. The challenge is how she will discover this…

"Megara…" he starts again, smiling. I force a fake one in our hold before his eyes melt "This night is supposed to be symbolic… For old times' sake, let us properly finish this waltz"

I brush the side of his face, gently before turning it harsh with my nails "…old times?"

He doesn't falter "Why don't I refresh your memory?" I'm pushed back but caught in a dip to hover above the marble.

Eyes always turn our way. We were the perfect couple; admired and beloved by our people…

Then as immortals… we were envied, feared and obeyed by our new people.

My father made me the wise, and successful Pureblood I would become… but it was through Filip that I became a fierce killer.



Late 15th century… Venice

"It is so beautiful here…" I lean back in his arms, feeling them securely around my waist from behind as we look to the sky.

"Did you enjoy our stay?" he whispers in my ear. Seated on the gondola, we sail further along the canal, the Rialta gleaming on the surface of the water.

"Every anniversary is better than the last" he nods, turning my chin towards him "Just you, and me…"

"And the trail of victims…" he kicks the last corpse into the canal, leaving us more room. It's just us and the trembling lackey sailing us. Looking along our left, the flames and bustle continued to spread on the Rialto District as more of the locals took notice.

"Perhaps the disposal was too rash..?" I chuckled in his arms, while his fingers played through my hair.

"It's the most sensible choice of clean up, my love" I stand balanced in our gondola "You came to indulge, not worry for cover ups…" he asserts, following behind me.

"Must we go? So soon?" I sigh teasingly. He takes my hand in his, softly placing a kiss to my knuckles in a bow before slowly trailing up.

"I long to have you to myself longer… but we must return east, princess" he sighs against my ear, kissing there and along my temple.

"That's 'Grand Duchess'…"I correct, to which we both grin devilishly. I bring my left arm up to hold him around the neck as he continues to trail his lips along my neck.

"Then let's savor every last moment…" I sigh. I can feel the grin widening on his lips. Lowering his head further, I push it down to encourage him. Feeling the sharp pierce of his fangs break through the skin of my neck gives me an indescribable rush. I gasp and groan as he drinks the warm liquid from my neck. The flow encourages me to take his hand at my waist. Instinctively, he raises his sleeve for me and I lift his wrist to my lips, muffling the sighs of the invigorating feelings I have. I don't know why but at this moment, no blood has ever tasted so delicious before.

Right as we sail under the Rialto Bridge, a commotion of new findings is near. Raising his hand in a snap, a spiral of flames emits to the structure; sure to take over the last of indulging remains. Passing farther along the waterway, we watch in a pleasurable daze as the fire has spread further with the glow emitting over a good part of the city. The glow is so lovely against the night sky.

"I'm so happy…" I whisper up to Filip as we enjoy the screams of panic.

"As am I…" he turns me towards him. We stand facing each other as we sail towards our ship and crew in the harbor "and I shall always be as long as I'm with you…" Staring up into his eyes, I feel him lowering me back; his hand behind my lower back and the other cradling the back of my neck. "My wife, my only one…"

We both share a loving and flirtatious grin with our faces close while he holds me in this position.

"…And I with you, my dearest" he holds me dipped, before we passionately lock our lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and feel myself arching my back to lean further to deepen our locked embrace. The warm fire over a district in the Italian city still glows behind us as we sail into the night.


"Stop it" I hiss…

He chuckles softly "Our blood bond lingers, Megara" The worst decision I could have ever made "It may fade and weaken but it won't be fully destroyed…"

"Why are you doing this now? What have you and my father cooked up?" I demand an explanation. I have enough to tend to without this set up.

"There is no catch to it…" his voice lightens "Your father asked me if there's anything within me that feels we can regain what we lost.."

He spins me once again, for me to glower back "We were never meant to be together" his cape wrapped around me.







The waltz they witnessed had expanded to various rings that revolved around the centered pairings. Each ring merged together and their graceful motions swayed in sync with one another. Faces half or fully covered, eyes concealed and centered on their opposite, they moved like the manifestations of who they once were, merging with the perfection of immortality. They moved with the aura of the undead, and interesting to see that the shinning floors and windows never once showed any indication of the 500+ beings in the hall. The only sign of life and humanity came from the girls in the center, but the trance like state that overcame them nulled it, having them move almost like puppets while their minds were far gone. The way every set of eyes in the room focused on them during the dance, the atmosphere was almost heavy. There was an ominous feeling in the air, and the symphony was unrelenting; the trance was only somewhat broken when Caroline struggled back to reality, forcing off her mask.

Every vampire, whether dancing or observing would look their way, but there was one set of eyes that never once looked away from this particular pairing.

The Originals blended perfectly with the gathering of aristocrat strigoi, masks in place, and even disbursing when the waltz began; some, not ready to fully identify themselves with the patrons or the hosts quite yet.

Seeing Caroline tucked firmly into Kristoff's arms while he carried her through the waltz, his blood boiled, but it also lingered in his mind how Vladimir had disappeared from the waltz. He's watching from around here somewhere, probably enjoying this very sight before him. Why? Because it's what best suits him. His daughters with men he approves of, most likely having centuries of licking the soles his shoes….

An entire society of vampires traveled from far and wide over the continent to join the complete set of royals tonight. He had to admit to himself… Vladimir's hierarchy was quite impressive… but I too know what power, loyalty and fear were…

Swaying with grace, the sounds of the waltz built up to a finale. Every pairing locked eyes, holding each other perfectly close in their steps, and following one another in a perfect pattern over the dance floor. Each of the Purebloods almost vanished among the dancers close proximity. As they looked on over the dance, the rings of masks, swaying dresses and spinning capes blended; it almost became difficult to follow one particular pairing. It was almost like an allusion. Scanning the crowd to find them again, each of the Purebloods was in sight before a large wave of black enveloped the pairings. In the blink of an eye, the pairs vanished into thin air behind the guests in the waltz as the music came to its finish. Not one of the Pureblood daughters was in sight. The lights faded with applause and the sudden disappearance was an unexpected finish.

Klaus found himself looking all around for traces of them but found none, feeling somewhat irked. For now, he'd keep himself undisclosed but he'd certainly be joining the gracious host soon enough. They too joined into the applause, and Vladimir once again made his presence known. "Thank you, my friends. On behalf of my family, we invite you to dine, dance and indulge the festivity… enjoy"

The strigoi knew they were here, but thankfully there wasn't a formal introduction to introduce the Original family just yet. Just for now, having their masks in place proves opportune.

None the less, they do need to join the Aleksandrovich brothers. Their most confided and influential people are here tonight, and they need to be a part of them. 'Honored guests' doesn't quite open this inner circle, so an invitation is still to be won….

There has to be more here tonight than a soiree…



Caroline POV

On reflex, I held myself to Kris. The wave of his cape over both of us slowly lowered. I was awed to find we weren't in the ballroom anymore, but the sound of the applause could be heard nearby.

Lowering my arms from his shoulders, my jaw somewhat slackened at the disbelief and Kris was grinning, amused.

"Well done" I gave him a playful shove.

"Seriously? Nice finale; and I thought I was the theatrical one" I gave his cape a flutter. Look out for vampire prince charming.

"It wasn't my antic." He chuckled, pointing ahead of the hall. Up ahead, the rest of the girls were with their partners, capes having just been dropped from around them. Looks like each of us made the dramatic exit.

Moving to join them, we heard our fathers booming voice call out from the reception hall "Thank you, my friends. On behalf of my family, we invite you to dine, dance and indulge the festivity… enjoy" A final applause sounded before the lush orchestra came alive again as well as with feign sounds of conversation. Looking over one of the higher railings, the hall had dimmed to how it started.

I sighed, just relieved to have the crazy part over with… hopefully; and gave my temples a rub from the pounding.

"Are you alright?"

I nod "Yeah, but I'm sorry to say my head was up in space for most of our dance…"

"No, I know. The Pureblood waltz is a staining experience but it has served to bring about many recollections" holding his hand out, he had the mask I had thrown off. I thanked him, gesturing to my hair while he confirmed its placement. It was still pinned to the side with my tiara in place.

"Makes sense since we've danced it for years." Kris being the only partner I've had that's not inter -family. "All these pieces I get are just like a jigsaw puzzle" Either that or hang over amnesia. They confuse me, so sometimes I feel it's easy to forget myself. It was exciting but… a scary thought.

"They are often high running emotional experiences" I'll say. Having my hand pulled over Kristof's arm, a huge part of me wanted to pull away because of those memories. I liked him, I really did and I feel even closer to him now, but this relationship we had before makes the present both awkward and confusing, especially since we're not together anymore. Not to mention, it wouldn't be good for Lily to see us like this. Whatever is between us, I thought it was something I wouldn't have to worry about tonight…

"I know you'll be fine, Natalia. You are very resilient, and I'm glad I could share the experience with you" he gave my hand a squeeze, but I let mine drop out of the hold.

Clearing my throat, I nodded.

".. Uh hey, you alright?" we came to stand around the other pairings. My younger sisters nodded. I think a recollection doesn't come to Lily now, but Xi and I are still really new. Removing the masks, I had somewhat been wondering about who they were each in the waltz with.

"This is Mateo" It was my first time meeting the young aristocrat that escorted Lily. He definitely had the boyish fair haired features of a 15 year old. I couldn't help but think how adorable it looked to see them dance. It's the most grown up light I've ever seen my baby sister in. We exchanged greetings.

Of course, Tatianna was escorted by Eric and it was nice to have my cousin in-law back home now. Stasya was escorted by an aristocrat I've yet to meet called Casimir.

"Hi, nice to meet you"

"It's a pleasure, milady"

The twins danced with two aristocrats, Marik and Lazlo.


"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance"

"Welcome back"

And then Ximena was escorted by a high rank I recognized as Torrance. The men looked to already know each other. Each of us here exchanged a proper introduction, or re-acquaintance with one another.

"So how'd we do, cuz?" There was no way I could pass up rubbing in Stasya's face that so far the night has gone impressively. Minus the head trauma, everything's looking better than expected. She rolled her eyes with a scoffing head shake. That's score 1 for Caroline.

Thinking back the matter at hand, it raised all sorts of new questions.

"Did you have old memories rush back?" I turned back to my sisters, leaning next to Dimitra. Her escort handed her a water.

"A lot of people and a bunch of crazy stuff" I nodded, crossing my arms. My head is still kinda scattered. Up until now I hardly knew anything about the people we don't have around; these relationships I had were vague… I wanted to know my more, but there were certain things I remembered that gave me jitters. It was this part of me that was afraid to ask them questions to help fill the voids. I can only imagine how astonished my sister is feeling "What did you see?"

"Well..." Before I could go into it, we were cut off with the appearance of my uncle.

"Well done, my darlings" Our uncle Feodor waved out, giving us a clap "You did beautifully. I couldn't be more proud." He joined where we were gathered, putting his arm around both of us while he looked to the group. "How are you feeling?"

I gave a sighing smile "Light headed"


"Dazed and confused" He chuckled.

"But we grow ever closer, correct?" Every memory does pull us in "Our bond grows stronger. It best we set aside our troubles; enjoy the evening, put our best foot forward to savor this togetherness and commemorate the Royal family's reunification" He gave a reassuring squeeze to the shoulder.

