a/n: Hi everybody…so after watching the winter finale of OUAT I can definitely say that my body is some odd form of shock/panic/never ending pain, as I'm sure many of you are feeling. And to respond to those feelings, I wanted to write something, but I wasn't sure what I was going to write about.

Then I was looking through Spotify and two songs came on and inspired me to write this. They are: I Can't Make You Love me, originally by Bonnie Raitt, and covered by Dave Thomas Junior, and My Wish by Rascal Flatts. I listened to both those songs on repeat while writing it, and it really puts you in the mood to read this, and it gives you the feels, so check it out!

Also, more chapters for my alphabet prompt to come, soon!

Disclaimers: OUAT is not mine, not the characters, not the concepts, nothing. Just these ideas for this story.

Please read, review and enjoy. Lots of love. :) -Katelyn

The wind whipped violently around the frightened group of Fairy Tale characters. Snow huddled close to David, who held her tightly, kissing the top of her, trying to will away her fears. Neal was holding on to Belle, who stood with sobs wracking her tiny frame as she grieved for her lost love. Hook and Tinker Belle, the estranged friends, stood together, hand in hand, possibly for the last time. The dwarves stood, clumped behind the group, as if their sheer will would prevent the curse from harming their friends. And in front of them, young Henry, as he watched his mothers say good bye to each other.

"Emma," Regina called out, forcing her voice to come out. "There's something I haven't told you."

"What now?" Emma sighed, her voice cracking, as she tried to keep herself steady.

"When the curse washes over us, it will take us all back. Nothing will be left behind. Including your memories. Maybe I'm a coward for waiting so long to tell you this…and I don't know why I'm telling you…since you won't remember anyways," Regina's voice trembled as she tried to hold back tears.

"What is it Regina?" Emma spoke up, barely a whisper. Regina sighed and spoke again.

"I'm in love with you. Emma Swan. There's no way that you can feel the same…after all, I am the Evil Queen... But that's okay," Regina explained, offering a tight lipped smile, tears beginning to fall.

"No Regina…please," Emma tried, shaking her head, but the brunette continued.

"Emma you were the one that taught me how to love again. Because you gave me the chance to try again. You saw me as Regina, and not the Evil Queen. You set aside all the horrible things that happened to you because of me, and you gave me a chance. And I can never thank you enough for that. You gave me the gift of a second chance, which is something I never expected to have.." Regina took Emma's shaking hand in her own, holding it tightly.

"So now I'm offering you the best gift I can give you under the circumstances. I will give you and Henry memories of each other, so that when the curse washes over us, it will be as if you never gave him up, and you will remember every bit of your life together."

"You… you would do that?" Emma stuttered in shock.

"For you, Emma, I would do anything…" she turned to her son. "Henry," she called.

"Mommy," Henry cried out, burying his head in her chest.

"You will be safe with Emma, my love," she whispered, knowing well that Emma was still standing by her.

"But I don't want to be without you," he sobbed.

"I know…I don't want to be without you, but I'm a villain, Henry. You heard Mr. Gold. Villain's don't get happy endings," Regina whispered, kissing Henry's cheek.

"You're not a villain. You're my mom. And I love you so much," Henry whispered hugging her again.

"I love you, too, baby…Now you must go quickly." Regina took Henry's hand, and led him to the town line, Emma following behind, feeling numb.

"Go ahead Henry," Emma urged, gently. Henry stepped over the line, feeling no different.

"You too, Emma," Regina pleaded. Emma nodded solemnly and did the same.

Regina and Emma stood toe to toe on opposite sides of the line. Regina held the spell in her hand, prepared to cast it when the time was ready.

"You know, you're wrong," Emma told Regina, their foreheads practically touching. "I do feel the same way Regina. And I will remember this. Because love is strength. I will make myself remember, even if it kills me," Emma said firmly.

Regina gave a soft chuckle, "Well I hope for your sake and Henry's that it doesn't." Regina offered a gentle smile, knowing full well that Emma would not remember this.

"Come here," Regina requested, and she leaned in carefully, taking Emma's lips with her own. Emma closed her eyes, and slipped her tongue into Regina's mouth, breaking away only when the need for air became dire.

"Regina, I-" Emma tried, but Regina silenced her with a kiss.

"I love you Emma Swan," Regina murmured, and kissed Emma again, making sure that Emma had crossed the line. And as they kissed, Regina cast the spell, crumpling the scroll in her hand. As the curse washed over them, reaching just up to the town line, every member of the town, Regina included, vanished into thin air, leaving Emma and Henry standing on the other side.

Emma opened her eyes and saw herself staring at an open road.

"Mom, I'm done taking pictures," Henry called. "We can keep going."

"What are you-" Emma began, confused, as she realized that they were alone with her yellow bug, which was pulled over on the side of the road. She saw her son climbing out of the woods, a camera hanging around his neck, walking towards her beat up, yellow Bug.

"We should stop for food on the way home," Henry suggested as they made their way to the car.

"Home," Emma murmured, but the word felt funny coming off of her tongue.

"Yeah…home…Boston…you know?" Henry asked, raising an eyebrow. "Mom are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah kid, I'm fine .Let's go home," Emma said nodding. They climbed back into the jeep and continued on the narrow road until they reached the highway.

As they made their way home, Emma couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was different. Something was off…she just wasn't sure what.

a/n: there will be plenty more where that came from! please review! I'm on winter brea next week so there will be a lot of updates happening if you guys like this :)