Author's Notes: Confession: I have the hardest time ending stories. The hardest. So sorry for the delay :)
And here it is, the end...
Alex sat quietly in the corner of his hospital room as Jo nervously packed his things. She was mumbling under her breath with every step, but he couldn't make out what she was saying. He watched her with a slight smile contemplating how beautiful she looked when frazzled before teasing, "You know now that we have tiny ears around we're gonna have to work on our language."
Jo turned to him with her eyebrows hiked, "I know you're not talking to me. Kid's first word will probably be freakin'." She quickly scanned the room before carefully bending over to look under his hospital bed, "Where is your favorite sweatshirt?"
"It may be in the bathroom." As Jo quickly walked into the adjoining room, Alex looked down to the precious baby in his arms and said playfully, "Don't listen to mommy. She's sometimes wrong. She thought you would be a little boy. Yes she did and she was wrong about that. Yes she was." He glanced up to see Jo leaning against the doorway with with her arms crossed and an unamused smirk on her face, "What?"
"Already turning the baby against me? You better watch out, two can play that game." Jo then gave him a playful grin before adding, "Now where is your deodorant?"
"I already packed it. Do you want me to do that and you hold her?"
Jo grinned at the two of them, "No, I love watching you hold her. Plus, you're so much slower than I am and I want to be on time for our flight."
"Hey," Alex protested weakly.
Jo winked at him, "Enjoy it now cause I call dibs on holding her during the plane ride."
"Oh you can have that and then I can hold her when we are relaxing back at home," he said proudly with a smug grin.
Jo rolled her eyes, "Smart ass."
"What'd I say about language? I think I said mommy needed to watch her mouth. Yep, I think I did," Alex said playfully to the infant before smirking at Jo.
"Well maybe if her daddy wouldn't push my buttons," she laughed as Alex stuck out his tongue at her. "Be thankful you're holding her jerk, otherwise you'd be eating your pillow right about now."
At that moment Meredith entered the room with a nurse who walked closer to Alex, "Here are your discharge papers. You need to follow up with a neurologist and orthopedic as soon as you get home and continue therapy as Dr. Clifford recommended. It's also recommended you see a kidney specialist to follow up on your injury. Here's a list of your medications and copies of your prescriptions. Do you have any questions?"
"I don't think so."
The nurse smiled, "Well good luck to you both or I guess all three."
She then pulled an envelope off her clipboard and handed it to Jo, "These are your personal effects from the night of your accident. If you'll look to make sure nothing is missing and sign."
Jo walked to the bed and dumped the items onto the sheets. "My wedding set, your ring and our watches. That should be all, right?" she directed to Alex.
"Yeah. I'll be so glad to have my ring back."
Jo tilted her head in thought, "Is enough of the swelling gone or do you want me to pack it?"
Alex smiled eagerly, "Let me try." Jo then slipped the band on his left ring finger as they both grinned at each other. "That's much better," Alex said with a low, soft voice.
Jo was smiling brightly at him as Meredith coughed, "Should I leave?"
Jo placed a quick kiss on Alex's lips and a soft kiss on their daughter's forehead before raising back up, "No, there's no time for fun. Where did Sheppard go?"
"Oh he ran into Dr. Clifford downstairs. When I left they are talking about the use of robotic systems to relieve intracranial pressures."
Jo muttered, "Neurosurgeons," as she zipped up the last bag. "Well I think we're all set." She looked at Alex with a conflicted look as he gazed back with hesitation in his eyes as well.
"I can't believe we're really going home. Are we ready for this?" he asked timidly.
Meredith sighed and firmly stated, "You're ready for this. I knew I should have brought Arizona."
Alex gave a confused look, "Why Robbins?"
"Well I brought Derrick to monitor your head and I'm here to look out for Jo and your kidney. I should have brought Arizona to look after the baby do you two can relax."
"Like that's gonna happen," Alex and Jo both mumbled before Alex added, "Wait, who decided you were in charge?"
Meredith smiled sarcastically, "Well I had to fight for it. It got narrowed down to me and Bailey, but I won because I pulled the 'Jo called me first' card."
Alex smiled at Jo, "You called Grey?"
"She called me because I'm a rock star," Meredith interjected teasingly. "Now let's get a picture of the happy family leaving the hospital."
Meredith turned to fish her camera out of her purse as Jo leaned down to take the baby from Alex so he could stand, but something in the doorway caught her eye, "Izzie! What are you doing here?"
Alex could feel his eyes widen in shock, "What the..."
"Language daddy," Jo teased softly as she looked back at Izzie expectantly.
Izzie reservedly stepped into the room, a timid smile on her lips. "I heard you guys were leaving, I just wanted to come by and wish you luck." She then swayed awkwardly as she popped her palms on her outside of her thighs, "Soooo gooood luck."