"It can only get better from here. Enjoy your party girls, feast, dance, and mingle. Everyone is eager to meet you" he motioned us back towards the party.

I have to have faith on the betterment of things. Looking up at my uncle, I couldn't help but realize the similar features that reminded me he was my cousin, Daniel's father. The memories left me so eager to know what had happened.

"Natalia?" coming back to reality, I realize I had been staring. I shook my head, giving a small laugh.

"I will see you all down there" he told us all before making his leave. I couldn't help but think maybe he can tell me more. Most of us were already on the way back.

Excusing myself, I held my dress up to follow.

"Hey Caroline?" Xi caught me on the right. "Could we talk for a sec?"

Questions were probably buzzing around for both of us. I nodded "Yeah, of course. But hang on a sec, I need to catch ask our uncle about something before he disappears" with a nod, I scurried after him before he got too far.




After leaving the waltz, Megara had been sure to put distance between her and the rest of her family with their dance partners. It's unclear who was able to tell the match made but she didn't want to confront any of that right now. Turning around another corridor, the sound of the others and the ball weren't too far away.

"Well that was quite rude, sweetheart" she didn't allow any interaction between them and the other pairings.

"We can skip the formalities. This waltz is over" she crossed her arms "You're under no further obligations tonight, so feel free to return about your own business here" And she stood her ground to make sure he returned to the party the other way, and not towards the others.

He sighed, finally dropping the devilish look to his eyes "It wasn't an obligation, Megara"

For the faintest of moments, she felt she saw the gleam of sincerity; the eyes of whole heartedness she hadn't seen in years. He reached for a loose piece of hair fallen over her face but she pushed his hand away. Smiling softly, hands in his pockets, he turned to return to the party.

Coming around back towards a balcony overlooking the party, she saw him disappear among the crowd. One more night and things will go back the way they were. After tonight, the hassles of housing the aristocracy in the city, public relations with the humans and up-keeping images will be out of the way. Their father will handle her sisters, she'll be free to return to her own business and hopefully relations with the Originals will be settled, having them quickly on their way out of the country.

"Are you alright?" her jaw tightened, resting her eyes with a sigh to fully turn around. Looking back, she faced Tatianna, hand in hand with her cousin in-law.

"Wonderful…" she boasted with a false sweetness, walking back around them.

"Cousin, we could tell who that was" Tatianna reached out but only causing an eye roll from Megara. She dreaded to think what they might have overheard during the ordeal.

"And your point is? Father arranged a simple formality nothing of it" she smiled icily.

"Megara" Eric attempted to follow suit "please, we only wanted to ensure you were alright. We've always supported you through this…"

"Oh how sweet. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more pressing issues to handle" she wave off, turning back to locate the Grand Prince. Finally taking a hint they make their leave. She couldn't help but glance back at how affectionately Eric led Tatianna back to the festivities. Gallant and affectionately… they were each others whole world. She could feel herself stirring with…. Irritation? No, I am not upset, I'm annoyed. The pair was instantly welcomed and acquainting with our guests. Argh, it's like a celebrity couple glued at the hip. Averting her eyes with a hiss, she caught sight of Vladimir and made her way back. Catching sight of her, she brushed by all her sisters and cousins before anyone could call to her. It was going to be a long night. Before resuming any duties, the first thing she wants is to confront her father over this stunt.

"… indeed. Cheers, gentleman" Vladimir and his cohorts shared in a clinking of vodka shot glasses. Whatever conversation may be held, sharing a drink offered an opening for his attention.

"Father…" she feigned enthusiasm among the court members surrounding them.

"Ah, the lovely Megara…" welcoming her to the circle, the men honorably bowed and greeted the eldest daughter.

"Good evening, gentleman" she returned a curtsied nod with a practiced smile "Lovely to have you here. It is so nice to see you again. If you'll allow me a moment's word with my father" she motioned to follow her slightly to the side. She had to act quickly on this request before the topic could shift to her or before she got sidetracked with dance requests.

He excused himself to step to the side with his daughter. Voices lowered, it was still an advantage that the music muffled the sound of their conversation to the supernatural hearing senses in the room. Smiling down at his eldest, she decided to waste no time in addressing the issue.

"Father why did you…" she was on the verge of hissing but his shifting expression somehow sent a warning on her tone. Sighing, she collected her voice in a respectable manner, but her eyes still stern "What are you trying to arrange with Filip? Whatever business it is you've brokered, I want no part of it…"

"Megara, it is nothing of the sort" he defended, quietly minding our surroundings.

"Then why did you have him take part in the waltz? Father I know I must respect your affiliations but if this is about what Natalia told you…"she referred back to the night they had their family meeting. Was this some kind of test to see how she'd hold herself together? Was she still being punished?

"My dear, I simply needed to witness for myself how things stand between you now…" she crossed her arms, disbelieving at the antic but swallowing her words none the less. "And I can see what is left quite clearly now" he nodded while casually observing the other guests. Her eyes shot up to him. And just what is that supposed to mean? Before she could retort, he gave the side of her face an unexpected stroke of comfort.

"Though unexpected, I do admire you up-holding yourself appropriately. I may not say it enough but you make me very proud… I want you to be happy but I also want what's best for you" he isn't the best at showing it… Arms still crossed, she looks back into the crowd.

"Perhaps this could rejuvenate your spirit?" he pulled a case from his inner coat pocket. Snapping it open, he held it up to Megara. Arms crossed and looking about, she couldn't help but catch a glimpse of what Vladimir held for her.

It took a moment, but sighed internally "Is that Bvlgari?"

He smiled, taking the necklace to snap it around her neck "Considering you weren't able to travel with the events over the past several days, I hope this shows how much I adore seeing you happy." Admiring the diamonds, she felt a falter for the necklace. Gifts… this is just like father. Somehow the adoration for the necklace fell short now.

"Moving beyond this drama, you are still my right hand Megara. I need you… vigilant… tonight." She looked back over her shoulder to their father, sighing. He gave her a signaling look, and she responded with a knowing glance. Best case scenario, the evening would go on without any unexpected confrontations or appearances.

"I know"

"For now, I need you girls tending to our guests. I want all of you at your best. And I should like it if locate our Honored Guests whereabouts, preferably the brothers" Locating all the game pieces… In a way I don't blame him. Recent discoveries show he has reason to be paranoid…

Looking at the crowd, she could spot her middle sister Caroline in a dance with their uncle.




Caroline POV

Rejoining the bustle, I called him before he got too far in. "Uncle Feodor" he heard me, looking back with a questioning glance. Excusing my way past a few patrons, we were already getting glances from the masks around us.

"I just wanted to ask you about something's" I lowered my voice to us while still hearing it over the music. He nodded "Certainly, come share a dance with your uncle as you do so" he suggested. Might as well blend in; we joined together.

(Start Playing Waltz of Souls by Adam Hurst)

We followed the music, with a much simpler dance than the Pureblood Waltz.

"What concerns you, Natalia?" I had to keep in mind there were certain things best left unsaid.

"I was just left thinking about how I remembered Daniel."

Taking in what I denoted…"Ah yes. Growing up you often doted on your cousin." he looked very reflective "You know, despite her status, my wife and your mother grew to be friends"

I could feel my eyes brighten at this mention. I know there was a strain between our mothers and it's understandable, but it was nice to hear an aunt accepted her.

"So then we were close growing up…" I deduct "He's your only son, so he was your heir…" I added. He nodded but a peculiar look came to his eyes that I couldn't fully read.

"Indeed, though times came we questioned his capacity to rule" he sighed "Do you remember..?"

"Because he was always sick?" but it's good to remember him slowly conquering his weaknesses.

"Well he was born prematurely. His immune system was underdeveloped… truth be told we didn't expect as much from him as we did with his elder cousins…" hearingthis gave me a weird feeling.

"But… he was overcoming that" I reminded. I felt a little on the fence with that last notion. Before I could move to speak again, my uncle responded first.

"There was improvement; it gave me hope… but it would prove to be his fall. Through the most violent winter our family saw, his health finally failed him…" In those next few moments, I could feel my jaw slacken and eyes dilate. What..? "There was nothing more we could do…"

His health? No… childhood aside, that doesn't sound like something that could take down the boy I saw.

"No, wasn't it in battle? Or a purge?" speak clearly to me…. I'm trying to piece this out.

"Well he stubbornly chose to follow with Ivan's forces in battle, but the harsh conditions out there came to overwhelm him…" my uncle spun me, but the memories I had earlier had me staring into space.

No… no, that can't be right…

Or at least it doesn't feel right. I just can't see that being how things happened. Maybe I just don't want to accept that it's what happened to such a good kid….

"What ails you, Natalia?" he looked down to me during our dance.

I wasn't supposed to be with Ivan when our home was invaded. When our uncle said most violent winter, he meant the last one we saw, right? I looked back up, shaking out of it.

Then where was..? When? No.

I don't know enough to be having speculation

I sighed "It just makes me sad to think about what happened to all of them"

"Such harsh times. I had two more children on the way in the passing years, hopefully more sons, but my dear wife would lose them before their full delivery" Miscarriages are terrible, but a small part of me didn't like the idea of it possibly meaning he was readying to lose Daniel. I won't ask though; that's not something I want to hear, especially since it was needed for royals in the middle ages.

"And then I lost her…" my aunt wasn't with us either.

"I like to think they'll always be with us in spirit…" I try to soothe.

He quickly agreed. "Ivan and Vikenti were taken from us too, and they will always be remembered as our people's most powerful warriors. But now, even if it is just us, you girls will prove yourselves as mighty as our name is…" he kissed my forehead, and I managed to bring back a smile.

Maybe it's too depressing to worry about the past, I should focus on the now. I'm at my own ball in a palace for crying out loud. A part of me couldn't shake off the concern but before I could say anything else, I locked eyes with an onlooker over my uncle's shoulder. Far up ahead, a dark mask was faced in our direction. It covered over half their face and they looked to us beyond the others dancing. My uncle still guided me but as soon as I was able to look again, they vanished. I didn't get a chance to really tell what it was, but it was the mask of some kind of beast. This is when I began to notice more and more stares around us, very subtle ones but I could feel intently watched none the less. My uncle looks to have already noticed this.

"As our newest member, everyone is eager to make your acquaintance" he voiced in my ear, as if reading my mind. "Duties of a princess come with the title…"

A presence appeared from behind. A tall man bowed to introduce himself "Good evening, my lord. Lady Natalia" the medico della peste mask hid half his face but he lifted it out of respect.

"Ah, good evening Gregorio. Good to see you again"

"It is an honor" he gestured to me "If I may…"

"Certainly, I'm sure she'd be delighted" he fluidly spun me into this new stranger. I wasn't expecting this until I remembered we're going to be dancing with everyone we meet. "Have a good party my dear" he winked with a soft chuckle before leaving.

There were still some things I was wondering about, and I still wanted to talk with my sisters but it would be really rude for me to just take off on the guy, so I went ahead and nodded. I'll just sort all that out later, best to just go with the flow. Looking around the room, I wasn't the only one of us now back in the reception hall. A deep breath; I smiled and stood tall with a brave stance for the new stranger I danced with. It's not just tiaras and caviar tonight.




(Start playing Paradise Circus by Massive Attack)

"After its success, part of the interest returns and dividends were invested to contribute with the cities festivals for tourism… You should join us during the upcoming holiday season…"

What were those things? And how did it come to that? And what exactly happened to him?

