"I'm scared that she won't come back to us, frighten that she won't remember who she loved, all the memories we made…wasted,"
Right Here Waiting
Chapter 2 - Starting Over
Posted on: January 11, 2014
Author's Note: Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year! :)
The coordinator stood stiffly behind the doctor as she tried to examine the confuse girl on the bed. "You are okay Ms. Athha, there had been an accident and we need to do a quick test to make sure you are all right, is that fine with you?" The blonde gave her consent, feeling at ease with the nurse's warm smile and gentle words.
Doctor Kagawa took out a small flashlight from her pocket and opened the patient's left eye with her hand.
"Can you tell me your name?" Athrun watched intensively as the young woman in front of him struggled with her answer. "Ca-Cagalli," The doctor nodded and opened the patient's right eye this time, pointing the flashlight directly at it. "How old are you, Cagalli?" For a second, the Princess of Orb looked at Athrun but averted her gaze back to the doctor. "Fifteen."
"Tell me more about you," the brunette woman kindly asked. "I am the daughter of Orb's Representative, Uzumi Nara Athha."
"Do you have any siblings?" Cagalli answered straight away like it is the easiest question in the world, "No,"
"Last question; tell me the most recent thing you remembered before this morning,"
There was a long pause and the blonde hesitated to answer, "I-I don't remember," Clicking the flashlight off, the doctor nodded her head.
After telling her patient to rest for awhile, she gestured the coordinator who stood there patiently to meet with her in her office.
Gently closing the door behind him, he sat down in front of the doctor, preparing for what she had to say about his fiancée.
"Earlier, we ran a few x-ray tests. As you know Mr. Zala, the patient had injured her head during the accident." Doctor Kagawa showed the coordinator the results of the x-rays, pointing to the top left side of the brain. "The top left part of the cerebrum has been damaged, causing her to lose her memory. "
She paused for awhile, checking up on the young man's expression hoping he was all right. "Fortunately, she did not lose all her memory. But most certainly she currently holds no memories of the past six years."
"How long will it take her to regain her memories?"
"There's actually nothing we can do in regards to retrieving her memories. It's a hit or miss. Our main concern right now is her health mentally and physically so she can get back to her life."
The coordinator's hand balled into a fist.
Doctor Kagawa's violet eyes soften, "There are some cases where the patient fully recovers their memories. It'll take time, but if you continue to support her, and show her significant objects that may trigger the past, that could help her to regain her memory."
Before she let the coordinator go, Dr. Kagawa made sure to sternly warn him.
"Remember Zala-san, it is not guaranteed. And the process may be extremely painful and long. Be patient."
Athrun nodded and thanked the doctor.
Sighing, he placed the cell phone in his pocket as he pondered about what to do. He had just got off the phone with Kira telling him the good and bad news. Unfortunately the brunette is on his way now to PLANTS and would not be returning for at least a week. The ultimate coordinator had promise to see his twin sister right away when he returns from his business.
Squeezing the soda can in his hands, the doctor's words echoed in his head. She lost her memory? He started to reminisce when they first met, their second encounter, how they stood by each other side by side during the war, and their fateful kiss. She would not remember all that? Rubbing his temples, he could not bring himself to face the reality.
Looking through the little glass window of the door Cagalli is staying in, he smiled as he saw her sleeping peacefully. In a very long time, he actually felt a glimpse of hope. The light in his life is back, if not completely, he still has the chance to hold her in his arms and love her. Worse comes to worse, he would have to make her fall in love with him again.
Cagalli tossed and turned that night. She could not sleep, and her head was filled with many questions and confusion. The room is dark and quiet, her amber eyes shone through the darkness, scanning the room till they stopped on the wall in front of her.
Cagalli Yula Athha could not recall what had happened, and how she ended up in here. Where is her father? Kisaka? And who is the young man with blue hair? She had been curious when he had first barged into her room and hugged her. Of course she was furious at him for doing that, but her body had no strength to push him off her.
