Disclaimer: Characters belong to Shonda Rhimes. I just make them dance. Also, many thanks to my beloved Beta – twerri02. She helped with literally everything.

"Thank you for doing this" Edison murmured, breaking the comfortable silence when reaching over to clasp Olivia's hand.

She slowly turned to him and forced a smile that would mask her apprehensiveness. "No problem" she replied convincingly. Edison was overwhelmed with his excitement to victoriously show his new and appropriately elite girlfriend to the public, that he failed to notice how Olivia's eyes nervously darted to the window while her bottom lip was now trapped between her teeth.

Before any more words could be shared, the car came to a complete stop. Olivia's nerves were now haywire and she filed to find the peace in Edison's assuring smile as he offers his hand. Nonetheless, she battled with her worries and doubts, knowing that it was bound to happen sometime.

Though, she still couldn't help but wonder whether accepting Edison to the public, on her…Fitz's birthday was the right thing. It seemed unfair to him, almost like she was flaunting him in his face. She took a deep breath and reprimanded herself because she already made a choice. It was too late. There was no going back.

Only, the decisive thoughts trembled once they stepped out of the car and were soon assaulted with surrounding reporters and bright flashes. A constant click and flickering of bright lights followed them but Olivia as always, handled it with grace.

With her head slightly bowed, she allowed them to capture the moment of her white dress gently billowing in the night's breeze. A picture of elegance and class.

Years of being in front of the public eye made it easy to simply smile and remain composed. When they soon realised that the elusive and close 'friend' to the President wouldn't say anything, they began to flock towards Edison. He on the other hand was more than happy to spin his tale and smirked proudly when asked about his relationship to Olivia. Just to rile them up further, he wound a possessive arm around her and kissed her forehead, giving a new headline to several magazines. Just what she needed.

Olivia fight against her fury of being used as a pawn but soon found herself distracted with the sight streaming fairy lights and several American flags decorating their blue carpeted path towards the mansion. Intercepting their path was an enormous white marble fountain with a classic structure.

By the iron gates, more than one hundred guards were trying to keep the crowd that had formed at ease. Olivia's eyes zoned onto the banners being held up by the several groups within the restless crowd. The excitement was tangible in the humming atmosphere, leaving everyone animated. She read over the thick red and blue glittered letters; HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR PRESIDENT. WE LOVE YOU. A small chuckle left her as she imagined Fitz' reaction to the banner. He would joke about how much of a rock star he was but she knew how touched he would be.

They adored their president and why wouldn't they? Fitz was…one of a kind, truly.

It was all very grand and slightly overwhelming but she felt happy for Fitz. He deserved this much, if not more.


At the sound of her name being called, she spun around and took the opportunity to break from Edison when approaching Serzh Sargsyan, President of Armenia. "Looking beautiful as always" he complimented and brought her hand up to his lips.

More pictures were taken but Olivia had already accustomed to them. She fixated on her conversation as she teased the man that was 20 years older. "Your wife might get jealous" she warned jokingly and they both chucked at the thought. Just then, Rita made herself known and Olivia grinned mischievously. "Speaking of the devil…" she quipped, with a playful grin.

Rita arched a brow and her eyes darted between the pair. "Good things I hope" she answered.

"Always" Olivia promised with a glint in her eye when accepting the outstretched hands before having two kisses hastily placed on each cheek.

Only, that wasn't enough for Rita as she enveloped her saviour into a warm embrace. "Olivia, always wonderful to see you" she whispered brokenly and her arms tightened around her friend. Rita was still thankful for how Olivia and her colleagues had helped to save her six year old granddaughter from the militia against her husband. "I still don't know how else I can thank you…" she shivered and Olivia patted her back to comfort her.

"I'm just glad that Mariam is safe" she replied and when they broke apart, Olivia noticed the tears brimming in her eyes so she handed her a tissue from her gold clutch, courtesy of Abby.

"I can always count on you" she laughed half-heartedly and gently dabbed at her eyes, careful not to ruin her mascara when the night was yet to begin. "Hav-"

Whatever Rita was going to ask was left unanswered as Olivia's train of thought was broken with the acknowledgement of the guest of honour.

"Mr President"

Hearing the admiration in the tone, Olivia's nerves were fired up again and she forced herself to wait until Rita inclined herself towards her husband before following. A taut smile stretching across her lips as she watched Rita and her husband welcome Mellie. "Madame First Lady"

Fitz stood idly by, offering a few words of getting while his darkened gaze would frequently flicker towards the person that had driven him to the brink of insanity. Seeing her dressed so beautifully in the white and gold dress didn't make anything better. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he stuffed his fists into his pockets, hoping that he could retain control over his body.

It had been three weeks since they'd seen each other and two weeks, four days since they last spoke. Neither of them had mentally prepared themselves for the reunion as both felt lost but equally appeased at the same time.

Olivia noticed his inner turmoil and took advantage of Mellie's rambling to approach him. With each step taken, their gazes remained lock and as she was drawn in towards him, the humming electricity crackling through the chill intensified. "Happy Birthday" she called and released a shaky breath, thankful to have been able to collect herself. It was difficult for her to keep herself together when seeing him in the black form fitting tux.

The only thing that stopped her was the sight of his graven eyes and grim smile. He nodded tersely in gratitude and smiled, but it didn't his eyes. "Thank you for coming" he rasped forcibly as the words remained heavy on his tongue.

All cameras were solely focused on the birthday boy which meant that they had to continue battling with their instincts.

She knew that their relationship in the media's eye would expect a more cordial greeting and as much as she warned herself not to, she couldn't help but approach him for a hug. Nothing more. It would be for five seconds and they would both be able to handle it. Just a hug. "It was m-"

Olivia's words and movements were interrupted when a loud bang cracked through a chilling silence. This was rivalled with a flurry of screams as everyone began to flee. Fitz uickly approached Olivia wanting to take her hand and run away with her. "Olivia!" he exclaimed hysterically over the erupted shouting.

Another shot was fired and this time, Fitz's world blurred when Olivia gasped and fell into his arms. He caught her with great haste and frowned, only understanding when his hand cradled her, only to withdraw with the dampness on his arm. He pulled back and gasped at the sight of blood…her blood…

His knees buckled but he continued to hold her close, only everything began to race before him. Before he could help it, large hands were ignoring his protests and pulling him away. He tried to push against them but their force strengthened and he looked through to watch as the love of his life was left on the cold ground. "Olivia" he cried out helplessly but she couldn't hear him.

The darkness had already stolen her.

A/N: Do you want more…?