"Lady Dimitra?" Huh?

She shook out of the daze, remembering Torrance was still with her. Unfortunately, she wasn't the best conversationalist right now. The waltz just left her more eager than ever to talk to her sister, but Caroline is currently talking with Feodor. Some of the things she remembered have her utterly confused and even a little freaked out. As if being in a ballroom full of the undead isn't nerve wrecking enough. Part of her wants to find an explanation but another side tells her to keep this to herself for now.

"Oh, sorry, my head was up in space for a moment there" It wasn't clear how it came to this but he was telling her about his companies contributions to the city. After their waltz though, her replies have been very brief.

"It's alright. Are your memories troubling you..?" he asked, setting his hand over hers. Putting on a friendly smile none the less "Yes, umm… I'm sorry" standing, she took her dress up slightly to walk "I just need to talk with my sister. It was nice meeting you"

Heading back she would look for Lily or maybe even Tatianna since Caroline is still busy. Re-entering the party downstairs, and avoiding any looks she quickly spotted Lily moving into the grand hall. 'There are very few places I'll feel comfortable in tonight. I honestly wish I weren't here right now'. It's incredible to think how all these influential people are actually vampires; what the outside world lives completely ignorant of. It gave her the chills, and that's saying something because she doesn't really feel the cold at all anymore… Masks and traditional attire filled the dim ballroom, but she didn't see any familiar ones. The acrobats strung high on ribbons and wires, graceful ballerina's beamed and soared on their platforms. Keeping her eyes down, she dodged a fire breather and evaded a unicyclist, quick to not make eye contact with the passing glances of the strigoi aristocracy.

"Hey…" feeling more at ease, the youngest returned a smile by seeing her sister join her "Where are the others?"

"Most of them on the dance floor mingling with friends and reacquainting with guests." Both of them seemed to be left on their own. Looks like it'll be one of those parties where we awkwardly stand around sipping on an empty glass. Smiling, Lily offers a cookie. What better to calm her nerves?

"Weren't you with Torrance?"

"Yeah, just briefly" After the waltz, there wasn't much left to it, but with the mention she noticed a thoughtful look to the child vampire.

"What is it?" she shook it off, giving a reassuring smile

"Nothing, just a thought" she gave her a questioning look with this "I… well, I thought maybe you three decided on asking them to be your escorts yourselves..?" she tried.

"No, I think they were asked for us and they agreed" It was then she realized the hint on who was out there with them. Caught up with the waltz recollection, it was then she remembered who guided her in when it was her turn to dance with Vladimir. Even while suited and behind a mask, now it seems… "It was Kristoff who danced with Caroline wasn't it?"

After a moment, she nodded to confirm "… and it was Filip out there with Megara" hearing this, she almost choked on a chocolate chip. What? As if things weren't complicated enough, they had to be the ones selected? After all this drama the past few days, why is it not a surprise daddy set up something like this? Just when they thought everyone was getting on the same page... Even she had to admit, after the initial start that the father-daughter waltz was actually a very meaningful moment. Despite how little time he's been around, there was a glimpse of the father she knew. Maybe she did need to cut him some slack, and give credit for his good intentions… but just what is he up to now? She face palmed with a groan but now worrying that it got Lily's hopes up with false pretenses, especially since she and Caroline were getting back to how they were.

"Lily.." she noticed the concern that crossed her face.

"It's nothing" she smiles softly to reassure "You guys were right about those differences now…" she looked out to the rest of the celebration. After coming to face with the truth, it's understandable that the disappointment of this outcome may linger "I just thought it was… a nice thing to see one more time…"

'One more time…'

Knowing it was them feels all too familiar now. When it comes to memories, "…yeah I guess it was" she sighed. All the nostalgia can be infectious, and differentiating then from now can give you a melancholy feeling to it.

"Chocolate ghost strawberry?" she offered her little sister a decorative treat from the spread, hoping to change the mood and they both chuckled. They decided to wait for Caroline to find them. With this talk of old times, it brought back what shook her up during the waltz. 'These memories have so many missing pieces and some of the things I got a tiny glimpse of gave me an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach.'


"Hmm?" she muffled with her mouth stuffed.

"We're in a room filled with strigoi, otherwise known as vampires" for now it just felt more comfortable speaking among themselves in English. "And our father was like a witch, or a sorcerer, as is said." She nodded, tilting her head curiously at her older sister.

"Exactly what else is out there..?"

Not expecting this sort of question, it stumped her a little bit. She'd never been asked something like this, and despite her new centuries of life experience, she wasn't one to be sure. "Well… there will always be the myths and beliefs of the supernatural; worships and prayers to the spirits beyond for power. As far as I know, all that's walked the earth are vampirs, sorcerers, and lycanthropes" Vampire's, witches and werewolves. She's not even going to bother asking how Caroline's forbidden love is a hybrid.

"Why?" she shook her head. The hallucinations must be getting to her; more important than that, it left her wondering more and more about the rest of the family.

"What sort of things did you see?"

Before she could answer a new presence approached them, taking a bow in their introduction "Good evening Lady Liliana, Lady Dimitra" a masked man in a Bauta horseman mask. Lily swallowed quickly and curtsied, remembering their social event behavior. Dimitra however, only paused chewing.

"I am Lord Artem Rasulov. Might I request you join me for a dance?" Before Liliana could urge her to go on, her sister was already shaking her head apologetically.

"Thank you but no, I'm fine with my sister…" She turned back to a wide-eyed Lily, and from behind Lily could see he stood puzzled at the decline. None the less, after a moment, he walked away and Liliana did everything she could to hold in her laughter behind a marshmallow while her sister was still in thought. It isn't so much just to dance; the practice is a method to socialize with guests; to network with the aristocrats and the royals.

Clearing her throat, she returned her smile "Um… I saw what our father calls shenanigans." She joked, answering her question from earlier "Being with you guys, our cousins…" Some particularly more than others; none of their male cousins are with them anymore and yet...

Just thinking about it, there's this strange negative feeling that overwhelms her senses about them, especially the one she was closest to…

"What is this?" a haughty voice demanded.

Facing the sudden approach, it was none other than their cousin Stasya. Having spotted them while an aristocrat guest had led her into the grand hall for refreshments; she was outraged by a number of things. One of those outrages was held up while she tapped her foot away. Dimitra returned a bizarre look

"Uh, chocolate?" is this a trick question? Stasya's scowl deepened.

"No, this is processed, commercialized, American junk food." Arching her brow, she couldn't believe she was upset by something like that.

"Look at this" she waved to the spread "We serve rare gourmet delicacies at our gatherings, and yet I see wrappers, candy apples, cupcakes…" she tore one end of a treat from Dimitra's mouth
"rice bars" she emphasizes before throwing it in a random direction. She rolled her eyes in return.

"Are you just looking to criticize any small detail because Caroline's ball is running well?" It certainly looks that way, but Stasya only smirked in return before snapping her fingers.

"It's not just her ball, it's a PUREBLOOD FAMILY BALL. Everyone spots details. Not to mention this event was promptly chosen for this day but it is not recognized the same way they do in the west. Now I hence forth have ordered to fix those details" It was then that different spreads were carted out to replace some of the laid out options. New gourmet truffles, gingerbread, chak-chak, baked apples and vatrushka were set next to the more traditional Russian dinner platters.

She quietly imitated her cousin, earning a stern look from Stasya upon turning back. Dimitra smiled back innocently "You know your face can freeze like that.." she pointed out, biting into a truffle. That very next moment, Dimitra's eyes widened, having her turn away from the other girls.

They were joined by a councilman, igniting a dazzling smile across Stasya's features when he asked her to join him for a drink. Sending a taunting smirk back towards her cousin's, he led her away. Shrugging it off, Lily checked to see if any of the others were unoccupied now. Dimitra however, still faced away, stunned at what taste ran over her lips. She looked at the bitten truffle, swallowing hard at seeing the redness from the center… These aren't just chocolates…

They are blood filled…

It was spiking her senses… looking up as pale maid with bandaged arms set down a new tray, the woman's eyes widened in terror by recognizing her, and they rushed back. The most widely known for making a meal of the staff members, she didn't blame them. To wash it down, she reached for a glass of what she thought was punch, only to realize the liquid had the same content in the mix.

"The others are still dancing, although I have yet to see Megara again" Lily noted behind her, though she hardly heard it as she couldn't help but relish in the taste of the wine. Breathing deeply, she drowned the remains of the glass before returning to reality. Composing herself, it was then that another offer to engage in a dance was presented to her by an elite called Stavros, yet she turned away again, but this time by witnessing a layer of frost crack apart the glass she held on to.

Once they left, Lily noticed the concern, looking to help "Everyone slips up, it's ok" she smiled, hands in her own.

"What was that?" they looked up to face the demanding presence of none other than their older sister.

"Huh..? Hey, we were wondering where you've been this whole time…" she took off after the waltz, and honestly both of them were worried she had been with Filip.

"Answer my question" she asserted. Quickly holding her hands behind her back, she felt a heated panic overcome her that she'd be scolded for the ice. "Nothing" she defended, but it wasn't the frozen glass she referred to.

"You're rude dismissal of a noble class is NOT nothing. Have you forgotten we are to be tending to our guests?" She sighed in relief, feeling the tension drop from her shoulders at what the problem was. Liliana discretely disposed of the glass. The only thing is now it was another thing that shouldn't be a huge fuss over.

"I was waiting for Caro-.." she defended only to be cut short.

"You cannot refuse a single dance, Dimitra. Caroline is doing exactly what you should be doing" she lectured.

"Are you serious? I'm piecing together memories and you expect me to go cha-cha?"

"No, I expect you to waltz, now go apologize to Stavros. You have duties" she ordered with a point.

"Then why don't you get out there?" she countered, though they both noticed they had to keep their voices down.

"I must be present at fathers table"

"Riiight, of course"

"Now be a good girl and go present yourself"

"How about, no"

"Dimitra I'm counting to 3"

"1, 2, 3, look at that"

Lily just sighed, munching on a candy apple while her two sisters bickered. Just like old times. Cross armed with locked eyes, they both noticed the pathetic look they were getting from their little sister. Megara sighed, and Dimitra remembering the agreement they shared the other night to put all this aside was the first to give in. "… fine"

"Thank you" Megara smirked "Do excuse us little sister" Making their leave, it was then Lily had her own turn on their celebration responsibilities.

Dimitra let Megara pull her over to a group of masked aristocrats but still thinking back to the concerns at hand. Not only the worry for more outbreaks but the questions buzzing in her head about what she couldn't shake off... "Meg, I still have things I need to know. Look I saw our cousin and…" she cut her off, dismissing the matter.

"You can sort that out later" Approaching the previous Elite, they immediately received attention from the group.

"Hello, Stavros, it's been far too long. I noticed you were looking to dance with my sister. Do forgive her, she was waiting to speak to me over an important matter" they didn't even get to talk about it! "She'd be delighted to make your acquaintance" he pulled her forward.

Smiling with satisfaction while lifting his mask, he replied "You'd care to dance, milady?"

She sighed before returning a charming smile "Apparently, I'd love to" Megara instantly gave her a sharp look as the two chuckled. They all made their way back into the ballroom.