Blue hair and green eyes…
It matches him quite well.
Slipping out of the hospital bed, she slowly walked to the door, using the walls to support her. Her legs have not walked in a long time and the doctor said she should walk more to get the blood flowing again. Opening the doorknob, she squint her eyes a little as the light threatened to blind her.
Day or night, even on holidays, the hospital would always be open and busy. Anything can happen at any time. Cagalli watched as doctors and nurses rush into rooms, saving lives. Walking in the hallways with the walls supporting her, she stopped in front of a room full with little kids playing around.
Her amber eyes softened as she watched one boy trying to hold a building block with his hand but failed because he only had four fingers. Another girl in the corner sat still, but breathing, looking lifeless. By the looks of it, one can tell something was wrong with her eyes.
Moving forward, she came across another patient room. The door is wide open and she could hear a sad melody coming out of it.
Curious, she poked her head in the room, she saw a young boy about her age with dark green hair playing a grand piano in the middle of the room. Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes, enjoying the beautiful music that filled her ears.
"I didn't know you play the piano," a masculine voice said.
"I don't, my father does. That's why I want to keep it here, to keep his memory alive," a voice that seems to be coming from her mouth said.
The young man in front of her smiled kindly, "You miss him, don't you Cagalli?"
Ignoring his words, she said, "One day, I want to learn how to play the piano. I want to be able to create beautiful music like he did,"
"Umm hi, can I help you?"
Opening her eyes, she blushed in embarrassment as a boy with ocean blue eyes stared at her. "I'm, I'm sorry! I heard your music and I…" she quickly tried walking away but the green haired guy grabbed a hold of her arm "Please don't go yet, I rarely get visitors. Did you like the song?" he asked her smiling gently.
Cagalli nodded her head and politely asked him to let go of his grip on her. He apologized and let go. "My name is Daisuke, what about yours?"
"It's Cagalli," the blonde took a good look at him, he was tall with graceful green hair that reached up to his ears, his eyes were big and caring with the colour of ocean blue. He is not a bad sight. "Please, sit down." He offered her a chair beside his piano and she accepted it without hesitation.
"What is the name of the song you just played?"
"Letters to Heaven, I used to play it all the time to lure my little sister to sleep." Daisuke placed his hands over the piano keyboard as if he was going to play it.
"It is a beautiful song,"
"I agree. I'll play it for you again," he looked at the music sheets in front of him and began to play.
The music flowed smoothly as he played; Cagalli was in awe watching him move his hands in the right spot, playing one note after another. A wave of sadness washed over her as the melody kept going, it was such a sorrowful song and she could tell he played it with such emotions.
She saw his eyes closed as his hands still moved freely, he had memorized the song. Slowly, her eyes closed as well.
"With your busy schedule you'll never have time to do the things you want, like playing the piano," a masculine voice spoke out again.
"You know my country is more important to me, Athrun."
"I know, but do you really want to spend the rest of your life like this?"
The blonde's temper rose and so did her voice, "Why do you care about what I do with my life so much!?"
The melodies of Letters to Heaven slowly faded away as the end came to a near. She regain fully of her conscious again. 'What was that about? It happened twice already.'
"Cagalli, is something wrong?" Daisuke asked her, he could tell by her face that she is troubled. The blonde shook her head, "I'm just thinking," The green haired boy nodded and began playing another song, this time it is less depressing and more content.
'Who is Athrun?' Cagalli furrowed her eyebrows as she thought hard. It was no help that she could not see his face in her 'dream.' She never heard of his name before nor had a conversation like that with anyone.
"Miss Cagalli, there you are. I was checking up on you but I found no one in your room! You had me worried for a minute there,"
The blonde turned around to see the nurse, Mika, whom is taking care of her. "I'm sorry, I kind of wandered off." The nurse nodded and accepts the apology; she then escorted her patient back to her room after they said good bye to her new friend.
