Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.

A/N 4/12/14: Hey there! I decided to put the final chapter on my Friday story on hold till next week because I wanted to work on this final chapter and as busy as I am, I needed to update this. This is it everyone! I'm really sad about it, but it's been a great experience. I'll save all final comments for the end. Okay here it is, the final chapter. Oh wait, I'm not sure if it's actually your birthday, but I wanted to say Happy Birthday to my reviewer Sad angel! Thank you for all of your love and support my dear! Have an amazing day!

Warning: *Drum roll* the final of the Happy Endings!

Epilogue: Let's Go Through Life Together

1 year later…

The day had finally arrived. Hinata was all jittery as the women struggled to put the kimono on. It had been a year to the day when Naruto had proposed to her at their special spot. Her family, their friends, and the entire shinobi world rejoiced when it became public knowledge. No one could have been happier than her father. But as the law had it, they could not wed legally until they both were 18. But that was fine with them. After everything they'd gone through together, time didn't make much of a difference. Since the day they'd become engaged, they'd been virtually inseparable.

As for her PTSD, Hinata wasn't by any means "cured". But she had accepted the fact that she would always have to deal with it. It's how she chose to deal with it that made all the difference. She'd talked about her feelings, thoughts, even her nightmares thoroughly and made sure not to leave anything out. Naruto smiled every time she revealed something because it showed her desire to heal. And over the course of the year, her smiles grew more and more frequent.

It was still a struggle. The voice, which Hinata had obliterated, remained as it did with every other human being. She just didn't listen to it, therefore it couldn't regain the tight hold that it once had on her.

But nothing could contain her excitement today. The ceremony would be starting soon.

"Would you please hold still Hinata-sama? I don't want to accidentally hurt you!" one of ladies said, finally exhausted from all of the movement that was going on.

"I—I'm sorry. I'm just a little…" her pale cheeks flushed.

The woman laughed, "It's perfectly normal. I was the same way on my wedding. But think about what's going to happen after the ceremony. You're finally being married to the man you love. That is the most important thing. Just look at him, and everything will be all right."

Hinata's already tinted cheeks flushed even more, "Thank you…"

Hinata looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a silky, white kimono that flowed all the way to the ground. Her hair was worn up and held together with chopsticks.

"Aw! You look beautiful!" she heard Tenten say as she walked into the room, followed by the other girls. They looked in awe at the girl in front of them.

"Thanks you guys," she said softly. Her blush from before didn't go away, but she kept her gaze downwards. The girls immediately took note of that.

"Nervous?" Tenten asked, rubbing her back.

"Just a little. But I'm happy," she reassured them and everyone just smiled.

"And that's how it should be! Just remember, if you're nervous just look at Naruto and everything will be okay," Ino advised. And to everyone's surprise, she burst out laughing.

"…are you sure that you're okay?" Sakura asked.

Hinata nodded her head, "Well, there are a million reasons to laugh and be joyful today, are there not?"

The girls looked relieved and Tenten said, "Of course! I promise it'll be everything you've ever dreamed of!"

"Besides, think about what's going to happen tonight!" Ino said, crudely.

"Ino!" Tenten and Sakura simultaneously scolded but Ino only continued to grin and talk.

"Today is all about you and him. You're finally getting the man you love. You deserve all the happiness in the world. So forget about the nervousness and just be happy!"

Hinata smiled at the blonde and started to relax herself. She was right. She was marrying the man she loved and she was sure that she was making the right decision. There was nothing to be nervous about.

"We'll be waiting outside! The ceremony is going to start soon. And Hinata? Remember to breathe," Tenten reminded before disappearing with the other girls.

Hinata took in a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. That smile belonged on her face. After everything she'd been through, she deserved to smile. Her eyes then cast down to the small family picture on the table. It was taken just a few years back, after she and Neji had become chunin. He looked as serious as ever, but she grinned. She knew he had been happy, and she also knew that he had died happy. Maybe happy wasn't the right word, but he died content. And what she had done to herself in the few months after his demise would have made her spirit weep. So not only for herself and Naruto, but she smiled for him as well, knowing that it would've been what he wanted. To see her happy, to see all of his friends happy was what he would have wanted.