Caroline POV

As soon as I bowed to excuse myself from the next dance I had been pulled into, I turned around to see someone else standing in wait with a smile. Stopping with the surprise, they grinned to introduce themselves

"Might I steal you away..?" I bit my lip. Another hot mystery guy but I need to talk to the others… Argh! But it would be rude not to dance, damn it. So I smiled "Sure, I'd love too"

"I am Count Dusan" we took our stance. "It is an honor to meet you at last"

"Thank you, I'm Caroli-…" I remember to correct "I'm Natalia Aleksandrovich" I wasn't use to introducing myself that way. Honestly it just doesn't sound right to me.

Noblemen across history, businessmen, diplomats, and several socialites, I'm starting to lose track. After what I thought would be a quick meeting with my uncle, more and more dance requests came from right out of nowhere. Don't get me wrong, this is extremely flattering. Young or old, their all hot and dashing but after the first few guys… I've never been swamped like this before. Although it looks like I'm not the only one this is happening to. I've already passed by the twins getting drink invitations and safe to say their having a good time. I saw Tatianna out here too but the only man she's been beside is Eric. Their talking among our guests but it's curious how being taken keeps everyone else at bay from a dance.

I think I saw my younger sisters enter the grand hall, but I haven't been able to go see what their up to. As for Megara, I haven't seen her at all since the waltz and this has me more and more on edge. If Kristoff was asked to escort me, then there is no doubt Filip was assigned to Meg. I haven't seen any of the Originals, and I haven't seen any more of my dad or uncles. This is making me more and more anxious by the minute.

"After a long journey, it's an honor to dance with the hostess" he compliments as we continue our talk.

"Thank you. Umm, from how far?"

"I reside in Odessa. I served as a knight when I was recruited by your Uncle's court.." there came a tap to his shoulder and we turned to see another masked guest ask for my hand.

"May I?" he asked, looking at my dance partner while extending his arm to me, cutting our own dance short. Of course, another rude thing would be to deny the next man's opportunity so he obliged with a nod, stepping back. That's pretty much the pace it's been getting to so far. At first it was per song, but there have been a few cut in's made after a minute or so. I'm getting stolen left and right.

Taking my arm and pulling me close, we swayed out way further along the other dancing guests. With a faster pace, it buys us time to keep other guests from reaching us. With no other choice, I had to let the next impressive stranger guide me.

"You are more stunning than I imagined, Lady Natalia" he whispered with a smile, smooth. Ok, after having over a dozen dances with charming guys. The effect does kinda fade a little.

"Of course I am. I'm a duchess, what did you expect?" After hearing so many compliments, I've begun to play with the responses. Smirking, we both moved together, continuing to get acquainted. It was then that we made a turn where I caught sight of Xi now dancing with another strigoi. She wanted to talk but I haven't been able to escape the dance floor this whole time. I could ask my partner here for us to go join them but that wouldn't really give us the liberty to talk freely. We caught each other's eye but could only shrug as we were twirled off. Who knew being a princess could be so demanding?

"Do tell me, are you enjoying your party?"

"Well I've organized it in a palace of one of the largest cities in the world, and I'm dancing to the music of a symphony with very interesting people…" I square myself tall, speaking more boldly and sophisticated for the mood "so I'd say it's a night to remember" Although, I am hoping we'll get a break from the ballroom dancing here soon.

"I do hope I last in that memory…" he grinned. I gave a playful scoff… here we go. I've been noticing a trend here… They ask me something before diving on and on about themselves and their accomplishments. And here I thought all the high society women loved to gush. They do say men have a knack for networking.

"…I learned you partake in the theatre. You know I've sponsored several productions for the Bolshoi"

"Oh really" Exactly how much do people know about me?

"My, my, Patricio it has been far too long" We turned at the pause from my cousin and her current companion while they swayed by us "I see you've met my little cousin" Little?

"Indeed, ladies all of you look spectacularly gorgeous this evening"

"Well of course, we're in my very own original gowns" she gushed, but this left me to cross my arms.

"Well…" I pondered playfully "Except for this one…" I grinned back, daggers slowly coming over her eyes.

"Is that your original?" her current dance partner asked. Heh, you have no idea…

"It just kinda came to me…" I shrugged at the irony.

"Anyone else thirsty?" she asked innocently but I caught the meaning.

Both the men offered to get drinks, turning to go order a few glasses. While they walked away, Stasya took a moment to walk around me, her smile almost twisted before giving a fake pant "it can get a little tiring when so many people long to know you better. When you turn heads, when men long to unravel your secrets…"

"Don't act like you don't love it" every second of it and her displays

"I'm accustomed to this. I do hope you took my advice about keeping a low profile" her smile somewhat warning.

"It is my party, how can I when everyone scrambles to meet the hostess" I smirk, two can play at this game. We both smile through our teeth at each other but we both just want to roll our eyes.

"Oh sweetheart, you still have so much you don't know" She shook her head, looking around. Caroline paused at that notion. What is that supposed to mean..? "And the hostess has already made demeaning mistakes on the details but not to worry, family lends its assistance." So I've noticed.

"So it was you 'sprucing up' the lights, the singers, and I take it now the food spread?" Completely ignoring me, she smiled innocently as the guys returned with the glasses. We each made a glass clink before a drink and I realized it was fresh human blood. I can tell it is, even if it was blood bags in use I instructed. I eyed her, disbelievingly. The wait staff here must hate us so much… She winked.

"Lady Natalia, it is such an honor to meet you" We were approached once again. "I am Gregor Iliev. Would you do me the honor of a dance" Well what do you know, another dance. Shooting a glance at Stasya, I sent her a taunting smirk. If she's going to turn this into a family rivalry, fine.

"Oh, I'd looovee to" I dramatically fawned, catching her glare.


It isn't long before both girls are back to engaging with their guests. Caroline had to admit it was a great method for the family to really engage with the strigoi's elite society. Back in New York, it wasn't as organized as this. She was around others, but always steered clear of the shadier vampire residents. Every major city has it's underground, and knowing that Moscow's was an entire supernatural empire really had given her jitters on this new identity and the title… being their new princess was overwhelming… but with things going very well so far, she didn't want to think of those other things right now. Her dance with Gregor was nice but somehow she still found herself distracted. There was something that Stasya had stated that she just couldn't break free from.

'Oh sweetheart, you still have so much you don't know' Stasya isn't the first person to say something like that. Why does it feel like she's missing something here? Is it just a generalization on responsibilities? …or is it a specific thing? One or more..? She hates not being in on the loop. The last time someone said that… Caroline looked all around the room. She was meeting more and more people but the one's she knows best of all, their attire is nowhere in sight. Up towards the stairs, the balconies, the entryways. All of a sudden, the masks of the room gave her an uneasy feeling. Where is Vladimir? Where is everybody?

"…Natalia?" her partner took note of her odd composure.

She knew the girls were out here but what about the others? In her scan of the shifting crowd, she caught sight of one oddly familiar mask she never got to fully take in…

Whether the design or the person wearing it's lack of movement in the sea of people, she could tell it was the same from earlier, only this time she got a full look that the mask in the far distance wasn't just the mask of any beast.

It's a wolf….

A black wolf with a gold crest…

The way he's standing in the crowd… Caroline shifted to look around Gregor's other shoulder, managing to still look back at the mask right as a couple swayed into the view. Right as they passed him by though, the figure vanished with absolutely no trace. Their gon-


"Yes, I'm fine" Caroline quickly smiled, looking back to the person actually in front of her. The person was very far away but somehow they stood out. The way they stand though, well there are several people around just talking. Not everyone is in a dance…

Caroline continued to let him guide her until another socialite strigoi called Arnald cut in. They conversed around the rhythmed pairings, he asking Caroline about her acting experience "After graduate school I …" this was when she was stopped mid-sentence. Dancing in the crowd with an unidentified female vampire was that same black mask. Both times before they were more than halfway across the reception hall but now among the dancers… Arm in arm, they circled each other the same way she and her partner, as well as the others did, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this man's mask is tilted in their direction….

Curiosity was getting the better of her, and her partner was a little stunned when he felt a pull in her direction. She'd been letting the male lead this whole time but something in her made her want to take the lead as they danced through the crowd. Feeling the tug, he was still the male so he took the hint to move her how she wanted. For a moment the distance between the two pairings was shortening but suddenly it felt like a chase. The crowd is like a barrier. For some reason, Caroline just wanted a closer look… They swayed closer, just as a platform of an acrobat passed them by, only to have the masked figure vanish again once revealed on the other side. This crowed was suddenly like a shifting maze.

Nowhere in sight, she sighed, and realized she had been pulling her dance partner.

"Lady Natalia, what is it?" He too was looking around, attempting to identify what exactly it was that had her attention in their dance.

"I'm so sorry" she chuckled apologetically, adjusting her tiara. "Umm, I just thought I saw my uncle's. "Uh, excuse me" she made up, and decided she really needed a break from the dance. Now that her sisters were occupied, maybe she should find her dad and uncles now. Holding her dress up, she quickly moved around the flutter of capes and ball gowns; platforms trailed by, and fire breathers performed while she left the dance floor. She came to an abrupt stop as a unicyclist out of the blue rode by making her step back. As she did she felt her back touch the back of another tall figure in the crowd.

"Sorry" With a slight wave of her hand, she gave a brief apology in leaving the dancing before she got pulled back into it.

In her leave, Caroline hadn't looked behind her. If she had, she would have seen that her back had come in contact with the back of the very mask that had caught her eye in the crowd. The lobo mask watched the new princess leave, appreciating the scarlet of her dress with a wolfish grin.




"What a lovely color" He brushed his fingers along the side of her mask, erupting a pink smile.

"It's authentic, directly imported from Italy" she explained, trying to keep herself composed.

"I meant your eyes…" he corrected, twirling a piece of her hair. Desire had been evident in her eyes when they briefly flashed a plum like color. A swarm of giggles sounded from his companions.

He sat back as the socialite of Theodora's blood line recollected herself. They sat in the second floor balcony lounge seats. He's nearly learned a full list now. Purple eyes for Theodora's blood line, Lime for Lenora, Stasya silver, Megara copper, Tatianna coral pink, Liliana emerald, and Dimitra's are ice blue. The only one's yet to be fully identified are those of the brothers, as well as Caroline for not possessing this feature. Somehow their power comes into play with this characteristic.

"Do you find our species of deep interest, Lord Mikaelson?" The brunette wearing a peacock mask from his right pondered, grinning.

"Oh fascinating…" He turned towards her then. "Perhaps we could share our interests" he suggested playfully. More giggles sounded from the other girls. He smiled around him, holding up his glass.

"Cheers" They brought their crystal glasses to clink in the center. "Cheers" All their Russian accents quite thick.

In taking their sips, he finished the remains of his drink, though playing with the glass at hinting for a refill.

"Another drink, Kol?" the masked swan of Tatianna's bloodline suggested.

"That would be lovely, however…"he grinned widely "I'm thirsty for something… thicker" In emphasizing this word to his companions, an envious purple glow stirred from one of the royal family. Alas, they were sternly warned to keep a distance, disappointingly staying at bay.

"Vey are serving fresh blood wine" before the strigoi could wave for a server, he held her at pause.

"Perhaps you'd allow me a drink?"Leaning forward, his eyes sank to her neck, hitching her breath while more giggles were held behind the other girls.

