You know what? How about I just stop saying when I'm going to update because I obviously never stick to those words. If anyone's still reading this after that six month hiatus, you rock.

I don't react after Yaya says those two words, nor do I react when she pulls me from the bed and drags me to the front door in a hurry. She's on her phone now, speaking erratically to whoever is on the receiving end as she pulls out her car keys, but I can't understand a word she's saying. It's only until I'm being pushed into her small car that I snap out of my daze.

Yaya, looking far more serious than I'm sure she's ever been, gets in on the driver's side and wastes no time before she's jamming her foot on the accelerator. We drive in silence for a few minutes before I speak quietly, not trusting my voice to stay unwavering if I raise it.

"What happened?"

She looks shocked to hear me speak for a moment, before she shakes her head. "Wouldn't tell me. They say they can't reveal stuff like that over the phone.. I called Rima and Utau; they'll meet us at the emergency room." I look over at my friend. Yaya, my other baby sister, seems nothing like herself. Her voice is too low, her eyes too hard. No smiles or giggles. Is this real? Weren't we just laying on my bed, laughing about my love life, or lack thereof? What's even happening right now?

Emergency room.

It's Ami

I bite my lip as I feel the tears come to my eyes. When was the last time I talked to my little sister? Or even thought about her? A sob escapes my lips as I put my head in my hands.

Yaya briefly turns her eyes towards me before looking back at the road; the hospital's coming up. "Hey now", she begins, "none of that, Amu. Don't start thinking the worst. Be strong, hun." She pulls into a spot closest to the entrance and grabs my hand. "Just be strong," she repeats.

I try to respond, but the words just won't come out, so I settle for nodding. We sit for a few more seconds before she begins pulling me out of her car. She links her arm with mine, and we hurriedly make our way to the front desk.

"We're here for Ami Hinamori?" Yaya states before I even have a chance to open my mouth.

The receptionist types the name into the computer and nods. "Right, Hinamori is in the middle of surgery right now, are you family?"

I immediately freeze up and feel the tears threaten to fall again. Surgery? What does she mean surgery?

Yaya squeezes my arm tighter and nods toward me. "This is her sister right here. Can you tell us what happened?" She says it more like a demand than a question. Was Yaya always secretly this assertive, or does it take incidents like this to bring it out?

The receptionist hands me a clipboard with some paper on it and I silently take it. "I'm not allowed to disclose that information." She says sympathetically.

"Well who can?" I finally speak, and my voice sounds like I've been gargling rocks or something as tears finally begin to fall. Yaya lays her head on my arm and rubs my back as the woman behind the desk holds a pen out.

"The doctor will be with you shortly, Miss, now I need you to fill out this information for your sister. You can wait in those chairs right there." She points to a row of chairs in the corner and turns back to her computer without another word. So, I guess that's that.

Yaya huffs and pulls me to the chairs, saying how I should get started on the information sheets, but when she notices me just staring blankly at the couple pieces of paper, she gently takes them out of my hand and fills them out herself.

Thank you God for Yaya.

Laying my head on her shoulder, I close my eyes. Maybe I'll end up waking from this awful dream soon enough.

"Amu, Yaya!" I look up and see Rima and Utau running towards us.

"God what happened?" Rima asks with fear written in her face as Utau pull me into a hug.

Yaya tiredly shakes her head. "All we know is that there was an accident and she's in surgery right now."

Utau's eyes widen and she covers her mouth. "Surgery," she whispers, and holds me tighter.

Rima's eyes begin to well. "Oh God," she says softly as she grabs my hand in a comforting manner. Yaya reaches and wraps her arm around my shoulder and these small gestures are nearly enough to get me crying again.

"Is anyone here for Ami Hinamori?"

My head lifts up fast and hard enough to give me whiplash, but I don't care. "Yes, we are." I say urgently.

The doctor nods and pulls out a file. "Yes then, the patient was in a vehicular accident this morning. An intoxicated teen hit her on the driver's side of her car."

My eyes begin to harden. My baby sister is in the emergency room because of some idiot child deciding to drive while drunk? "How bad is it?" I try to keep my voice leveled.

"She suffered some head trauma, and shards of glass were lodged in her body. We have successfully removed those."

A pale faced Rima swallowed and closed her eyes. "Will she be okay?" She slowly asks.

"Well, like I said, she's suffered head trauma. We have no way of telling how this will turn out. I do apologize."

Yaya begins to say something, but I don't stay to here it. I pull myself away from my friends and run out of the hospital, breathing fast.

No. This can't be happening. This is not happening to my sweet, innocent sister who's never hurt anyone in her life. She doesn't deserve this. Her life can't end here because of someone else's bad decision. It can't. It won't.

But I can't stop this; I can't play big sister and pull her out of this mess like I normally would. Whatever happens to her is out of my hands.

And I think that's what hurts the most.

"Amu?" A soft, gentle voice says behind me.

I turn around. "I- Ikuto?" And sure enough, it was him standing there. Ikuto Tsukiyomi, aka, my sworn enemy standing in front of me with concerned eyes. "Wh-"

"Utau called earlier. What happened?" His voice has never been so gentle. First Yaya, now this guy? Why is no one sounding like themselves today?

I want to tell him to mind his own business. That would be good. Familiar. Tsukiyomi and I can start one of our notorious arguments and then maybe things will seem like they should. But when I open my mouth, nothing but a sob comes out.

I cover my mouth, but that doesn't stop tears from leaking out. Suddenly, I'm engulfed in warmth, and my head is resting on something hard.

He's hugging me. Ikuto Tsukiyomi.

My best friends brother.

My enemy since elementary school.

The guy I can't stand. He's hugging me.

And I'm hugging him back.

And I cry some more.