"It's an honour to meet you Lacus Clyne," Nurse Mika gently bowed and greeted the two coordinators, Athrun and the pop princess. "Please follow me," she escorted those two to the garden revealing Cagalli who is sitting on the bench.
It is early morning and the two wasted no time and went straight to the hospital when it is visiting time.
"Cagalli, you have a couple of visitors today," the nurse gently touched the blonde girl by the shoulder. The amber eyed girl who has lost her memory turned around, not saying a word.
The nurse quietly left, leaving the trio alone.
Lacus sat down beside the confused girl and introduce herself, "Hello Cagalli, my name is Lacus Clyne. How are you feeling today?" she smiled kindly at her friend, sadden by the thought things have turned out this way. "I want to see Father," the Princess of Orb sternly stated. "Where is he?" she questioned.
The pop princess' eyes soften, pitying the girl in front of her.
"He is temporary away doing business Princess, and will not be back for awhile..." The blue haired coordinator spoke up.
Cagalli looked at the man in front of her, without a word she nodded her head. The coordinator who had piloted the Justice frowned when she looked away from him, he misses her so much.
They all stood there for awhile, enjoying the morning's glow and the peace around them, until the patient's stomach began to growl.
She immediately blushed in embarrassment and apologized, while Lacus smiled. "Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat," she sat up excusing herself, going to the cafeteria and gets the hungry girl some breakfast.
"And who are you?"
Athrun was taken by surprise by the question and hesitated to answer. "Alex Dino, your father sent me to take care of you,"
Accepting the answer, she stretched her sore arms and yawned, placing her arms behind her head just like a boy. He smiled at her gesture. "Is that so?" Taking a seat on the bench with her, he said, "Yes, Uzumi Nara Athha would want you in the best of health,"
The coordinator and natural could both hear the soft humming of the tune 'In the Quiet Night' by Lacus, and knew she is coming.
The Princess of Orb raised her left eyebrow and asked, "Your girlfriend?"
Blushing furiously, he shook his head. "No, of course not…"
The pink haired girl giggled behind them, hearing the conversation, and places the breakfast tray on Cagalli's lap. "Here you go, I decided to get you a dish of rice, a small bowl of miso soup, and rolled omelettes! And a fresh glass of orange juice full of Vitamin C, hope you don't mind," She happily smiled and the amber eyed girl thanked her.
Eating her breakfast in silence, the other two could not help but worry how thin and pale she has gotten in the past six months.
Walking around the small garden the hospital offered Cagalli bent down looking at the fish pond. "They are so cute aren't they, Cagalli?" Lacus' soothing voice said, and the blonde nodded her head in agreement while Athrun watched closely from behind.
"I had a fish before…but it died,"
The two coordinators felt content hearing her say something besides nodding her head or answering their questions when asked.
The couple walked past a pet store filled with amazing little and big creatures.
The Princess of Orb smiled at the little goldfishes that floated around the tank. "I once had a fish named Gunkan,"
Athrun stood beside her, listening. "What happen to Gunkan?"
"One day, he didn't move anymore…" she smiled sadly, remember that day.
"You could always get another fish," he suggested, trying to make her feel better.
"No one can replace it, like no one can replace my father…" she walked away, looking at the different tiny creatures that swam in the water.
Athrun smiled remembering the memory, even though it was not a very happy moment.
The trio looked up hearing children's laughter, acknowledging a big group of patients gathered around the playground.
The amber eyed princess' face immediately broke into a smile when she spotted Daisuke and some young adults around her age. The midnight haired coordinator had saw this and felt a little envious seeing how happy she was to see that boy.
Daisuke, who was out for a little fresh air, spotted the young blonde and waved to her.
Waving back, she could not help but gave her friend a weary smile. Her vision became blurry and she fell on Lacus' shoulder, "Cagalli! Cagalli, wake up!" she tried shaking her friend awake but it did not work.