"Perhaps you can fetch it yourself, Kol" he felt a pull at the back of his collar. With his back pulled towards the sofa, he was able to look up and sigh at seeing the annoyed condescending look from his elder brother.

"Another Original"

"Is he the eldest Mikaelson?"

"The resemblance is so evident"

"Vould you care to join us?" the encounter erupted the attention of the strigoi in company.

"Do excuse us, ladies" he formally excused himself, patting his younger brother over the shoulder "I crave a word with my brother"

Rolling his eyes, he stood to follow Elijah, taking a glass one of the girls had been drinking from for himself. Masks once again in place, the two Originals made their way across the room towards a balcony that overlooked the dance floor.

"Do you ever tire of being the uptight brother, Elijah?"

"I could ask you the very same question on being the most troublesome" he countered, while the younger of the two drowned the remains from the martini glass.

"I was simply doing some more digging, brother. With all their elite socializing in one place, it allows for more background sharing, work and gossip." He defended, irked at their constant need to make sure he's in line.

"You were meant to keep a low profile until the setting was properly surveyed. Your gigolo antic gives all of us a poor image and attracts too much unwanted attention." Now that they're both identified, more and more eyes will be watching.

If there was anything about the situation that Elijah agreed with Klaus on, it's that a gathering such as this would be more than just a party. As their guests, it wouldn't be long until they were sought out but in the meantime, they needed to stay within the family's favor. And any word of suspicious activity would spread before they could even join Vladimir's most trusted circles.

"Yet they drawl on and on without a clue" he smirks, watching the lingering eyes while they talk quietly between themselves "I'm not worried at all, especially considering Vladimir is still greatful to me"

"You sound so sure"

"It's like a code, brother" Yet they are entirely different beings now; that must be kept in mind. Klaus had doubted it's commitment. In the meantime, the middle brother had set out to do his own discrete investigating while Marcel and Rebekah took to blending in on the dance floor.

"The nights only begun. Right now the attention is centered on their beloved Royals" he reassured quietly "Though I must say our suspicions were correct seeing how the twins looked discontent with the company surrounding me while they were warned to stay away"

"Just be serious for once" Elijah declared.

"Relax brother, I've got another game plan…"

He sternly turned Kol back towards him "The last time a plan and a Ball involved you, there was a rowdy disruption" he huffed.

He chuckled with a nod "Stop worrying… Although, I will say this polite chit-chat could use some livening up" his grin mischievous.

"If you are scheming-.." he began to warn when quietly when they both took in the presence of a figure that was approaching them. Being revealed, the talk about the originals was spreading and thereby allowed the eldest daughter of the clan to find the brothers.

"Lord Mikaelson" lifting her dark mask from her eyes, Megara revealed herself to greet with a smile "Kol, Elijah" addressing them respectfully.

They nodded, fully turning to face her with a lift of their masks as well "Megara"

"Two knights" she smiled to their masks "My father and I would be ever so delighted if you'd join us at our table" she reported, igniting the resolve to what they'd been seeking.

"Splendid idea" Kol smirked.

"Yes, of course…. We'd be honored" Elijah added, though now somewhat weary to locate the others.

"Where is the Lord Niklaus?" she pondered, noting it was only the two of them around.

"Oh… yes, our brother is currently with Rebekah and Marcel, sharing drinks and a dance surely" he attempted to explain their absence. He knew their sister and Marcel were doing just that but Klaus' current whereabouts were somehow another concern he felt mindful of. She nodded at the answer.

"I'm certain they'll join us soon" Kol lightened, patting his brother forward with his arm out to the Pureblood "In the mean time, do lead the way, Megara"

Consenting the decision, she motioned them to follow her while she led the way. Elijah shot his brother a hesitant look by his declaration while they slowly followed.

"Kol, we should wait" he warned while his brother still eagerly tugged him forward.

"Why? This party is getting more and more interesting" Turning quickly, they managed to lock eyes with Marcel down on the dance floor. They were able to signal to who they were following, and to make aware. Sharing subtle nods, the two would be the first to join the heads of this clan.





Much like her sister, she too was in need of a drink to quench a particular thirst. Even if it was unplanned for, fresh blood is still the best there is. It's amazing how Caroline can go without. Just now, she'd lost sight of her in the waves of dancers. She had just taken to watching the acrobats from the side of the dance floor, enjoying the orchestra, and the sweet voice of the opera performer. She's had quite a few dance invitations to start out the night but once the business talk starts, everyone moves on from gushing about the perfect porcelain doll she was. Even Mateo had brought his own company to the event. Being the child untroubled with the society's details, she wasn't as sought out as the others of her family. Each of their fathers were likely seated with their organized regiment, as usually done with large gatherings; and while their sisters were preoccupied, she was on her own for the moment.

Sighing, she couldn't bring herself to keep watching the dance floor. Earlier tonight, it really had heightened her spirits to see Kristoff and Filip with her family. It's all she's ever known, and despite all of their differences now, seeing it gave her hope. But this hope is almost masochistic… maybe no matter how many years of wisdom she gains, her spirit is still that of a child. Before her death, her life was unblemished. Married parents, happy sisters, but now… heh, maybe it truly was like something out of the Brothers Grimm collection. Kristoff and Natalia have agreed to go their own way, and Filip had betrayed Megara's love. Their union isn't something she should want any more yet seeing them; she's clinging to possibility…

(Start playing Wandering Child from The Phantom of the Opera softly)

Life is so unfair…

"Would you honor me with a dance, princess?" a velvety voice spoke. She looked up to meet the face covered by a mask. Something in their form of speech made it clear he wasn't a native speaker, but the accent he managed was still very well said. She hadn't anticipated this sudden dance from another visitor and something about him seemed awfully familiar. The mask almost gave allusion of a folk tale. Holding his hand out, he smiled widely. Looking up into his eyes while he bowed lower to her level, she was able to see his gaze very clearly. It was then that the identity sunk in…

Sighing through her nose, she faced back forward, ignoring his outstretched hand.

"Please, Lily…" his ordinary voice and accent confirmed who he was. She looked back at his hand with confusion before locking eyes.

"Why?"She and Caroline were slowly getting back to the comfortable place they once had with each other. She was really trying to come to terms with her sister's development but that didn't mean a little resentment didn't linger…. And now here the Originals patriarch was, asking for her hand? What could possibly have him smiling at her so gently?

"Because I wish to know you better" He raised his mask for her, smiling so genuinely "Come on, one dance?"

It took a moment, even a hesitation, but the thought of her sister made her accept. If they were going to move forward as a family, each of them needed to put in an effort. She supposed one dance wouldn't kill her. She noticed his eyes light up in relief for accepting, with such they lowered their masks while he guided the little vampire into the alignment of the next dance.

Joining their arms, Klaus began to lead the small girl in rhythm with the music. No matter with the height difference, she chose not to fully lock eyes as they danced but he accepted this. As they danced, Klaus even found himself with his own confusion. Despite her disapproval of him, he hoped to connect with Liliana. He felt himself wanting to reach out to the immortal child. When he initially met Lily, he felt a great appeasement to be liked by the youngest sister. Then losing her approval had sunk deeper than he thought. A part of him really understood Caroline's need to be true with this girl. A bond had formed between them and he didn't want to be seen as a strain to that bond. Especially once he saw the world through her eyes…

It wasn't long before Lily was really able to feel the stare over her. She may have been reluctant to look at him, but his look on her never faltered. Finally, she felt she had to look back at him "Why are you staring at me?"

He gave a soft chuckle "…it's nothing" he shook out of thought "You are a lot like her, do you realize that?" they both knew who he was referring to. Resemblances were often pointed out before.

"Well we are sisters" she shrugged.

"The similarities I refer to are beyond the physical features, love" he clarified. It was something in both their essence and personality.

"Can we not discuss my sister.." the request was meant to be stern, but something in her voice was for fear of the returning reality; something he was able to sense, therefore deciding to keep the mood light.

"Very well, on to more current subjects like how you enjoy the performance" it had become clear to Klaus that the child really admired performance art, especially when it came to singing. She gave him a questioning glance "The way you watched that singer, your adamancy about the auditions, and the music… Do you yourself sing?"

Her mouth was slightly parted in awe by what he had collected about her. Yes, she enjoyed all of the arts, literatures and other things… but when it came to singing and voices, those were what left her in awe… When she found out Caroline was taking on a singing performance, it reignited the excitement about it.


Klaus POV…


"No, not really" but calculating the looks that ran through her expression at my question, something inside me doubted that. Perhaps it is something she has always wanted to pursue… The way her eyes filled with wonder at hearing Caroline sing in the theatre, even now as the opera singer sounded with the choir…

"That's too bad…" she gave me a curious glance "You could shine just as brightly" I gestured towards the stage "I'd say even more so were you to stand up there. I have no doubt the entire clan would adore seeing the youngest princess sing to commemorate her sisters' return" She looked almost dumbfounded at the suggestion, but I smiled wholeheartedly at how magnificent the display would be.

"That's silly.." she denied it with a head shake, breaking free from the idea that made her momentarily flush. "It would be distracting"

"It's a party, love. How would you…" this idea made him momentarily pause. Distracting from what? Making a mental note as to this comment on the present state of the party, he'd figure it out later.

"Sweetheart, you're a Pureblood" He knew from the talk that Lily was the most privileged in being free of certain responsibilities and affiliation affairs, but none the less this clan should praise the honor of her presence just as highly. "Beauty should be shared with the world, and your people should feel honored you grace them with a talent I have no doubt you share with your beloved older sister." I encouraged, making her eyes almost widen.

Looking down to our feet, she swallowed deeply. Raising her head to the waves of people around us, she knew just wear each girl was right now "I love all of them" Even if she wasn't as close to some, she had that love automatically for each of them "Sometimes its hard to see between us with how we live but it's there…" It was another hope she'd been holding onto when Vladimir said they would all be in one home together. Perhaps that they'd stop acting so distant with each other…

"From what I've seen…you were particularly close to Caroline" she sighed, knowing I referred to the memories she'd passed to me in her heightened emotional state "Yes" she'd always been there for her.

With the look back at me, she's sensed this conversation had completely distracted her from the rejection she had directed my way.

The way he's able to smile so kindly at her is so confusing… it was almost like… like… like how men she thought would join their family use to.

"Is this urge for me to sing some ploy to get me to like you?" she warned, giving him a skeptical glare that only made him hold back a chuckle in her attempt to look intimidating.

"Well if I recall correctly" he spun her under his arm "You did like me when we met, Lily" my voice softening, hoping for her to remember the arrival. We had started off so well… be it the evergrowing fatherly instincts or some other empathy… I was quickly fond of the little girl.

"That was before you wanted to usurp Kristoff's place with Caroline" her voice turning sharp with her remark. I slowly began to shake my head with this, denying the declaration as we pivoted a turn.

"I have no desire to usurp anything, love" he explained, defending his stance with assurance in his voice "The connection I share with your sister came to be a part of the life she was reborn to. I don't desire to take Kristof's place from her previous one, I desire to have back my own" No matter how much she suppresses it, no matter how her two spirits have fused, Klaus knows he has won his own special place in Caroline's heart. It was buried deep years ago but it is still there.

"…the life she led without us" never before expressed, there was a hint of bitterness in that statement that even surprised Lily to hear from herself. However, they both knew it wasn't towards Caroline.

