A Gift for Jayden

It's the Christmas season and Lauren can't help but notice how bummed out Jayden has been lately.

I own nothing




Chapter 1: Jayden has a Problem




It has been months since the defeat of Master Xandred, the samurai rangers had all gone their separate ways. Lauren stayed with Jayden & Ji in hopes of reconnecting with her little brother. It was hard when she first arrived, what with Jayden leaving and everything but soon enough they had begun bonding. Then the final battle had begun which also began the unknown countdown before the team disbanded.

All of the other samurai rangers had made plans the last few days before finally leaving. Kevin was going back to swimming, Mia was going to culinary school, Antonio was going on a fishing expedition, Mike was going home to give community college a try, then there was Emily. Emily didn't really have any plans of leaving, she loved being there so much she wanted to stay. It was only a week later that she received a phone call from her mother saying her sister had gotten worse and Emily had to go home just on the off chance it'd be the last time she'd see her sister.

"Jayden, Ji just got back with a tree," Lauren said knocking on Jayden's bedroom door. "Want to help decorate it with me?"

Jayden opened the door and stood before his sister. "Lauren, I don't really feel like decorating the tree."

"Oh come on Jayden, you can't keep hiding in your room all day. This is our first Christmas together since we were children. Please?"

Jayden let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, fine." He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. They headed to the front room and opened the boxes of ornaments.

"These are so beautiful." Lauren commented when she opened the first box. "This tree is going to be gorgeous."

"I guess," He said in monotone.

"Jayden, can't you at least try to be in the spirit? Is something bothering you?"

"No, I'm fine." He lied. "Let's just get this over with. Where's Ji?" He asked getting the stringed lights out of a box.

Lauren took some tinsel from another box. "He's working on dinner."

Jayden climbed on a chair to begin stringing the lights from the top of the tree. "Dinner? It's only three in the afternoon."

"He got a ham, takes about three hours to cook."


"He said we should go to the mall when we finish decorating the tree."


Lauren looked at Jayden surprised. "What do you mean why? We need to get presents for each other."

"Do we have to do that today?" Jayden whined.

"No, but I have a feeling you'll be like this if not worse tomorrow."

Jayden gave her a look. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You've been in this mood for months."

"No I haven't." He argued.

"Yes you have, and I order to come out of it or you're getting coal for Christmas."

"I don't care what you give me. I'm just not into it this year."

"You're not into anything."

"I'm decorating the tree with you aren't I?" Jayden said defensively.

"Yeah, but you didn't want to. I had to guilt you into it."

"And it worked, take it as a win."

"Well then come with me to the mall when we're finished. We only have a few days until Christmas."

"Fine, but when we get back I just want to sit in my room."

"Fine," Jayden nodded and continued to decorate the tree. Lauren wasn't sure what Jayden's problem is but she was determined to find out.




So far I've got five chapters written and sorry in advance but they're all pretty short chapters, please review :)