~Shhh X( I know I should be working on my other stories, but this came to me and I had to write it. Please be gentle, it's my first Black Butler story. I don't own black butler(obviously) Please enjoy and review.~

~Queen's Request~

Ciel was awakened by the shuffling and sweeping sounds of Sebastian opening the curtains, today was one of those days where he wished that he could simply sleep in. He groaned and slunk himself further under the blankets and cupped them in his hands over his head.

" My lord, it is time for you to get up. We have quite the schedule to attend to today." The butler said in his usual velvet voice. He silently made his way over to the bed when there was no response. He leaned down just inches from the lump of blankets which hid his young master. "My lord..." Sebastian cooed in a whisper. Ciel moaned in irritation at his persistent servant and climbed slowly out of bed. As much as he hated it. Sebastian was right. Today's appointments couldn't be ignored.

"What is first on the list of things for today?" The young Earl asked in a monotone voice as Sebastian helped him out of his night shirt, and replacing it with his day attire. Carefully fastening each button and gently tying on the boys eye patch. Ciel yawned and covered his mouth in the process, he was feeling a little more depleted of energy than usual. He hoped that he wasn't about to come down with some damned cold.

" First on the agenda today, my lord, beginning at eleven sharp you have your daily lessons, and I will be picking up your violin from the shop after we return from your meeting with Elizabeth at one this afternoon. She has requested that we go to her mansion to discuss certain matters that she didn't make quite clear in her letter." He paused for a moment as he helped pull of his socks and slip his shoes on. As well as putting on the boys top hat and handing him his walking cane.

"Go on.." Ciel persuaded in a bored manor. He was already fretting the trip to Elizabeth's home. What could she possibly want that she couldn't specify within her message? He hoped she wasn't plotting any bizarre outing to buy more 'cute' clothes for him.

" After we return from lady Elizabeth's home, you have a meeting with Mr. Venior at two-thirty about a business promotion he was suggesting for the Funtom Company. Once that is taken care of, you have a conference to attend about the church chapel you just had finished for the Edwards Charity Fund."

Sebastian was now finished dressing the young master and stood up straight and opened the door for them to leave to begin breakfast.

"Tell me again, why did I agree to pour my money into building that church?" The boy scoffed.

Sebastian merely smirked and sighed slightly.

" As a noble of London you must play your part." Sebastian answered for him a bit too formally. Before they left the room Sebastian presented a silver trey with a letter on it with the queens wax seal. "By the way my lord, this was delivered to us this morning."

Ciel furrowed his brows and took hold of the letter, opening it at once. It had been a while since the queen had sent him a message. The boy let his cerulean eye read down the so carefully written words and he looked somewhat surprised. He looked up at his faithful servant and looked a bit too serious.

"Sebastian. Cancel all other plans for today." The Earl commanded. Sebastian was left with a puzzled expression and let his smooth magenta eyes rest on the boy.

"Might I inquire as to why my lord? As I already mentioned, today's schedule was one not to be put off." The demon spoke softly but with a hint of curiosity. He folded his hands in front of him, still holding the silver platter.

"The queen has sent me a letter of utmost importance. It seems that the facility that held Finnian as a test subject before, has been discovered in another part of London. A different building, an old Funtom company warehouse in fact. The one I shut down and moved. Apparently there have been many cases recently in which children under that age of sixteen have been coming up missing, and then found by the yard anywhere from weeks to months later either dead, or alive with extra non human abilities. The yard got a tip from an anonymous witness that tonight there would be a drop off point for another child whom went missing just last week. His description is simple, dark haired, young, and blue eyes." Ciel went on. His mind was racing at ways he could stop this and present another success to the queen. He handed Sebastian the letter, who took it and read down it silently as Ciel continued. "The queen wants me to manage a way to pick up the child before he is picked up at the drop off point by the kidnappers. And to find a way to capture the ones behind this facility. It reads that thirteen children have been found that had gone missing, only six were alive. The rest were looked over by medical personnel and they reported that the children were over dosed on high levels of different drugs and adrenalines."

Sebastian set the letter back on the night stand and smirked.

"What shall we do my lord."

Ciel scowled at his all too fake smile.

" The anonymous witness mentioned that the drop off site was going to be behind the west side train station, on the fourth platform at midnight tonight. We will go there tonight and do exactly what the queen has ordered."

A grin played at Sebastian's lips as his ruby eyes gazed down at the young master before him.