"While yours was cut short twice.." she looked up into his eyes solemnly. An understanding passed between them in seeing that this royal family was all the child has ever really known. That is why she wants it back, as close as possible to the way it was before.

"I just want my family back…" her voice almost trembling. Klaus brought his hand to slide down the side of the child's face… and involuntarily, she let herself lean into it.

"Don't you see, sweetheart?" he whispered, making her look up. "They are back. You're together." His voice and eyes so intense yet comforting "No one can ever change that. Your bond has transcended time. And not Kristoff, nor I, nor any man will ever take them from you. You are sisters… always and forever" A long silence passed between them in that declaration alone. It wasn't uncomfortable at all, in fact Lily felt very soothed with it. A string pulled at her heart. The softening look in her eyes to him also brought a happiness to Klaus.

He didn't see her as an obstacle from Caroline, he saw this as a matter of family… Slowly, the two sank back into reality as the sounds of the party around them were more prominently heard. A smile spread across his face as he bowed to peck the girl's small hand, thanking her for the dance. The guarded stance she had slowly melted as she returned a half smile, biting her lip briefly before clearing her throat.

"Thank you.." she mewed. He nodded, pleased. Crossing her arms, the little lady stood tall with her chin up again. "As for the performance…" they gave a brief glance towards the orchestra. It appears they, the singers and choir were having an intermission for the soundtrack music system to play overhead "… Maybe… um, I'll think about it"

His smile was almost a grin "Well, I certainly anticipate it. That way I can say I was your first fan" he chuckled, emitting snicker from her that she bit back.

"Was that a laught?" he teased. She stuck her tongue out at the man guiding her off the dance floor.

"I should check on the others" she hoped to get back to them.

He nodded "Before you do though, I should like to ask a request… Your permission" he held both his hands around her wrist. She blinked wondrously.





Elijah POV

Approaching the long table, Megara released the linked arm I had offered. Several stood from their place while more were arriving like myself and my brother. Vladimir chuckled; he and his brothers conversed among his subjects before Megara made us known.

"Ah, Elijah, Kol" Maxim motioned our way to turn heads "Thank you for joining us. Friends I am pleased to introduce you to our newest allies" With the murmurs died out, it was clear word had been spread all around the higher ranks about our presence this evening "Members of the Original family, Elijah and Kol Mikaelson"

Nodding, we were courteously welcomed "Please, do sit" Megara motioned to our places before taking her seat by her family. In our individual salutation, I took note of how the royal family sat at the head of the table. This as expected, however it wasn't all of them. Most of the girls are still attending to the guests in the ballroom, whereas here it is the brothers, Megara, and just now taking her place beside her was Stasya. What stood out though is the new presence in the seating arrangement. I've noticed how Megara has worked as Vladimir's right hand, yet her usual seat is taken by another… a non-Pureblood.

"And where is the lord Niklaus?" he pondered curiously as to why our brothers absence.

"Worry not Vlad. As he tends to our sister, we're certain he'll be along soon" Kol's informal addressing worries me. Thankfully, Vladimir is unfazed by this so I nod confirming Kol's assertion. But with the brazen actions he tends to plot, it certainly draws concern.

"That is jus fine" he motions onto the rest of the table "Joining me here are my esteemed lords of our region" he proclaims. My brother and I exchange a glance at the things we have heard over this particular circle. Now it is understandable why only the eldest daughters are here. These strigoi rank as the highest overlords of the slavic regions. While Vladimir is based in Moscow, their influence overlooks this part of the continent with regional heads. Territories all respond to the royal family, in fact each one is named towards one of the daughters yet these are the nobles that monitor each for them. Almost like dukes for a kingdom.

"What a pleasure indeed" I mused, whilst servers then came around with individual dishes from the culinary spread to be set before us.

"First generations, I presume. One for each abili…" I kicked my brother, subtly under the table at this prying.

Feodor smiled back none the less, nodding at the assertion as each of their nobles attempted to hide their calculating gazes on us. Their weariness didn't faze us. Even as they were each named, it didn't quite answer who had taken their place next to their Grand Prince. With this, I took the opportunity to nod towards them.

"Oh, and finally, this is a dear.. administrator with our clan, Elizabette" he motioned his hand to her and surprisingly, she took his hand to stand, flipping her almost velvet hair over her shoulder and giving a curtsied nod our way. My mouth somewhat parted curiously at the manner I saw her exchange a glance with Vladimir. Perhaps unintentionally, I did manage to catch Megara's glance flicker my way. My eyes were questioning, but she dismissed my gaze bringing a drink to her lips, turning away without response.

"Let us have a toast my friends" glasses of premium vodka were brought all around to partake in this custom "To unity, to old friends" he gestured towards his court "To new friends" he pointed our way "and to a bright future"

"I'll drink to that" My brother noted, and with all the glasses raised, we soon followed this custom. Everyone at the table drowned their drinks. With this, we began a meal of traditional Russian cuisine. I myself had a fowl dish, with vegetables and stuffed bread. We politely indulged while the tables take on publicity commenced. I took to resting my chin against my inter twined hands.

It was noticed that Megara's ex was present at the table as well, though having her cousin sat between them. There is a tension in the atmosphere there. Another known presence is Miss Forbes' former betrothed seated alongside Maxim. And I have my suspicions on Elizabette's involvement.

"With the vast cloak dropped from over us, we'll certainly face more attention from the other communities."

"Stirrings have already begun"

"Humans are still to remain ignorant."

"The government will ensure no media attention gets out, and we already have a coven on our side"

"I can assure you their undying loyalty" Vladimir chuckled, sipping his drink.

"We should have an infiltration there as well"

"What is your take on this Lord Elijah?" The lord of the Central Asian region pondered my way through knowledge of our own experience. Heads turned our way

Washing down my meal, I leaned myself over my elbow on the arm of the chair, smiling "Respectfully, Vladimir, I must proclaim how a coven's loyalty cannot always be assured. They are a united people, and should their community face an overwhelming threat with this surge of strigoi dominance. They will not hesitate to look out for themselves. You have your city factions and as such your lords should maintain this fair organization in tact should each of your existences prosper in this country.

"And as such it will stay" Feodor proclaimed.

"There are only so many rules witches will bend for Vampires. Do you intend for their services to be of continued convenience?" Kol vagued innocence in his question.

"Let's just say witch custom morals will not be a concern, my friends" Both my brother and I couldn't hide the confusion that crossed us on that emphasis and smile of the Grand Prince. Even his disciples seemed to share the same curiosity.

"We plan the princesses will be of a positive influence as well." Maxim reassured, Stasya gestured a wave.

"We plan to take a further partnership with our land holdings" Megara smiled charmingly "We shall be of more access during these new proceedings"

"They… and many more" Vladimir proclaimed something I couldn't fully translate, however Kol it seems Kol was deciphering better than myself as he eyed the women.

"Our present state is without flaw. The only small concern will be our expansion from here, with others gaining knowledge…" I twirled my knife in thought. Expansion has several meanings. His vagueness of all topics can have a variety of presumptions.

"Are you insinuating there are others with possible inconveniences?" Kol tested.

This time it was the Lord Filip that had taken to speak "Of course not, but all those concerns for later, gentleman. We are at a party" It was noted that Vladimir subtly grinned his way.

"Indeed, I should like to extend a congratulations to the girls, especially the hostess" The south eastern lord charmed.

"They will be along later" his subtle Russian declarations continued.

"Our girls are currently tending to the rest of our society" Stasya informed "So many hands to shake, people to know" she feigned a light exhaustion.

"Perhaps I should see to it our host is enjoying herself as well" this time it was Lord Kristof to declare. He seemed to receive a word of encouragement from the other lords upon excusing himself as well as a look of approval from the head of the table. Considering a particular absence at my side, his leave left an uncertainly in me…

"We are a clan though certain bonds are stronger" Filip was the next to stand with a particular intention. A visible cringe was made by the eldest daughter, yet the entire table did not anticipate what came next. He looked her way, but when she refused to meet his gaze by faking ignorance, he looked down at her cousin.

"Stasya do join me for a waltz" a look of surprise crossed the eyes of all the nobles and a certain grip was made stronger on the glass of Megara. Somewhere far behind her eyes, there was almost a familiarity I could understand. Stasya herself gave a look between them but shrugged none the less.

"Certainly" he led her off.

It seems this gesture however was taken as an opening when she too was requested a dance from a lord. With no hesitation, she took her new guide. We have made note of this phenomena. Everyone seems to be seeking out the daughters for any possible good standing. It is only when a distance is seen between those who lay claim may be involved that a distance is kept. Those names notably are three; two former and one current son in law.

Conversation resumed around the table, and it was soon directed our way by Vladimir "Are you gentlemen both enjoying yourselves. Do not hesitate to take your pleasure, it is a celebration on new beginnings and allegiance" He assured to both of us in our sudden analyzing.

"It is a splendid gathering, Vladimir" I assured "You certainly have a prosperous gathering here" he nodded with gratitude. Elizabette too smiling his way.

"At this point it's fair to call ourselves friends, Vlad." Kol smiled in relaxing against his chair "All our family is an agreement for you to count on us" Despite my family's prying methods, it's what I have initially sought out here. Perhaps an agreement would soon be written out. I would say there's almost no further need for our interference here in Moscow.

"Prosperity looms, and we certainly have you to thank for that" We two clinked glasses with the brothers.

"No thanks necessary. From one family to another" I declare with no need for formalities.

"But if your adamant …" Kol smiled humorously, to which I sent a warning again. It was then that Maxim took to oversee the reception hall. They weren't the only ones to leave the table, and with this opening it could be a benefit for my own monitor of the dance floor. With such, I would excuse myself for a just a moment….







Caroline POV

After drowning another glass, I finally had to admit I really needed hard blood. The dancing and the earlier recollection just stubbornly needed this soothing.

"Looks like even you took a break" I cross paths with Stasya again, but this time she only passes a glance.
"Where are you going?" I call, trying to follow.

"I am sitting down for dinner. You however have to oversee your party"

"But where are the others? Are all of us sitting down?" I haven't seen any of the others around so far tonight.

"No, Megara and I are sitting with our fathers and the Lords" She declares.

"Well then I'll come with" Meeting new people was cool but I've hardly been around anyone I genuinely know. I need a meal and a sit down, but she automatically turns around, holding her hand up to me.

"Not acceptable, your duties are downstairs" I gave her a confused look, waving my hands.

"Wait, what do you mean? I'm debuting for this ball, I should be there" right? It sounds like it's the main table, and if my family is there then surely I'm supposed to be. This may even be why all the originals have been out of sight this whole time. I need to know what's going on, and make sure everything is still going ok.

"This is your party, cousin. And as such, that is why you should be downstairs. Leave the committees duties to us" she smirks.

"Seriously?" I crossed my arms, almost gawking. I don't like being kept out of the loop, especially with things that clearly involve me. It's like I'm stuck at the kitty table while the adults are upstairs with their own agenda tonight.

"I deserve to know what's going on at my party" I declare. That's why I planned all this. I don't want any wrong turns sneaking up on us. I trust my dad but being kept in the dark gets me this unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach.

She chuckles "Relax Natalia, you will. But in the meantime, your father needs you down here. He will no doubly seek you out later" I groaned, throwing my head up to look at the ceiling.

