Pascal turned his skin red; when it saw the two people kiss.

But In actual fact, it was not embarrassed to watch such a scene instead it was a bad habit. It was fun to change colours dramatically, after all; this was a way Pascal communicates to its best friend.

The princess grinned slightly and reached her hands towards Pascal, the chameleon crawled along her arm. It settled on her shoulder and gave a happy squeak.

"Rapunzel?" Eugene said, getting her attention. She glanced at him uncertainly, it was the few times he sounded hesitant.

"Is there something wrong?"

Eugene rubbed his fingers behind his back nervously; he was unsure how to put his thought across. Rapunzel had not discuss her idea of travelling to another kingdom with him; she had also been spending more time in their study reading up about various royal matters instead of spending as much time together. Among those busy schedules, he did inevitably feel unnoticed.

And for him, an ex – thief who was so used to freedom and being 'lawless'; it had been difficult to adjust to palace life and the duties of a prince. Many of which, the boring stuff in particular, he did not portray himself as great as his in laws hoped. In that last meeting, he yawned so loudly that the duke thought a moose was in the hall with them – sarcasm maximus. The king of Corona especially was not very pleased with his behaviour, and slowly through those failed attempt to be accepted, Eugene was starting to feel… 'Unsuited' for royal life.

All those plus the fact that Rapunzel mysteriously becoming more and more interested or obsessed in her royal duties, somehow made their relationship, no matter how much he was trying not to admit it, rocky.

"Eugene? What is wrong?"

The princess placed her hands on his shoulders firmly and shook it, causing the Eugene to snap awake from her thoughts. He stopped rubbing his fingers, he might not want to talk about the rest of his problems but there is one that he is very concerned at the moment.

Without speaking, he held her hands between his and led her out of their bedroom. Like a learnt thief, everything seemed to solve quicker when they were in motion.

"I heard that…" Eugene started to speak when he noticed two servants walking towards their direction; the both of them bow slightly, "Good morning, princess!"

Rapunzel took her gaze away from Eugene and gave a big warm smile, "Good morning to you too!"

Eugene tilted his head forward slightly which acknowledged their existence. The servants dashed away quickly.

"SO, as I was saying, I heard that you are going to Arendelle" Eugene said quickly, the princess looked at him sideways and then smiled.

"You heard the news? I am so excited!" She squeaked happily, jumping up and down as well.


"Good morning, princess!" squealed another pair of servants, they had just came out from the drawing room and by the looks on their faces, they were ecstatic to have bumped into the princess.

"Good morning to you, have a good day!" She told them, the two servants scampered away muttering between each other. Something along the lines, oh my goodness, she is so pretty just like the queen. She is so polite and sweet, I wish we can bump into her like that every morning.

"AS I was saying, I was wondering why you have haven't discussed with me about that plan." Eugene said, in a slightly annoyed tone. In his mind, he was already setting up a new revelation. He was not a thief anymore and this was not the wild life where they could talk freely without being interrupted. Therefore, discussions such as these should be in a room. And that meant it will be extremely long discussions from now on.

"Oh…" The princess replied without looking at Eugene. Her lips tightened up considerably, she put her arms close to herself.

"…thought…that you would not be interested in things like this. I am going to Arendelle to attend the coronation ceremony of Princess Elsa, and to extend trade for the two kingdoms."

"That's it and I will come back home…"

"So… It is not needed that you follow…"

The princess stuttered when she spoke, she did not mean to leave him out of the plan at all…It's just that…

Eugene let her words sink in, he ran through the contents of her words then suddenly, "who thought?" he asked quietly.

The princess looked away, and walked away without speaking. She felt uneasy, as though a stone was stuck in her throat.

"You don't have to tell Eugene about it."

"Daddy, why?"

"Well, this is your duty."

"But Eugene…"

"My dear, you need to start being a princess. The kingdom will rely on you, the Queen, someday."

"Rapunzel? Who is the person?"


Somewhere further down the great hall, in the dining room, another furtive confrontation was also occurring. Queen Primrose was practically red in the cheeks while the King's fist curled up like a ball.

His fist pounded the surface of the table, "Why did you ask him to accompany the princess?" he said in a raised voice.

The Queen glared back, "I did it for our daughter's sake, you know that she have been unwell on many separate occasions and yet you ignored these by giving in to her request!"

"And I am doing it for her sake, she will be Queen one day, and this is part of her duty to establish relationships with other kingdoms." The King retorted

Queen Primrose stood up, "What about Eugene? He is the future KING of Corona! Don't you think he has a part to play in this?"

"The thought itself is ridiculous, you saw how he behaves. And it is not the way a future king should act especially when in front of the dukes, and royalties!" The king spat and threw down the butter knife he was using before.

"Darling, Listen to yourself speak!" Queen Primrose stood up and frowned deeply

"You are talking as though, you…resent Eugene." she shook her head slowly, unbelieving.

The king went silent, and so did the Queen. Their eyes met across the dining room.

"He is a thief…" The king finally spoke, only to be interrupted.

"He WAS a thief…"

"And judging by his behaviour, he is not suited to be in a palace at all…" He placed down the spoon he had held onto the plate gently.

"But, he is still the Prince and one day he will be the King" The Queen said, she approached her husband and puts her hands around his shoulders.

"I am worried…" He whispered, holding his beloved hands between his own and grasped it tightly.

The Queen sighed, the old fuddle muddle "Still, pushing him away is not the solution. Eugene is free spirited, but one day he will come to terms with his duties."


"Eugene!" shouted Rapunzel desperately, she managed to see him dash down the corridors and then slamming the main doors hard behind him. She brought her hands over her mouth, "Eugene…" she whispered. They had come down for breakfast, because of her being hungry in order to avoid answering his questions. But at this moment, she wished she was full a few minutes earlier.

"Darling?!" The Queen opened the doors leading to the dining room wide, and came face to face to a teary eyed daughter. You heard everything?

The king came up to their side as well, and that was when Rapunzel felt daunted and a just a little mad on the inside.

"Daddy! How could you…?!" She confronted, pulling away from her mother's arms.

"Eugene is perfectly fine being who he is!" Her tears falling fast from her eyes, she could not bear to be in his presence anymore. For so many reasons, her own and Eugene. Without turning back, she ran off to find Eugene.
