Two thirty mile trips to a mega mall and fifteen stores later Krystal was finally pulling up the winding drive to the cottage, thoroughly exhausted from Christmas shopping madness so close to the big day. She was more than happy to be home, actually exited to see Mac after being away all day long as the illuminated windows came into view.
She didn't get out right away. Partly because she didn't relish leaving the heated seat of the Denali, partly because she was constructing a battle plan on how to get the presents past Mac's nosey fingers. Deciding her icy glare and worn out appearance would be enough to ward him off she braved the cold and began loading her hand with as many shopping bags as she could carry.
When Kristy entered the back door she was extremely confused. After the last time Mac had attempted to cook she was wary that either keebler elves were in her kitchen, Devon had invaded her house because the motel's hotplate just wouldn't cut it, or Mac had to be cheating on her with Betty Crocker for the heavenly smell coming from her kitchen to make sense. The Christmas music blasting over the home speaker system had her leaning towards the elves theory.
Shoving her bags into the hall closet she went to investigate, bringing an umbrella along on second thought in case she needed to squash an elf. As she peeked around the corner she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Mac. Tweaking and covered in flour. Everything covered in flour. And cookie dough.
"What the fuck Mac! It looks like the Phillsberry doughboy sharted all over my kitchen!" she screamed, throwing the umbrella aside and moving to the in-wall panel which housed the volume control.
Her screech made him jump which sent a hilarious layer of white shooting into the air around him.
"Cookieees!" he yelled back even though there was no longer a reason for raised voices.
He'd only turned around to look at her for a second but she got a glimpse of his dilated eyes, slightly creepy grin, adorably flour covered cheeks, and nose tip. While his nostrils sported a different kind of powder.
With a small sigh she watched him jump from rolling out dough to frosting oddly shaped baked goods. She knew the holidays were hard for him so she wasn't going to reprimand him for falling off the meth wagon. Kristy couldn't help smiling when he started bellowing along with Rudolf the red nosed reindeer, completely drowning out the song with his singing.
'At least he's having a good high.' she mused, watching as he did a little dance with the music that made her snort to keep in the laughter.
She figured the cutter must have been discovered in the Halloween decorations but she couldn't quite remember buying one as she surveyed plate after plate of red and green spider shaped cookies.
'God damn tweak spider cookies. I'll be eating these little bastards until Valentines day.' she thought, picking one up to nibble off a leg. 'Mmm gingerbread.'
"Mac these are really good." she praised, making him jump again like he'd forgotten she was in the room.
He was on her with the rolling pin crashing to the ground before she could even blink, his tongue snaking out to lick what she assumed must have been frosting from the corner of her mouth. White hand prints left a trail behind his groping mitts, making her squeal when he hoister her up onto the counter.
"No, we are not fucking on the cookies." she reprimanded him, trying unsuccessfully to wiggle away from where he'd entrapped her, legs spread wide with him in between them.
A growl and the sound of ripping material was her answer and Krystal knew she'd surely be picking cookie dough out of her vag until New Years Eve.