With his quickest reflex, Athrun carried her bridal style and ran in the hospital calling for help with the blue eyed beauty closely behind.
"Help, please, anyone! I have an unconscious patient here,"
A few nurses quickly ran to him, and advised him to place the patient in her room while they go get the doctor.
Athrun, holding her body close to him held her tighter not wanting to let go. "Please be okay…" he carefully placed her on the bed with Lacus' help and waited till the doctor arrived.
"Okay I am here, what happened?" Doctor Kagawa quickly walked in the room.
After the explaining was done, the professional nodded her head and started the examination right away.
She stirred in her sleep as she slowly recovers her conscious. Opening her eyes, emerald and aqua eyes greeted her.
"Cagalli! You are all right," the woman gave her a little hug, it was clear that she was really worried about the younger girl.
"What happened?" she asked tiredly.
"The doctor said you fainted due to exhaustion, did you sleep at all last night?"
She looked at 'Alex', "Not really, I could not sleep,"
Athrun sighed, "Really Cagalli, you should be taking better care of yourself,"
"Cagalli, finally you have woken up, how are you feeling?" a worried voice asked.
"I'm ok Athrun, just a little dizzy and all… nothing to worry about!" She answered.
The man sighed and shook his head, "You should be taking better care of yourself, and you had me so worried,"
"You worry way too much!" and she laughed while he smiled at her, relieve that she was all right.
"What's wrong?" the pink haired princess' voice snapped her out of her 'dream.'
The Representative of Orb looked at the man beside Lacus, 'Athrun? No, that's Alex…I don't know an Athrun…'
The door slide open and the three of them looked to see who it is. To their surprise, especially Cagalli, it is Daisuke.
"You're awake, I'm so glad," he smiled at her as his eyes glowed. Athrun could not help but glare at the younger boy.
Walking towards the bed, he politely greeted the two coordinators in front of him. "Hello I am Daisuke, you must be Cagalli's friends,"
"It's nice to meet you, Daisuke," Lacus chirped back. The other man did not say a word.
"The doctor told me of your condition, it's partly my fault for keeping you awake," he smiled guiltily.
'So it was his fault!' The midnight haired man thought angrily.
"No, it wasn't your fault at all! Actually, it was because of your songs that I fell asleep so easily after even if it was just a couple of hours."
The green haired boy nodded happily, "I'm glad,"
The beautiful woman with pink haired clasped her hands together, "Well it has been a long day, Alex and I will be taking our leave now so you will get your much needed rest,"
The formal bodyguard did not want to move, he wanted to be here with her. But he knew he had other important responsibilities and she needed her rest. A few minutes later, he left with Lacus after promising he will be back the next day.
With his hands, he turned on the radio as he drove Lacus home. He opened the rooftop of his convertible and let the wind hit them.
"It's certainly painful to see her like this," Lacus said breaking the silence.
He sighed and nodded his head, "That whole time when we were with her, I kept asking myself, 'Why did this happen? Why us? Haven't we been through enough already?' I can't accept this, Lacus,"
The daughter of Siegel Clyne looked at her ex fiancée sadly, "We cannot question fate and destiny can we? Maybe there's a reason why this happened, and sometimes things don't go our way no matter how much we want it to. Not accepting this won't change reality Athrun. Right now, we need to be with her when she needs us most. Even if she isn't the same Cagalli that we first met, she's still Cagalli right?"
For awhile, the emerald haired man did not say anything but kept his eyes on the road, "I'm scared that she won't come back to us, frighten that she won't remember who she loved, all the memories we made…wasted,"
"That is true, but all the terrible memories that she has, of the two wars, her Father dying… is it not a good thing too? To forget all the horrible things cause by those two wars…" Lacus replied back. "She fell in love with you once, she will fall in love with you again…"
This time the coordinator had no words to say, he thanked her after dropping her off her home.
"You are not alone Athrun, we all feel the same pain,"