"Tell me again, my lord. If this task isn't to be addressed until tonight...why cancel your schedule for today?" He toyed.

Ciel grimaced. Why was his butler so annoying.

"B...because I ordered you to that's why.." The boy retorted as he looked up at his demon butler with an unsteady glare. Sebastian's wine colored eyes squinted just a little more as he wore a devious smile. He escorted the young master out of the moon and to the dining room where he would be having breakfast. " My lord. I must insist that you do not put off our appointments for today, just because you don't want to do them."

Ciel stopped walking at gawked at his butler in fury. " How dare you suggest that I'm simply blowing off my schedule! Now get to the kitchen and make me something sweet." Ciel snapped harshly and his butler simply bowed at the waist with his right hand over his chest.

" Yes, young master." And with that we walked off, still enjoying his lords childish rant.

After breakfast, Sebastian annoyed Ciel to the point of shaking and so he finally reluctantly gave in to completing his already planned schedule for the day. Sebastian tented to the young Earl's lessons which for Ciel, seemed to drag out forever today. Then they went over to Lizzy's manor which proved to be a colossal waste of time as far as the young phantomhive was concerned. She simply wanted him to arrive because she had had a tailor special make four different new outfits for Ciel. All which made him feel like a very uncomfortable porcelain doll. In fact, if it hadn't been for Sebastian Ciel may have just walked right out and left the moment they walked in. She had also wanted to talk about the costume party she was throwing for her birthday in two weeks on the 5th of October.

The next on the list was to pick up Ciels violin from a music shop which had repaired it back to its fine original state before meyrin had accidentally knocked over the china cabinet onto the violins resting stand sending it flying. Thankfully the cabinet hadn't landed on the instrument itself. And of course after all of that Ciel had to spend two long lasting hours discussing Mr. Venior's suggestion in having Ciel sell him a portion of the company to take overseas and sell in off lands. Which didn't roll over too well. The man wanted another 15% of all sales, that wasn't about to happen. Ciel took it as a great insult the way he had tried to take advantage of the boy. The meeting didn't end until closer to five o'clock and by then the young phantomhive was ready to end the day. Well, he wished he could, but Sebastian wouldn't let him simply forget about the speech he was supposed to give at the opening of the new church at the charity conference. Once that was finished the boy wasn't going to listen to anymore of the butler's annoying suggestions. Every time Sebastian would begin Ciel would quickly put his hand up to silence the man, which of course, only rewarded him with a few loathsome smirks from the demon.

It was almost six thirty now and Sebastian was fuming because Bardroy had again, caught the kitchen on fire. Only this time Sebastian wasn't quite sure how and didn't have the patience to ask. Dinner would now be off schedule. Late by at the very least 9.3 minutes.

Ciel stayed in his office, going over paper work just to make sure he filled everything out properly. He found himself gazing off into space often and wondered if he was feeling alright. Suddenly a knock came from the door and Ciel shot his eyes open and made sure he didn't have any escaping saliva from his mouth or on his desk where he had at some point fallen asleep while signing papers.

"Come in.." Ciel said a little quieter than he had wanted. Good thing the demon had good hearing. Sebastian took one look at his young master and again wore his signature smirk.

" Did you fall asleep again my lord?" The butler asked as he wheeled in a cart with a few different platters. The boy simply let out a 'hmph' and decided to not answer. Sebastian smiled and moved Ciels papers for him.

"I'm not finished with those..." He said rather coldly. The all clad in black butler sighed and began setting down some plates with his dinner on the desk.

"Forgive me my lord but I can't allow you to soil your papers on accident with your dinner." Ciel simply scoffed and took the silver fork in his hand and started eating. "For tonight's dinner we have Milk Risotto with three different kinds of mushrooms, savory pork and Pot-au-Feu wine. I sincerely hope it's to your liking master." He finished as he stood back against the wall. Ciel closed his eyes and thought about how to execute his plan tonight. He popped another fork full of food into his mouth. So, find the delivery site, take out the drop off man and save the kid? Perhaps his butler would be of use tonight.

"Something on your mind my lord? You seem rather distant.." Sebastian questioned after a long while of Ciel staring off into the distance seemingly at nothing. The boy looked up and wondered how long it had taken him just to eat what little he had.

"Uh..no. Just, thinking about the best plan of action for this evening's task."

Sebastian sighed and after another twenty minutes left with the remainders of Ciel's dinner on the cart.


I hope you enjoyed chapter one :D please review, let me know what you think.