A/N: You guys liked the Kristanna drabble I posted before, so I thought I'd write another. Enjoy!

"Just up a bit further…" Anna said, reaching her arm as far up as it would go.

Kristoff adjusted her up on his shoulder and attempted to lift her up further, "Tell me again how you couldn't find the ladder."

The princess sighed and rolled her eyes before going back to putting the star atop the Christmas tree in her room. She had cleaned her room especially for the occasion, and in her hurry to get that done she had forgotten to look for a ladder. So when Kristoff had knocked on her door, she just had to work with what she had, and what she had was a huge guy she knew could lift her up on his shoulders.

"Have you almost gotten it?" He said, a bit of amusement in his voice.

The girl sighed once more and used her free hand to push up on his head to get some leverage. At long last, she placed the silvery star at the top of the tree. Once she did, she began to fall forward, but luckily the ice harvester was there to catch her. He set her down on her feet and was about to say something sarcastic, but she had already turned around to admire her handy work.

"It's just beautiful!" She waved her hands before clasping them together in front of her. She then turned to the man and began to excitedly shake his arm, "Don't you think so, Kris? Don't you just love it?"

After she was done shaking him, he smiled, "I guess it's pretty nice."

The answer was obviously suitable for Anna, because she just went back to admiring the tree. Kristoff stepped backward silently, making sure the girl didn't notice him leave, before walking over to the pack he had thrown on her bed. He opened it up and took a small black box out, hiding it in his big hand. Taking a deep breath, he walked back over to the princess and put an arm on her shoulder.

Anna looked up at the blond man and smiled, "Thank you for helping me. I hope I didn't hurt your neck or anything."

"Ehh…" He rolled his head around, smiling, "I think I'll recover."

She went in to hug him, but he stopped her halfway there and shook his head. At first she was confused, and slightly hurt, but that all changed when he backed up and got down on his knee. Her eyes instantly became the size of saucers and her jaw went slack.

The man cleared his throat, "A-Anna… We've been together for um, for a while and I love you more than I thought could be possible. I just…" He revealed the black box in his hand and opened it up to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.

"I was wondering- well no, I wanted to ask you if you would marry me?" He asked, a lopsided smile on his face as he looked up at her.

Anna let out a mix between a giggle and a sob, nodding her head vigorously, "Yes! A million times yes, Kristoff!"

He carefully slipped the ring on her left hand and promptly picked her up and spun her around. When he set her down, the princess jumped on his and planted a kiss on his lips. She had jumped on him with a force so strong that she knocked him over, bringing the tree down with them. The tree, along with the ornaments, landing with a heave smash and the two parted.

They both looked at each other for a few moments before bursting out into laughter. Suddenly, the door burst open to reveal the Queen looking frantically around the room.

"What happened?" Elsa screeched, sounding more amused than upset.

Anna was the first to come out of the laughing fit as she held up her left hand, "We're getting married!"