And she was eternally grateful to him as well. Had it not been for his sacrifice, she wouldn't be standing here today. In truth, it wasn't fate that had brought her and Naruto together. It was Neji.

She lifted up the picture and whispered, "Thank you...for everything nii-san."

Naruto was fidgeting uncontrollably with his hands and haori. Sasuke sighed in frustration, "Oh stop fidgeting dobe! There's nothing to be nervous about that!"

"Yeah, well you're not the one getting married! And you know what? When you get married, I'll say the same thing to you!" Naruto stuck him tongue out.

"Do you want me to pound you like I did just a year ago? Don't make me do it!" Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"Are you two at it again? Come on Naruto, it's your wedding day. At least wait until the reception to break out the fists," Kiba said, walking in. Shino walked in behind him, silent as ever.

"We're not "at it" he's just nervous about getting married," Sasuke said.

"What if she gets cold feet?" Naruto groaned, thinking of every worst possible scenario.

"Dobe, for some reason she loves you. So if she hasn't walked away from your idiotic self already, I doubt she's going to walk away now. Again, you have nothing to worry about," Sasuke reassured.

Though Sasuke's reassurance almost always came with an insult, Naruto seemed to ease up a little bit. Yeah, what was he so nervous about? Hinata was the one. He had absolutely no reason to fret or doubt her devotion to him.

"So guys, how do I look?" Naruto grinned.

"Idiotic, but less so in traditional attire," Sasuke said bluntly.

"You look great! But I mean, you're only going to have that on until tonight," Kiba winked, implying dirty things.

Sasuke looked like he was about to turn green, "Yeah I'm going to stop you right there. There is a crowd of people outside. We'll see you at the ceremony dobe." And with that, Sasuke dragged the other two of the room, leaving Naruto alone.

Naruto didn't have to think too much, but he looked up as if he was looking at someone. He realized that he'd never thanked the one person responsible for all this. The one person who'd be absent from the ceremony and the one person who was forever absent from their lives.

"Thanks again for everything Neji…Once again I'm eternally in your debt…"

The ceremony wasn't exactly…small. All of the Hyuuga were there, the Konoha 11 were there, and a bunch of other people that Naruto wasn't too familiar with. Well it hardly mattered at all. All he was focused on was Hinata walking in.

And when she did walk in Naruto's racing heart seemed to stop all together. She was already beautiful, but when he saw her walk in, in a silky, white kimono, he suddenly forgot what breathing was. He promised himself he wouldn't do that, but he couldn't help himself.

She looked shy and nervous as ever as she walked up to him and the altar. Maybe not nervous, but she was definitely shy.

Everyone stood up as the ceremony began. Naruto held his bride's hands and reassured her that everything would be all right. She looked into his eyes and smiled. If she had been sure before that she had been making the right choice, then all of her doubts were gone now. Everyone else in the room just suddenly began to disappear, and it was just the two of them.

She could hear him say his vow, promising to love her and stay faithful and all of that. And she repeated the same adding that, "Whatever I've gone through, it was all just to be standing here with you today." It mattered very little if it sounded cheesy or not.

And then came the "I do's." They both wanted to say so much more to each other, but in a crowd of people, it felt inappropriate. Whatever they had to say to each other would have to wait until tonight.

And then, the moment that they had waited for. Being pronounced husband and wife. Hinata felt tears stream down her face as it was officiated. And it still felt surreal as their lips met and everyone got up and applauded them on their marriage...

Finally it was nighttime. Everything that happened after the wedding was pretty uneventful. Naruto and Hinata were forced to sit quietly as everyone said their speeches.

"…he's an idiot. Nobody can deny that. But no one's ever tried harder than him to get what he deserves. And he deserves to be happy more than anyone else in this room, so congratulations dobe! And Hinata, after everything, you deserve this just as much as he does. Wish you two nothing but happiness." Sasuke said, toasting some sake.

But it was Tsunade who dropped the biggest bomb on them all, surprising them all.

