And the final chapter is here atlast.
Gajeel sat up only to wince in pain.
"First Levy wouldn't let me finish heal her until I healed you and now you just undo all the good I did with one move," A voice said. Gajeel's vision came into focus and he saw Wendy with her hands against her chest, her magic glowing.
"What happened?" Gajeel asked urgently. He looked around for the enemy only to realise he was in Fairy Tail's infirmary.
"You passed out after the fight, but you didn't miss much, other than that entire complex collapsing from the force of your attack. We took care whatever mages were stupid enough to still fight us after half of them ran."
"Happily in a jail cell and probably never going to bother you again,"
"…And Levy,"
"Up by the bar, reading a book." Wendy smiled at him. Gajeel felt his muscles relax, he leaned back. It was over. They had won. Levy was fine.
"You were something," Wendy commented.
"Me? Nah, kid you were the star. I don't know what would have to Levy with you. Thank you,"
"Hey, I'm just looking after family. I think you're all set,"
"Can I move?"
"As long you don't get into any fights,"
"You do know we're in Fairy Tail," Gajeel grinned at her. Wendy laughed.
"Maybe you should stay in bed,"
"Let me just see how everyone is doing," He got slowly to his feet. When he swayed in his injured foot Wendy helped to stable him, letting him lean on her. He put a hand around her, against one shoulder and she helped walk into the main hall. The moment he enerted the room he was greeted with a tremendous cry.
"There's the hero!"
"Man the last blast you used, wow,"
"I swear you set of an earthquake!"
"I heard that they felt shaking ten miles away,"
"What? No away!"
"I'm tell ya',"
Gajeel blinked at the chaos infront of him. Several persons were patting him on the back, others throwing their hands around his shoulders with words of congratulations. A few years ago he would have sent them all flying, but now he felt a smile appear in his face. He laughed and started retelling the fight to those eagerly asking. He sat at his usual table and grinned when Mira brought him a tankard. Lily popped up next to him.
Even as he told the story his eyes raked across the room, searching. There he spotted her. Sitting at the bar next to the bunny girl, a book in her lap. Her eyes met his and she smiled. Gajeel trailed off and smiled in return, then brought the glass to lips to cover his gap. He'd talk to her as soon as people stopped crowding him so much.
After he had told everyone about his final strike for the third time he shooed them complaining he was tired. They all trooped off to somewhere else still celebrating. Gajeel sigh and closed his eyes leaning back in his chair so it was resting on two legs. He placed his feet on the table to stabilize himself. Then he senced, more than he heard someone sit next to him. He cracked open eye.
"What are you doing here?"
"This is my guild too," Levy smirked at him.
"I meant what are you doing at my table?"
"Your table?" Levy said humour in her voice, "I don't see your name in it,"
"Actually, it is, right here," He pointed to spot where his name was carved crudely into the wood. She raised one eyebrow at it.
"Oh, aright then," She took out a light pen and wrote her name next to his in a much more graceful hand writing.
"That doesn't give you permission to sit here," Gajeel said.
"I think it does," They were both so engrossed in their banter that neither noticed as Lily took of leaving them alone at the table. Nor did they notice the giggles that were coming from the bar as Mira and Lucy struggled to contain their mirth.
"So what you're going to make me move?" Levy asked leaning back in her chair.
"Maybe I will," Gajeel leaned forward looking her in the eye.
"I'd like to see you try,"
"Really?" Gajeel swept her out the chair and tossed her over his shoulder. She let out a surprised squeak and threw her arms around his next for surport.
"Gajeel!" She complained. He grinned and shifted his grip on her so she was more supported in his arms than over his shoulder.
"Yes," He said nonchalantly.
"You can't just throw people over your shoulder!"
"I think I just did,"
Levy huffed and folded her arms not seeming to mind she was practically sitting in his lap. However the motion of her folding her arms had caused her shirt to rise for a moment and Gajeel glimpsed white gauze. He smile vanished and he gently brushed his hand against it.
"Are you okay?"
Levy's gaze softened, "Yeah, I'm fine," She unfolded her hands and placed one over his.
"No thanks to me. I'm the reason this happened in the first place,"
"Don't let me your going to start blaming yourself, believe that's a road I'd rather not go down,"
"You got hurt because of me, again,"
Levy sighed and looked him right in the eye. "Please, that was danger? I'm in more danger when a bar fight breaks out here," She said making him laugh, "Gajeel you stopped Ryun,"
He smiled, "Only because you helped, we make a good team shrimp."
"Yeah we do," She smiled in return.
"I still do get why you'd even want to be on a team with me thought,"
Levy shrugged, "I don't really know either. I just know I do, if'd you have me."
"Levy you are the only person'd I'd want on my team…other than Lily that is,"
Levy chuckled. "Now, if memory serves we were in the middle of something important before Ryun interrupted,"
Gajeel looked confused for a moment before it came back to him. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Here? You know they'd give us hell until the end of time."
"They have to find out at sometime anyway, besides we waited long enough don't you think,"
"Hell yes," Gajeel said before he kissed. Levy grinned into the kiss wrapping her arms around his neck drawing herself closer. Gajeel's hand slid around to the small of her back holding her there. They managed to last five seconds before the rest of the guild noticed and burst into a chaos.
"Oh Max I told you it was gonna happen! Pass those jewels."
"No way I'm going on a double date with them!"
"I called that! I so called that!"
"You? I was saying it before Tenrou,"
"No you won't. I was!"
Levy and Gajeel looked at the rackus they'd started.
"Never will change, will we?" Levy said with a small smile.
"I don't think that's a bad thing,"
"No," Levy smiled at him, "No it's not," She leaned forward and kissed him again.
I hope you all enjoyed.
Nardragon~ until the next page.