"Surely you can join Tatianna or the others. Perhaps your new suitors can keep you company. That is of course unless you're waiting for one in particular" she taunted, turning back to make her leave. I still wanted to follow but I did have a second thought.

I guess if my dad will send for me later then things can wait. If you host a party, you do have to stay were the party is at. And from the looks of things, Lily and Xi aren't up there so I should probably talk to them about earlier things first. The only concern is that Xi's stuck on the dance floor and I don't know where the others are. Maybe Tatianna or the twins are nearby.

As I looked around, the twins were in the middle of a lounge setting with their friends being entertained by an acrobat. There wasn't any way I'd get a word in there so I managed to find Tatianna and Eric by the bar. Thankfully they were with just a few aristocrats I did know from here in the city.

"Natalia" they welcomed me with friendly smiles. I did the same.

"Are you having fun?" Eric handed me a drink, I accepted.

"This ball is definitely mind blowing" we shared a laugh.

Tatianna leaned a little ways closer to me, subtly asking "You seemed concerned when you spoke with my father earlier. Are you alright?"

I nodded "Yeah, definitely. I just needed some things cleared up… although, I still have to wonder" I motioned for Tatianna to follow me to the side. I had to ask her the same things I denoted to my uncle about Daniel earlier. There was just this feeling I couldn't shake off.

"He truly came a long way but, he never returned from his mission with Ivan's troops" From what she knew, it was the same thing Feodor had expressed, leaving me to only sigh in confusion. It struck hard with them in those times too.

"What's the matter?" I shook my head.

"Nothing" I decided to drop it. We chatted for a bit, keeping ourselves filled in with Moscow's juicy gossip. Sitting in our island table, it was then that I got a glimpse of some of the upper rail ways.

My eyes widened to see my father up there. He looks over the crowd with a smile on his face, but he isn't standing alone. From the upper floor, a masked woman appears at his side, as well as a waiter. He offered them both a glass, with which they clink in a toast. I've never seen her before so she must be from out of the city. All of us have had to talk to so many people tonight but I wonder what sort of affiliate she is.

I could probably meet them if I go up the stairway we originally entered from. I excused myself from the bar and passed by the dance floor. I didn't want to get swept in but I didn't get very far before my dad made his leave. I had tried waving my hand but he didn't manage to see me down here. I sighed, turning back the way I came. I took a look through the crowd of masquerade figures, swaying with perfection in the dim reception hall when I finally spotted a familiar golden dress in sea of people.

"Lily" my eyes brightened.

I had barely seen her on the dance floor tonight, and we haven't spent any time together here yet. All of a sudden, what made my breath hitch was who her current escort was. They bowed to each other as a dance came to close…

It's that same dark mask….

Who is that? She knew him..?

He led my little sister away and I had the sudden urge to follow. The only thing was there were several obstacles between me and their spot in the crowd. She let him guide her off but I needed to get to her. For some reason that mask just gives me this shivering sensation, so I wanted to know what was going on. Lifting the long side of my dress from being stepped on, I tried walking my way there. This guy had a knack for disappearing, but with my sister? That didn't sit too well with me.

I slowly excused myself through the crowd and anyone who looked to gain my attention I quickly had to dodge before I got carried off into another dance. I stood on my toes to look over the tall figures in the direction my sister as in. In this attempt, my stupid heels gave out on the sleek floors and a I felt a slip forward. Eyes widen, I gasped out but only to be saved from an ugly faceplant.

"Careful, the floor is no place for a princess" A familiar voice cooed with humor as he stood me straight.

"Kristof" I scoffed, sarcastically smiling "Thanks for the save" we both chuckled. I tried looking overhead on the other side of the dance floor, but once again I was left empty handed. Should I be worried.

"Caroline, are you alright?" he tried to see what I was looking for.

"Oh ugh… no, nothing." I sighed, giving a half smile "ugh, just trying to avoid another chain of waltzing" I shrugged, with him looking amused.

"Hey, I now know what it's like to be on the bachelorette" except I'm not giving out roses of course.

He smiled widely, "Yes but in this case, it seem you are the rose" he declared. Well, the color is pretty coincidental that way.

"Perhaps I can relieve a little of the constant switching?" he offered his hand to me. Looks like he wants another dance. I crossed my arms "Didn't you already get a turn?" I pretended to mock.

He nodded, charmingly taking my hand "But this time, hopefully your mind won't spiral into the another dimension" placing my hand on his shoulder, he took my waist. "Only on me…" My jaw dropped a little at this, making me look to the ground a little shyly with a sigh.

"Well in reality, you were in some of those thoughts earlier…" I'd be lying if I said he wasn't. This seemed to lighten up his whole face. He guided me through the crowd and people almost seemed to leave an extra space for us in our sway.

"Please, tell me so…" he encouraged; his tone sweet. His voice like in those memories, I couldn't help how soothing it felt. He was a great guy after all, and we did have a history, but that's just it. It's a history…

"Well you… trained Daniel, you doted on Lily… you comforted me" he nodded almost excitingly, but I just couldn't look him straight in the eyes without feeling some kind of awkwardness…

I took to only looking over my shoulder in our dance, and I found that he was right about the switches stopping. We continued on and on but no one came our way for their own turn anymore. Does this have the same effect that Eric has with Tatianna? I wasn't really sure how I feel about that. It's almost like being claimed…

(Start playing Once Upon a Dream by Lana Del Rey)

"I miss those days" he smiled softly, making me gulp deeply. I kept my face to the side, his face ghosting over my forehead. I could sense his smile there when something caught my full attention. Standing into our space from the crowd, the haunting mask was had reappeared, right over his shoulder and closer than ever before. I could very well see the designs of his mask from this proximity. I gasped lightly and while Kristoff turned to what startled me, a flash came over my eyes with the strangers smile…


"Natalia" that voice…

"Cousin…" that face, he's a teenage boy…

"Daniel…" I called; him running my way…


He stood tall, confidently approaching us.

"You don't mind if I cut in…" that accent…

Kristoff actually looked disbelieving at the suggestion, like he wasn't expecting anybody to ask this. Clearing his throat, he didn't let go.

"Actually the lady is tired…" he declared for me about what I'd said earlier "We were le.."

"You'll certainly be needed back upstairs Kristoff… and surely the lady can spare one more dance" he hadn't even let him finish just now, holding his hand for me to take. He may be speaking in Russian, but I realized then who it was…

Somehow I should have known…

Kristoff hadn't made a move to retreat, but the look I exchanged with my next partner knew that I wouldn't just take off like that.

I didn't want him to feel bad, but apologetically I separated myself from Kris to take his hand. This made his grin wider while Kris' had faded. Reluctantly, he made his exit. I felt a little bad but what had my main attention was that I finally knew who I had been seeing in the crowds tonight…

"A know it's you under there…" I whispered; that devilish smile was from ear to ear…

"Surely it didn't take that many guesses.." he teased. Well it did cross my mind since I hadn't seen any of his family so far.

"…Where have you been?"

"Eager to see me?" I gave a soft scoff at the notion "Sorry I had to leave you to fend for yourself.."

"While you lurked in the shadows"

"My apologies, your highness…" a redness that almost made me match my dress took over me. The fluttering I had just moments earlier quadrupled with Klaus.

"Klaus…" I tried scolding for using those annoyingly charming antics of his.

"I must say, that tiara is perfection on you" I stood up taller with pride at this declaration. I bit my lip because I've been giddy about it ever since my father put it on me.

"as does that mask…those gloves…and that dress" he whispered. A feral look crossed over his eyes that almost had me melting. Hold it together! Hold it together! Not even my power is going to blow the poker face I've been retraining, but all of a sudden it doesn't feel like I'm the queen of hearts.

With the wolf charade in place… its like I've suddenly become little Red Riding hood.

"And you…The Big. Bad. Wolf?" I countered, somewhat mocking "Really?"

It really was fitting, but what had me the most thrown off by his appearance was why I suddenly got a vision of Daniel right where he stood.

He nodded, understanding my critic… "Well I've always been partial to the classics… and we do both love the theatre" he cooed.

"I won't be seduced by you Klaus. We shouldn't even be dancing together." I have no idea if Kris was able to tell who he was, and what was going on earlier with Lily? "And what were you doing with my sister?" Now that its him, knowing they had danced had me even more confused.

"Liliana and I had a heart to heart moment" he smiled gleefully "It was she that granted me one dance with you" I was stunned look no other.

"And as for our appearance…" he suddenly brought me so close, our faces cast soft shadows over each other with the dim light "Hence the masks" he cooed.

"Natalia" a sharpness crossed my temples and I gave a small jump in his hold. My shoulders turned stiff. What the…?

I blinked several times, and he noticed my cringe. The hand on his shoulder went to my temple and suddenly another streak came through it.

"Natalia" who?

"Oh" I hissed but kept it quiet. What is that? I had to pull back from Klaus.

"Caroline?" I wanted to step back further, rubbing my hand to my head but he made me face up.

His was taken aback "What's wrong?" In that instant, I flinched with a sharp pain that made me grip both sides of my forehead.

What's going on? I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Caroline…" I could feel him holding my arms. Able to open my eyes, his sight of his mask was hazy. I stepped further and further back but he followed without letting me go.

I opened and closed my eyes as hard as I could but the very next opening didn't see his mask. The sight before me cleared into an entirely new creature. It wasn't Klaus's face and it wasn't a wolf either but it was some kind of large thick haired beast!

It roared our viciously, with a redness illuminating it's sharp teeth right out for me! My eyes widened in absolute horror, I slapped my hand over my mouth before my scream escaped. This time Klaus's arms were thrown off as the image faded away but I still acted on impulse, turning to run away from the crowd. I took off without stopping while the blood in my head continued to pound.

What the hell was that?!

My running carried me away from the party into an isolated hall of the palace. Even my fleeing felt oddly like a deja vu. I finally stopped when I felt myself calm down. My breathing was frantic. I rested my hands on the hallway table, leaning there to catch my breath.

"Natalia" I flinched again, looking up. I stared in front of me to a mirror hanging over the table. I saw myself in the reflection, fighting to pull myself together when all of a sudden my reflection was morphing. The image of me was fading away and suddenly the face I looked back at wasn't anything like what should be seen in a mirror. In my place, here in this hall where I stood was a boy. But it wasn't just any teenage boy…

He was shivering. His clothes were wet and tattered like rags on his body. Injuries lined his arms with markings over his face. His eyes were red to the point of tears forming. His condition is shocking and recognizing who he is…

"N-natalia…" he coughed out a sick croak like no other, spitting a redness from his mouth "...something is wrong with me" tears leaked as he fell forward.

"Daniel!" I reached my arms out, but felt a sharpness sink into both my hands.

"Caroline" I turned to see Klaus speed towards me, his mask pulled off. My reflection was back in front of me but with two shatters that my hands had left. I dropped the shards I had gripped.

He pulled me around towards him. Inspecting my hands, he knew they would soon heel. He brought his hands to the sides of my face.

"What happened to you back there?" he demanded to know but it wasn't harsh. That's exactly what I want to know! I shook my head rapidly…

"I-I don't know I…" what did just happen? Was it another recollection?

"You held your head, your eyes looked petrified like you saw a bloody ghost" he recalled, still scanning over my condition.

