AN: Greetings everyone it is I Thanatos125 here with another chapter of Naruto Power of a god. I would like to start off saying I'm glad to be back with chapters again. I'm sure many were waiting for the other chapter for a while and again I would like to apologize for the lateness in updates. But nonetheless I am back. Now in this chapter we'll have a certain bet started and more. Now then onto the story!

(In the Room with Naruto, Bleach, and Fairy Tail Characters)

Thanato125: "Okay for today's disclaimer we have The Gallant Jiraiya, the Crash mage and Ace of Fairy Tail Gildarts Clive, and the crazed captain of the eleventh division of the Shinigami Kenpachi Zaraki.

Jiraiya: "How's it going everybody? Especially to all the ladies out there."

Gildarts: "What's up everybody?"

Kenpachi: "Hey"

Thanatos125: "Okay guys I just want a simple disclaimer. No threating to kill me, no chasing me off, no screaming in fear, and no fighting just to prove who among you is the best. Just a simple disclaimer okay?"

Gildarts: "Don't worry we're not going to fight. Well Kenpachi might but Jiraiya and I won't. it wouldn't matter if we did since I know I'd win."

Jiraiya: "Woah woah woah Gildarts I think you're confused since I would win in that fight. I'm a sannin after all."

Gildarts: "Yeah and I'm the Ace of Fairy Tail for a reason. I'll crash through everything in my path."

Kenpachi: "Don't sell me short! The second I remove this eye patch it will be your end."

Thanatos125: "Um guys can we please not do this?"

Gildarts: "No let's settle who's the strongest between us right here, right now."

The three attacked each other with Jiraiya shouting "Rasengan", Gildarts shouting "Crash and destroying everything in his path, and Kenpachi running at them swinging his sword laughing like a mad man.

Thanatos125: "I'm sick of this crap goddammit! All I wanted was a simple disclaimer. Is it really so much to ask for?" he said as debris passed by his head nearly hitting him. "Whatever I don't own Naruto, Bleach, or Fairy Tail. I'm going to take a nap before I snap."

Chapter 20: Godly Power, Sannin, and Gambling

They had enetered the bar and found the woman they were seeking. Jiraiya and Naruto had found Tsunade and her apprentice Shizune along with their pet pig TonTon. Right now Tsunade was sitting at the table drinking sake bottle after sake bottle after sake bottle even though Shizune was trying to make her stop.

"Tsunade!" Jiraiya called out as Tsunade looked over and saw Jiraiya and some kid in a black cloak with a katana at his waist as they made their way to their table.

"Jiraiya? What are you doing here you old pervert? I swear if you're here to try and peek at me again or feel me up I swear I'm going to kick you in the balls so hard they'll fly out your mouth." Tsunade warned the pervert.

"Ehehe no Tsunade I'm not here for that I actually have orders from sensei so we've been looking for you." Jiraiya said a little nervously because he knew Tsunade could do that to him. Hell she actually did do that to someone who tried to feel her up.

Poor Chuck. He still couldn't have kids even after his balls were surgically reattached.

"Looking for me? Look if this is about the thousand ryo I borrowed from sensei for gambling then he should know that I'll pay him back." Tsunade explained.

"That's not what we came for. Wait you borrowed money from Sensei for gambling?" Jiraiya questioned her but then shook his head. "Never mind look we need your help with healing some shinobi and Sensei wants you to become the new Godaime Hokage (Fifth Hokage)." Jiraiya explained as Tsunade had just taken a sip of some sake and promptly spit it out into Jiraiya's face.

"You want me to be the Hokage? HA! Sarutobi Sensei must be getting really senile in his age if he thinks that I'll go back to that hellhole of a village." Tsunade started to rant

"Tsunade-Sama" Shizune started to say to get her to at least hear them out but Tsunade wouldn't hear it.

"Quiet Shizune. My answer is no Jiraiya. I've lost too much to that village why would I want to ever go back. Let alone be a fool like the other Hokages." Tsunade said as it was then the cloaked Naruto finally decided to say something.

"What did you just say?" Naruto asked almost dangerously. JIraiya actually started to sweat. Not because of the question but these two people were hot heads and were prone to extreme acts of violence. Also because he knew a fight would probably break out and he really didn't want to be the one to pay for damages done to the establishment. It was mostly the latter reason.

"What have trouble hearing me through that cloak hood of yours gaki (brat). I said I wouldn't want to be a fool like the rest of the Hokages because that's what they are fools. The Shodaime was too trusting of people, the Nidaime was a huge pervert, The Sandaime is too old and keeps taking the job, and the Yondaime gave his life for ungrateful people. And now you want me to take the position. Being Hokage it's a fools bet." Tsuande said and then she felt a burst of chakra coming from the cloaked boy.

"Uh oh" Jiraiya said causing the two women to look at him

"What?" Shizune asked as she got a little nervous from the power Naruto emitted.