Alex watched with slight fear as Jo stepped forward and paused uncertainly before enveloping Izzie in an awkward hug, "Thank you Izzie for everything. I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you."
Alex watched as Izzie's face fell somewhat at the unintended double meaning of the words before she wrapped her arms around Jo briefly, "I'm glad I was there. You take care of yourselves." Izzie turned to glance at Alex and gave a small smile before backing towards the door.
"Izzie?" Jo called out causing the tall blond to turn around, "Alex says that your mom lives near Seattle. If you're ever in the area, maybe we could get some more of your old coworkers together and all go out as a big group. If you want to anyway."
Alex gave a look of gratitude to Meredith as she took the sleeping baby from him so he could stand and join Jo, "Yeah, that could be fun, right Iz? I know Bailey would love to see you."
Alex studied Izzie's face as several emotions passed through her eyes: regret, hope, fear, suspicion, joy before her lips turned up in a reserved, hopeful smile, "I think I would like that."
The three stood in awkward silence before Jo added hurriedly, "You can't stay with us though. I mean I'm trying to be a big person here, but I'm no Mother Teresa."
Alex smirked and squeezed Jo's shoulder as Meredith spoke without looking up from the baby in her arms, "You can always stay with us Izzie. We have plenty of room."
Alex watched as Izzie's eyes widened in surprise. She quickly nodded and bit her bottom lip, "Thank you. I'll give you guys a call the next time I'm in Washington. It was good to meet you Jo." She then turned towards Meredith, "And it was good to see you two. I...It's good to know that you guys are doing well."
Alex looked to the floor, suddenly very uncomfortable, "You too Iz. I'm glad you're well." He then awkwardly looked up to meet her eyes and gave a half grin as Jo reached up to squeeze his hand that was resting on her shoulder.
Izzie quickly nodded before turning to retreat from the room and after one last backwards glance, she took Matt's hand in the hall and they were gone.
Alex squeezed Jo's shoulder again and muttered, "This still feels like a weird dream."
"You call out her name in your sleep and I will smack you upside the head with my very large cast," Jo said with a smirk.
"And risk damaging your hand further? You're not a moron remember?" he teased, happy for Jo's ways of easily breaking his tension.
"I know a great ortho surgeon. Plus it will be worth it," Jo said breezily with a smile. She then walked over to Meredith to retrieve the baby, who had started to fuss. She was cooing and rocking the infant as it hit her they hadn't completed the birth certificate. She quickly looked to Alex, "Did you decide on a name?"
Alex looked panicked, "'Baby girl' is growing on me."
"Alex, we have to file the certificate before we leave the state. Come on, I'm fine with either."
Meredith looked between the two expectantly, "What are the options?"
"Anna or Cassandra," Jo supplied.
"And what's wrong with those?" Meredith asked.
"Anna Karev?" Alex asked. "Sounds too much like Anna Karenina. I don't want baby girl to be scared of trains."
"Sound logic," Jo muttered.
"And Cassandra?" Meredith prompted.
"Cassie Karev? Sounds like we're setting her up for a career on a pole."
"Then pick another name," Meredith said simply.
"Oh we have. He's vetoed them all," Jo said with a sarcastic smile.
"Have not!" Alex protested but at Jo's pointed look amended, "Alright maybe I have."
Jo stepped towards him, "Look Alex, our kids will probably be fearless anyway so don't worry about trains. And we will love her too much for her to ever consider working as a stripper. Just pick a name."
"What if she has an attitude like us and ends up getting called 'Sassy Cassie' on the playground?" he asked while rubbing the baby's hand with his thumb.
Jo rolled her eyes bemused, "Well one, it doesn't matter what name we come up with, you are going to think of an inappropriate nickname 'cause that's what you do. Two, she's our kid so I don't think we have to worry too much about her honor on the playground. And three, do you think anyone that earns the nickname Sassy anything gets called names to their face? Just pick a name!"
"I miss pregnant Jo, she was nice," Alex mumbled under his breath. "Okay, let's go with Cassandra. I like that one the best."
Jo smiled and kissed his cheek, "Did you hear that pretty girl? Your daddy finally made a decision." She looked up at Alex teasingly, "Wonders never cease."
"Shut up and let Mer take the picture."
As she smiled at him he put his arm around her. Jo then leaned her head on his shoulder and sniffled. He looked down to see Jo staring at their daughter, her eyes brimming with tears. Alex leaned over to kiss her hairline, "Hey, you okay?"
Jo met his eyes and gave a huge grin, "Yes. Absolutely."
Author's Notes: So obviously I wrote the last line before 10x13 aired, but I couldn't decide on anything to change it to.
Thank you all SO very much for your kindness, love, and support throughout this process. You all make writing fanfiction so much fun and I have loved going on this journey with you. Hugs to all!