Tangled Up Frozen

"Queen Primrose? You asked to see me?" They were in the great hall, Eugene was not used being in that place mainly it reminded him of the day he died or the day he met Rapunzel, the princess of Corona.

And hence forth, knocked out by her frying pan and beaten up by crooks, stabbed in the back, revived by magical tears…

The Queen giggled as she watched as his face contorted uneasily.

"Relax, Eugene. Keep your thoughts in the present would you?" She approached him smiling gently.

Eugene blinked quickly, "Yes, I apologize for my rudeness." He replied fast as though snapped out from a bad day dream.

"The King and I have a favour to ask of you." The Queen said, she gestured him to follow as she walked across the hall towards the door on the right.

She pushed open the door and led Eugene outdoors, they were in Rose Garden. Eugene had always been amazed with the gardens of the palace. Rapunzel brought him there once for a picnic. It was a wonderful day.

"We would like you to accompany the Princess to Arendelle" Queen Primrose said, she peered at him with an uncertain look on her face as though the thought of it was not pleasing to her.

Eugene raised his eyebrows a little, "Rapunzel, I mean the princess, is not well enough to travel far."

The Queen exchanged dark looks with Eugene; the both of them could remember what had happened half a year ago.

Rapunzel had gotten very ill all of the sudden, she was not able to walk or talk for weeks. It worried everyone who cared about her who included the ex – crooks from snuggly Duckling, Maximus and Pascal. And from that incident onwards, she had been sick many times, bed ridden for days and weeks.

Eugene found the news disturbing, but he was not the only one feeling anxiousness climbing into his head.

Queen Primrose let out a big sigh; she shook her head slightly and put her palm on her forehead. "The King apparently got persuaded by his little girl. She insisted to go on the trip to Arendelle, establish relationship with the Princesses of Arendelle and 'explore the world.' Her father agreed! "

Eugene chucked softly, he knew Rapunzel's determined personality, and her insistence was not news to him. It was her personality after all, that brought them together.

He caught the Queen's disapproving eyes, and rearranged his features to a straight one.

"I need you to take care of her. As her mother, I love her dearly. But the King loves her even more and sometimes to a point where I worry." The Queen whispered, her voice shaking.

"I will." Eugene said, he placed his palms on her shoulders firmly and gave her a curt nod.

Then he realized, Eugene pulled away almost immediately. "I am so very sorry, for my impudence!"

"Eugene, relax would you? You are the Prince of Corona, and therefore family." The Queen told him, though surprised at his nervous behaviour.

"I am counting on you."

The Queen said and nodded to him, before walking away further into the garden.

Eugene watched as the Queen talked to the guards patrolling the garden, before he moved away back into the great hall.

"Oh…Blondie. You have a lot of questions to answer now." He muttered to himself before striding towards the stairs further north.