"She pushed the Hokage insult button." Jiraiya said as Naruto then jumped out of his chair and kicked Tsunade through the wall in a surprise move sending her outside. "She shouldn't have done that." Jiraiya said as he then started crying anime tears due to the fact he is going to have to pay for the damages to the bar. He really liked his money. It went towards his hospital bills for when he peeked on women to write his books to make more money. It's a vicious cycle of pain and money.

Tsunade had just been sent through the wall and did a hand spring to gain prevent her from falling onto the ground and regain her balance. She then turned to Naruto who was slowly and methodically walking towards her from the wall of the destroyed bar.

"Okay gaki (brat) I don't know why you had a problem with what I said but I'm not going back to that village and if I have to go through you and the pervert to keep away from that village then so be it." Tsunade said as she got ready for a fight.

Naruto pulled out his katana and rushed at Tsunade going for a slash. As he did this Tsunade intended to flick him with her extreme strength in order to send him flying. Naruto however ducked under it in a baseball slide and kicked her in the left shin catching her off guard. Naruto then went for a slash at her abdomen with his blade but she jumped up in the air to avoid it. However Naruto held his hand up and shouted "Bansho Tenin (Universal Pull)" causing Tsunade to be pulled towards Naruto by an invisible force. Once Tsunade was close enough to him he lifted up both his legs intending on kicking her in the stomach. Tsunade saw this however and decided to use the momentum to deliver an axe kick to him.

Naruto had just barely enough time to get up and jump away from the attack. Tsunade however still went through with her attack and with a shout of "Tsutenkyaku (Heaven Kick of Pain" she smashed the heel of her foot into the ground. The impact caused the ground to crack and create a large crater. Naruto escaped the attack just in the nick of time however.

Naruto then lifted up his right hand and started to create the Rasengan on it. Unfortunately it proved to be too unstable. So when he noticed it start to fizzle out as he was charging her he decided to pull out his sword instead. Tsunade saw all of this and lifted her fist intent on breaking the sword into pieces with a single punch. Just as they were about to clash two figures jumped in and stopped them.

Jiraiya had grabbed Tsunade by her outstretched arm and threw her into a building while Shizune had jumped in front of Naruto and tripped his legs as he was running.

Tsunade and Naruto both stood back up and glared at them and shouted in unison "What the Hell?! I was about to finish this fight!" they shouted towards the two ninja.

"This fight was getting out of hand and also I really didn't want to lose all my money for repairs thanks to you two brawling in the damn town." Jiraiya said causing everyone to sweatdrop. Was all he cared about was the money.

"Oh yeah and also because you two need to hash this out godmother to godson." Jiraiya said like it wasn't a big deal. Tsunade had no idea that she was fighting her godson. After all she just learned he was alive. Good old Jiraiya master of subtlety and not dropping bombshells. Not.

A stunned Tsunade had only one thought 'oh crap I just tried to crush my godson in rage'.

"Yes indeed we have much to talk about Godmother" Naruto said rather seriously while also still a bit annoyed by Tsunade's attitude as well as having his fight interrupted by Jiraiya. Oh well talk with Tsunade first, Shinra Tensei Jiraiya later.

Tsunade walked towards Naruto intent on Hashing this out. "Ok look this is really awkward so let's just cut to the chase. I had no idea you were alive. Sarutobi Sensei sent me a letter the day after and told me you were dead along with your parents." Tsunade said wanting to sort this out. What she said however shocked everyone to the core. Especially Naruto.

"That doesn't sound like something Jiji would do." Naruto said trying to figure out why Sarutobi would send something like that.

Jiraiya however did have an idea. "I don't think it was Sensei who sent it but someone else. And I think I know who." Jiraiya said looking out in the distance towards Konoha.

Meanwhile in an underground facility Shimura Danzo was laughing maniacally thinking he would soon rule Konoha and then the world. Only to sneeze and then get a chill down his spine. He shrugged it off however and continued with evil laughter causing all his root shinobi to sweatdrop. Weird I thought they couldn't convey emotions.

Anyway back in Tanzaku Gai Tsunade started to crack her knuckles. "I'm going to talk to Sensei about this and if he was responsible I'll crush his bones. If not then I'll find whoever did do this and give him the chuck treatment." Tsunade said seriously while Jiraiya paled.

Meanwhile in Konoha Danzo stopped his laughing when he felt an even larger chill down his spine as well as a large phantom pain where his balls are. He decided to leave for the day after that thinking he was a bit under the weather.

Back in Tanzaku Gai Naruto and Shizune looked at the paling Jiraiya in confusion as they both asked the very same question at the same time.

"Who's Chuck?"

"YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" Jiraiya shouted at them scared out of his mind.

"Anyway onto further matters Naruto I noticed you hadn't mastered the Rasengan yet so I have a bet I want to make with you." Tsuande said to her godson causing Shizune to groan since her teacher was making yet another bet.