"Well, what can I say about the two of them? They couldn't be more opposite, yet they are absolutely perfect for one another. Very few people are lucky enough to find their soul mate so young, but you two found each other. And I was saving this until tonight, so here it is: In a matter of a few months, I'll be retiring. And it's been unanimously decided, that Naruto, you will take my place."

For a second no one said anything. Naruto froze in his seat and Hinata looked at him nervously. Was he going to have a stroke or something. But then, of course, his signature grin appeared and Hinata was relieved. Their future was all set.

And now finally, all the guests had finally left. She was waiting for Naruto to come in. Her wedding kimono was off and she was in a nightgown with her hair flowing freely down her back. She had good reason to be nervous now. Even though she and Naruto had been together over a year, they had never slept together. They'd come close quite a few times, but for some reason he wanted to save her until the wedding night. And finally that night had arrived, and Hinata was just a bundle of nerves. She'd almost fainted when all the other girls had given her advice on how this should go. It wasn't something that she wanted to talk about or hear about. But now, she wished she'd paid attention a little more.

She was snapped out of her musings when she heard the door open. She turned around to see that Naruto had walked in. Instead of his goofy grin, he had a gentle smile on his face. He closed and locked the door. Hinata immediately started fidgeting with the fabric of her nightgown. Naruto noticed right away.

She sat down next to her and she blushed, her cheeks and face turning completely red. Naruto took her hand gently from her lap and kissed it.

"Finally," he whispered against her skin.

She smiled, "Yes, after so long…"

Naruto laughed, "You know, I thought this day would never come. The law told us to wait until we were 18 and your father told us to wait another month so that preparations could be made."

Hinata grew a little more confident and placed a hand on his cheek, "Well, after everything that we've been through, being here made it all worth it, wouldn't you say?"

Naruto moved closer, "Yeah, it is." He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She melted into it slowly and Naruto gently pushed her down onto the bed. He broke the kiss to look at her face. She was blushing and it was quite clear to him that she was nervous.

"If you don't want to do this tonight, we could…" he mumbled.

Hinata shook her head, "No, I can't wait another night. Please make me yours. Please."

Naruto smiled, "Then promise me one thing before I continue."

Hinata was confused, but nodded her head anyway, "Anything…"

"Promise me that no matter what, you'll come to me no matter what you're feeling or thinking. I don't just want to be your husband, I want to be your best friend as well. Promise me that we'll go through life together, no matter what it throws our way…"

Hinata smiled as a lone tear slid down her face. Naruto wiped the tear with the pad of his thumb. She cupped his face with both of her hands before saying, "Of course."

He smiled, "I love you."

Her smile grew bigger, "And I love you."

Naruto kissed her once more before turning to the side table, which had a candle illuminating the room. It was the only think keeping the room from being completely dark. And the last thought that ran through Hinata's head before he blew the candle out was that though she had gotten her happy ending long ago, it wasn't much of an ending. No, she was just embarking. And with everything she'd gone through, the joy in her life only multiplied. This was where she was meant to be and she wouldn't have had it any other way…

-The End-

Please Review.

*Bursts into tears* Well that's it! I didn't realize just how attached I'd become until after I'd finished typing that final sentence. Yes I decided against doing a lemon, because it was unnecessary. So I went with the Western ceremony in traditional Japanese attire. I don't know… Hope I didn't offend anyone! It's been a good journey indeed. Thank you to all who reviewed, alerted, and favorite! Honestly, a lot of the reviews made me cry with how supportive and encouraging you've all been, not only for this story, but my own personal struggles. You've all been great, and I'm grateful. This was the best thing I've written so far, and I hope to tug at your heartstrings more in the future. Again all my new stuff is going to be on my other account. And once again the name of that account is MsTenshiLady. My new NaruHina is coming out May 3rd. It'll be a lot more different and a complete AU (Not a high school AU or anything like that promise! I hope you'll read it! Follow that account if you want to see it when it comes out! Ohhh shit! I hate goodbyes, but we all have to say them. I love each and every one of you! For the final time, leave a review? Signing off for the final time! :')
