Well, here it is! Part 5 of this crossover saga! And man, did I have to think A LOT on this one. This is without much competition the hardest story I wrote so far. This is my Rayman and Jak And Daxter crossover!

For Rayman, I did some retconing with some minor plot points that were introduced in "Rayman Legends". Which means that outside from Barbara non of the princesses rescued in that game exist in my canon(With the exeption of one but we will get to it later). Also, most of Barbara's past in here is not offical by any means but again, we will get to it when we get to it.

There isn't much to say on Jak's side exept that it takes place after "Lost Frontier" and that's it.

One last note, some past stories of mine are refrenced in here but not to the point you have to read them to understand this one. With that said, enjoy and please review!

It was an ordinary day in the glade of dreams. Sun is shining, birds are flying and the lums that construct the plant's energy are acting as they should, peacefully and calmly.

On that bright day, one of the locals, a creature with no limbs what so ever, orange hair, purple body and white and yellow shoes, was on a walk. The creature was none other than the glades famous hero, Rayman.

Rayman has been known for saving the glade of dreams many times from evil doers and is believed to be "The Chosen One". He never understood the meaning behind this nickname he was given, but he didn't take offence of that. Besides, saving the world and having adventures is just all right for him, no matter what he is called.

The limbless hero made his way through "The Heart of the World", the place that keeps the world's energy in check. The place is somewhat like a throne room, evidence by the throne of the king being there. Unlike any other thrones however, it had an huge hole in the middle where all the energy is contended.

Once he got there, Rayman got a glimpse of the teensy king. The teensises are little white creatures with huge noses. They also tend to walk around with purple shirts and green robes and they serve as the main population of the glade. This specific one has a large golden crown on his head, signifying his position as king.

Rayman had also caught sign of his best friend Globox, a large blue toad, and his most recent friend, Barbara, a teenage human with red curly hair. She also wears green clothes and a white helmet, kind of like a Viking.

Barbara, like Rayman, wasn't born in the glade. She herself doesn't have any memory of where she came from, but she still looks for answers. She did get used to living in the glade though and has found friends in Rayman and company.

"Hey, guys. What's up"? Rayman asked his friends.

"Well, we thought…" Barbara started. "If what Ratchet said is true and there are more worlds out there, maybe one of them is the one I came from"?

Rayman thought about it for a second before nodding. "There is a chance. But we don't really have a space ship like him so… we are kind of stuck."

Globox then spoke up. "You do remember that with the power of the lums we traveled to an entirely different universe, right Rayman?"

The limbless hero's eyes lit up. "You are right! If the lums got us to Sonic's universe, they could probably get us to other worlds."

Barbara's smile began to grow "Let's get going, then!" But then a thought stroke her mind and a puzzled pace formed on her face. "But… if we will go, the glade isn't safe. Razorbeard is at large and he can attack…"

"Leave it to us!" The king spoke up. "You go and find your home. Rayman and Globox will go with you; I and the rest of the teensies will take care of any troubles that will come up."

"Alright, let's go out to a new world, shall we"? Rayman asked his friends, excited about the possibility of an adventure.

"As long as it will be safe, I don't mind". Globox added.

Barbara got her axe ready. "Let's go"!

After a few seconds of gathering enough energy for the trip, the middle of the room started glowing more than usual. The 3 heroes looked at each other and then jumped into the portal to the new world.

The empty streets of the big Haven city were not a rare sight during this time of night. Every one of the citizens was probably fast asleep. However, one hover car was still navigating through. In it sat 2 figures.

One of them was a creature resembling a human being. However, like most humans in this world, he had long ears. He also had blonde-green hair, a small beard and he wore blue sleeveless shirt, white pants and brown boots and body armor. He also had binoculars on his head.

On the passenger seat, sat a smaller creature, which resembled a weasel. He had an orange fur, brown gloves and he also wore a jeans.

"Are you sure about this, Jak"? The little creature asked. "Didn't we have enough with this dammed dark eco"? He pointed to himself and to his friend. Both of them had a history with the stuff called "Dark Eco", and both gained and lost because of it. Eventually, they took it upon themselves to clear the world from dark eco and ensure no one will be affected with it again.

"Oh, come on, Dax. Don't tell me you give up an opportunity for adventure". Jak teased his friend.

The little creature just scoffed. "Well, last adventure we had regarding any kind of eco, I became an abomination! I still praise the lord for it not sticking around".

Jak giggled at his friend's paranoia before landing their vehicle near the place their eco scanner was leading them to. The place was outside from the city and was less populated with people and buildings. In fact, the place was surrounded by water and machines were built there to clean the water that was transferred for the city.

"Come on, Daxter." He waved to the little animal, which made his way onto Jak's shoulder.

The pair followed their scanner through the pumping station. The place itself wasn't all that bad, but the night scenario and being there alone would probably cause a sense of paranoia to anyone. But, Jak and Daxter were used to far worst.

After a few minutes of exploring and following the scanner, our heroes made it to a section of the water filled with dark eco.

Jak's eyes went wide in fear. "If that eco reaches the city…"

"Bad stuff will happen and we need to stop it before it begins. We have been there, Jak! I know how things roll at this point". Daxter ranted. "Let's just clear it and go home". He said, grumped.

Jak got close to the eco and was about to pure it. The blonde guy might have been touched by dark eco, but after several events he was exposed to the other half of it, The Light Eco. After receiving the light properties, he decided to try and rid the world from dark eco using the light.

However, the pair soon noticed a shadowy figure near the eco. Daxter handed jak his gun just in case. The two got closer and analyzed the figure in front of them. It was dark to say exactly, but it looked like a girl. She had curly hair that only a girl could have but she wasn't familiar to the due.

"Excuse me". The shadowy girl lifted her head up in the direction of the voice. "Don't get near this thing, it's dangerous". The girl, however, caught sight of Jak holding the gun and thought that he wanted to hurt her. Panicked, she tried to reach for the axe that was stripped to her back but because of her hasty actions, she fell into the dark eco.

Daxter looked disappointingly at Jak. "Now, see? When it comes to addressing ladies, let me do it! Now go figure what happened to the poor babe because of you".

"Me? You handed me the gun, Daxter"! Jak countered angrily.

"You could have told me not to do it or refuse the offer, and you are the one who thought about coming here".

Just as Jak wanted to say something, something jumped out from the dark eco and landed in front of our heroes.

It was the girl from before, now more visible. Her curly hair was revealed to be green, she had a helmet with green wings coming from it and she wore black clothes. Her skin was also incredibly pale.

The girl looked like she had no idea what just happened, her face facing the ground. Once she lifted it up a bit she looked at the man and his animal friend.

Daxter cleared his throat "Um, excuse us. We were just… walking by, yes, just walking by with no intention to hurt you. We are happy that you survived that". He then got near Jak's ear. "And still have pants" He then turned back to the girl. "And we wish you…"

Before he could finish what he was saying, the girl charged at them with their axe. The attack came as a surprise for both of them, so she managed to ground them with the axe right on their throats.

"Did I mention we don't want to hurt you"?!

So that was chapter 1!

If you played Rayman Legends there is a chance you will know who that character at the end is but I'm not revalling anything yet.

Also, after much considaration I have decided to not have any of the "Jak and Daxter" villians in this story as they are all dead pretty much, so don't ask for any of them because they won't be here.

Hope you liked what you read! And even if you didn't, please review!