"I'm coming back to the village anyway to talk with Sarutobi and I'll heal people but I still won't be Hokage unless you can form the Rasengan fully within a week. If you win I'll come back and I'll even give you my necklace. If you lose all your money is mine." Tsunade stated causing Jiraiya and Shizune to be shocked that she's betting the necklace.

Naruto smirked and said "You're on Baa-Chan (Grandma)" Causing Shizune to pale and Tsunade to gain a few tick marks. Jiraiya meanwhile was well…

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH KAMI YOU CALLED HER… BAHAHAHAHA!" Yeah Jiraiya was laughing his ass off Tsunade stalked over to him ready to pound the ever living crap out of him while Naruto, Shizune and TonTon slowly backed away.

"BAHAHAHA um wait Tsunade I can explain wait that's my leg! (CRACK) OW what the Hell wait oh god not my Arm it doesn't bend that way! It doesn't bend that way! (Crack!) OW now it does! Wait why are lining up as if you're going to kick a ball? Oh god no not that please don't kick me in the (Wham) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jiraiya had learned a valuable lesson never laugh at Tsunade. Besides he'll be fine after a few days rest and maybe Shizune and Tsunade healing him.

He's just thankful he didn't get the Chuck treatment.

The following days as Jiraiya healed everyone was busy. Naruto trained his rasengan getting to the second step involving spinning chakra in an empty balloon. Tsunade was drinking and thinking about whether to take up Orochimaru's offer. And Shizune was trying to talk some sense into Tsunade to not take his offer and then Naruto to not take the necklace. Due to the fact everyone besides Tsunade that wore the necklace has died. Including Tsunade's brother Nawaki and lover Dan.

Soon the day where Tsunade had to give her answer to Orochimaru came. Before she left Shizune had confronted her begging her not to accept. Tsunade chopped her in the back of the neck knocking her out. What she didn't know was that Jiraiya had been able to hear what had happened. Apparently no one remembered he was in the other room. Even though he was still a bit injured.

And so Jiraiya woke up Shizune right after tsunade walked out the door. They then woke up Naruto and all three chased after Tsunade to stop her from taking Orochimaru's deal.

The three ninja chased the slug to cut the head off the poisonous snake.

Will Narruto master the rasengan?

Will Tsunade take the deal?

Will Jiraiya ever stop perving?

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z.

Sorry I meant Naruto: Power of a God.

An: wow this took forever for me to get to and I apologize for the long wait. Work has kept me busy and killed my muse but it's time I at least start trying to get back to writing more. Now on to the responding of reviews!

NoobDragon: thank you. This story will probably go to the end of shippuden. Not sure on Last or Boruto but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Damn it why didn't I use that? I should've oh well. It's not like it took him long to master in canon anyway so not a huge loss. Might do that next time for a different technique though.

Troy1234: I think that would be good but maybe not for Sanbi. Sanbi always struck me as defensive. I think it would be better with Gobi. Might still do that though.

VexedS.O.U.L: OK?

Guest: Yoton is both the difference is a mark over the O which I cant do on my laptop.

Tokusatsuluv: Thank you

Guest: Thank you.

Kloud-Kun: I'm glad you do

Guest: Thank you

Mr. 666: then why are you commenting on my fic?

Yukishiroma: I will

Joe: thank you and I'm still deciding

Guest: then why are you commenting on my fic?

Nikudo Sennin: I wanted to have him actually show skill and I always thought the preta path would need to be trained to absorb large scale jutsu. Thank you still.

Nikudo Sennin: I kind of stopped doing that and I did warn about an OOC Hinata. Plus it was more for teaching an eight year old an extremely inappropriate technique. It was for righteous feminine fury in a comedic moment. I get what you're saying though and I thank you for it.

New To Naruto: glad you liked it. There will be explaining. And Neji and Hinata will hash things out soon. I will include something even if it's just a flashback moment or something.

NarutoAbuser: it was more for comedic purposes don't worry it won't really happen. Especially since they got a brand new house to live.

69Giggity: did I put joy? It must of autocorrected and yes all hail the mighty log. Kneel before it's splintery greatness.

Guest: it's for comedic effect I probably will stop the whole violent Hinata. At least to Naruto anyway.

Guest: she won't be. I mean probably.

Horus: glad you enjoyed it. If I do sub elements it will be in shippuden most likely.

Neo Devil: oh im not denying the practicality it's just I think teaching it to an eight year old who is the grandson of your superior could be a problem.

Divergentlover523: I'm glad you enjoy it.

DarkDragonWolf117: glad you like it

MadManMark666: glad you enjoy it and no he can't catch a break.

Bankai777: Probably. Not sure yet though.

ZyaireHellsing: glad you like it. Wel he is in the Bingo Book just no one really remembers him. everyone's always worried about Itachi. Or Orochimaru.

Banjo the Fox: Thank you

Rose Tiger: good to be back

AlphaBlackwolf21: glad you like it.