"Maybe I did" my voice actually cracked. His face softening, his hand sank to my waist in a semi hug while his thumb rubbed against my cheek.

"What did you see?" his voice soft "You can tell me"

I shook my head, still in utter disbelief at what I just saw. "I think I saw a memory…" I was able to spill, composing myself. "Two. I saw my cousin Daniel but… but for some reason your mask" he looked down to it, both of us looking it over. I took it in my hands but nothing new came from it now. The image it brought still flashed in my head but I had no idea how this triggered it. It didn't have anything to do with Klaus or Daniel "I'm not even sure what the second thing was…"

"It scared you…" he still looked disbelieving. I had never seen something like that before.

"Klaus… right where you were standing your mask turned into some kind of creature" a flinch almost seemed to cross his eyes but this didn't have anything to do with him. "It wasn't you, it wasn't a wolf" It almost stood like a man actually "But it was still a vicious creature. It looked set to attack me so I ran.." I'm supposed to be a Pureblood strigoi and in that moment I felt so useless! I could still feel myself shaking because of that stupid vision.

My face dropped onto his shoulder just by the instinct to rest… When I felt him holding me up, the realization of what I was doing sank back in. Just as I was lifting my head, a hand came around the back of my neck to push it back down… His arm around my waist pulled me to him.

"It was just an allusion" his voice ghosted over the side of my neck that my hair was pinned away from "whatever it was it can never get to you…" My questions still weren't satisfied but his voice put me at ease so I let him hold me like this for just a little bit longer.




Dimitra POV


"This goes far beyond your defense teachings Dimitra" he finished wrapping the gash on my arm "None of you must ever tell the others of what you saw…"

"But why?"

"Because you were never meant to know these things" Vikenti tightens my bandages "it is dangerous"

I sighed, burying her face further into the pillow.

"Look at me, cousin" he gestured. I faced up to his intense eyes "Especially not Vladimir…" My father?


"Vikenti!" I don't care how long I've been out here.

"Vikenti!" My eyes were finally adjusted to the dark, and I pushed my way through the thickness of the woods. Bushes and branches scrapped by me, and my body wouldn't stop trembling from the cold.

I searched and searched. People would seek water, so eventually I found myself at the clearing of the river. It was fuming with misty fog. My body was numb from the freezing cold but I continued to ignore it. Scanning it's edges, I followed alongside it, hoping to see some form of life. He must be around here somewhere. Up and down the current, it's hard to see far.

I carried on and on, turning at every rustle and sound the forest made. Then in place of the woods, a splash came from the water… I turned to see the ripples expand out wide. It was almost on the opposite side of the river.

"Vikenti…" I whispered. I almost stepped into the water to cross but decided against it. There wasn't any sign of life around the bank. An insecurity was growing in my stomach. Suddenly a new set of ripples sounded, this time on my side…

It must just be a fish. I walked further along the river, and I didn't get far before there came a sudden screeching noise from where I just was…

I froze. I was in search for my cousin, but for some reason... I swallowed dryly. I tried to stop my shivering and slowly turned…

As I carefully turned to face behind me, down the river, the moonlight overhead created a shadow on the front of the figure… Several legs, and two horns…



Like it was coming out of the river's fog…

It wasn't even a second before the allusion faded into something else but… I'm sure that's what the shape was. I have no idea what I saw, but these two things struck me the deepest. There was something I wasn't supposed to share with my father but what that was exactly I had no idea what to do about. I wasn't sure how I even got to be in any of those scenarios.

I heard a sigh "Am I boring you?"

"What?" Crap. "No, of course not" Actually yes, that's why I drifted off because I felt like an interviewer hearing resumes. What, am I hiring for something?

"You were saying…"

That's pretty much how I spent the past few dances. Its all very impressive but meeting hundreds of accomplished vampires isn't a forte of mine. To get through this night the best way possible though, I had to play the part for now. Although it didn't help the case with all this stiff dancing.

"Might I cut in?" I sighed internally. While I was passed on again, I saw Lily pass by with a guy in arm. That certainly wasn't Mateo but she looked content. Where in the world is everyone else?

I'm stuck out here for now. To make things worse, my partner's steps were confusing me, almost making me stumble at every turn of the Viennese dance. We pivoted sharply and I almost fell back when he stepped on the hem of my dress.

We didn't fall but I wanted to groan loudly. He chuckled, "My apologies, milady"

"Of course" Sure. Wouldn't of happened if he weren't to busy gushing about his vacation resorts.

Well on the bright side, I haven't stepped on any feet. We passed Tatianna's table and she looked on both amused and feeling sorry for me.

We pivoted again, making my legs a stumbling mess under my skirt while he led me. Oh come on! Just when I was starting to lose hope, he stopped.

"May I?"

Letting me step back, we turned to the new stranger that intervened.

(Start playing Night Dance by Adam Hurst)

He bowed, gesturing his hand to me. With this, my partner had to pass me into his hand. I may be getting tired of this routine but anyone is better than that guy. I curtsied as accustomed while taking a moment to study my next match. He smiled widely at this, twirling me first before taking my waist. Now that I was closer, I noted a familiarity in his stature. I think he noticed the calculating look I had in my eye because we didn't immediately start the next steps of the song.

He tilted his head slightly, like he was waiting. The lights may be dim but I can tell his eyes are dark. The knight mask hid half his face and the feathers at the top hid the cut of his hairline. I could still tell it was a brown shade. In studying his jaw line, his chin and his height, I think that's when I realized why he was familiar.

"...Elijah?" I test, blinking a few times.

After hearing my answer, his smile very slowly spread wide. With this confirm I laughed. Exchanging smiles, we fell into the sway of the music.

"Thank you for the save" This is actually very relieving. I may not have known him for that long, but his nature just makes people more reassured.

"Good news, with your help from earlier, I haven't broken anyone's toes" he chuckled under his breath. The ballroom dance had me a little worried, but somehow his expertise left an impression. Then that's when I remembered the awkwardness from earlier. I still couldn't shake off the weirdness of it…

"Umm listen about that… odd moment we had" he gave me a questioning look at this. "Again, I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable. It's just that you reminded me... you reminded me of Vikenti" They were already told who they were "I saw we had done something similar so.." that's why.

He nodded, giving me a spin before pulling me back in slightly closer "Do you wish to talk about it..?" now hearing his voice, there was something about its sound... using a whispered tone...

I felt a little odd at the peculiar atmosphere of this stance…



(Start playing Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran :D)

After the brief intermission, Klaus had convinced Caroline to return to the party. The time had allowed her to collect herself. It was a tiring process, and it was something she didn't want to think any more on for the night. He was right to say that whatever was seen wasn't of any worry now. Even if it was unidentified, there's no trace of anything now. Now that she knew where the originals were, now the dance requests had died down and she knew where her family was at, she could enjoy her ball with more ease.

"We never did finish our dance, love" He gave her an innocent stare.

Propping her hand to her hip, she couldn't believe he was still on about that.

"Does it really mean that much to you?" she sighed, rolling her eyes.

It's like he had a puppy dog stare. If she recalled correctly, he saw it last when he wanted to take her to the Miss Mystic Falls pageant.

Looking around, the coast looked to be clear and he did have a valid point on the masks earlier. He offered his hand one more time, and just as she looked up, she caught sight of a certain princess in the far off side seating. Sitting next to Tatianna was none other than Lily.

Her face was very solemn as she saw Klaus offer his hand to her sister. There was a hesitation of concern but the next moment revealed a soft smile from the child strigoi. She motioned her head down, signaling to Klaus's hand. Signaling it was ok. He looked over his shoulder to catch the very gesture that made Caroline want to run to her baby sister, but that would wait. She consented.

It was so sweet yet mind blowing. They both smiled her way before looking back at each other. Caroline feeling her face heat up once again while she cleared her throat.

"I guess if Lily wants it" They took their form, unable to hold the warmth they felt at this privilege. The night was truly getting better and better…

He gave her a spin. She didn't know what was going to happen as soon as the song stopped playing, but for right now, she was just going to enjoy this. And he felt the same way. There was still so much to face, so much to say, so many questions to answer but… the night was proving a good sign so far… And it's far from over still.

He held her close to him, he could feel the hum of his breathing. Very softly, his cheek brushed next to hers and she let him rest it there. Even the sides of their masks touched. The hand resting over his shoulder ran up slightly. The locks that reached down to the back of his neck were run through by her fingers. It felt wonderful. His right arm hugged her waist closer to him. In this very moment, Caroline just felt a rightness and security like no other. This comfort was just something that the butterflies she remembered for Kris just didn't measure up to.

And as loving as Lily had once seen her sister with her betrothed, she had never seen her look so connected and in sync with any other as she does right now. The decision is hers to make. There are still concerns but she won't be one of them. Maybe the emotion will fade with the dance… but again… lets leave that for later. Other couples that danced around them paid no mind to this encounter.

The Original felt a rare happiness he had the misfortune to only know a few times in his life, but everything just felt so perfectly. And through the struggles Moscow has brought to Caroline. Everything is better than Ok, now. The way they held each other in the dance was almost like a hug now, and just as they pulled back slightly to smile with their masks brushing, both their eyes widening at feeling a harsh shove send them both crashing down to the side.



(Fun Fact: Did you guys know in the books, Caroline has a younger brother named Daniel?:) I've never read the books, but I just found out! LOL. )


Hmm… I wonder what killed the mood in that last second? But didn't the song fit so perfectly? I was thinking of using Give Me Love again, because I mean that is like a trademark Klaroline song but with all the amazing music Ed Sheeran has. This was perfect. Just so you know, another Ed Sheeran song is coming up int the next chapter. Anyway, what sort of mysteries do you think are surrounding the dead male members of this family? Ivan, Vikenti and Daniel were seeing some action before it got the girls dragged into it. What did they leave behind? BTW, if you want to know what they look like, I've posted pictures of the actors who would play them on my profile This chapter was like Flashback mania! We'll definitely be taking a break from those soon. What did you think of Caroline's past with Kris? We're starting to get flickers of a jealous side. What did you think of Megara's past with Filip? They were such a lovey dovey power couple. What is a blood bond? Do you think Lily is starting to like Klaroline? Maybe she's coming around now. AWWW, what did you think of Klaus and Lily's little dance?! Hmm, what does Vladimir plan to discuss with the regional lords? Is it really just a party… I wouldn't bet on it. Will the Mikaelson brothers get in on it? What is Kol's new game plan? Trouble and mischief. I know it took a while to get to the Klaroline but details mean a lot to this plot. Is there a villain to this tale? Hmm... Dimitra is dancing with Elijah? Whoa, what the hell were those things that Caroline and Xi got a glimpse of?! Wanna know? I suggest you brush up on your slavic mythology then. What did you think of the glimpses you saw of Vikenti and Daniel?Who was that woman with the purebloods?


As much as I would love to discuss what's going on in the show, JP just constantly frustrates me. Feel free to message if you wanna get into more detail but to be perfectly honest, I really don't have the time anymore to be an obsessed fan girl. I'll talk about it with people and continue the story, but a girl in her junior year of college has got to buckle down! My watching the show may seriously slow down but it will never give up ;) I hope you guys stay tuned. Especially you last few from December and January who were urging and urging me to update. Thank you for your support guys, hope you don't completely hate my guts.